Is there an option to add Dynamic zone inside Repeatable components?
@thi_thi_ko Жыл бұрын
Documentation link is not working
@germain-dela-kobby9 ай бұрын
When I try to save a component after creating it, it gives an error
@Strapi9 ай бұрын
Does it show a specific error message? I will try to see if I can reproduce your issue. We also have an office hours Mon - Friday 12:30 PM CST on Strapis Discord. You can stop by and show your issue and we can help you out.
@EgorDemeshko Жыл бұрын
я думаю вы понимаете что я пишу) с компонентами, такое чувство что перескочили через несколько тем. только что мы списки данных создавали, а тут вдруг компоненты, и я так понимаю, намек в том что strapi frontend еще рисует, но в результате появлется еще больше вопросов)) ну и в итоге совершенно не понятно как эти компоненты использовать, ну в реальности. чтож будем капать дальше.
@PitchBlackAlex9 ай бұрын
Hi, sorry for spamming you, but can't find proper content for my question. I have the following scenario: Collection Type called Articles. Each Article has dynamic zone whit repeatable Components (RichText, Accordion and etc.) Each of the components has description field. In the CMS Articles findMany how the filtering should look like to access the Dynamic Zone components? I tried different combinations like: { content: { ["$or"]: [ { description: { "$containsi": searchTerm } }, { components: { [operator]: [ { description: { "$containsi": searchTerm } } ] } },
@Strapi9 ай бұрын
Checkout this blog post if will help you to better understand populate and filtering. Also for me to be able to help I need to see your data structure for yourArticles collection. Here is an example of using populate to get dynamic zones with components. In the above example, picture, buttons, feature, and testimonials are components nested inside a dynamic zone.
@SaverioWodka Жыл бұрын
Why you're showing a dynamic content with two level deep, nested components, when this feature is not allowed? That's misleading... And imho, the biggest flow of your cms system.
@Mcandrea Жыл бұрын
hi im a mexican developer person i liked to create a button from where do you get a button, help me, please !!!!