Do you always output stereo for shows? Don't some venues send mono to FOH?
@alkamael2 жыл бұрын
I've been going crazy for days trying to send the click on the headphones to the drummer to play live sequences, I have synergy core 4 interface and I use logic pro x. I have a mono audio click for example on logic track 3, I select output 3 I put the headphones on the analogue outputs and nothing is heard !!!! I have tried them all, I'm not very practical, surely I'm doing something wrong, could you make a video about it or please give me an explanation here on the comments too?
@ThatDevOpsKid2 жыл бұрын
Would need a mixer or interface that has multiple outputs. Reason I want to see what he got for interface or mixer
@mountainlabelmusic Жыл бұрын
@@ThatDevOpsKid I believe the Synergy 4 has multiple outputs!! The issue is probably that the control software routing for the interface is not configured correctly...
@mountainlabelmusic Жыл бұрын
Hey!! If you haven't figured it out within the past year, make sure that your audio interface allows input from "output 3" for whatever output you are trying to configure. It may appear as available in Logic, but may not be configured to be sent within the interface itself. Also consider that the output fader, if it has one, is set to unity and not turned down. I had this happen with my focusrite interface, and I was wondering why there wasn't anything coming through my interface!! Usually this is set correctly by default from the manufacturer, but I am not super familiar with how Synergy pre-programs things. Send me a message on instagram if you would like further help!! @mountainlabelmusic
@teddymanangka9 ай бұрын
hey I encountered the same problem just now. I set the backtrack at Main stereo output, and my click on output 3-4 using logic and focusrite. The backtrack is out there, but the click wasn't heard at all in the headphone. I need your help@@mountainlabelmusic
@ketankundal Жыл бұрын
Amazing Lessions. Thanks much
@JoonSantana7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for all information! God Bless You!
@EichAbando2 жыл бұрын
simple but very very very much explained
@ThatDevOpsKid2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see the audio preference routing. Or would you please show the mixer you have? Right now I only two options stereo output. So I just pan hard left for the Drumer and everything else is FOH.
@mountainlabelmusic Жыл бұрын
I believe he is using a combination of Logic's built-in mixer with an audio interface, and just using the Stereo Output from Logic going into the Interface, then out to the PA Speakers/FOH. And then the "DA 3-4" Is just the headphone output. You can change this in your interface control software by deleting any other audio coming into the headphone output, except for inputs 3-4. That way, when you create the your click track, you route it to output 3-4 rather than your Stereo output. This also gives you the ability to create a separate bus in Logic, which allows you to send audio to "3-4", which only goes into the headphones. That is why he created a Bus to send audio to the drummer separately from the main PA, so the drummer can have a separate mix if he wants. Hope this helps!!
@notforyoutube Жыл бұрын
Can you show us how you mute the click track for the front speakers but keep the click track for the drummer? Do you have a video on this? I want to learn how to set it up.
@mountainlabelmusic Жыл бұрын
If I understand correctly, he is using the headphone output on the interface (routed as output 3-4 in the control software for the interface), and then having that audio only sent to the headphones, where as everything else is through the main stereo output. It would be like sending the mixed audio through a pair of studio monitors, and the headphones would only have the click track. He mentions at 1:56 that he is also sending audio to "Bus 9", which also has the output set to "DA 3-4", and is also sent to the headphone output to the drummer.
@RBTone233 жыл бұрын
Hai can you show about mixture out set up with logic thank you