How to Tune in to God's Prophetic Frequency

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ISN – It's Supernatural! Network

ISN – It's Supernatural! Network

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Becca Greenwood shares how to tune into God's prophetic frequency.
Reigning in Life airs Mondays at 3:30am and 3:30 pm ET at
Go to Becca Greenwood's website for more info & resources: reigninginlifet...
Rebecca is co-founder of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network (SPAN). From the time she was young girl, Rebecca felt a drawing of the Lord that she would be used by Him. Her mother used to tell Rebecca she was blessed and her father loved to sing a son entitled Far Away Places to she and her sister when they were small girls. Little did her parents know they were speaking her destiny into her heart and mind even from the time she was a young child. In a prayer time in 1990 she felt a strong presence of the Spirit in which she was overcome. During this time the Lord showed her a vision of thousands and thousands of souls from many nations. He challenged her saying, Becca, will you be accountable for the souls I have assigned to you? Will you reach them for Me? Her heart captivated by this experience, she seriously responded to the mandate of the Lord to the nations. Since this Kingdom encounter, her passion has been seeing the lands of the world impacted for the Glory of God and reaching people with the gospel and setting the captive free. Her heart cry has become, Lord give me the nations. . As a result, prophecy, prophetic intercession, transformational spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual mapping, deliverance and teaching the word of God extensively in the many lands of the earth are the main thrusts of Christian Harvest. Over the past 24 years, she has ministered in and participated and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to 34 countries such as Egypt, Nepal, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, Spain, China, and to many cities and locations throughout the United States in which measurable breakthrough of transformation have been realized. Having a heart for lost souls, Rebecca has seen many saved and set free. She ministers in transparency from her personal experiences of overcoming fear, depression, rebellion and anger into freedom. She is committed to equipping in scriptural truths on how to live an overcoming life of purpose, fulfillment and destiny. And to equip people and churches to have a Jesus captivated and authoritative prayer life in which change and transformation are realized. While she loves to travel the world and partner with the Lord in touching people’s lives, Rebecca’s favorite and most cherished times are with her husband Greg and their three beautiful daughters: Kendall, Rebecca and Katie. They reside in Colorado Springs, CO and are members of Freedom Church. Rebecca has been a guest on TBN, It's Supernatural, God Knows and the Harvest Show. She has written for publications such as Charisma, Pray! Magazine and Spirit-Led Woman. She graduated with a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute where she also serves as a core faculty member. She is the author of eight books.
#ISN #ReigningInLife #BeccaGreenwood

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@StarFlower99654 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. I just had an epiphany, ah-ha moment. I realized America IS the embodiment of our Lord Jesus. All my life I have been in LOVE with earth, nature, the rocks, trees, mountains, streams, waterfalls, I could go on and on. I just love 'nature' so much and today realized it is really Jesus that I am loving so much. Seeing His glory within everything in my environment. Hallelujah!!! Thank you Jesus for brining me to this message!! Thank you Becca for passing this message to us.
@jeannettekline9137 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jesus Christ for sharing your love n cares for us through ur servant
@angel29616 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful Savior🕊🔯🌹🦅🎶
@emmatinagan9234 2 жыл бұрын
I love your show, and want to let you know that I am one of your follower here in the Philippines. thanks
@virginiastewart4239 3 жыл бұрын
The Lord is calling all his children to him before he brings them home x
@사랑-o8d 3 жыл бұрын
Nice to meet you beca
@shandaadams7004 3 жыл бұрын
whoop whoop!! I LOVE God's word: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth...He Is AWEsome,amazing&i could just go on&on! HE IS ALIVE!!!! ty Jesus for this ministry!!
@crishanthimanoharan5486 3 жыл бұрын
Amen Halleluyah
@vikkifajkus6233 3 жыл бұрын
I want to hear Prophecy From GOD......WHAT MY GOD IS SAYING🙏
@vikkifajkus6233 3 жыл бұрын
@1cor14vs1 3 жыл бұрын
was this recorded on 2020?
@saulreyes2976 3 жыл бұрын
We must be serving different God's. The word we got was "you don't have years only months to get it right"
@son_of_hiskingdom5092 3 жыл бұрын
I'm just now watching the full video 8 hours later. I ask for confirmation. this video is a sign to me. you prophesied exactly what I prophesied in prayer. everything. God is amazing. praise Jesus Christ!
@doughaynes1048 3 жыл бұрын
God is a universal transmitter and we need to do is tune into his frequency of silence .
