[Eng] 보이스 Voice : 모태구의 사랑 (Mo Tae Gu's Love / A Psycho's Love) [ft: 김재욱 Kim Jae Wook, 이하나 Lee Ha Na]

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(Edit: songs' lyrics are now subbed in english^^, you may turn on cc- the lyrics surprisingly match the drama/scenes according to this vid's interpretation, especially 2nd n 3rd songs i guess. for more explanation of the reason of this video, please continue read)
Drama: Voice (OCN, 2017)
Pairing : 모태구 Mo Tae Gu (김재욱 Kim Jae Wook) X 강권주 Kang Kwon Joo (이하나 Lee Ha Na)
Drama Subs credited as watermarked, none belong to me.
Songs subs by me
1. 님의 노래 / Song of My Beloved (live ver) - Jo Won Sun of Roller Coaster
2. 숨길 수 없어요 / Can't Hide It - Roller Coaster
3. 춤추는 봄 / Spring Dance - TETE
This is not much different than the first video i made for this pairing, a lot of same scenes used...this is just improvised ver with more focus on my observation of our resident psycho's own ways of love. (and with more songs lol) also, because the first one i made was blocked in SK. There are many clues that it's his own version of love, if he's a normal sane person yes i'd take it as a sick obsession...but bcuz Mo Tae Gu's mind operates on a different wavelength than ours...i wouldn't regard his ways of expressing the same as our normal standard.
Mo Taegu's evil, yeah, but he's portrayed effectively and somehow managed to justify/redeem his sick cruel inhumane nature even by a bit that i felt sympathy.and as a fangirl of Kang KwonJoo...i can't help feeling pleased that even a merciless psycho can find love in her(lol) without her even trying/intending for it, even if at her life's expense (well, it's not like she's gonna die...no matter how much he threatened her, he would never kill her anyway...despite the countless opportunities/reasons he had to kill her and i feel that she knew it if you watched the scene she's thinking why he hadn't killed her yet and had her own guess but she didn't say it aloud but we can see that she knows she's the bait to get him and that she know he won't kill her...well, guess why?) also...you can see after all she said at the rooftop, he's fighting the urge to not kill her and even still keep delaying until Moo Jinhyuk came.his pride wouldn't let him stop himself, so he waited to be stopped. haa. Noticed the part when he said he's so torn in that car scene? obviously because he doesn't want to kill her first-or at all- but he needs to kill her first. and even after he decided to kill her first, he still look distressed. does that look like the normal Mo TaeGu to you? i say no.)
And the part where he's asking his assistant to prepare a box for him, the subtitle didn't say it, but he mentioned about wanting the kind of box a girl would like.guess why? And i'm pretty damn sure the reason he went to the police station was bcuz Kwonjoo refused to meet him earlier n he's dying to meet her...so why not just go to her workplace? He knows she would recognize him. rather than seeing it as he's challenging her, i see it more as he wants her to see him too(since he had seen her earlier n had her picture) cuz who knows, she might like what she sees? (in my interpretation of MTG's mind/logics, not mine lol...i mean just look at how he assumed she would like his gifts n was disappointed she didn't... and how he got mad when she called him hideous monster cuz it must hurt his vanity to hear that n he must not have heard it often). and the part when he's surprised she found out his place n said he's going to invite her anyway...why does it feel like he meant it in normal way more than it appeared to our sane perception? And why does it feel that when she said she wanted to catch him...he understood it a little differently? lol. and he seemed genuinely confused/not expecting/even a little hurt everytime she expressed hate for what he did or call him psycho...like he's expecting her to compliment or admire him for his intelligence or what...? And the part he asked why she keep coming back... to her own house? like what? it's almost like he marked her house as his territory...wonder why lol.
Also, did anyone notice his choice of weapon/blade to go after Kwonjoo..did he used it on any other victim? bcuz i remember he used that blade to cut himself earlier when he was with Daeshik...is Kwonjoo getting special treatment/honour by getting the weapon he used on himself? haa...
While some might argue he has same interest in Kwonjoo(for her smarts) n Jinhyuk(for his strength)...let's be honest, TG's interest in JH never seemed as organic as with KJ n feels more like plot device to bind the three central characters together. and can you argue that his interest in Kwonjoo is the most interesting story arc of Taegu that made him more interesting to be studied as a character beyond just being a psycho? idk if it's the script or the acting, but somehow, MTG becomes layered with 'humanity'(by his standard) when it comes to KJ instead of his usual self with other victims.
Anyway, if i ever make any TG-KJ otp-videos from their other dramas/movies...would you like it or nah?

