我以前都係英國讀書9年,其實去過就知道不似預期,最壞念以前晚晚開party,不過讀完書参加完各類crazy party,都係選擇番香港拼博,在英國的感覺就像一個廢人,日日party drink weed racing festival war game snooker cinema,個人都失左方向,冇咩目標。玩係好玩ge
我喺英國讀書,前前後後生活左十幾年。身邊英國時期認識嘅朋友,根本冇一個人會移民返去。有時見到d kol講到嗰邊utopia咁,我地真係得啖笑。融入白人社會?咪傻啦,喺嗰邊咪又係同返chinese同foreigners玩。大英帝國主意,i am sorry to say chinese is placed after european, indian and african. we are literally the fifth on the list! 😂
@yansamliving Жыл бұрын
@mercychan84226 ай бұрын
I guess the key value of living in the UK is not whether foreigners are brighter or not! It’s because of some other reasons , right? No matter what family unity is the most precious important issue. Since they have experienced the differences between these three places, hope you can treasure what you really desire. ❤