Can we not use the Double sided scanning for Scan to email feature directly from the Printer/scanner, rather than laptop?
@KarimGT500 Жыл бұрын
Hi, in my case it does not ask me to scan the other side of the pages like you see in your video at 2:32 what could be the problem? thanks
@TechnologyTips017 Жыл бұрын
Dear Karim, Thanks for checking out the channel! Was the HP full software used? Try this link for the drivers: For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@eugenek18954 жыл бұрын
How to scan from printer to computer using feeder but without using the app?
@mmung4u4 жыл бұрын
Great video and excellent explanation. However, I am personally disappointed to see the feature is not natively supported. (Update: Brother is not much different. Only high-end models seem to support duplex scanning, not low-end models)
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear mmung4u, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! Yes, we get for what we pay but the auto reorder of the scanned pages with the software is good enough without paying more. May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@Jarbeeable10 ай бұрын
Thank you. Is there a version of the HP software for the double sided scan that works with a Mac computer? I just clicked on the software link and it says the HP site is down. I don't know if this is because the link is old or if HP has a current problem. But in the end, I am operating on a Mac.
@TechnologyTips01710 ай бұрын
Dear @Jarbeeable, Thanks for checking out the channel! Thanks for bringing to our attention on the broken link, it's now updated. However, it does not support Mac. Try using HP Smart app on Apple store for your needs. For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@TheYoungerSemiOldMan3 жыл бұрын
I have a M281cdw. I am wondering if I should buy the M283cdw and return the old one that is pretty much new. Are there any rea l differences?
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear Sofa King, Thanks for checking out the channel! We would go for newer model if price is similar. For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@ahmedmoosa37342 жыл бұрын
I have a HP LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw. It doesn't have the menu as your video. Can you kindly help for my machine. Thanks
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Ahmed Moosa, Thanks for checking out the channel! This was using the HP Scan from the full featured software. Download and install the full software from this link: For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@sybilfly4 жыл бұрын
Can this printer scan double sided automatically without having to manually turn the paper and how?
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear Sia ti, Thanks for checking out the channel! The Document feeder only scans 1 side at a time, so scanning double sided needs to be manually reloaded. For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@moritzk.1244 Жыл бұрын
Where can I get the software? After opening the HP link I receive an error, sorry, website unavailabe.... :-(
@TechnologyTips017 Жыл бұрын
Dear Moritz K., Thanks for checking out the channel! Try this link for the drivers: For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@anasdragon23162 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. At 4:45 we seem to see that the page1 scan has parasite background with the verso of page 2. Do you still have the pdf so we can check out the quality of the scan and if this background verso effect is as bad as it looks on the video ? Thank you,
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Anas Dragon, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! The faint image of the from Page 2 (onto Page 1) was primarily due to the big font size for the letters we used to highlight the page numbers in this tutorial. In normal documents, the faint image from the scans could not be visible or noticeable. For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@anasdragon23162 жыл бұрын
@@TechnologyTips017 thanks, unless you recommand another color AOI laser printer with similar features/price that you think to be better I think I will be buying this one.
@giuseppepizzichemi51944 жыл бұрын
One thing is not clear to me for (model M283FDW). Is it possible to scan directly from the printer (Scan icon?) And send the PDF to an email or to a network folder, ie without having to use the HP Smart service? HP defines it as Small Business (max team of 10) but if you have to use the PC for scanning it is impractical. Thanks in advance to anyone who will give me an answer.
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear Giuseppe Pizzichemi, Thanks for checking out the channel! Yes it can send to an email. Check out our latest video: For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@MaceWindoo Жыл бұрын
HP does not allow Mac users to download the driver software it looks like. Does this mean I cannot use the automatic reorder feautre?
@danielecork3 жыл бұрын
Software seems to have vanished from hp site? Could you post link?
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear danielecork, Thanks for checking out the channel! Here's the link to the HP full software: For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@rjc2413 жыл бұрын
A good simply explained video which is more than I can say for HP Cheers
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear rjc241, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@asiftalgang4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, could you please share the link for HP Scan software? it is bit difficult to find, appreciate your help.
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear Muhammad Asif Iqbal, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! Link to Software: For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@asiftalgang4 жыл бұрын
@@TechnologyTips017 done, thanks for the brief reply, it is working fine now :) Tks
@AudeBesna4 жыл бұрын
@@TechnologyTips017 would you have a link for Mac driver?
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear Aude b, Thanks for checking out the channel! Check out this link for Mac 10.15 (that's the latest Mac OS it supports from the site) Link to Software: There is an option to choose a different OS version on the link itself. For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@zaki17-8 ай бұрын
your videos are super helpful, thank you sir
@TechnologyTips0178 ай бұрын
Dear @zaki17- , Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@mariosto29602 жыл бұрын
thanks this helped me out and worked great.
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Mariosto, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@amazonwinds2 жыл бұрын
Which printer does double side scanning with single feed and outputs PDF in one shot? This is useless as it involves multiple steps. I had a NEAT scanner which will do everything in one shot. Unfortunately, they have stopped the support so their software is no longer available to install in Windows 10.
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Jz, Thanks for checking out the channel! The HP Color LaserJet MFP M479 series does a 1-pass 2-sided scan: For more tips on the Color LaserJet MFP M479 model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@samytm26 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this useful video !