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@sorilundin2699 7 жыл бұрын
서사도 확실히 보여주지만 편집과 음악 선곡마저도 모태구를 보여주는 가장 훌륭한 영상이라는 생각이 드네요. 우선 그들의 마지막이었던 옥상씬에서 동요하는 모태구의 모습으로 시작해 플래시백처럼 그가 어떻게 감정을 키우게 되었나 모태구 시점에서 보는 느낌이 들었습니다. 영상에서 가 두 번 쓰이는데 첫 번째 쓰일 때는 강권주에게 흥미 혹은 호기심 정도였습니다. 그러다가 노래가 로 넘어가면서 나오는 장면이 모태구가 집착, 혹은 동질감으로 느끼는 사랑이 시작되는 순간이네요. 이 노래로 전환되는 장면에서 모태구가 강권주의 방에서 자신을 추적하는 기록을 보며 조금 더 강권주는 자신과 비슷한 사람이라는 생각을 가지게 되고 베개를 쓰다듬는 등 그녀의 흔적을 느낍니다. 자신을 추적한 보드를 보며 발을 동동 구르기까지 하며 자신만의 방식으로 설레합니다. 노래 전주가 뛰기 시작하는 심장박동을 기타로 표현한 듯해서 더 와닿았어요. 가사도 당신과 나만의 비밀이 되나요, 이런 부분에서 모태구가 강권주를 향해 느끼는 감정이 잘 설명이 되는 것 같습니다. 이 감정을 느낀 후에는 좋아하는 사람은 얼굴이 보고싶고, 나를 알아채주었으면 좋겠는 법이니 굳이 경찰서에 가서 목소리만으로도 사람을 구별하는 강권주에게 강권주 센터장님, 이라고 인사를 합니다. 그리고 모태구가 경찰서에서 강권주를 만나고 강권주가 자신을 잡겠다고 경고하는 걸 등지고 듣는 장면에서 으로 노래가 넘어가는데 이것 또한 감정이 어떻게 심화되는가를 잘 보여준 것 같습니다. 가사가 달콤한 설레임과 봄날의 꽃길을 걸어 춤추듯 나비처럼 그대, 내곁으로 와요인데 가사처럼 되기를 바라듯 모태구는 이상하리만치 강권주를 살려둡니다. 마치 으로 전환될 때 그녀가 말했듯 자신을 잡으러 오는 걸 기다리는 것으로 보입니다. 실제로 자신을 잡으러 온 게 강권주라는 사실을 알았을 때 모태구는 어린아이처럼 기뻐합니다. 심지어 안 그래도 초대하려 했었는데, 라고 말하면서 그녀가 자신에게 오기를 바랬던 마음을 내비치죠. 타인을 죽일 때 쓰던 케틀벨이 아니라 자기를 벨 때 썼던 칼을 들고가고, 옥상에서는 강권주에게 나 기다린거야?라고 묻기도 하고요. 이 영상에서 두번째로 가 쓰이는 장면은 바로 강권주가 모태구에게 바로 너를 잡으러 왔다고 말하다가 근데 너도 참 불쌍한 사람이구나, 라고 말하는 순간입니다. 너 잡으려고 왔다,라고 말할 때는 모태구는 진심으로 기쁜 듯 웃고 있습니다. 하지만 노래가 바뀌며 강권주가 그가 괴물이 되어버린 이유를 말하며 그를 연민하자 모태구의 미소는 흔적도 없이 사라집니다. 강권주가 연민을 넘어 그가 다음 생에는 사랑하는 사람쪽으로 기울기를 바란다고 말한 뒤부터는 눈에 보일 정도로 동요합니다. 그리고 자신이 늘 그래왔듯 죽이려 무기를 위로 들지만 선뜻 죽이지 못 합니다. 그저 나와 같다는 동질감, 혹은 호기심이라고 착각했던 감정이 그 누구도 이해하지 못 했던 자신을 이해하고 연민하는 강권주를 보며 더 강렬하고 깊은 감정이란 것을 자각했는지도 모릅니다. 그 순간 강권주가 그의 마음을 또 간파라도 한 듯 웃고 모태구는 더욱더 동요를 감추지 못 합니다. 그리고 나서도 강권주를 죽이지 못 하고 팔만 들고있다가 무진혁의 총에 맞죠. 제 생각에는 무진혁이 오지 않았더라도 못 죽이지 않았을까 싶긴 합니다. 이 영상에서 같은 노래를 두 번 쓴 이유는 맨 처음에 플래시백을 쓴 이유와도 연관되어 있다고 생각합니다. 첫번째에서는 사랑을 전혀 자각하지 못 한 상태이고, 두번째에서는 사랑을 완전히 자각한 상태이죠. 하지만 영상의 맨 처음의 모태구가 그 뒤에 나오는 부분을 회상한 것이라 생각하면, 모태구는 돌이켜보니 그 첫번째 부분부터 이미 사랑이 시작되었다는 걸 깨달았는지도 모르겠습니다. 그리고 이 모든 걸 안 시점에는 의 가사에서 차가운 바람이 내 사랑을 데리고 떠나가네, 라고 하는 것처럼 이미 아름다운 사랑의 노래, 그리운 님의 노래가 끝나고 난 뒤입니다. 그러니 모태구가 할 수 있는 건 영상의 맨 마지막에서처럼, 이 영상 초반에서 물었던 모태구의 사랑은 누구인가?에 대한 답을 부르짖을 수 밖에 없습니다.
