How to Prepare Dragons of Stormwreck Isle - Beginner Friendly Dungeon Master Guide

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Verdigris Table - Ryan Doyle

Verdigris Table - Ryan Doyle

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@thefilmjerk901 2 ай бұрын
New dm here. Just got this starter set. I cannot emphasize enough how awesome this video is!! Thank you so much my friend.
@RdotDoyle 2 ай бұрын
You are welcome in both senses of the word!
@starxrox 5 ай бұрын
If I have 6 people, what are some ways I can speed things up a little? I dont want some people to have to take a back seat and potentially miss out...
@RdotDoyle 5 ай бұрын
There's a lot of tips and tricks out there for how DM's can speed things up. My favorite is I try to always announce who is "on deck" or up next in combat so they can be ready to act when it's their turn. What you don't hear very often is it's not entirely on the Dungeon Master to make sure everyone's getting enough time in the spot light. You are outnumbered 5 to 1, so I would also express this perfectly legitimate concern and enlist the players to help you make sure no one gets stuck in the back seat and feels like they're just along for the ride
@starxrox 5 ай бұрын
"I'm not trying to yuck anybodys yum" is my new favourite expression haha
@RdotDoyle 5 ай бұрын
Ha, it's good right? I don't remember where I heard it first but it instantly entered my vocabulary
@NewQLer 7 ай бұрын
Why does it have to be “right wing political talking points”? Couldn’t it just be “political talking points in general”? I was watching your series on DOIP and figured I’d watch this as well but if this channel segregates folks based on their politics outside the table then I’m sure I can patron someone else’s effort to explain these sources. It’s a shame too. Unless you would like to clarify what you meant?
@RdotDoyle 7 ай бұрын
In my experience, there's a certain way of thinking that seems to trigger people to anger when consideration of others comes up. I don't really want to get deeper into it here, so if you disagree to the point you can't watch the rest of this playlist, no hard feelings. There's plenty of content out there
@NewQLer 7 ай бұрын
@@RdotDoyle you got deep enough in your content to dismiss half of a nations rational. All I’m saying is don’t go alienating your audience on a fledgling channel like this. It seems you may want to take a page from your own book and practice consideration of others feelings.
@RdotDoyle 7 ай бұрын
I’m sorry if I hurt your feeling, that was not my intention. I’m just not interested in tolerating intolerance or pandering to the far right for views
@NewQLer 7 ай бұрын
@@RdotDoyle you don’t have to pander you just don’t have to say anything… you don’t need to virtue signal your political view in your content. Whatever, you do you and I’ll see you in 10 years when you are still below 10k subs.
@KaylasStarWorld 4 ай бұрын
Same I was like why right wing? Just gonna go somewhere else for the info lol
@VelourYeti 6 ай бұрын
Why do you expel people with a “right wing world view”? Kind of a jerk move as that ostracizes a large portion of the population…
@RdotDoyle 6 ай бұрын
I’m not talking about being fiscally conservative here, I’m talking about believing some kinds of people are inferior or have fewer rights
@VelourYeti 6 ай бұрын
@@RdotDoyleah, so you mean a-holes in general. That makes more sense.
@RdotDoyle 4 ай бұрын
@Slukke yeah I almost regret putting it in there. I’m all for various veiwpoints being represented, it’s just the real heinous stuff that I’ve had to delete from comments on this channel all seem to come from one side
@robozombie9026 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I was really enjoying the video until you did that. Dude, not cool.
@formerlygavin Ай бұрын
@@robozombie9026 Anyone who starts whining and causing issues about politics is not worth having in your game, period.
@nicholasley5665 6 ай бұрын
Story and appreciation time! I am a first-time DM. I watched ALL of your videos about running LMoP and was preparing to run it for a group of first-time DnD players. After discovering DoSI, I pivoted and decided to run this one instead. It's shorter, and seems much simpler for a first-time DM. I've watched a lot of DoSI running videos, but I just found this one right in the nick of time! Your videos are truly some of my favorite learning tools because they offer ways to improve pre-written campaigns that aren't major changes. Some of the changes that other KZbinrs offer are sometimes too daunting for a new DM like myself, that I wouldn't feel confident trying them out. The suggestion that the ship captain first notices the comet is SUCH a good detail and one that doesn't require a major rewrite and I will totally utilize it this weekend. Anyways.. I'm almost done with this video and I'm gonna keep going through your series. Thank you for your videos! They are fantastic resources.
