陈剑老师好!华阳具有OLDtown 的一个优点是其它中国品牌没有的,而恰恰old town 并没有在过后把这优点发扬光大!现在很多马来西亚的韩国餐厅生意非常好!在马来西亚做生意必须做马来人生意!尤其是餐饮业!Zus 就是个与华阳相似的案例!华阳不会跑Frachise 路线,而且严谨控制成本,我相信将来它还是会跟着步伐发展,它现在的生意好应该是可以持续的,它不会像old town 渐渐被人遗忘!可能你认为我太乐观,它的顾客群有各种族,亮点也特出。
@AlfredChenOfficialКүн бұрын
我认同你的观点,马来同胞的消费力很重要,不过我记得old town当年也有清真认证的哦
@ngpekkheong970320 сағат бұрын
@@AlfredChenOfficial 当年old town 只注重在包装三合一咖啡售卖,门店Farnchise 并不好好经营!一手好牌,只打个50%胜利,即使如此最后还是胜局离场!现在华阳应该会检讨当年old town 的弱点!其实门店才是宝!只要好好经营,排队的情况不可能是蜜月期!很多年前我在吉兰丹已经发现这个情况,马来人喜欢在海南店喝茶,生意非常好!而当时的海南店食品只是烤/蒸面包、生熟蛋和nasi lemak!当然还有咖啡和奶茶,试问如此简单的组合也可以在马来人集中的地方生存,那华阳现在顾客排队绝对不是偶然的!马来人甚至将在华阳用餐当着是打卡的地点!试问old town 过去和现在有没有酱紫的情况?
F&B is hard earn money. So many competitors out there, and consumers have a lot choices of restaurants when come to food. If I were to invest Hua Yang, it will be short term. I don’t see uniqueness within Hua Yang business DNA.. the business will not boom and in long term, possibly more F&B business will come into the market to share the cake.
U have forgotten. Oriental also target halal customers. So compared to other Chinese f&b. It will be totally different. I do agreed f&b can't last long as consumer like to eat different thing and try new thing from time to time. But for halal consumer. This is a new model.
@kcchiokКүн бұрын
before CNY IPO, I believed the shareholders will take advantage to cash out for fat snake year 🐍