@darylbates7992 3 жыл бұрын
I love prophecy amen
@vikkifajkus6233 3 жыл бұрын
@jeniferhusin6190 3 жыл бұрын
Shalom! Tuhan Yesus kasih setiaMu slamany mengukir hati kami. Layak Engkau Tuhan karna hanya Engkaulah yg mampu menguduskan, Layak Engkau memerintah mengatur kami yg mengaku. Menuntaskan yg tdk sesuai dgn otoritasMu, yg merampas dgn sembarangan menjarah sambil menetap dlm yg mestinya jd kepunyaanMu. Takut akanMu Permulaan sgala laku dan sgenap hati rutin berbalik pdMu sperti ank kepada Bapa, sungguh berharga. Permulaan seiya sekata serasa menyatu dlm Roh Kudus masuk menyelami kedalaman mengenal Engkau Tuhan tahta yg hidup abadi pemilik segala yg tiada habisny. Haleluya Tuhanlah pemelihara Hati. Hati jd penuh hikmat yg jd perisai jd slalu dituntun Engkau. Hati menyimpan printahMu Hati merdeka dlmMu. Mahkota keselamatan slalu ada bagi yg rendah hati begitu berkenan Engkau Tuhan Haleluya. Engkau berdiri diantara ciptaan sperti Bapa sayang ank. Tuhan Yesus Engkau pembangun iman fondasi menara benteng dibangun berdiri berakar tak goyah pilar2Mu slamany perlengkapi sungguh Engkaulah penopang kami. Tuhan Yesus ampuni hal sengaja sebalikny maupun spontan trima ksh anugerahMu Tuhan slamany kami ukir dlm hati kami. Tuhan disiplinkan lebur slamany dlmMu Roh Kudus iman teruji berakar menetap jd tuntas mendarah daging. Tuhan Engkaulah yg buat kami berpaling tuk mendengar isi hatiMu kedahsyatanMu melanda sgala. Turun atas kami jdkan smakin Takut akanMu, menghardik tuk jdkan kami berpaling, Perkasa Engkau Tuhan. Haleluya Penuh belas kasihan Engkau Tuhan Yesus mengukir hati kami dlm hukum yg paling terutama, namun menunggu disidang ilahi sungguh sabar bermurah juga berlapang hati Engkau Tuhan. Tuhan kami kembali dengan Roh Kudus titipanMu dihadapanMu. Batu timbangan & kilangan taruhlah atas kami sungguh Engkau penuh pertimbangan juga perhitungan, smua slalu tepat sasaran dlmMu. Jangkar drMu jd rusukku, tongkat yg jdd pilar utama drMu jd tulang punggungku, kakiku berakar dlmMu Engkaulah yg menghidupkan kami yg hanya tulang kering dan debu abu. Hanya tiang api & obor Roh Kudus yg menudungi Indonesia hanya debu abu kami bagiMu jdkan takut aknMu. Cinis Coram Deo! Hanya hati Bapa yg menetap dlm gerejaMu, berhala roh jahat yg berkuasa dijauhkan. Pujian, hormat, syukur yg terdengar disegala penjuru bangsa, Tuhan Yesus kekang roh2 jahat bersama barisan dpn menahan yg tidak sesuai perkenananMu. Ad tertulis ank panahMu jdkan smua sasaran jdkan smua sturut menghisap racun menembus sgala. Smua terhitung tertimbang dlm nama Tuhan Yesus. Tuhan Engkaulah Raja pemegang kemuliaan yg menguduskan, tahta juga firman yg murni hidup abadi, pemilik semesta alam berharga melebihi sgala yg ada, perjanjianMu dlm bentuk firman turun-temurun jd perisai bagi kami. Tuhan Engkau adalah sandaran juga pohon kehidupan bahagia pemegangNya. Sungguh benar Adil sgala penghakimanNya, Tuhan yg ada & sdh ad & yg akan dtg & yg awal & yg pertama & yg terkemudian & yg akhir & yg hidup kembali & kudus. Pemegang sgala kunci maut & kerajaan maut, Dialah kemuliaan & kuasa smpai slamany. Ad tertulis selarMu menandai leburkan jd kembali dlm Roh Kudus menetap tinggal diam slamany. Kami percaya Engkau bukan hanya sebuah entitas yaitu struktur pribadi, system, benda mati, atau segalanya tetapi pencipta sgalanya pencipta yg abadi juga HIDUP kembali tanda Engkau memang abadi. Tuhan kasih setiaMu menyatakan slalu Ya dan Amin Engkau berada ditengah kami. Tuhan Engkau yg membenarkan, jalanMu yg kami lalui diratakan dgn mudahnya olehMu sehingga kami tinggal diam menetap dlm rumahMu slamanya. Tuhan Engkau berada diantara kami menudungi dan mengijinkan kami berdiri dibawah kepemimpinan pemerintahan atas namaMu yg slamany Haleluya terjd! Tuntas! amin!