@aleumi93 6 жыл бұрын
오~그렇네욧!😂 >때론 사랑이 그대를 흔들게 만들지라도 사랑을 하여라가 떠오르네욧~!😉😚
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
this is really late but honestly this is really like the best comment i've received, you looked into it deeper and even relate to the song choices which is really interesting T^T...i can't thank you enough, and i love your comment. thank you
@ppoppi29 4 жыл бұрын
분석력이 대단하시네요
@정원이-f7u 2 жыл бұрын
@@보리-b5n 여러분 안녕하세요 보이스 5예고편 좀 부탁드립니다
@정원이-f7u 2 жыл бұрын
@@aleumi93 여러분 안녕하세요 보이스5 좀 부탁드립니다
@당근-m7n 7 жыл бұрын
진심 나중에 이하나랑 김재욱 주연으로 드라마 만들었음 좋겠따..ㅠㅜ
@이지성-c2e 6 жыл бұрын
오 만듬
@ReMIreli 6 жыл бұрын
@_gpdnjs6654 6 жыл бұрын
김재욱씨가 이하나씨랑 로코 찍어보고싶다고 하셨는데 제발 영화관계자분들 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
@vpop-v5k 5 жыл бұрын
제발~~*!!!!! 둘의 달달한~~ 로맨스 보고싶네요)~
@Moonynguyen2 5 жыл бұрын
I really like your thinking and analyzing. The hidden but also clear things in their feelings: the deepest care and being able to "read the mind" of each other. Keeping her picture, touching her pillow, being excited with her job and special skills, skipping killing her some times... are really things Mo Tea Goo never does to any one before. These things may speak love in his way - as you called - A Psycho's Love. His face and eyes expression in last scene when she saying about her understanding of his painful soul telling much about it. He is so hesitant to put down his knife to her heart. Mo Tea Goo is really an unforgettable serial killer. Thank you for your interesting video and ideas.
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
aww, thank you for your kind words. :)
@itsjennifer.d9249 4 жыл бұрын
This has to be one of the best series for crime/thriller inc tunnel so far, non of the latest ones have been doing the trick for me. Voice 1,2&3 all flow really nicely and would highly recommend anyone to watch, I promise you won't regret it ! WE NEED A VOICE 4 !!!! WITH BANG JE SOO
@hslpt3 4 жыл бұрын
so bang jesoo is still alive by even end of season 3? interesting...(he's the main baddie in season 2 rite?) ...even mo taegu who made so much impact was ended way too simply in s1 but bang jesoo lasted for that long hmm(i don't find his character that unique or well crafted...at least not in season2, probly scriptwriter nim too busy focusing on do kangwoo's character)...anyway, i haven't watched season 3 since season 2 annoyed me tooo much with all the favoritism on do kangwoo character and how kang kwonjoo was downgraded from season1 to merely do kangwoo support system when i expected her character to be upgraded since she's the original main character n there's no more moo jinhyuk.
@itsjennifer.d9249 4 жыл бұрын
@@hslpt3 I do have to agree with you that bang je soo's character wasn't as well crafted as I would of liked. I still really like mo tae gu as the villain tbh. You would have thought the doctor at the end would of been the next villain but hey ho. I won't spoil it for you but season 3 made me think bang je soo had some unfinished buisness and kangwoo got the closure he inevitably needed.
@hslpt3 4 жыл бұрын
hmm, maybe i should give a try to season 3...honestly bang jesoo wasn't as intriguing as mo taegu(maybe also because bad guy pretending/acting to be innocent nerdy goodie two shoes can already be found in season 1, the one who kidnapped kwonjoo..feels like bang jesoo is a mashup of that guy and mo taegu.) but his character doesn't bother me as much as do kangwoo...even though in season 1, moo jinhyuk did most of the action, i wasn't that bothered, there's still balance between him and kang kwon joo that made their partnership exciting enough to watch even if i'd rather kang kwonjoo get everything cuz i'm just biased lol. but with do kangwoo, the writer's/(and/or)director's favoritism showed too much...even kang kwonjoo didn't manage to make me watch season 3 yet(though i really want to watch more lee hana because her current drama which i only watch bits n pieces seems to be wasting her...) i do feel kind of bad for the actor playing bang jesoo, feels he's being typecasted, i saw him doing similar type role previously in diff drama. anyway, maybe i will give a try to season 3...who knows...if i'll end up shipping kwonjoo with bang jesoo haha(though that won't happen if kwonjoo is still playing merely a support system role to do kangwoo and nothing more like in season 2) actually, in season 1, i did ship kwonjoo with chief jang, only with him kwonjoo would get fired up and out of her calm demeanor, that chemistry lol! (sadly he's already married and even dead by early of season 2)
@j0eyist 7 жыл бұрын
I think this drama is better with tae gu as the lead actor psychopath... and make their love forbidden... I love them
@jyekye8249 7 жыл бұрын
I like the way he closed his eyes to listen her steps, like she is getting close... and closer
@maseonguijae4480 5 жыл бұрын
You're making a great video. I was confused at that time why Mo Tae Gu keeps letting Kang Kwon Joo go while he had the chance to kill her so many times. I guess in a way he find it interesting for Kang Kwon Joo to have that listening ability and grows an interest for her. The interview she made to lure him is showing that she understood him and felt pity for him. For the first time that psychopath grows sympathy for another human. I guess in a way it could be called love. Now just like Kang Kwon Joo said, "in next life I hope you are born and follow the path of love" it has come true. He was born as Ryan Gold now and filled with love for Sung Deok Mi in Her Private Life. LOL 😆
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
in that case, he was already reborn a couple times after Mo Tae Gu...like in Temperature of Love and Hand - The Guest and idk whatelse....dude is really active picking up roles...while Kwonjoo just remains Kwonjoo xD
@maseonguijae4480 5 жыл бұрын
@@hslpt3 yeah, I know. I watch everything of Kim Jae Wook. It's okay, Voice wouldn't be voice without Kang Kwon Joo.
