הפטריוטים עם איתמר פליישמן I 25.9.2024 I התוכנית המלאה

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עכשיו 14

עכשיו 14

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עכשיו 14 | ערוץ החדשות של ישראל
• הצטרפו אלינו עכשיו גם ב:
לערוץ היוטיוב של התוכניות המלאות ◄ / @now14tochniot
אפליקציה ◄ now14.co.il/app
פייסבוק ◄ / now14israel
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עכשיו 14 גאה להציג טלוויזיה ערכית שחרטה על דגלה להביא את חדשות האמת ללא אינטרסים, את ערכי היהדות, הציונות, השבת וארץ ישראל. הערוץ מסמל את התיקון התקשורתי לימין אחראי, לאחר שנים רבות של אפליה.
באתר וברשתות שלנו תוכלו ליהנות מתכנים מגוונים, כגון: תוכנית "ישראל הבוקר" עם איש התקשורת שי גולדן, "ריקלין ושות" עם שמעון ריקלין, "שבע" עם המגיש אמיר איבגי, "המהדורה המרכזית" בהגשת אשת התקשורת מגי טביבי, העיתונאי שרון גל ובהשתתפות בכירי הכתבים של הערוץ וכמובן הפאנל המסקרן של "הפטריוטים" בהשתתפות ינון מגל, איתמר פליישמן, עירית לינור, יקי אדמקר, דרור קאפח ועוד.

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@firakanter6797 Күн бұрын
למה? באמת למה??? יש לי כמה דקות בערב להנות מפטריוטים, אז למה לסבול מהדודה הזאת??? איפה פרופסור.😢
@upinipin9189 Күн бұрын
Greeting from indonesia
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
זאת ציפי ששאלה "מי יטוס לכם?" למי ששכח
@kiusharon Күн бұрын
יו כן אני מחולחלת.. זה תקוע לי בראש! בעלה טייס .. לא צריכה שום במה שתשב בבית בשקט!
@aniyldatova 23 сағат бұрын
בושה שאשת טייס פותחת את הפה אין לה זכות דבור , עופי
@user-jn9mo9zf2x 23 сағат бұрын
למה הבאתם את ציפי, אשה חסרת אינטליגנציה רק "יורה" משפטים באוויר בלי כל משמעות, בזבוז זמן לצופה
@estershapira8177 Күн бұрын
לא הבנתי למה הבאתם אותה את ציפי. באמת אשמח להבין
@asafglick8331 Күн бұрын
אהבתי את הדבר תורה של אמיר אביבי חוץ מזה שהוא איש חכם וביטחוניסט אלוף אני תמיד אוהב לשמוע אותו תמיד הוא אומר דברים חכמים 👏👌
@moyshi.v Күн бұрын
בהחלט היה דבר תורה שנון וחזק..
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
והיום גבירותי, הרשו לי להצהיר על הלייק הראשון. הפיצוץ ההיפרסוני? זה אני. יאללה אחרי
@kiusharon Күн бұрын
😂😂ישר כוח!
@firakanter6797 Күн бұрын
ציפי איך את מתנהגת. ילדה פגועה שחייבת להפריעה לכולם. אגף איפור מוצלח
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
ציפי מסרבת לדבר על היום שאחרי
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
אשת טייס שאומרת על משהו או מישהו שהוא מנותק? שמעתי נכון? י
@MosheGavrielBinkovitz 22 сағат бұрын
הציפי הזאת בפאנל הפטריוטים כמו תזמורת שאחד הנגנים מזייף קשות!
@firakanter6797 Күн бұрын
אתם מדברים לקיר. זה נקרא ערלת הלב. ציפי זמן מבוזבז.
@66mikeyz Күн бұрын
אם את לא נותנת את האפשרות להפרדה ...את לא נותנת להתפלל ... את בדיחה 😊
@hagitzabari267 Күн бұрын
שמעתי את ציפי לגבי התפילה בכיפור והזדעזעתי לא למדו כלום😢 וכמובן אין על הפטריוטים❤
@kiusharon Күн бұрын
@asafglick8331 23 сағат бұрын
@@hagitzabari267 נו מה חדש אני ממש הייתי אופטימי שאחרי ה7 באוקטובר השמאל יפסיק עם המשחקי כוח והפוליטיקה הקטנה כדי להבין את גודל השעה אבל כנראה זה חזק מהם אם ממש כמו ילדים לא מצליחים לא לחשוב רק על עצמם
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
צודקת ציפי. את לא מפסיקה לשמוע את הזמזום של המטוסים באוויר טוחנים את החזבאללה. ב-7 באוקטובר, לעומת זאת היחידים שלא הפסיקו לזמזם אלה עורכי הדין של הפצ"ריה. הטייסים? לא זמזום, אלא צ-ר-צ-ר-י-ם
@רבקה-ב4ס Күн бұрын
למה בכלל ציפי הגיעה אני לא מבינה וחוץ מזה כל מי שאוהב את פליישמן לייק❤❤❤❤❤❤👇
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
ברק רביד חתם על הסכם עודפים עם ג'ו ביידן
@66mikeyz Күн бұрын
אם היא מסלפת אין מה להקשיב לה ...נקודה צביעות ממדרגה ראשונה
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
סקופ: נתניהו ביטל את הנסיעה לאו"ם. דפנה ליאל: אי נסיעתו של נתניהו לדיון באו"ם חוסר אחריות והפקרת חזית ההסברה
@אהרןפרוכטמן Күн бұрын
לא להכניס חיילים לשטח אויב...להשטיח מלמעלה !!!!!!