@lesilagrace825 3 жыл бұрын
Please pray for Fiji, so much confusion, witchcraft, and pharoahic leadership we need righteous governance.
@sergiosturino2071 3 жыл бұрын
please pray for me. I have finished my chemotherapy for cancer. While undergoing treatment my two daughters moved out suddenly, my mother died, and my wife almost died due to covid. I suffer from anxiety attacks and depression. I suddenly have become an empty nester. I have been crying every day since February 27th the day my eldest daughter left. I am anxious about my situation and feel like i'm not needed anymore. Feel like a senior in an old folks home just waiting for death or the rapture. I'm expected back at work on August 3rd and I am fearful of going back. I have 2.5years before I can get a full pension. Am in debt for$26,000. My sisters are fighting for money from my mothers house. And call me often to complain. Like Elijah, I have prayed to the Lord to take my life. Please pray for me
@曾坤添-n4m 3 жыл бұрын
Hi please pray for South Africa 🌍 Lord please change all the nations in South Africa Baptize all the nations known and unknown in South Africa Thank you 😊 Lord I love 💘 you my K8ng
@曾坤添-n4m 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you my King Jesus Christ
@Micah7-8 3 жыл бұрын
Best to know the guidelines according to scripture. If prophets are following the commandments....uh, might want to reconsider them. My goodness many are coming out of the woodwork right now. Some are trying to be spokesperson for heaven 🤦‍♀️ READ THE WORKD FOLKS.... Deuteronomy 13, Jerimiah 23, Ezekiel 34
@WalkTheAncientPaths 3 жыл бұрын
They deleted my channels because we prayed for Trump, over 40K SUBSCRIBERS gone 🤬😡, I just started this new channel a month ago.
@debbiebramwell 3 жыл бұрын
Why would you pray for Trump? Or let me rephrase, what are you praying for?( everyone needs prayer)I ask because I want to understand. ( I don't agree with people being disrespectful because of politics but people need to listen to understand)
@WalkTheAncientPaths 3 жыл бұрын
@@debbiebramwell the same reason why I prayed for Obama, the same reason why I would pray for u
@debbiebramwell 3 жыл бұрын
@@WalkTheAncientPaths I had to edit my post and add that we absolutely want to pray for everyone. I love your answer! ❤🙏🏻
@anonviewer4201 3 жыл бұрын
You should also sue youtube and you would not be alone in doing so because corp tech is doing too much by infringing on american people's rights! Without viewers and uploaders, youtube is nothing!
@gracepierce6760 3 жыл бұрын
lord noun Definition of lord (Entry 1 of 2) 1: one having power and authority over others: a: a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due b: one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure c: an owner of land or other real (see REAL entry 1 sense 2) property 2capitalized a: GOD sense 1 b: JESUS I would like to add that if you cannot hear the LORD, then how are you going to get your daily directions? If HE is LORD of your life then you need to hear your LORD.
@annludorf347 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful thank you so much.Amen thank you Lord
@angieronquillo2986 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! Praise the Lord. How about our nation Philippines and other nation. Thank you so much
@rebeccamiller8098 3 жыл бұрын
I love Jesus and god please forgive us of our sin Jesus Mary help us
@mylivingwater-eogahayon8363 3 жыл бұрын
Be Thou Exalted Oh God 🔥🔥 AMEN AND AMEN
@mariscadaal5902 3 жыл бұрын
@akbeautyrose7775 3 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't there ever seem to be words or prophecies for Alaska? I know it joined the union in 1959, but? Not trying to be "special" but seems like the Lord should have a specific word for it.
@akbeautyrose7775 3 жыл бұрын
And if there is, I'd LOVE to hear it!
@akbeautyrose7775 3 жыл бұрын
Do you hear anything for Chevak, AK?
@maxwelltaranhike9194 3 жыл бұрын
AK, Why don't you ask God our Father to give you a word for Alaska? He has been waiting for someone like you with a passion for Alaska...
@danielgaley9676 3 жыл бұрын
Repent! Let me guess. Send you a check?
@son_of_hiskingdom5092 3 жыл бұрын
if you get the desire. if not then don't.
@son_of_hiskingdom5092 3 жыл бұрын
nothing to repent over.
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