How To Unf**k Your Life Like a Millionaire

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Charlie Morgan

Charlie Morgan

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I hate case study funnels and being pitched just as much as you do, but if you're curious about how we help agency owners, coaches & consultants beyond these videos, the link below will explain. No bullshit, no email opt-in and no "FrEe TrAiNinG" to be found there. Check it out: www.theimperiu...

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@charliemofficial 8 ай бұрын
creds to Sam Ovens and his idea of the graph for inspiring this video
@adiblazek9930 8 ай бұрын
Charlie, thank you.
@LiveScanGlobal 8 ай бұрын
lol when i watched this last night i was like did sam say this too or have i watched this video before? Great video
@DestinedForGreatness24 8 ай бұрын
Hello Charlie. Your authenticity is preserved which is reflected through your videos. You are now in a position that you don't have anything to ask more from the divinity or whatever you call the higher power.I appreciate your way of sharing your life experience. I want to ask you for a favour as a human. I am from India and through my childhood I have experienced what is poverty. The salary from job is not going to fully fill the stomachs of my family members . The only resource I have is internet and I keep learning from it. I cannot afford books because so I find free podcasts, audiobooks and ebooks and make my notes in pen and paper. The pain I endure everyday is so much. Can you make your next video how a person can flip their destiny with little or zero resources. My path became so dark that I am asking you to show a way out. This is a request from a human to a human. I don't know if this message would reach to you but this is the only way for me to connect to you. I apologize for this long message.
@Crisis_DangerousOpportunity 8 ай бұрын
"if you want to build the ceiling, you have to bring the floor with you" based as fuck
@samreenfatima2551 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Charlie, I started crying I have so much trauma to deal with(generational trauma included) just so much. and I was always lost on how to deal with. after watching your video I have an edge of the rope. Thank you so much. Best video on youtube in years. Much love keep prospering❤
@DarthBoberEXMinMaxMunchking 7 ай бұрын
I'm 33. I've been bullied and had traumatic family experiences. I wish somebody explained this to me 15 years ago. Thanks, you've planted a seed in me, I'm gonna make it grow.
@christianayerst5919 7 ай бұрын
Omg thank you for saying that your 33 because I though I was too old to listen to this, I'm 33 btw
@goatpepperherbaltea7895 7 ай бұрын
@framclean7910 7 ай бұрын
i’m 39@@christianayerst5919
@vurrveld8728 7 ай бұрын
Also 33. Bullied. Family trauma. Hope I can get out of this hell.
@planlosubertroffen2282 7 ай бұрын
36 but doesnt matter when you starting. i learned Guitar 3 Years ago and playing since. Most People are astounded by it. Just Focus
@bishnietech 7 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🔄 *The speaker discusses the dual nature within oneself, oscillating between a positive, growth-oriented side and a destructive, negative side.* 02:31 💡 *The video promises to provide insights on breaking the cycle of oscillation, offering a solution to achieve lasting success and personal development.* 04:21 🏡 *The speaker shares personal success, living in Dubai with an 8-figure business, emphasizing the potential life-changing impact of the upcoming information.* 06:11 📈 *Describes the concept of oscillation in behavior, representing a continuous cycle of building up to a peak of positivity, then breaking down into negativity.* 13:46 🌡️ *Introduces the idea of an "emotional thermostat" that regulates one's behavior, preventing extreme highs or lows, aiming for an average state.* 19:07 💰 *Discusses how personal financial patterns exhibit an oscillation between a perceived ceiling and a floor, emphasizing the importance of understanding and adjusting one's standards.* 20:01 📈 *Life outcomes often depend on the average or midpoint, not just the highs and lows. Understandingyour average in various aspects of life is crucial for improvement.* 23:15 📊 *Drawing an oscillation chart for different aspects of your life helps identify patterns and cycles. This can include finances, fitness, emotional states, and more.* 25:58 💰 *Success and financial goals vary individually; what might be a significant achievement for one person could be a hygiene standard for another. Awareness of your own standards is essential.* 29:42 🔄 *Life tends to follow stages: building, peaking, breaking down, and rebuilding. Recognizing these stages can help navigate challenges and understand personal cycles.* 32:37 🧠 *Fixing behavioral patterns requires addressing the underlying psychology rather than just focusing on external behaviors. The mind shapes behaviors, and understanding the root cause is crucial for lasting change.* 39:41 🔄 *Understanding the emotional cycle: Anger is the starting point, often directed at oneself, leading to destructive behavior.* 43:25 🚀 *Emotions drive behavior: Anger transforms into drive, a positive emotion associated with determination, discipline, and motivation.* 44:45 🏆 *Transformation to Pride: Drive peaks into Pride when positive actions yield results, creating a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.* 45:37 ☕ *Pitfall of Comfort: Pride leads to Comfort, a state where one starts to relax, lose drive, and engage in undesired behaviors, creating a cycle.