@דודמלךישראל-ק5ז Күн бұрын
יש הסכם בלבנון על מעבר לליטני אבל הסכם עם מחבלים לא שוה את הניר ,,,,,,,
@aniyldatova 22 сағат бұрын
ציפי, כמה זיקית וצביעות יש בך, מטורללת
@battzion7918 22 сағат бұрын
גברת ציפי, תשארי בתל אביב. אל תתפרי כי המחט יכול לפוצץ לך את הבועה.
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
כמה טייסים נהרגו בדיוק? י
@cacioccion8432 18 сағат бұрын
טוב שלא נהרגו. תודה לאל.
@66mikeyz Күн бұрын
בהחלט רוצים לדעת למה אמרתם שלא יהיה צבא... !!!!!!!!! בלי להתעלם!!!!! אנחנו כולנו מצדיעים לטייסים !!!! אבל חייבים לדעת למה זה קרה !!!!!
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
אפרופו ראש הממשלה שציפי לא רוצה שיהיה מנותק ושבזמן הנאום שלו באו"מ המנוע של המטוס צריך לעבוד. זה נכון גם בשמחת תורה? אני הייתי מעדיף שהמנועים של מטוסי חיל האוויר היו עובדים בזמן שאתם שלחתם את ראש הממשלה לישון. טוב, כל אחד וסדר העדיפויות שלו
@shalomiabutbull 16 сағат бұрын
מדינה יהודית צריך וחשוב להתפלל להמחיש את התרבות הדת המסורת היהודית הייחודית, לנו כעם. התפיסה שיש חשיבות גדולה בעריית תא הארורה שמאפשרת למוסלמים ולאטבים להתכנס ולעסוק ולעשות כרצונם ..ולנו לא טעות גסה
@אתיקפואנו 23 сағат бұрын
💐💞 ערב טוב ומבורך לפטריוטים.
@user-jn9mo9zf2x 23 сағат бұрын
למה הבאתם את האפסית הזו???
@leoragoldberg 23 сағат бұрын
כמובן צופה מניו יורק בכל שידור !!!
@בנימין-ק5ו 15 сағат бұрын
שכול המסרבים שיחזירו את כול הכסף שהמדינה שילמה ו המשיכה לשלם להם
@ברכיהכהן-י9ו 14 сағат бұрын
למה מביאים את הציפי הזואת מורידה את הרמה
@MosheAsraf-v6j 16 сағат бұрын
מאיפה גירדו את הציפיטפוט הזאת?!😡
@אני-ש3י 20 сағат бұрын
הציפי הזאת מציפה לנו שוב בהמון מלל נפוח קשקשני ומיילל שהיא כנראה עדיין ב-6.10? מבינים למה הבאת אותה. ספגנו וזה בהחלט מספיק לנו. פטריוטים קבועים יקרים שלנו אוהבים להקשיב לכם.
@בומיפט 23 сағат бұрын
אחלה פליישמן!!8-4 למרגלים הטובים!!!תודה ערוץ 14!!!תודה לדור המדבר ולדור הקוממיות!
@rs2010vncurl 20 сағат бұрын
גברת ברנדט את היום התעוררת ב 6:29 בבוקר לנפילה??? שכחת את ה 6:29 בשביעי לאוקטובר מי לא העיר את הנרצחים בנובה וביישובי הדרום עד...8 בערב....
@user-jn9mo9zf2x 20 сағат бұрын
אין על עירית לינור👑🇮🇱👑🇮🇱
@Marina-dy1it 17 сағат бұрын
פלישמן צודק לא לתת ליהודים במידנה יהודית!!!! לתפלל איפה ואיך רוצים, זה פשיזם 😢
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
לידע כללי: כמחצית הטייסים שלא המריאו ב-7 באוקטובר - מיל. רוב מובילי המבנים שלא הובילו לשום מקום ב-7 באוקטובר - מיל. אחוז ההתייצבות של טייסי המילואים ב-7 באוקטובר... כבר שנה ככה. פספסתי משהו? י
@annashin4717 13 сағат бұрын
בגלל ציפי אי אפשר לשמוע. מתערבת כל הזמן.
@mlevi5328 20 сағат бұрын
מי זאת הציפי הזאת? מתגעגעים לפרופסור, איש יקר
@Marina-dy1it 17 сағат бұрын
ציפי רגילה להגיד מה שצריך ולא מה שהיא חושבת לפי תפקיד שלה
@אסתרהורוביץ-ט4פ 23 сағат бұрын
מחיה נפשות. קידוש שם שמים ברבים. יישר כוח גדול!!
@iliyabirenbaum6946 19 сағат бұрын
ערוץ היחידי שמעלה מורל לעם ישראל ולא מתבחיין!
