We must be proudly of our traditional heritage which unite us together as a great Igbo race. Any person or group of people who S/he or as group of people against our traditional heritage display is against our unity. Our rich traditional design dance is what brought us to together as a race, our enemies are not happy. So therefore they created various means of dividing us by firstly condemning our traditional displays as a satanic or devilishly in order for us to have hatred to our traditional beliefs Our enemies use Christianity religion as a very strong weapons to weaken our collective interests and unity among ourselves Today ,most of us extended that virus the enemies injected into our blood stream through religion to our language .It is a padam to us as race, it is also a weapons of conquest, , the earlier we know who we are the better for us both born and unborn generations to come . We MUST embrace our unique , custom and traditional backgrounds and cultural heritage, so that we will preserve our lives and reflection of our race as. one ancestral linage.