@RdotDoyle 6 ай бұрын
Thanks, happy to hear it. I put off making this series for a long time but ultimately decided to do it because I want to meet new DMs where they are, and this comment helped me feel like I made the right choice. Thanks again
@culturalproduct 7 ай бұрын
I did this starter kit with my son, I wish I had listened to this first. I have listened to the Phandelver series, very useful. In this one you point out several possible things about the setting that never even crossed my mind. We’re both new to DnD and I find it hard to balance just imagining/describing, against, managing the reading and game. There’s just too much paperwork in DnD, it takes away from the game play. Listening to this now, always good tips.
@RdotDoyle 7 ай бұрын
Oh that's great, I love to hear it! There are definitely more rules light systems out there that kind of just get out of the way and let you have fun and tell the story. Sometimes I look a good crunch but lately I've been gravitating towards simpler systems myself
@pzalterias5154 7 ай бұрын
Hope it will help new dms like your icespire peak serie helped me ! You can't imagine how it's a tremendous value to have an overview before diving into the preparation !
@RdotDoyle 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, that's really nice to hear! I try really hard to provide value to Dungeon Masters
@pzalterias5154 7 ай бұрын
@@RdotDoyle Sadly, that kind of content doesn't makes as many views as "top 10 OP builds" kind of videos, but you can be sure each view really helped a DM take the leap, and that's what's important for the hobby ! Thank you for your work !
@jaytyler6203 7 ай бұрын
Hey Ryan, good video, good info
@RdotDoyle 7 ай бұрын
@TheDoctor010 Ай бұрын
I just finished watching this video plus the video titled "How to Run the D&D Starter Set: Dragon's Rest." I was watching that one while you were replying to my earlier comment. And I've happily taken your gift of hearing me in good faith. Your comment makes me happy that I went ahead and watched another of your videos. I am nervous about running this adventure and am probably spending too much time thinking about it. My wife brought it home last week and suggested we play (we've never played anything like it). So I'm really wanting to do a good job DM'ing for my wife. I've taken notes from both your videos.
@RdotDoyle Ай бұрын
It's natural to be nervous, especially if you're built anything like me. I'd just try to keep in mind that it's a game and that you are also a player in it. Often I worry about being good at a thing when I would be better served just trying it and having fun for awhile before I put effort into "improving." I'm sure you'll have a blast with this
@UFOCrochet 4 ай бұрын
I am excited but feel super overwhelmed by the starter kit. This is fantastic! Thank you!
@TheDoctor010 Ай бұрын
Thank you for making the video. There's plenty of left-wing people who act like certain others are inferior. You don't see it because you have your left-wing glasses on, like others have their right-wing glasses on and so don't see some stuff themselves. There's an overabundance of left-wing intolerance for viewpoints, for lifestyles, and for liberty over how one talks and thinks. And there are lots of tolerant "Liberals." I've met a few of the tolerant ones. They are some of my favorite people in the world. But my goodness there's a lot of intolerance, hatred, and violence coming at conservatives from the Left. It would be better to not have this on your page. It removes your video from the land of pastime. I came here for what I hope to be a new pastime for me. But it appears dnd might not be a possible pastime for me, since I get micro-aggressed against and then (from your response to others) basically told either I'm wrong or suck it up or just go to another page. What if I want to be on your page? Is it so detestable to just make videos without that crap in it? I mean, if it is, then you do you. I'm just disappointed is all. I'm not disappointed in you, just in the situation I find myself in. Don't change unless you want to (though I hope you at least consider what I'm requesting). And, again, thank you for doing this video. I'm going to watch it regardless. But if I keep hearing stuff like that, I'll almost certainly skip out and find someone else. I just want it to be a pastime.