* 47:40 🔄 *Gradual emotional transitions: Emotional states shift gradually, and each stage has a threshold leading to the next state.* 49:45 ⚖️ *First principle of human behavior: The avoidance of pain is a fundamental motivator for human actions.* 52:03 📈 *Pain levels and action: Different emotional states carry varying levels of pain, influencing the actions taken to alleviate or avoid that pain.* 53:10 💡 *Constant progress through pain: The secret to consistent progress is embracing pain, maintaining a continuous upward emotional cycle.* 56:23 🔄 *Flipping the floor and ceiling: To break the cycle, reframe your perception by feeling the pain associated with your lowest point even at your highest achievements.* 59:48 🚫 *Entrepreneurial journey isn't about feeling good or being comfortable; it's a constant cycle of breaking through challenges.* 01:01:20 🎯 *Achieving financial milestones may not bring lasting happiness; setting higher standards is crucial for progress.* 01:02:55 😖 *Successful entrepreneurs don't always feel happy; pain is essential for progress, and deriving pleasure from discomfort is crucial.* 01:05:02 📉 *Lower your acceptable standards to increase motivation; associate emotional pain with not reaching your goals.* 01:07:41 📈 *To make progress, focus on raising your lowest standards rather than only aiming for higher goals.* 01:10:12 🔍Self-sabotage *often stems from trauma; the speaker shares a personal experience of childhood bullying.* 01:13:35 💔 *Negative behavior, like self-sabotage, may be rooted in a part of oneself that wants to prevent progress and growth.* 01:16:55 🧠 *Understanding the psychological conditions that drive unique progress in entrepreneurship is crucial; it often stems from unconventional thinking.* 01:18:03 🛡️ *Entrepreneurial pursuits can serve as a form of self-protection, rooted in past traumas; the business becomes a shield against fears.* 01:18:31 🧠 *Trauma shapes your psychology: If you're pursuing an unconventional life or business, there's likely a unique experience or trauma that influenced your choices. Understanding this is crucial.* 01:20:09 🤯 *Trauma burial: When faced with trauma, the mind often buries it deep into the psyche, preventing proper processing. This buried trauma can influence behavior without conscious awareness.* 01:22:39 🏛️ *Unconscious trauma manifestation: Unprocessed trauma creates a part of the psyche living in the past. This unconscious part can influence self-sabotage, affecting progress and success.* 01:27:22 🔄 *Unconscious influence: Until you address and make the unconscious conscious, it will govern your life.Unprocessed trauma can lead to self-sabotage and inconsistent behavior.* 01:32:44 🤝 *Integration is the key: To overcome self-sabotage and inner conflicts, integration of different parts of your psyche is necessary. This involves recognizing, understanding, and aligning these psychological aspects.* 01:34:24 💡 *Integration success: The process of integrating past trauma led to a significant positive shift, reflected in personal and business success. Seeking professional help and revisiting the past can aid in this integration process.* 01:35:54 🧠 *Unconscious memories can affect your life without awareness; processing trauma is crucial for personal growth.* 01:39:07 🤯 *Integrating trauma involves visualizing, processing, and embracing past experiences to free oneself from emotional burdens.* 01:41:24 🚪 *Integration allows one to face and acknowledge unconscious parts, lifting the burden of past traumas and facilitating personal growth.* 01:43:12 🧠 *The integration of unconscious aspects helps in overcoming limiting beliefs and negative behaviors that stem from unprocessed traumas.* 01:45:32 📚 *Recommended books for understanding and starting the process of integrating unconscious aspects include works by Carl Jung.* 01:49:34 🔄 *Self-sabotage stems from unconscious parts resisting progress; understanding and integrating these aspects is essential for personal and professional success.* 01:51:37 📈 *Progress involves navigating oscillations between highs and lows while continually raising personal standards for sustained success.* 01:53:53 📈 *Personal growth is reflected in transforming old goals into new standards, continually pushing oneself to higher levels of achievement.* 01:54:33 🔄 *Embracing pain as a tool for growth, without self-harm, is a crucial aspect of the business and personal development journey.* 01:54:47 🚫 *Celebrating too soon after reaching a goal can lead to complacency; maintaining discomfort and drive is essential for sustained progress.* 01:55:42 🔄 *Awareness of emotional states, like anger, when approaching comfort, helps maintain motivation and prevent stagnation in personal and professional growth.* 01:56:39 🧠 *Emotions serve as communication from different parts of the psyche; exploring and understanding emotions can lead to self-discovery and growth.* 01:57:44 🎯 *Aligning all psychological parts with a goal reduces internal conflicts and facilitates smoother progress.* 01:58:12 ⚔️ *Total War within oneself occurs when parts of the psyche are not aligned towards a common goal, leading to internal struggles and ups and downs.* 01:58:54 🛣️ *Understanding and integrating the unconscious is the key to progress; self-improvement is ineffective without addressing the underlying psychological conflicts.* Made with HARPA AI
@rudihm04 6 ай бұрын
@houreugh 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for doing this.