@שלומידגול 20 сағат бұрын
אהובים שאתם
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
ירדן גונן, תודה על הכוח וההשראה. כולנו אתך
@ابومحمودالخوالد 6 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🙏🙏🙏القدس عاصمة فلسطين
@ابومحمودالخوالد 6 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🙏🙏🙏
@aniyldatova 22 сағат бұрын
מי פי מיפי זיפי מפלגת מסיתה
@אשרמיזרחי 21 сағат бұрын
אלופים אהובים !!!
@Yaelav319 Күн бұрын
באים באים
@simhazamir8102 13 сағат бұрын
אני ממשיכה לעקוב אחרי הפטריוטים כל הכבוד לכם כל הפנל גם ינון מגל חסר לנו היום אתם החמצן מבחינת אינפורמציה אתם וערוץ 14
@battzion7918 22 сағат бұрын
לירדן! מחבקים כל החטופים! מבקשים מה׳ אלוקינו שנס גדול יקרה! הערה: לרוב תושבי ישראל אין ממ״ד. שנה של בשורות מדהימות וניצחון מוחלט!
@babaganushkkk 18 сағат бұрын
לא צריך להזכיר לטייסים הסרבנים, צריך להעמידם לדין על בגידה ולהוציאם להורג, שום מכבסת מילים אחרת, הם מהאחראים הבלעדיים לשואת העוטף
@orlysamra9752 18 сағат бұрын
ב״ה תבוא שנה טובה ומתוקה עלינו ועל כל עם ישראל . נאחל בריאות וחיזוק מבורא עולם לראש ממשלתנו בנימין נתניהו שימשיך להצדיע את המדינה להצלחות ושגשוג 🙏🙏🙏
@benderschechner Күн бұрын
לגבי האחים קלמנזון, לפחות הם קראו לזה פורום הגבורה ולא - כמו בימים כתיקונם - פורום הקבורה. חסדים קטנים
@Marina-dy1it 17 сағат бұрын
ציפי הזות מתאמת, אין מילים כמה מתעצבן את התגובות האלה. הכל משה עושה ביבי לא נחון.
@חנהארדות 13 сағат бұрын
שלח את הילדים על טיל לבית הספר ! זמרי אתה ענק !!
@freeradical99 Күн бұрын
לא מבין איך אומרים זה שנה ל 7 October?
@aniyldatova 23 сағат бұрын
תאריך עברי זה שנה ל7 באוקטובר 2023
@freeradical99 22 сағат бұрын
@@aniyldatova כ״ב תשרי
@liorbench 22 сағат бұрын
@freeradical99 הייתה שנה מעוברת של 13 חודשים אז טכנית עברו מאז 12 חודשים
@freeradical99 21 сағат бұрын
@@liorbench 12 חדשים עבריים , הבנתי
@ابوشجاع-ل1ق 2 сағат бұрын
Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.❤Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation القدس عربية اسلامية فلسطينية إلى الابد
@ابوشجاع-ل1ق 2 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation❤Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me. القدس عاصمة فلسطين الابدية
@اللهمانصرالشعبالفلسطيني 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation❤Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me. القدس عاصمة فلسطين الابدية
@الحمدللهربالعالمين-ش4د 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🙏🙏🙏القدس عاصمة فلسطين الابدية
@الحمدللهربالعالمين-ش4د 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🙏🙏🙏
@اللهمانصراهلغزة-ن4ك 15 сағат бұрын
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation❤Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.
@leaamrussi7586 11 сағат бұрын
דווקא אני שמחה שציפי נמצאת ולדעתי בכלל צריך להוסיף פאנלסיטים שמאלנים..זה יהיה הפאנל הכי מעניין ומחכים שיש!!!!
@SHAKED05 Күн бұрын
אהוד ברח עם חברו אלדד יניב
@user-jn9mo9zf2x 20 сағат бұрын
ירדן בחורה מדהימהההההה, מאחלת שרומי וכמובן כל שאר החטופים יחזרו בע"ה, אמן!
@iliyabirenbaum6946 19 сағат бұрын
במלחמת ההתשה אפשר לשחק גם 2 😉 בואו נראה איפה הכלכלות של עזה ולבנון ואירן שאתם עוד לא התחלנו אפילו!
@اللهمانصراهلغزة-ن4ك 15 сағат бұрын
Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.❤Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation
@estherhezghian8770 7 сағат бұрын
1. Read the dictionary under the word occupation 2.Kind David, the king of the Jewish nation, ruled over the land, way before Muhammad was even born…. 3.Read the bible 4. Read history books 5. We are here to stay!!!!!! ♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️
@firakanter6797 Күн бұрын
פנל חזק. איזה תענוג, רק שציפי ...אולי זה טוב. זה מעורר אותנו. במחשבה שנייה, תודה ציפי.
@simpletruth6396 22 сағат бұрын
אכלו אותה בלי מלח 😂
@יניב-ח2ש 15 сағат бұрын
תוכנית רדודה
@estherhezghian8770 7 сағат бұрын
אז למה אתה כאן??? עוף מכאן!
@ehudnaveh1959 Күн бұрын
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