Chinese Wall Loop - Bob Marshall Wilderness Backcountry Backpacking

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Howe's the Hike?

Howe's the Hike?

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@ricklarry4212 Жыл бұрын
Awesome footage, Stu. The "Chinese Wall" was very inspiring, just a gorgeous landscape. You have good bear sense too, I mean not using a whistle to warn others because of the threat to marmots as well as encouraging the bears to move in closer. I think your monologs also let bears know someone is around. Good companions on this hike as well, motivation for keeping the journey moving forward. Thanks for sharing.
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! It is quite an interesting area, "The Bob", and there are other parts of the Chinese Wall that I want to explore at some point. I appreciate the comments about my sharing my thoughts! I agree that when I'm talking to myself, it certainly could warn animals that I'm coming through. Ha ha! I also find that doing the videos when I'm hiking solo makes me feel a little less "solo" as I am talking to you and others who watch them. Having good company like I did on this hike and others this summer is also a good substitute for that! Thanks again for the compliments and for watching :-)
@tangenttrails Жыл бұрын
Great time out in the backcountry. You gotta love the Bob!
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
You've got that right! I need to explore much more of it and hope I can make that happen in the next couple of years! And I love Choteau Montana. What a great town to hang out in as you approach The Bob.
@dr.gschemistry9319 7 ай бұрын
31:47 I camped at that same spot when I did my solo trip in 2020. There weren't many people around that July as you can imagine. I did the big loop (~80 miles), counterclockwise like you three. Fantastic trip. I'm planning my next which will take me on the North Loop, seeing the Northern edge of the Chinese wall. I prefer the loop trips...I don't like to back track if I can help it.
@HowestheHike 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comments! I prefer loops or lollypops as well. Back to the car! My friend and I are planning a return this summer - probably July - to the Bob. Super special place and quite different than those of us focused in the Rockies experience. It's just a whole different feel and I love it!
@kimchaffey9827 Жыл бұрын
Another Epic hike. Another one for the list. CDT is cool too. so many hikes so little time! but i have to say you have knocked it out of the park this year, good for you. if you're back west next year i would love to join you for an Epic hike.
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind comments. And there's still much more to come before I'm finished this year including some videos that I haven't released yet :-) I'm still out west - although a little further south in Montana with a couple of great hikes in Yellowstone before I head back to the Banff and Canmore area. And who knows, if the weather holds maybe I'll get one more in before the snow flies! And I would love to hike with you, let's make sure we set it up :-)
@jjinthemountains369 Жыл бұрын
Another good video Stuart. It was great hiking with you, Jon and I really enjoyed it. The Bob is a special place. I just wish we would have had more time out there, a couple more days ... I think it would have been good to go in up Rock Creek to the Wall, maybe loop in there and back out down Moose Creek and out on 261/202. Hopefully we can get out there again. Or anywhere lol. Keep in touch. Safe travels.
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
Thanks JJ. The pleasure was mine! Enter or exit over larch pass would be super interesting as well - so much to explore and so little time. Looking forward to your vid as well.
@amandasteele6790 5 ай бұрын
We did that trip a few years ago with our horses; there is nearly no grass for horses along Rock Creek so if you like to avoid horses that can be a good trail for that! It was a fabulous loop though Rock Creek gets a little bit like a very long tunnel, straight through the trees for miles and miles!
@HowestheHike 5 ай бұрын
That's a great observation, thank you for sharing! Heading back to the Bob next week in a different area! Looking forward to it very much.
@mew00501011 10 ай бұрын
Great video!
@HowestheHike 10 ай бұрын
@adamfelske5866 Жыл бұрын
It's great to see you guys found that epic camp site on Day 2! That's the exact one we wanted you guys to show up at. What did you think about that fire pit back wall? We may or may not have built that up. The wind seemed to only blow in one direction.
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
We wondered if that was you guys! And we wondered if that was the camp you meant. We had discovered a couple more within a mile or so that were also quite nice. And it's funny about the wind wall, I think the wind was blowing in the other direction when we were there ha ha ha! Great to meet you:-)
@adamfelske5866 Жыл бұрын
@@HowestheHikego figure on the wind!! It was a heck of a spark preventer that's for sure. We had such an excellent camp at that site. One of our all time favs. A real gem and the stars were REDICULOUS! So much view space since the mountains were a bit further out and the trees more sparse. The milky way was in full effect! Very glad you got to check it out and indeed it was great getting to meet you as well!
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
That explains it!
@jeremiah1784 6 ай бұрын
Great video!! You by chance have the Gaia map link?
@HowestheHike 6 ай бұрын
Give me a couple of days so I can sit down with my computer where I have a cell connection! I do have it recorded I just have to share the link.
@barryparris91 Жыл бұрын
Stuart, how many miles did you drive this summer? Or km if you prefer.
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
Hahaha. I will add that up in December!! More to come...
@xnilesx1 Жыл бұрын
The Bob Marshall Bigtime hiker Forester Wilderness Advocate “un-american” for his day. 37:10 young goshawk
@HowestheHike Жыл бұрын
Love this! Very true indeed...
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