@footballmadness08 2 ай бұрын
W mans
@Pandafxacad 17 күн бұрын
Wow thanks. It was really helpful. God bless you
@remingtonclarkeofficial 8 ай бұрын
This is EXACTLY what I needed. If anyone has trauma you need to watch this. And if you don't have trauma, you need to watch this to understand those who do have trauma. And if you look at the world around you, 99% of the world has suffered trauma.
@Ankhar2332 7 ай бұрын
But... How does one understands that those who give you a trauma had trauma too?
@cyberneticbutterfly8506 6 ай бұрын
@@Ankhar2332 Maybe its a matter of proportion and a matter of managment. E.g. we throw criminals in prison in spite of them may having trauma that lead to their crime because we need to *insulate* society from dangerous people and deter their actions. Similarly there might be people giving you trauma that have upstream reasons for why they are the way they are but you must still *insulate* yourself from the worst toxicity in your life even if they had their reasons.
@d_perspective 8 ай бұрын
Good God Charlie, You are performing a surgical operation on a wound in which my favorite self help gurus have been putting bandaids on all these years. Thank you for not beating around the bush, thank you for this elaborate two-hour journey you took me on. I could not have predicted the ending of this masterpiece even an hour in, and somehow you kept me on the “edge of my seat” through it all.
@jusatesst 8 ай бұрын
Best description I've seen ever, will remember
@KloudNyx 8 ай бұрын
Life changing… not going to lie I got emotional during the latter part of the video when you explained your childhood trauma, i’ve been bullied as a child as well, you brought up some old memories and I believe you given me the strength and tools to face them. Thank you so much!
@pierre_habibi 8 ай бұрын
I'm stuck at 1:12hour, and I can't stop even though is 24:00 :D Man It is second video I've watched, taken a lot of notes and you already provide me with 9999x more value than any of the 'gurus'. Keep up the good work... It is 100% worth you do this stuff. Thank you!
@youssefhachicha-nj6wf 8 ай бұрын
Can you share your thoughts and notes with us?
@yassiraykhlf5981 8 ай бұрын
Your videos and mindset have truly helped me to stop being a lazy ass and start actually pursuing my goals. Thank you for being a genuine and helpful person who truly cares about his audience.
@Array8 7 ай бұрын
This video is exactly what I needed. I have this demon that beats me down saying I'm worthless. That I'm undeserving. My parents divorced, I was bullied. It's exactly why I feel that way. You're right. If I could get through that bad self talk the other side of myself is unstoppable. Thanks bro. God bless.
@aguy-oh3tn 7 ай бұрын
did you do the integrating exercise?
@mentlydriven 8 ай бұрын
loved how you broke down this complex psychological aspect of a human life, Thank you.
@dineshm75 8 ай бұрын
Pain. What does that feel like. I get that. But how it actually feel like. I have my blood pressure raising and heart thumping. Is this how the pain he talk about should I always have. Kindly can you say me something about this. ( because I misunderstood something like if I am always under this pain. I might have medical issues. What exactly or how should the pain be.) Kindly reply😊
@AndrewBatory 6 ай бұрын
You absolutely hit the nail in the head about the trauma and self sabotaging - Excellent to see other business owners come to realization and SHARE it properly with others. Your videos are great hidden gems
@nurhussain99 8 ай бұрын
The only long format videos I wait to watch
@sonal7987 8 ай бұрын
so true whenever he uploads, i smile
@nurhussain99 8 ай бұрын
@@sonal7987 same here broski
@jamescarlgarcia4389 8 ай бұрын
@omoregieblessed 7 ай бұрын
Same here 😊
@mrcompensation365 3 ай бұрын
@drivoz2384 8 ай бұрын
Make a video on how to set good goals. How to break them down into monthly, weekly, daily goals. And how to hold yourself accountable. I have a problem of not knowing how to gradually overload my goals to hit my main yearly goal without burning myself out.
