❤️💖💖 I love you Spencer Leung sze ho 梁思浩 我都唔係好似你有時間表未必會唔會有冇興趣去聽講座。你有沒有其他費用我自己嘅問題。小哥哥你今日係咪要做功課的情況如何 因為要幫到人幫下眼揀我寧願自己的情緒都控制唔到你的朋友們一起玩遊戲啦 關你❤小哥哥小姐姐我覺得好開心你都唔。你有沒有其他費用的確是不是你有唔可以梁思浩 Spencer Leung Sze ho靚唔靚靚唔靚仔 我都唔知點解我會唔記得我們明天下午兩點半至三點先有時間可以you are the best show brother one other I love you Spencer Leung Sze ho 梁思浩無損我們可以在網上找不同的士佬 頭髮啦!佢唔好講嘢好多時我已經係我自己一個鐘都得咁就可以😌因為佢唔想你哋快啲啦 小哥哥小姐姐我想問下佢啦梁思浩開唔開心啊今日我做工啊今日做咗好多工啊掛住我你唔會傻㗎你好傻你唔會好傻㗎你好醒目㗎你唔食你非常好醒目地呀如果預約啊你話俾我聽啊你喺度嗎❤ I love you Spencer Leung sze ho 梁思浩 小哥哥明點解你會覺得有問題water 🤨vitamin I love you Spencer Leung sze ho 梁思浩 thanks you love you Spencer Leung Sze ho 梁思俈小哥哥小姐姐 我想問下你想🇺🇸baby ❤️💙😍💝💖💋🥰💕😘🇺🇸
Kap sui wu lou, kap in advance. Whatever one's have in their lives, you took it in advance. It's so simple. Really have to have a second thought, do you need to withdraw it in advance. If so, better use it for good. No one will tell you so. Just my simple understanding. Good luck
Are you kidding me, 鏡花水月 you don't know what it means, or just Spencer assumed he have to explain?! Seriously, half of the time is only for explaining the basic for you, the host, not the audience! The main reason for this show is helping people! When 羅泳嫻 replaced you, it was the best show ever! She knew what she were talking about, she had a point, she had knowledge! So many questions were answered. By acting cute and look "pretty", how long will you last.