A kind of lovesickness, a kind of melancholy, not knowing where the road is, on the mountainside, at the seaside, watching the scenery quietly, the singing quietly warms my heart
@TangMobile-q9k3 ай бұрын
i didn't understand the lyric but the melody are Reminds me of my childhood and my little village in winter with fogs
@catchuw.6345 күн бұрын
winter with frog, where r u
@呀你可 Жыл бұрын
太好听了吧 怎么能这么好听呀
@JohnZmith10 ай бұрын
Xiàng yúnduān Shān nà biān Hǎi lǐmiàn Zhēnshí de wǒ yīnggāi zǒuxiàng nǎ biān Rìluò qián Fēng láilín Shí dūn xià wǒ zài pántuǐ zuòzhe Rén dàodǐ kào shénme lái dìngyì chǒu'è Shén a nǐ zài nǎ Shān a wǒ hàipà Hǎi a yě dài bù zǒu Jìntóu dàodǐ yǒu méiyǒu
@@belindayu8762 1. 在夢的娑婆世界中,身體(肉身)是主角。沒有一個夢 缺得了它,離開了夢境,它便無法生存;它在夢中扮演一個有形可見的人身(肉身),令你無法懷疑。這具身體成了所有夢的焦點;每個夢境所說的故事,不外它是如何被其他身體所營造出來的,又如何被生到身外的娑婆世界中,活了一段時間就死了,與其他同樣會死的身體結合在塵土之下。在它所分配到的短暫時間內,它設法尋找其他的身體,作爲它的朋友或是仇敵。自身安全是它最關切之事。舒適是它的首要指標。它儘量避苦求樂,躲避一切有害之物。最重要的,它企圖教自己看出痛苦與喜樂是不同的兩回事,不難加以分辨。 2. 娑婆世界所作的夢具有種種形式,因爲身體企圖以不同的方式來證明自己的獨立自主與真實不虛。它用娑婆世界最珍愛而且視爲真實的金屬銅板或一些紙鈔買來的東西,披挂在身上。它做些無謂的事情,以工作換取那些銅錢紙幣,然後又將它們虛擲于它根本不需要甚至不想要的無聊東西上。它雇傭其他的身體來保護自己,並搜集更多無聊的東西,據爲己有。它四處尋找某些特殊的身體來分享自己的夢。有時它夢見自己是位勝利者,征服了比它弱小的身體。但在另一段夢中,它又淪爲奴隸,飽受其他身體的折磨與傷害。 3. 身體由生到死一連串的驚險經驗,構成了娑婆世界所有夢境的同一主體。夢中的“英雄”從未改變過,它的目的也一成未變。夢的本身雖然千變萬化,好似爲它的“英雄”提供各式各樣的情節與場景;夢的目的只有一個,傳達的方式卻形形色色。它一而再,再而三所欲傳授的,只是這一課:身體是因,而非果。你才是它生出的果,不可能成爲它的因。 4. 換句話說,你只是夢,而非夢者。於是,你只好漫無目的地遊蕩於它所設計的情節與場景中。這確實就是身體所有的能耐,因它只是夢中的一個角色罷了。誰會去理睬夢中那些角色,除非他把它們當成真實的人物。 只要他一看出它們的真相,它們便失去了作用,因爲他明白,它們那些能耐都是他自己賦予的;他不只是它們的肇因,還把它們造得像真的一樣。 ❤ A Course in Miracles ~可省下千百劫的法門~ She/He that has ears to hear, let her/him hear. 《奇蹟課程》《告别娑婆》《斷輪迴》「有耳可聽的、就聽得到」~ 🙏
I really like this song I don’t understand the lyrics and I don’t know what language is it but so sweet to listen ❤❤❤❤ I’m from Nagaland northeast India
can someone mention the english translation of the lyrics please? love this song
@cucylee7524 Жыл бұрын
To the clouds, beyond the mountains, deep in the sea, Where should the real me proceed? Before the sunset, as the wind arrives, I sit cross-legged beneath the stone pile. What do we rely on to define ugliness? Oh God, where are you? Mountains, I am afraid, And the sea can't take it away. Is there really an end? If you're feeling down, Why not tidy up your room? No more tossing and turning, Soon the sunshine will be by your side. Don't let the unwashed pile up, Change to a new hairstyle, buy a nice bag. Suppress anxiety and nervousness, Why not get a cat that loves you? Meow. It's not that things aren't going well, Maybe you just haven't been on your own track. You are really beautiful, Why say you’re ugly? Maybe you're overweight like me, Life makes you feel low. So when you hear this song, Choose to transform with me. Maybe you're feeling sad now, Maybe you're lying in your bed, Maybe you're feeling lost, Sitting in a bar. Maybe you're at work, Or you've just broken up. Maybe at the foot of the mountain, You'll hum this song uncontrollably. To the clouds, beyond the mountains, inside the sea, The real you lies in how you choose. Oh God, where are you? Mountains, I am afraid, Let the sea carry away the sorrow, Just like it carries every river.