How to: Nail Ward w/ Tincture Materials: Nail (or piece of iron) or Railroad Spike Bottle - 5 ml Camphor 3 Rose Thorns Black Mustard Seed Rosemary *I used dried for this video 100 proof Vodka Pocket Knife or other tool for scraping camphor Black Thread Dropper Scissors (optional: to trim threads) To your bottle add: camphor, thorns, mustard seed and rosemary. Using a dropper, add vodka to fill the rest of the bottle. Add lid back to bottle, and shake to mix. Tie black thread to your nail, setting your intention while knotting. *I tied 3 knots. Say your intention into the nail. Dip your nail into the tincture so that it soaks into the thread. Place your nail on the top of your doorway, windowsill, etc. - wherever you desire protection.