@alimaiss-ou6dr 8 ай бұрын
@sense8296 5 ай бұрын
I really needed to hear this message. So many self discoveries of our psyche and how breaking the cycle of defeat. Raising your floor while raising your ceiling was so powerful! 🎯 These 2 hours were well worth the time! Thank you, Charlie 😊😊
@dqvid_editz 4 күн бұрын
We do not become the highest version of ourselves that we imagine we become the lowest version of ourselves we can accept. What a quote :)
@jjjjj77772 8 ай бұрын
Amazing to see you finally found non-clickbait thumbnails that really appreciate your content! Charlie, your content has changed my life. I am living my dream right now living in Asia and making $20K+ profit per month. Your content has given me enough food for thought to keep going. Thank you so much Charlie. You are the best. Hope to meet you in Dubai when possible.
@abelchandy 8 ай бұрын
what do you do to make money?
@jjjjj77772 8 ай бұрын
@@abelchandy Just do exactly what Charlie says and you'll come a long way.
@dineshm75 8 ай бұрын
Pain. What does that feel like. I get that. But how it actually feel like. I have my blood pressure raising and heart thumping. Is this how the pain he talk about should I always have. Kindly can you say me something about this. ( because I misunderstood something like if I am always under this pain. I might have medical issues. What exactly or how should the pain be.) Kindly reply😊
@CoachRiku 7 ай бұрын
@@dineshm75start a business or pursue a goal, whenever something pulls you away from that like: you don’t want to reach out to potential customers or you don’t feel like going to the gym or you don’t want to approach that girl. The pain is just doing something that you don’t want to do and when that becomes comfortable, find something else you don’t want to do
@DailyVlogss117 8 ай бұрын
Fantastic explanation! Hats off. I can relate to the circle of ( Pride, Comfort, Pain , Drive ) from another book I read last year: " The Power Of Letting Go" . In that book, the circle represents as -- 1. SURRENDER 2. JOY 3. EGO 4. PAIN Once we stay in the Surrender state , we no longer get into the celebration. Surrender state is having no Pride. Awesome Video , Thank you mate. ❤
@leandrofernandes7673 8 ай бұрын
When you were talking about your traumas you were literally explaining everything that also happened to me. I would fight with adults forcing me to do what they wanted, and was bullied by many. Now I understand why the idea of having a boss disgusts me so much. Thank you very much for this, the amount of value is absolutely gold. I will be making $1M a month as soon as possible, anything less than that is truly disgusting (lol). But really, my goal is to keep making more and more for the rest of my life because I enjoy the game.
@sebastianlind9589 7 ай бұрын
I am so glad I didn’t click off when my TikTok brain told me to. I watched the whole video and I will do exactly what you did and put myself in the state of that young kid that is a victim.
@luke8617 8 ай бұрын
I cant put into words how valuable this is for me - i never thought about how what’s really holding me back is the trauma i went through as a kid and now i see exactly how it is manifesting today 😅
@dineshm75 8 ай бұрын
Pain. What does that feel like. I get that. But how it actually feel like. I have my blood pressure raising and heart thumping. Is this how the pain he talk about should I always have. Kindly can you say me something about this. ( because I misunderstood something like if I am always under this pain. I might have medical issues. What exactly or how should the pain be.) Kindly reply😊
@raedsultan4478 7 ай бұрын
I have a lot of respect for you for opening up like that. It takes a looooot of courage to be vulnerable like that with hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of viewers who will see this.
@hich2774 8 ай бұрын
Hey charile, it'll be very good if you made a video about the thinking process and how to think properly and make decision without letting emotions affect that
@sethatkins981 7 ай бұрын
You did hit the nail on the head bro, there wasn't a single minute I missed on this vid. Thank you for being authentic and open. This is what I needed to hear to start another journey once again.
@ooowami 7 ай бұрын
I'm 24 and I wish I was told this 6 years ago. I couldn't runaway from trauma anymore and crashed sometime towards the end of last year and have been working on resenting and learning new patterns. This video has been key, I'd like to thank you for your good work and not only breaking this down but pushing yourself through it as a former victim, God knows it's not easy. Just want to say good luck to Charlie and anyone who's had their own fair share of trouble. We can do the work!
@ZackVasquez 5 ай бұрын
There are two chapters in my life. One is for every single day from the day I was born, and the other for the days in my life to come after watching this video. The most life-altering 2 hours I have ever spent. Thank you Charlie.
@parthjethva 7 ай бұрын
The secret to constant progress is pain. Well said 👏🏻👏🏻
@RaZziaN1 7 ай бұрын
That's most bullshit thing i've ever read. Secret is realization you don't need pain anymore. But u were learnt wrong.
@anthonydalin 6 ай бұрын
Wow. That's deep & dark. I already feel the power just by watching this video. Let's get some tissues and do the work. Infinite thank you, man.