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
haha, tbh....i just know the titles but didn't watch those dramas...i only watch dramas where i like the female characters/actress or the plot sounds too good to pass...for Kim Jaewook dramas....other than Voice....so far, i've only watched Bad Guy...because i loved Oh Yeonsoo's character eventhough the female lead was bleh...
@maseonguijae4480 5 жыл бұрын
@@hslpt3 it's okay we all have preferance. I watch almost everything except the ones I couldn't find like his non commercial movie. If you like Park Min Young, maybe you would like to check Her Private Life? Although Voice 3 is also ongoing.
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
nah...not really her fan though nothing against her too...just that her role's appearance seems too similar to her previous role...so that's a minus point too for me...haven't even started Voice 3, but will do soon...though i dislike the male lead...ugh...but yeah, as you said...we all have own preferences so it's all good.
@tatiannawilliams6733 7 жыл бұрын
I'm weird but I always find it interesting when a psychopath in these types of stories get attached to someone it's like they realize they want tht person and still try to get their attention like he's estatic she's noticed him but only wants to kill her it's fascinating how twisted it is
@yerimiesess1455 7 жыл бұрын
Tati Williams IKR!!
@lolinatc 5 жыл бұрын
Lol it's scary
@animegirl1414_random 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly feel the same, I would never want the girl to end up with the psychopath but its interesting to see them ruin themselves more as they go through lengths for the one they got attached to or get more messed up in the head as they try to ignore or deny the obsession they're feeling. It makes their character more interesting and intriguing to watch as they slowly crumble. One pyscho villain whom I lowkey wished was attracted to the female lead was Nam GoongMin from Sensory Couple. I do not ship them in any romantic way (that's just toxic af) but it would've added more in his character if he was a little bit interested in her or something.
@patriciacrawley7443 2 жыл бұрын
Excelente el papel de MoTaeGu interpretado por kimjaewook en Voice 1.👍❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@mimayoongi2114 5 жыл бұрын
I wanna see them as a couple in new drama...
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
Since this video continues to get views, and i've seen people questioning this pairing, i'd like to copy paste from another video, my explanation on why I ship this pairing from a year ago, actually someone asked me why Taegu didn't kill Kwonjoo when he had many chances to, so my answer to that question also kinda explain why i believe he likes her n wouldn't kill her(actually, she knows it, if you noticed that she had her guesses of why he didn't kill her but she didn't tell us...and then she proceed to use herself as bait to catch him...that's already telling that she knows...) I could be wrong, but...i could be right too ;) 1. He first encountered her during the time he killed her dad and she stated that she recognized him as the killer of Jinhyuk's wife(whom he just killed moments before) He finds her hearing ability interesting, also, the fact that both her n her dad are cops, somewhat parallels with him n his dad both being murderers/gangster kinda ppl. that's already an instant connection. 2. She threatens to hunt him to the end and he sabotaged her evidences through Daeshik, thinking that would stop her, yet when he's back three years later, he learns she's still investigating, interest increased. When he saw her at the nightclub raid, he already said later that he finally met her, which means he's been anticipating all these years. 3, Some ppl say, he just likes her brain bcuz it feeds his ego to find an equal enemy from that wall scene at her house. But he already showed some sick interest when he broke into her house and stroke her pillow like that n he did that right before he discovered the wall lol. The wall though, seems to be the thing that made him assured of whatever interest he had earlier is not one sided, he even looked touched after jumping in excitement and started seeing her in new, heightened light, symbolized by how he look at her picture. lol Also, did anyone notice @4:49 in this video, the background lights were arranged to become heart shape...coincidence? i'd say not. 4. I believe he went to the police station because she refused to meet him outside n he's just dying to see her n maybe her reaction at getting the honour of meeting him. lol. He seems slightly surprised that she really noticed him, interest increased. 5. At first, he had plastic bag readied for her hair too amongst other victims he killed, but then...he went to her house bringing his collections as his gift offering for her and even said later he thought she'd liked it. He even brought her picture n recording, obviously wanting so bad to get some attention. and obviously having had a change of plan in his earlier decision to kill her. Conclusion: he likes n admires her n never really intended to kill her(at least not after he changed his plan signified by the offerings he brought her), simply that. for all the reasons that made him regard her as his equal which, for Mo Taegu is the same as love confession anyway imo -her ability,her tenacity, her courage to not get deterred even after knowing what he's capable of,her 'interest' in him from that wall, she provides a sense of thrill and entertainment to him, but maybe more as well. it could've look as just weird sick obsession for normal human. But Mo Tae Gu is anything but normal, his mind operates on a different level and thus he can't be explained or justified from normal perception methinks, and i feel the things she had on her wall makes he feel that his 'love' is reciprocal, he always struck me as still a child on the inside(especially