@RdotDoyle Ай бұрын
I’m going to assume this comment was in good faith and assure you I’m not trying to gate keep people for their political views. I’ve had a broad swath of people in my games over the years and now interact with even more types of people through the channel. Where I am these days conservative views are in direct antagonism with people I love having bodily autonomy or the right to choose who to love, and those are the positions I don’t accept. I will also say, as you are new to the hobby, there is a history of politics here as right-wingers tried to kill d&d in the early days
@TheDoctor010 Ай бұрын
@@RdotDoyle Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your positive assumption. I am certain I do have views that you believe are in direct antagonism with people, though I am not convinced the belief is accurate. I think Person A can do action X and it be from love, but for Person B to do the same action, he would have to hate. This is because people have different beliefs about what is helpful and what is harmful, and these are often and interestingly direct opposites. In short, I believe two people trying to help could do completely contrasting things, and one or both be wrong but at the same time both be trying to help. I also believe that you could be trying to help someone, and I could hate the same person, and we both take the same action for our good or hateful purposes. But because we don't realize this about actions, we tend to believe that if someone else does some action that would require hate for us to do, then they must be evil for doing it. But maybe someone thinks they're stopping murder, while the other maybe thinks they're protecting vulnerable person's autonomy and health. So both people want to do good, but one or both is actually doing bad. That's just a mistake, and not something to make us assume the worst about each other. I really do just want a pastime. But sometimes a few comments are in order so that we can move on. I am sorry people have said cruel things to you or to people you love. And i don't want to mislead you into thinking that I do not hold views you find reprehensible: I am 100% sure that I do. I am a conservative and we are on different sides of multiple issues that I believe involve saving people from undue and unjust harm, neglect, and mistreatment. I assume you fight for the many of the same abstract things that I do, but we concretize the abstract vastly differently. I wish you well.
@spellblade137 Ай бұрын
I'm a right winger, and I'm not rude to anyone, it's not my fault everyone has been made into a victim and is do soft, what happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me, it's like people on the left reversed it. If you disagree with people on the left in any way they lable you evil and act like my opinion hurts anyone. It's crazy that you said that in this video honestly. Way to make half the possible players feel unwanted.
@RdotDoyle Ай бұрын
@@spellblade137 So what I'm hearing is that you think you aren't rude, and if the people around you keep getting their feelings hurt it's their problem, not yours. I'm sure there are tables out there for you but I don't think it's crazy to say a lot of folks aren't going to want a player like that at their table
@TheDoctor010 Ай бұрын
People are imperfect. We have to keep wrestling with the difficulty of both being truthful and being self-reflective. If someone's feelings are hurt, then I do reflect on whether their hurt feelings are reasonably linked to what I've done. If it is reasonably linked, then my next step is to consider whether what I said or did is essential to who I am and whether what I've said is true. If it's not a matter of one of those two things, then I have unnecessarily participated in someone's hurt feelings and therefore should consider how to change. If, on the other hand, the thing I've done or said is essential to who I am or it is otherwise true, then I am sad about hurt feelings and, at the same time, cannot abandon truth to save someone's feelings (this is partially because abandoning truth is harmful to everyone around you). But it's not a dichotomy of either abandoning or holding to truth. I can tell the truth in various ways. So, if upon reflection the hurt feelings are linked to me uttering something true, I then reflect on how I said it. Admittedly, this is me sharing with you my aspirations, aspirations that I often don't live up to. Caring and holding to truth are principles that sometimes seem to fight each other, though they really don't. They are necessary for each other. Effectual caring requires truth (anyone who abandon's truth to save someone's feelings is harming the person whose feelings he is protecting). Also, truth itself is not effectual without care (if I tell the truth without reflecting on someone's feelings, then the truth will not change them). I do think what he said is, in many ways, B.S. But his response doesn't seem to be the response of someone who intended to hurt our feelings. I think let my feelings get hurt b/c of my past experiences with certain people who have said things like what he said. And he probably said what he said b/c of his past experience with right-wing people. I have been rude to people in my lifetime; and in fact some of those times I have not cared. Actually very few times have I not cared, but it has happened.
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