@aaronwilson7798 8 ай бұрын
This is it right here. This is the truth. I’ve been wrestling with the principles/ideas discussed in this video for sometime and when I realized Charlie was speaking about the same issues I’ve battled with (but didn’t really know how to fully describe) I knew I landed in a goldmine. Thanks Charlie, this a tremendously valuable video.
@markpelayo 8 ай бұрын
Every time Charlie uploads a video I'm so excited to watch it immediately. Charlie, can you please share your daily routine and how do you manage your energy? Like full 7 hrs of sleep or 4hrs in the evening and 3hrs in the afternoon?
@daddyderechte2252 8 ай бұрын
He talked about it in his last video, its like 7 am standing up, Morning routine (1,5h) Work Lunch Work Evening meal 8pm Thats about his day
@duwaynefortuin1028 6 ай бұрын
okay okay after watching 3 1hour+ vids from you I'll sub - I'm stuck in pre-launch - fear of starting, fear of the embarrassment of people seeing me start at the bottom after building up a career in finance (well off)
@ranes1366 8 ай бұрын
Oh my god, I just did the shadow work, and it was more intense than I thought. I did psychedelics in my life and those aren't even close to what I just felt. Thank you Charlie for sharing this, I feel very unfucked and very grateful.
@csmith411 8 ай бұрын
Howwww idek what my traumatic moments were how tf am i gonna tap into it
@raffael72 8 ай бұрын
@@csmith411dig deep bro
@logemedia1549 8 ай бұрын
What did you do?
@raffael72 8 ай бұрын
How do you do it on your own
@KaizenImprove 8 ай бұрын
I've seen his amazing house 3 times at this point, and it only just motivates me more! He is not flashy, he just genuinely does this to help. Thank you Charlie. By the way, Its scary how accurate you are about us. 😂
@SebastianFox1 8 ай бұрын
Woah. . . I did a bit of research in my mind as you said, Charlie and I think one of the reasons my younger self wanted to become successful is because When he was younger, at school, he used to cry a lot and developed a bad reputation and perhaps he wanted to change that and become the man that gets respect from everybody. . . Bro, that's insane. It's like a coridor lit up in my mind and I can see in that area. It's so clear now. And there are some more pain points that are more or less powerful. . . Amazing value, Charlie.
@genevas 2 ай бұрын
This is definitely life changing. I took notes. Something I really needed in this point of my life. I’ve read the book “Existential Kink” and it’s a reflection of Jung’s philosophies and changed my life. So now I’m going to do an even deeper dive into that and my childhood trauma. Thank you 🙏🏼 and you’re right about being weird . I realized at the end of this video I could’ve watched a movie that long but I wanted to watch this instead 🤣
@BaileyLackas 8 ай бұрын
Bro you made me cry at 1:40:00 that really resonated with me and my trauma as a kid. This video really opened my eyes, thank you for opening up yourself like this to help people like me. It’s been eating me up for way too long now. But I’m here today, and I’m ok.
@salesprosteve 6 ай бұрын
Only 15-minutes in and I'm mind blown... Why we not taught this in school is beyond me?!
@trvnq 6 ай бұрын
im gonna finish the video but there's definitely a hybrid approach to this that won't leave u feeling completely empty and miserable all the time. keep in mind most of the people that live really long have "fulfilling" lives, so being in a constant state of unfulfillment will definitely take a toll on ur lifespan
@ItzFisH_ 8 ай бұрын
This has to be your best video yet, don't know how your gonna out do this one bro😅
@xabisomdluli7611 5 ай бұрын
Watched this video more than 3 times now and I absolutely love it. I think something I'd love to see is an explanation on how to make your goals into standards, because that's something I'm still struggling to apply.
@swagstering 3 ай бұрын
I have been trying to figure this cycle out for 4 years. You just explained the whole thing to me, thank you so much.
@amunet9245 6 ай бұрын
Bro this i so simple but its absolutely quality concept. Set your low standard where you don't tolerate and then elevate from there with peaks.
@GerhardTreibheit 7 ай бұрын
25:13 this isn't even too crazy to imagine. The amount of sudden responsibility and risk of losing it and everything else that comes with having more money than I am "supposed to" is enough for me to feel anxious and overwhelmed by just trying to imagine and thinking about it rn. And those feelings are negative and can therefore be interpreted as pain. So yes, I fully understand what you are saying and I even agree with you.
@radkachopli2918 8 ай бұрын
Charlie.... man.... what a video! Thank you for being so humble, sharing your tears and trauma. Thank you for being so authentic. You are a real man doing just that, just a top G. Respect and lots of love. Thank you
@npc7687 8 ай бұрын
Those types of videos are top tier ❤
@Phulosophy369 3 ай бұрын
Wow, what an amazing video. I need some inner child work. Many things in my life are a direct result of childhood trauma.