noticeable in his scenes with his dad) so it explains how he simply sees her interest to catch him as her being interested in him. I believe he keep insisting he'd kill her because that's what he wants to convince himself/make himself believe. Admitting about not wanting to kill her would make himself feel/seem weak in his logics and he wouldn't accept that. Even in last episode, he asked if she came back to her own house because she's waiting for him. That statement itself is quite bizarre, like he's marking her house as his territory, and he assumed that she acknowledged it too because they have this mutual understanding. He wants to keep believing he's the center of her universe because nobody else ever showed that much interest/cared that much for him, so he's holding on to it. The scene at his house, everything she said seemed to had the effects to distract him from shooting, he even seemed genuinely surprised/upset when she didn't like what he did and called him crazy like he was expecting the otherwise from her, before he n Jinhyuk escaped elsewhere for showdown without the distraction. Even the rooftop scene, her speech shows that she cared enough to get behind how he became the monster that he is n understand him in the way even he probably didn't understand himself, instead of going straight to judge him, when even he never made excuse for it, she sees through him to the core even he didn't think about(probably), and she felt sad/sympathy for what he had become and still sincerely wished him well for his next life instead of begging for her life or showing hate, which she has all the right to. i mean, naturally...how could you kill such a person that has gotten to you that much? it might not started as love perse, but since he looked high on himself, and admired her qualities too, and then she went on to made himself feel important/valuable too, she appealed to both his hunger for attention and she also appealed as herself for her abilities n qualities. So it's just natural. Even psychos can fall in love too, i guess lol(in their own ways of course). though it's never addressed as such in the drama since its never in the drama's intention to bring any focus to sappy romance n such since it might take away from the message they want to deliver. Anyway, that's just my take, i could be wrong. maybe i'm just delusional lol. Also, noticed how he used a different weapon for her than others, the same weapon he earlier used on himself. And even until the end, he couldn't stab her and just act like he would and wait to be stopped. And this, is why i'm able to actually ship them. If he could ever be humanized even by just a little, she would be the one to have that ability to do that, even if it won't be easy and take another ten years or so since he's so far gone. He still looked affected everytime and towards the end, he even seemed to be struggling against the effect of her words to maintain his 'identity'. A struggle, for Mo Tae Gu, is still a breakthrough. She just had that effect on him. she's a possible bearing towards a sliver of humanity for him. To me, Taegu is a product of ignorance/negligence, he developed into a monster bcuz of his mental state without any treatment or any sane ones telling him what he did was wrong early on when there were chances for him to be cured, i feel sorry for him in fact, that he died without ever getting enlightenment other than bits from Kwonjoo. even if Taegu is played by some ugly guy he still is a sorry n to an extent, tragic character to me. Kwonjoo is able to sympathize n even find what led to his behaviour when she didn't even need to. Twisted it may be and maybe one sidedly beneficial to Taegu, but the connection is undeniable n could've developed into healing/mentor kinda relationship. // copied from my comment here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/pGGvlIiogs2obrc
@redhairedsehunssi5798 6 жыл бұрын
Loved the way you broke things into so many sections and explained all of them. I agree with everything you've said. I also ship them
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
aww, thank you for your kind words, glad you liked it :)
@anniemarielilly2052 6 жыл бұрын
Awe yaaas!!!! I love you for this!!!!!
@H.e.r.a101 6 жыл бұрын
The way you phrased every aspect of his condition and linked it to kwon joo's character and her attempts to change and heal his broken self was on point, i couldn't have said it any better, and surprisingly there were a lot of points you mentioned that i as well noticed and theorized about. The sad and frustrating thing that i wish was dealt with otherwise is his death, although it was to be expected but i still had that ray of hope that he could've been given treatment because i saw a lot of potential and innocence he tried to hide in his character and i knew that with some effort he could become a changed person and be able to feel again, but murderers will always remain the same in a cop's eye i guess
@awapurpose 5 жыл бұрын
Wooah i read everything and i couldn't agree more, but Taegu is not played by "some ugly guy" actually Kim Jae Wook is handsome
@odya139 7 жыл бұрын
패러디물이나 이런거 통틀어 제일 잘 어울리는 BGM인듯......
@이아수-s6x 6 жыл бұрын
사람이 욕조에 잠기는게 저리 섹시할 수가 있구나..ㄷㄷㄷ분위기
@히힝-y7l 6 жыл бұрын
전 그냥 물미역인데ㅋ큐ㅠㅠ
@정원이-f7u 2 жыл бұрын
@@히힝-y7l 여러분 안녕하세요 보이스5 좀 부탁드립니다
@junglefish7254 7 жыл бұрын
this is great!! i really liked mo tae gu and kang kwon joo's chemistry. it would be great if you could make more (i read your description and i don't mind videos of them from other dramas too) great job ya 👍👍
@hslpt3 7 жыл бұрын
aw, thank you. i'm surprised there's even ppl who read the description...yikes. making plot out of the dramas/movies i already have in storage is a little challenging n seems i will need to download more...T^T...but...for now, here's a fanmade i found on twitter that is awesome :) twitter.com/sora_drawing/status/851617390336942081
@ysk4680 7 жыл бұрын
취향 제대로 저격하네요ㅠㅠ좋은 영상 감사합니다.
