You are so right. I hope he can be fair to all of them but not just making joke on it. They are real hero that's lead tgat victory. I was disappointed with his comment actually.
謝謝嗩吶長期的分享,我是在東區德的老男孩直撥被你圈粉,你的影片很有意義,並啟發的我,更勇敢的面對網路上的霸凌,對同志冒犯的攻擊語言,還有沒有根據的指控,還有煽動他人犯罪的言論,這些我都是零容忍的態度。 我也會引用您的影片做結尾。 We can together make a better and friendly society in the future . Peace~~~~! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤🩹❣💕💞💓💗💖💝💘👏👏👏👍👍👍🤜🤛🫂🤝👍
@@吳克祥-r6k 只要打Elaine interview after the trial,只有了,本來還同情她的人,現在走光光。
@seanychenav2 жыл бұрын
Addressing the question posed at 4:00 of this video: jury system vs. judge system. First of all, I don't think the difference between jury system vs. judge system is emotionally-driven vs. logic based. A jury can be logic based as well. Having served in 2 jury duties myself in U.S., my personal opinion of the jury system is that it is much harder to corrupt an entire jury, whereas it could be much easier for a judge to be corrupted through money or threat. Jurors' identities are hidden (for a year), so it is much more difficult to bribe or threat a juror to affect the verdict. Also, it is much harder to convict someone, because it only takes one dissenter in the jury to acquit the accused. Both of the jury duty I served in resulted in acquittal of the defense, not because we don't think or feel that the accused party did something wrong, but that there is not enough evidence to convince that the accused party did this exact thing as accused. Looking at the final jury demographics, I think Johnny's legal team worked really hard to get rid of the emotionally driven jurors. The final jury has 3 Asian men, 1 Asian woman, 1 black woman, and 3 Caucasian men. No Caucasian woman who would possibly empathize with Amber's alleged situation.
看完補充回覆一下,雖然這場勝利看似陪審團制度比較好,比起台灣常常被一堆恐龍法官打到最高法院的時候,單憑法條和犯人幾滴鱷魚眼淚,就亂減刑的"可教化",但是我始終記得很小的時候,看書上寫Charles Milles Manson案件"曼森血案",有些特殊罪犯的特殊人格魅力,太能鼓舞群眾,也容易造成陪審團失誤,我記得看到當時打官司的律師,說他的確是戰戰兢兢的打那場官司,還全程很不樂觀,(即使是恐怖行刑式謀殺),加上台灣文化背景,實在是值得深思熟慮的事情,畢竟古代都有清官比貪官尤為可惡的記載了~最後希望世界和平吧(扯好遠),這幾年疫情和戰爭也夠亂了,大家都peace~