@efekan1453 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, Charlie. I promise I will hit 100k/month a small of time as possible. Then I will hug you, brother!
@Tipz011 7 ай бұрын
I actually tried what you discussed about sitting down and thinking back on your trauma, it felt really good. Thank you for having been that vulnerable in front of us
@2das 7 ай бұрын
I came because of this video BUT DAMN you put so many hours of content LITERALLY FOR FREE into this channel - leaving this comment so hopefully the algorithm is gonna reward you for this, thanks man! Also, it was an awesome video and I really learnt alot, it took a very unexpected turn that is completely different to all these gurus and the hustle mentality but was so refreshing and full of gems, really appreciate it! Also, forgot to add (so an edit), if you constantly strive for like more without rewarding, how do you keep up? Do you never take breaks like e.g. go on holidays? Or do you just not tie them to a goal and go more randomly so that you don't combine it with a goal? And don't you feel like at some point it's enough, since money is unlimited, or is your goal not really money but more a specific lifestyle?
@myothiha6540 8 ай бұрын
Ive been noticing this inner child concept since new year, and this video has convinced me that its what im supposed to do next. Thank you Charlie
@leonardogomezpose6274 3 ай бұрын
Daaaaaamn Charlie you outstand yourself! I made it to the end with relief that this was the thing I needed to hear since looooong fricking time. as you said "thank you for watching", I say back to you thank you for talking.
@iansamir18 7 ай бұрын
The problem is when you're watching a video like this you're probably at the bottom, when you'd want to watch this near the top
@DominiqueV-pm1ue 2 ай бұрын
This is incredible! No edits just uncut pure fire! Thank you forever ❤ but isnt it a bit toxic to not be happy for accomplishing your goals? I get not getting comfortable but staying in pain kind of defeats the purpose of life. No?
@arkoose 7 ай бұрын
Hello Charlie, im 15 and ive been in the worst place in life and im constantly doing war since i was 14, ive been in place where i earned a couple of thousands and in place where i lost all of the money that i already earned. At this moment im at the lowest part and you really explains all of the problems. The game is really all about pain, competing with others, consistency where all of that are basically a painfull thing to do. This video really explains some of what ive experienced in this game. I want to thank you for you to make this video, i really hope that people will found this video because you literally just explained the biggest thing that is really matters in the long run/game. I hope you are doing fine and i really hope you keep making good videos!,
@ultravioletpisces3666 7 ай бұрын
Muscles grow by constricting and relaxing… we can’t live by only breathing in or breathing out. We have to do both… we have to grow and destroy… there is a reason that we have two nervous systems… everything is give and take… you can’t do only one… but we think we have to go go go go all the time…
@ultravioletpisces3666 7 ай бұрын
@@AdamFontenet-jf3qp yeah I misspoke. My point was the back and forth is important and sometimes society only values the part that looks active… the “work,” but the rest is just as important.
@richardkrown 7 ай бұрын
I've been going around in loops and fucking cycles for years man, mainly it was about my self-improvement journey and not about money because I also thought that I needed to become a certain kind of person to achieve my goals. I tried to look inwards and analyze why I do what I do I thought it was about identity, trauma, or other mental limits, could never figure it out. It's been fucking painful but I'm grateful to have found this video, also trial by fire and belief systems.
@jon4506 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful video mate. I'm 46 and did some inner child work. Definitely worthwhile. Thanks for being vulnerable and honest, really helpful vid
@BasementIncomeV 2 ай бұрын
Make more like this, it makes sense & help me see the problem with the set backs thank you 🙏🏽
@LUVVEOUS 7 ай бұрын
“We are not the highest version of ourselves which we can imagine. We are the lowest version of ourselves which we can accept.” No words...
@KynAbbott 7 ай бұрын
Charlie mate I hope you realise that you stand out in the crowd. The crowd being social media gurus and people who make money off selling stuff they haven’t done themselves. Courses, ebooks any type of digital content is perfectly fine so long as the person who made it, actually done it and got results. But that’s rare. You sit amongst that rare kind of people. Whether it’s your goal or not, I definitely see you growing on social media, the only reason why you haven’t yet is because people are still being brainwashed by these people who aren’t genuine and have yet to come across you. My intuition goes off as soon as I meet or come across fake people. I’ve dealt with a particular kind of scum that pulls the wool over your eyes with malicious intent. I’ve seen it all over social media. When I make it in this life, and I mean really make it, I am literally going to reach out to you and collaborate with you or become your friend. Why? I feel we could be a great combo but it’s also because I admire you already. Your video on how to actually get rich quick, my intuition didn’t go off. If anything it gave the green light. The authenticity, the wording, your body language, the video as a whole as soon as I saw and heard it I knew man. I knew right from there that if I make it, it you be you I’d like to meet. Plus I knew this anyway being the only way to make it. Apart from scamming people. Right now I’m some stranger. In a few years I will be more than that. Ok that sounds a little unsettling but given the context I hope you get my meaning. Keep up the good work, friend! Kyan
@alexeimisalov5975 3 ай бұрын
Powerful, more people need to know this and understand themselves better. Thank you!