@prishisharma320 6 жыл бұрын
I think he fell in love little by little 😂v
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
hi guys, i'm rewatching my own video today and i just notice...@4:49....see the heart shaped lighting? doubt that's coincidence. the director wanted to show this in (sick twisted) romantic light, but didn't want to be obvious about it...if there's no intention for that at all....doubt the lighting would 'coincidentally' merged to shape like a heart.
@당근-m7n 7 жыл бұрын
모태구 개 멋있어!! 폭풍간지~
@김은서-b6n 7 жыл бұрын
후 모태구 ㅜㅜ❤
@puterinadeashaharudin649 7 жыл бұрын
I wonder what Tae Gu is imagining while stroking Kwon jo's pillow. he looks like a pervert to me. hahaha
@vikab.2093 6 жыл бұрын
The little moan too like wtfff
@vikab.2093 6 жыл бұрын
Also the fact that when he was in the bath, her picture and the phone with their conversation were kept right beside him. And then the way he stroked her picture before closing his eyes to relax. Then at the way he only showed genuine emotion under her influence. Genuinely interested in what she said and did at all times. Took her words seriously. Gave her his fucked up collection under the impression that she would like it as he did. Disappointed that she was disgusted by it. Avoided and refused to kill her until the very end, causing his own capture. He had many, many, MANY opportunities but never did anything. Literally was completely able to break into her apartment but instead of using that against her, he acted like he was in a candy shop. Sitting on her bed, admiring her room, all excited about her wall of him, looking fondly at her photo (then deciding to steal it for whatever reason he had). Jin Hyuk and the other characters on the other hand got a completely different treatment. When they saved Dae Shik, he pushed her aside and shot at Jin Hyuk. When JH talked to him, TG would taunt him and tease him. With KJ, TG literally threw a fit about how she didn't take advantage of him letting her live. He was angry and upset about how now he had no choice other than to kill her. You could literally see the tears dripping down his face when he had her pinned down. How his voice cracked when they were talking. The weapon was completely different too. The weapon he was gonna use on her, completely different from that which was used on his other victims. The one he used on himself. Even then, he took fucking forever in just lifting the blade. And then paused and waited long enough for JH to come to the roof, make his presence known, slowly raise his gun, and then shoot him off of her. And I thought I was a bad procrastinator.
@anniemarielilly2052 5 жыл бұрын
@@vikab.2093 well said 🙌👏
@kaelabritanico7363 5 жыл бұрын
@@vikab.2093 when he returned the picture too, he's fully aware that Kwonjoo is inside her apartment yet he did nothing
@koesplus2513 5 жыл бұрын
Akting Kim jae wook ini bener2 ya..abis nonton Voice nonton dramanya dia yg Her Private Life kyk ngliat dua orang yg berbeda padahal muka mreka sama...daebaaakk!! Hwaiting jae wook oppa..😍😍😍
@nurulsitiaziah 5 жыл бұрын
Ini judunya apa? Ko di drakor.id susah dicari :(
@soothingnature4403 5 жыл бұрын
psychopaths can't love anyone they only have the sense of ownership. she didn't kill her because it was fun playing with her
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
well, that's your opinion. you never know unless you're a psychopath yourself....actually, even if you're one, you still can never tell for sure...since every person's mind is unique to themselves n not something that can be perceived from book knowledge as education system wanted us to believe...methinks. nothing is certain...even those so called 'facts'...but either way...this is just drama...what i observed is more convincing than what's supposed to be...plus, none of us are Mo Taegu to say the reason he didn't kill her for certain...but if you watch closely, you can come up with something based on that, which i did...but then again, this is my opinion, if you disagree with this ship or what i think of it...i suggest you watch other videos that aren't about this ship instead...bcuz it doesn't make sense to watch something you're against with/disagree with.
@KL-tz6iq 5 жыл бұрын
I dont ship it but i understand the fascination
@uzumkii 4 жыл бұрын
5:26 okay he looked like a he had a lovesick personality
@etherealix__ 5 жыл бұрын
Why is he so hottt I just cant take itttt
@사회가너무빨리변해 7 жыл бұрын
노래 너무 좋아 찾는데 첨엔 영어로 적혀있어서 다 외국곡인데 왜 자꾸 한국가요같지 햇네 ㅋㅋㅋ 노래 1 롤러코스터 -님의 노래 노래2 롤러코스터 - 숨길 수 없어요 노래3 테테 - 춤추는 봄 셋다 한국가요입니다
@Den-yt3ou 4 жыл бұрын
And i thought it was just me who was shipping them 😂. I thought it was weird to ship lead actress to a pyscho antagonist 'am i crazy?' 😂😂 i never had this feeling before 😂😂
@imro1106 6 жыл бұрын
I ship them too. Better than Kang Kwon Joo n Do Kang woo
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
Don't even get me started with Do Kangwoo....Mo Taegu's character was crafted/performed in a way that he doesn't just shine on his own, but he made Kang Kwonjoo the main character shine from a different perspective too rather than on her own...but the focus and hoopla around Do Kangwoo made it appear like he's the central character and Kwonjoo is just a featuring as his support system n had no plotline for her own....like...the writer fell in love hard with Kangwoo or sth n just forgot Voice is about Kang Kwonjoo. i can't believe there are even people shipping them....well, they better not call themselves Kwonjoo's fans. as a Kwonjoo fan i was so disappointed bcuz i expected an upgraded Kwonjoo for season 2...unfortunately that wasn't the case...
