Played it once during the holidays. Can't wait to spring it on my gaming group this evening
@OneMoreLvlOfficial4 ай бұрын
I have 3 questions. If a card gives a player 2 free drinks from the drink me deck, does that mean the player drinks both cards on thatt same turn? Or do those pile onto the drink me pile? If that makes sense? (We just bought this game. 3 to be exact. Next question. What does "add/subtract number to any numeric effect mean" that's throwing me off. Does that mean for the fortitude and alcohol content? It's from wizgilles gear deck. Same with a few others I believe.
@BnBTabletop4 ай бұрын
I'm only counting two questions here. For the first one, I'm assuming you're referring to cards that have a + sign on a drink icon, which should accompany the text "with a Chaser" at the top of the card. Chasers are covered in this video at 3:33: you draw another card from the same deck and add its drink effects to the first one. For your second question, basically a "numeric effect" is any time they use a number to describe an effect. Could be fortitude, alcohol content, number of drinks, etc. Hope that helps!