@janlamprecht9229 8 ай бұрын
Uuuf, you took me places man. You were right, THIS was indeed the video I've been waiting for. Wow, I did not expect this. I'm speechless. Thank you for sharing this, thank you sincerely. Edit: Just finished the you broke me. (In an uncomfortably positive way)
@Chickenxsandwich 8 ай бұрын
Today's the day. No more mediocrity
@DansSelfImprovement 8 ай бұрын
A full guide to decision making would be good. I've seen online that there's multiple ways you can make decisions (like "Do the hardest option" OR "Do what aligns with your goals"OR "Do what gives you good experience" OR "Dont get yourself into all this pain at one time - because you will get depressed" OR "Do get yourself into all this painful stuff - because it will benefit you when you're older") But what I've realised is that they all contrast each other in some way, depending on your specific situation - therefore I can't decide which decision I should choose. It's difficult. It would be really good to see a definitive full guide on this topic, so we can all FINALLY figure out the topic of 'decision making' So please support this idea (by leaving a like) if you like it I know not many people will relate to this but its a big topic in my life right now. I'll REALLY appreciate it. Thanks Charlie
@hamizbackup 6 ай бұрын
Epic video bro. I am stuck in self improvement and financial stage for 5 years but still falls back on same bad habits and minimum earning to have enough food to be alive and pay bills. I still don't knows about any specific trauma that brings me down but as I lived in abusive household I hope I had many haha.
@Sx-xy2zi 8 ай бұрын
I think this may explain why i self sabotage relationships
@Jonnelss 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to make this video. I'm so grateful I took the time to watch it all, because you made such an authentic and profound message. Really interesting points, I'll definitely take time to explore my past, re-experience the trauma and embrace discomfort. Thank you Charlie.
@twystedworld584 3 ай бұрын
Wow. I’ve only watched maybe 3 of your videos, but hearing u go back and talk about that horrible time in your life made me want to hug your younger self. It made me want to cry. I have grown so much respect and genuine appreciation for you and your content, that hearing you were bullied affected me deeply. So thankful you’re here today, and so proud of how far you’ve come. 🫂
@ICEDMANE 6 ай бұрын
Watched the whole thing and this was the best 2 hours of my life
@SaniBravo 5 ай бұрын
You are absolutely right wow man I’m actively realizing this literally right now I’m glad you confirmed this for me.
@Jimmystockphoto 3 ай бұрын
Wow man, this hit deep, you had be sobbing in the second hour but wow man! Holy shit these demons I need to deal with
@MindBenderMav 7 ай бұрын
It’s fascinating! Why is no one else teaching about this? Thanks for bringing to light 💡
@bastianrivero 3 ай бұрын
I think you might save me from poverty and depression one video at a time 😂❤
@charlestheking0955 7 ай бұрын
Yo I don’t usually comment on these type videos but bro these videos have been life changing and I appreciate how much value you provide this is damn near paid content , thank you brother keep it up
@treasurehunt7812 7 ай бұрын
There's another way to break and maintain above the ceiling. If your motivation isn't self interested but is, instead, support of another, it becomes possible to break the pleasure/pain governors. They become obsolete.
@krispysox 7 ай бұрын
I didn't watch the video - but once you realise, it all goes back in the box ... you chill. Understanding your own mind crushing insignificance will serve you well.
@me_and_mo_podcast Ай бұрын
This is one of the best videos I have EVER watched
@JevanGoldsmith 7 ай бұрын
I don't ever comment on videos but this is exactly what I needed to understand right now. Appreciate you going to the effort of making this.
@raindog5378 7 ай бұрын
Man, you are talking directly to me. Thank you for this video. It's helping me today, a day where I started off at the bottom. Thank you.
@LM76YU 8 ай бұрын
Best video on youtube iv watched fully in YEARS. This is going to set me free. thankyou
@dineshm75 8 ай бұрын
Pain. What does that feel like. I get that. But how it actually feel like. I have my blood pressure raising and heart thumping. Is this how the pain he talk about should I always have. Kindly can you say me something about this. ( because I misunderstood something like if I am always under this pain. I might have medical issues. What exactly or how should the pain be.) Kindly reply😊
@LM76YU 8 ай бұрын
@@dineshm75 pain and dicomfort can lead to depression/addiction but on the otherhand if your so unhappy where you are then it will act as a motivator. Abit like being put in a boiling hot pot. Some accept it & die, Some jump out. The video basically says jump out, rather than drown in sorrow like most people
@Amtszeit 7 ай бұрын
This is the best video i´ve watched in years and exactely what i needed. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing this Charlie!