@chicoleonard2133 Жыл бұрын
It will be nice if the scriptwriter writes a new series: Mo Tae Gu resurrected.
@winterreise_ 7 жыл бұрын
I thought I was the only one
@big_smoke7t 10 ай бұрын
i have always wondered of the "tktk" sound that nam sang tae and mo tae gu makes throughout the series. I know it's not possible to make that kind of sound irl but i always wanted to try😭
@이동주-u6c1i 7 жыл бұрын
김재욱~ 악역인데~연기너무좋아~멋있어
@rt567ff 6 жыл бұрын
헉 치명적 이다 ㅜㅜ 최윤 버전도 부탁드려요
@LM-im4tg 7 жыл бұрын
와..모퉁이에서 나오는거 개섹시
@madelinabong 5 жыл бұрын
Am here after watching her private life 😂
@nurulsitiaziah 5 жыл бұрын
Judulnya apa ya?
@madelinabong 5 жыл бұрын
Nurul Siti Azizah voice
@phonphatcharinsimmathan8710 5 жыл бұрын
I used to ship them until I realize that he killed her dad. Lol
@suryagemilang6452 5 жыл бұрын
Pcychopat have diferent ways to love something or someone☺,,,life like games.,,,btw i love JKW ❤mo tae gu😍😍😍
@jannahnazarudin7369 5 жыл бұрын
I love watching Hana on Runningman..it would be interesting if they date irl even just for a year I guess haha
@arudenchannel 5 жыл бұрын
may i know, what episode is it?
@박미현-r7e 5 жыл бұрын
사람 살려 너무 섹시해 오 마이 갓
@NicoleLim123 7 жыл бұрын
Why did he touch her pillow like that lol. He likes her? :0
@hslpt3 7 жыл бұрын
more like, he wants to get a feel of her, because he finds her different and interesting for her hearing ability and intelligence. also, probably because he wants to imagine how her hair feels since he collects hair samples of his murder victims. but in psycho's way of thinking/feeling/expressing, i won't be surprised if he actually really likes her, in that way.
@jineypop1226 5 жыл бұрын
I think he only wants to kill the people he wants to kill because at first he also doesn’t want to kill her dad he had a lot of chances to do so too he could have killed him when he tried chasing him the old man cant even run that fast and he’s weak he could have stop from running and killed him because he’s very capable of doing so and also when he went to hide and took off his clothes he was behind his dad he could have already killed him then bit didn’t he even pretended to be a different person and tried to go on his way but her dad saw the blood on his hands and tried to catch him again finally losing his patience toward him thats why he just decided to just kill him because he saw him already but if he didn’t i dont think he would have killed his dad and I think she realized that too,and maybe he did admired her because of her special skills and intelligence i think its the same on what happened to her dad he also really has no plans on killing her from the start
@rayhana.a.z6605 5 жыл бұрын
@uzumkii 4 жыл бұрын
But honestly tho,I miss Mr Mu,Mo Tae Gu and Officer Oh T^T
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
to those who want to know/imagine how they'd be in romcom/lighthearted drama, here, watch this: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qZSbmnt9lMiMoZo now i need a mashup fanvid of KJW from Coffee Prince n LHN from Merry Daegu Attack Defense Battle...that'd be perfect, or maybe KJW from Bad Guy n LHN from Women of the Sun....that'd be the serious ver maybe. they actually have a lot of dramas that can pair before Voice....now KJW is taking every other role to bury Mo Taegu while LHN is stuck with Voice for life probly lol. but their new dramas keep coming out at similar timeframe...i'd have done more vids...but i'm just so busy lately.
@LA-jd4uk 5 жыл бұрын
Hi everyone, does Kim Jae Wook appear regularly throughout the series? Which episode does he appear? Thanks.
@-TiaraAmanda-pr7mg 5 жыл бұрын
*spoiler alert* he is a big fish out of all the criminals here. He appears from the start but the drama isnt showing his face to keep audience curious who is the real suspect. He frequently shows up at the later of episodes like episode >8
@oxeeyee 5 жыл бұрын
I need the name of the instrumental song playing in the beginning of the video 😭 that damn musical box song 😭 I’ve been searching for that song for almost 2 years 😭😭😭
@ronahiv8932 6 жыл бұрын
The book shop we saw it in foblin before lol 0:23
@유나-e5w 4 жыл бұрын
Ocn은 영화만 보여주는 재널이라 왜 오시엔 드라마를 찍지 했는데~ 영화로도 나오는 끔찍한걸 드라마로 꼭 제작 해야하나 싶었다
@gadispsychedelic 7 жыл бұрын
i thought tae gu is kwon joo's boyfriend???? oh please give ur time explain to me hmmmm
@hslpt3 7 жыл бұрын
nope. Taegu is the killer of Kwonjoo's Dad. They didn't know each other or have any relationship, but Kwonjoo heard and recognized Taegu's sound and voice because she was on call with her Dad when Taegu killed her dad and she had special ability to detect sounds. and Taegu knew of Kwonjoo's ability and admired her tenacity to catch him n her ability. he finds her interesting and consider her special like himself. but who knows...he probably like her, he's a psycho afterall...he would have different ways of expressing interest lol. but yeah, they don't have any romantic relationship in the drama. haha.
