1. gale's movement. at the exact time when bea shot, he reacted simultaneously, which basically meant that it is inhuman reaction. the 3:56 stop (more like a calculation) seemed like he already knew where the ammo is going. 2. bea's perfect shots. 4:44 those 2 shots aimed just slightly beside the cactus gadget PERFECTLY, hitting the poor poor spike. he dodged all the grom shots, knowing where all the bullets are going 4:46 he got hit once by the piper, simply because his speed couldn't catch up the speed of the bullet. he got hit by the piper super because he was dodging grom's attack. usually, a code would have a preferred order (優先次序), taken here is the order of time. he shoots his ammos after he reloads, and the ammos are accurate. The reaction time is perfect - inhuman 5:54 he attacked the grom gadget first instead of the opponent brawlers. considering grom's gadget as an enemy, coding will choose to attack the nearest enemy 6:45 well i don't need to explain that 3. 7:47 absurdity: 3 brawlers in one spot, rico couldn't even hit one? 4. 8:15 he was in a very low health, going directly for the safe showed that he was incredibily confident about his skills. crazy dodges In general, they got a LOT of crazy plays. If it was only 1 match, we won't suspect them that much but they did a lot of crazy plays in a lot of matches in conclusion, all of these are small details. only my opinion.
For that bea, he is obvious cheating As we can all observe, he shoots his ammos INSTANTLY after he reloads, and the ammos are super accurate. The reaction time is just perfect and I don't think it is possible for human beings to be that good.