Another option is to rig it so the ama is slightly diverging _away_ from the canoe's direction of travel ( like by 1 inch ). This will help counteract the canoe's tendency to veer to the right-away from the ama side-when riding waves. Note: this tendency is exacerbated if you are riding heavily on the ama, by leaning the canoe toward it. Diverging the ama might also increase the canoe's pitch sensitivity, as well, which is a plus when riding surf or swell. In fact, going one step further, leaning the canoe toward the ama more so in the front than the rear ( i.e. heavier ama in front ), would increase bow pressure and make dropping in easier; this last notion seems to be reflected in the ama design of big-downwind canoes, like the Kahe Kai or Ares, which have surprisingly mild rockers to their amas ( as opposed to their hulls, where the rocker is pronounced ). Note: For 6-mans, amas are often rigged the other way: so they _converge_ slightly toward the canoe's direction of travel. I believe that makes the canoe more stable, and more responsive to steering inputs.
@ThePaddleChannel5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this!
@FrankLadd5 жыл бұрын
Train light, race heavy.
@GoDaniel105 жыл бұрын
Will you be able to glide through the water at a faster pace when you rig light, rather than heavy? I tried rigging mine heavy but I felt like the ama was dragging the canoe more
@ThePaddleChannel5 жыл бұрын
General consensus that lighter is long as you don't go too light, which could make you unstable. Stable is faster.
@barryblackburn59104 жыл бұрын
You will be faster with a “lighter” ama up until you go too light and you aren’t able to apply power to the blade without flipping over. In other words, start heavy and gradually find a middle ground where you feel confident applying full power with the paddle regardless of which side you are paddling on. You will also find that if you are doing a long paddle with the crosswind on your ama you will have to rig a little more “heavy.” I have also found that in rough ocean conditions I have to be careful not to go too light. Bottom line, find a medium setting where you feel confident.