@TheMightyWalk 8 ай бұрын
Bullying and overcoming is a necessary part of the human process. We shouldn’t get rid of it , overcoming both parts of being the bully and being the victim are paramount
@memerlemur9064 7 ай бұрын
you my friend should look into philosophy! around the 16:00 you discuss homeostasis, what a better term would be is psychological virtue. The middle ground of mindset, especially emotion. I try hard to be virtuous in my views as i resonated with virtue when i learned it, but you opened my eyes to be virtuous in mindset and the way you explained it really helped. Thanks, and nice house bro fr! very respectful flex hahahaha
@drewsharps8179 7 ай бұрын
This video came through on my feed and to be honest I never heard of or seen this Gentleman, needless to say this video had me interested the whole way through and came resonate with all thw topics he talked about. Great work and you have another sub!
@ntsotisengqhobela-morojele8366 7 ай бұрын
I just came across your videos yesterday & didn't waste time to subscribe. This is amazing. Thank you so much & I'm happy you have figured out how to come out strong. All the best.
@michaelmcwhirter 5 ай бұрын
Is technique actually works. I've seen myself editing videos and doing stuff that I usually don't like to do but then I say this is the greatest stuff ever and it works. Furthermore when I think about taking a break or listening to something that would not be productive I associate it with some of the worst moments I've ever had in my life. I've convinced myself that go in the easy way is truly considered awful. Great video! 🔥 Also I'm looking for a mentor in a team if anybody knows anyone! 🎯
@hgcalben8241 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for explaining your idea on trauma. I resonated with a lot of it even though my past is different than yours. Trauma causes us to fundamentally feel inadequate and not enough so we feel we have to compensate some how. Starting a business is compensation for that inadequacy for a lot of people.
@benhagstrom2185 7 ай бұрын
Awesome that you and many other are discovering this so young. I didn't discover it until my late 30s and like you said many people never heal that wound and spend their whole lives bleeding on others without understanding why
@richardpack4582 3 ай бұрын
Charlie, you legend also love you humour such a real and loving person the way you explain things is nothing short of a gift! I was gonna come in about books you would recommend you read my mind appreciate all your help and selflessness 🙏
@nish2125 7 ай бұрын
Love it. One of the best videos I've watched in a long time. Would love a more in depth look at how to create pain to flip the floor
@JakeWilson-n1g 7 ай бұрын
This was a hard but much needed watch, first thing I did was contact my therapist lol. Thank you Charlie.
@bohyeonjang6674 8 ай бұрын
I just finished watching your last 5 long from white board content. (Watching you from South Korea) I can't thank enough of the KZbin algorithm that led me to your video. This is the most well spent 2 hours of my 21 years of life. I want a video where I can learn about "How to not be burned out and sustain certain routine or work hours"
@TheMindsetManifesto- 8 ай бұрын
There's already a video on how you can start focused, idk if that helps you
@Crisis_DangerousOpportunity 8 ай бұрын
this is why that makes "people like us" inherently different - we're seen as "extreme" to the average person we're not extreme, we simply have different standards but like hormozi said: "to be an exceptional individual, you have to do exceptional things"
@automata_pi 7 ай бұрын
I relate to your story really well. It is quite the same motivation to start a business. I've started at 28yo, after beeing feeled used by people in corporations. It was last time I accepted it
@happyboy6879 8 ай бұрын
bro just sit there and change people's life, wonderful 🥺
@imryandickerson 3 ай бұрын
oh my god thank you for this. this was the missing piece to my puzzle.
@UnprofitableServant777 8 ай бұрын
Can you make a video on how you plan your year, months, weeks and days?
@yesitsthattime 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! This works, even for my mid 40 yr old self, years into my midlife crisis. I can barely describe it...
@ArthurHung38 7 ай бұрын
THANK YOU, my bare minimum is having the whole world enlightened now. And I plan to feel sick in my stomach every moment that's not true in my experience and in everyone else's experience. Thank you so much, you have my pure gratitude. Your tool here works for everything that matters to someone.
@David-u5w2r 7 ай бұрын
Enlightened to what? Careful what you wish for.
@jennifermorgan1111 7 ай бұрын
I think we are twin flames:..holy cow I am impressed! Everything you’ve said is exactly how I see and understand things.
@michaelkross6752 6 ай бұрын
One of if not the best video I’ve watched on YT
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