@TechnologyTips017 Жыл бұрын
Dear ProSlam, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@ellejayqueue84943 жыл бұрын
Excellent video, thank you so much! Saved me from a lot of confusion...
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear My Hooded Eyelids, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@giuseppegaribaldi31444 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Better than user manual! Greetings from Italy!
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear Giuseppe Garibaldi, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@giuseppegaribaldi31444 жыл бұрын
@@TechnologyTips017 May we invite you to like and subscribe... etc DONE!
@DionyVasquez-lz4sd7 ай бұрын
Hola buenas alguien tiene el link para descargar la APP de Escaner HP que aparece en el video?
@TechnologyTips0177 ай бұрын
Dear @DionyVasquez-lz4sd, Thanks for checking out the channel! Download & install the software from this link: For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@queeniekwok66433 жыл бұрын
Really don’t understand HP company 5 years ago our company got this brand of the printer scanner and copier, it has auto scan both sided function pop-up from the machine itself… and after 5ish years later need to do this manually
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Queenie Kwok, Thanks for checking out the channel! The printer model your company purchased 5 years ago probably has the feature of 2 sided scan for the document feeder, do you know the model number? The HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP m283fdw's document feeder only scans 1 sided. For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@trattay4 жыл бұрын
Hi, very helpful video but where can I download this hp scan software. I tried hard but couldn't succeed.
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear trattay, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! Check out this video on how to download and install the software. Link to Software: For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@Calcetin_Impar3 жыл бұрын
@@TechnologyTips017 Thanks thanks thank!!!!! Thank you so much!!
@adalatkhan18622 жыл бұрын
the link is no longer working for the software, can you update it plz help
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear adalat khan, Thanks for checking out the channel! Thanks for bringing to our attention. Here's the Link and it has also been updated in the description: For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@kaushalvpatel2 жыл бұрын
Thank You for your time and effort.
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Kaushal Patel's Cricket videos (Florida), Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@kennharvey012 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!! This really helped me.
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Kenn Harvey, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@marcozagolin23265 ай бұрын
great !!! works even on an old m277
@TechnologyTips0175 ай бұрын
Dear @marcozagolin2326, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@CescoCDN2 жыл бұрын
Great tips. I'm saving all your vids on the M283 and *hoping* it applies to he Mac. Sometimes, some options, ex. wireless scanning in a Mac environment are not available withsoem machines.
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear CescoCDN, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@mike12check3 жыл бұрын
All I needed to know. Decision made
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear Mike M, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@mariya.077 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@TechnologyTips0177 ай бұрын
Dear @mariya.07, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@dilosxh4 жыл бұрын
Good explanation!
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear dilaera, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@RE-sr6zw2 жыл бұрын
You are soooo helpful!! Thanks
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Mathieu M, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@barbevcl9173 жыл бұрын
This Worbk, I need to shrink 22 pages of documents as pdf and as 1 file at 2MB
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear barbevcl917, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@MsBabasam3 жыл бұрын
Very Helpful Thanks
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear Sanjay Subhedar, Thanks for checking out the channel!. Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@nanagyam13143 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing 👍
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear nana gyam, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@edwardwears2953 жыл бұрын
Very helpful, thank you.
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear Edward Wears, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@yusufamiry96764 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing this!
@TechnologyTips0174 жыл бұрын
Dear Yusuf Amiry, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on this printer: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@ScrubsIsee2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the vid. But what a lousy implementation of this feature. For two sides, you have to walk two times to the printer. A NETWORK printer ...
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear Christian Benedict, Thanks for checking out the channel! The Document feeder only supports 1-sided scan, hence that's the only way to do a 2-sided scan. Consumers can always opt for a model (HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M479fdw) with a Document feeder that scans 2 sided. For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@phuongthuy74393 жыл бұрын
thank you so much
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear Phương Thùy, Thanks for checking out the channel! Glad to be of help! For more tips on these printer models: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@MarkPurmal3 жыл бұрын
@TechnologyTips0173 жыл бұрын
Dear Mark Purmal Photography, Thanks for checking out the channel!. Glad to be of help! For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below. Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@9856CB2 жыл бұрын
This link is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Outdated, the new HP download software only gives you HP Smart.........THE DUMBEST APP YET! You're losing the one no longer available, even if I use my original disc, it forces the new "piece of crap".
@TechnologyTips0172 жыл бұрын
Dear 9856CB, Thanks for checking out the channel! This was using the HP Scan from the full featured software. Download and install the full software from this link (this is NOT HP Smart) For more tips on this model: May we invite you to like and subscribe to our channel for the latest video uploads by simply clicking on the link below., Click on the bell so you will not miss any notifications. Best, Technology Tips
@JasonCramer Жыл бұрын
This is absolute BS. They always have an angle - slimy as hell company and I wish I didn't buy this when I already knew they were slimy from many experiences before. The old OfficeJet printer I had would do 2-sided ADF scans by default without software. Only that printer deliberately ate through ink without even printing! So I get a laser printer and of course... their angle is to load you down with their bloatware malware "full featured software" bull crap. I don't want to install their frikkin malware. They must surely be a better alternative to this. Maybe I can achieve the same thing through the web admin interface?