@혜다-r3y 7 жыл бұрын
개 섹시해
@sweetathegreat 6 жыл бұрын
I am a little sacred of the emotional rollercoaster while watching this.. so what happens in the end ?
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
do you really want the spoiler here...or would you like to try watch the drama to find out? xD
@sweetathegreat 6 жыл бұрын
hslpt3 no! Thank you though 😂 I wanted the spoiler but now I have decided this is the first drama I am gonna start with after my exam this December 😅
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
good choice ;) just don't expect romance or logics much and you'll be able to enjoy it, it is an engaging and suspenseful drama...just...kinda lacking in logics...
@sweetathegreat 6 жыл бұрын
hslpt3 don't worry.. years of kdrama logic training will help me get past this one too😂
@szeshing641 7 жыл бұрын
They cant be together cuz he had killed her dad 😂
@bkwf-et6ug 5 жыл бұрын
What is the background music from 0:08 to 0:13 when they were talking?
@박성수-w9w 7 жыл бұрын
노래 뭔가요?
@유애나원 7 жыл бұрын
성수박 롤러코스터노래인거같아요
@bgm-A-ha 6 жыл бұрын
슬기러비 노래뭐에여
@nargesnj5289 7 жыл бұрын
What's the name of first music?!
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
님의 노래 / Song of My Beloved (live ver) - Jo Won Sun of Roller Coaster
@putriadara4622 5 жыл бұрын
숨길 수 없어요 - rollercoaster (if you can't find the 'song of my beloved')
@phyuphyuzaw10 6 жыл бұрын
Can i know the song that mo tae goo use n listen before killing people ??
@aimanfareez4720 5 жыл бұрын
Anyone know the ost in the opening
@KimTejada 4 жыл бұрын
Singer sounds like lee hyo ri 😅
@hslpt3 4 жыл бұрын
funny you mentioned that, since the vocalist for 1st and 2nd song is Jo Won Sun of band RollerCoaster, which is the band of Lee Hyori's husband. and funfact, Jo Won Sun composed the music and wrote lyrics for both songs here(for the 2nd song, Lee Sangsoon also co-composed it)
@grant6269 4 жыл бұрын
I still don’t get his death
@로리샷발짱 7 жыл бұрын
모태구 사람죽일때마다 우비입고 나오는데 그우비정보좀 알수있을까요?
@リンゴちゃん-o6m 7 жыл бұрын
Please tell me the music used in this video
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
1. 님의 노래 / Song of My Beloved (live ver) - Jo Won Sun of Roller Coaster 2. 숨길 수 없어요 / Can't Hide It - Roller Coaster 3. 춤추는 봄 / Spring Dance - TETE
@nureenafrina6145 7 жыл бұрын
what is the title of the background sound
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
you mean the songs? 1. 님의 노래 / Song of My Beloved (live ver) - Jo Won Sun of Roller Coaster 2. 숨길 수 없어요 / Can't Hide It - Roller Coaster 3. 춤추는 봄 / Spring Dance - TETE
@tataa4682 5 жыл бұрын
Why i can't find the song?
@hslpt3 5 жыл бұрын
what song?
@user-dn6el1tx7e 6 жыл бұрын
아 진짜 노래 뭔가요ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
1. 님의 노래 (live) - 조원선 2. 숨길 수 없어요 - 롤러코스터 3. 춤추는 봄 - 테테
@정원이-f7u 2 жыл бұрын
@@hslpt3 여러분 안녕하세요 보이스5 좀 부탁드립니다
@Flowermoonlight 7 жыл бұрын
But I still think that he doesn't have feeling for kwonjo..but only interest because she keep dig up things that tae goo did not as a woman..
@hslpt3 7 жыл бұрын
well, we can all have our own interpretations...but keep in mind that Mo Tae Gu is not a guy with normal mental...his mind n definitions operate on a whole different level we can never understand. And i believe even how he sees someone as a woman/be interested in any girl in romantic way...is different than how a normal guy is. the way i see it, even his definition of romance is different than those of people watching kdramas. he's just that....one of a kind.
@김가은-m2d5l 7 жыл бұрын
What is bgm??
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
1. 님의 노래 / Song of My Beloved (live ver) - Jo Won Sun of Roller Coaster 2. 숨길 수 없어요 / Can't Hide It - Roller Coaster 3. 춤추는 봄 / Spring Dance - TETE
@christianobog8557 4 жыл бұрын
@김가은-m2d5l 7 жыл бұрын
노래 뭐예요???
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
1. 님의 노래 (live) - 조원선 2. 숨길 수 없어요 - 롤러코스터 3. 춤추는 봄 - 테테
@mcs2936 7 жыл бұрын
노래 제목 뭔가요?
@hslpt3 6 жыл бұрын
1. 님의 노래 (live) - 조원선 2. 숨길 수 없어요 - 롤러코스터 3. 춤추는 봄 - 테테
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