Understanding Saturn Returns

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Adam Elenbaas

Adam Elenbaas

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@annalee6363 2 жыл бұрын
Saturn in Aquarius in the 9th house. Just turned 30. The last two years was the most painful, most eventful, but also the most important period of my life. I left home, quit my job as a college lecturer, went back to school to get a PhD, had a massive mental breakdown, worked my butt off, suffered from severe anxiety and lost 10 pounds as a already very skinny person. But all my hard work got rewarded. I met my current fiancé last year, published my first academic paper, went to therapy and took the right medication for my condition. It’s a strong feeling that my ‘real’ life, adult life, starts at this point.
@Christine_Zafu 2 жыл бұрын
Both the first and second return snapshots were excellent, but especially the second, since it is often just summarized as being a lesser first return (e.g. cleaning up whatever was left from the first). I would love to have a more expanded video on the second return. I think our culture really needs to hear this view of getting older, how to let go and take on the power and knowledge of aging and dying.
@susanna7125 2 жыл бұрын
I’m with you on this 🙏🏻
@leelee9421 2 жыл бұрын
Me too. It would be worth knowing more about it for sure.
@samaiatraforti9060 2 жыл бұрын
My saturn return is exact on the 18th of march!! In 6 days!!! Just went back to uni after 6 years of travelling around the world and now a full-time engineering student!
@samaiatraforti9060 2 жыл бұрын
Saturn is conjoint my sun and the day that conjoint went exact (2 weeks ago) is literally the day I started my degree. Absolutely wild how these things roll out
@samaiatraforti9060 2 жыл бұрын
@LeoNard Thankyou!!! :) :) Its hard work, but feels so worth it. Just like Saturn :D
@carlyjohnson8104 2 жыл бұрын
Are you a Gemini rising? Just wondering if Aquarius was in your ninth and being a full time student. I have my Saturn return in the ninth that will go exact in May
@samaiatraforti9060 2 жыл бұрын
@@carlyjohnson8104 my sn is in gemini but actually libra rising! I was really confused about this all happening in my 5th house but then I was watching some stuff on 5th house by KRS channel and he was talking about 5th as being a place of education and learning and I found that really interesting, its not normally the label we put on that house but the way he described it made so much sense to me. Hows your saturn return going? Have you noticed any major life shifts? I love saturn return stories!!
@tim2269 2 жыл бұрын
My 2nd SR is exact April 10
@snakewomangirl 2 жыл бұрын
I’m in my 2nd Saturn Return right now, it’s in my 5th house, just ended a relationship and considering what it is I spiritually need right now. My first one was about becoming a mother, my last child left recently so I feel rudderless and unfocused and can’t seem to figure out what I should or could be doing with the last bit of my life. Painting, chanting & walking helps to get through the mist-I also have a progressed ascendant in Scorpio conjunction Neptune and Pluto is conjunct my south node-talk about spaced out & dealing with dark forces. 😬
@judythcosmiceclectic925 2 жыл бұрын
I've just been taking things as they come...had my second one 11 years ago and hoping to see my third! Definitely hoping to see Uranus come back around...the gods willing!
@melt4769 2 жыл бұрын
My life entirely fell apart during my first Saturn return - divorce, debt. However it was also an incredible time of spiritual growth.
@lakshminair2374 2 жыл бұрын
Same. And now approaching my 2nd in a couple of years.
@amandairedale706 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting thank you to both of you. I'm in my second Saturn return, 8h Aquarius and I'm going to become a grandma for the first time, God willing, so that will be quite exciting. I recently completed a BA with honours, last year, which was quite difficult but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also paid all my debts off, unlike the first SR where I was in debt. So far I feel the second Saturn return has been a positive experience, unlike the first SR One thing that I'd love to do would maybe go to India when everything gets back to post-pandemic. The thing is though I wouldn't want to go on my own I feel that I would maybe need some support.
@DebbieB2023 2 жыл бұрын
I had no clue about either when I had them, but looking back at my second, and leading up to it, a whole lot of clearing away and cleaning up. Prior to, a divorce, death of my mom who I had been caring for. Was in a long term relationship with my best friend but during time of what would be my saturn return (guessing age wise), we parted, then dad's death a year later who I'd been caring for, and now finding myself 'free' of things and situations that had me saddled down and in al honestly, had lost myself in others and now found myself again and started to enjoy me and love myself again.
@AyEmAstro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this - yesterday was my exact (2nd) Saturn return! I have Saturn in my 2nd house, and have paid off any debts to celebrate this important point in time! #grabbed
@NaturalizedAlienResident 2 жыл бұрын
Saturn in cancer 10th house - I won green card lottery and moved to USA with 159$ in my pocket. I won it when I was 29 and crossed the USA border when I was 30 yo
@tomzadvydas1758 2 жыл бұрын
I started working full-time at my first Return as a financial reporter, moved out for the first time, got my first car.
@bridgetkorns8174 2 жыл бұрын
I graduated from college, had the biggest party I'll probably have in my life, and had the best year on my Saturn Return which was, strangely, 2012. I was married, my husband and I were looking for a house so we could start having kids.
@bobbyvox2352 2 жыл бұрын
My Saturn return has been since birth!😄
@cherylbrigid5781 2 жыл бұрын
I feel this. Natal sun making a perfect t-square to Saturn and Uranus. The Old Devil and The Joker standing in opposition🤪Everyday is a mini Saturn return.
@chrysalis-sanctuary 2 жыл бұрын
My second Saturn return went direct yesterday! I’ll have a juicy one to share in a #grabbed email. Stay tuned…
@AyEmAstro 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there, Saturn Sister - mine was exact yesterday, as well!!!
@chrysalis-sanctuary 2 жыл бұрын
@@AyEmAstro Well hello! First or second??
@AyEmAstro 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrysalis-sanctuary this is my second!
@johndebona377 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in my 2nd Saturn return now!! The synchronicities abound!!
@kimberlyhart5588 2 жыл бұрын
Always glad when you are joined by Kat.
@alannabrennan8466 2 жыл бұрын
Virgo Rising Taurus Sun Sag Moon #Grabbed by my first Saturn return in Aquarius in the 6th house. This just after Saturn spent a few years transiting my 5th house Capricorn stellium, so we have gotten to know each other well. Saturn is also squaring my sun. I figured I could have some internal health issues coming into my return but it manifested as external factors influencing my health- having to move 19 times in a year and a Half, extreme ungrounding and extreme lack of sleep. The compounding levels of restriction I experienced during this return feel like what I now refer to as “time prison”. Having my Saturn return during a global pandemic, while working a horrible job at a bank (very restricting institution) and applying for mortgage to buy my first home. Keywords were - NO. WAIT. NOT YET. When Saturn went retrograde I had some good fortune and bought my house. I also left the bank and got my dream job. When it went direct and hit my 9th degree again I started getting sick in my house due to mold issues. I am still working diligently and slowly on the mold issue. Looking back this has been the most physically challenging and mentally burdening time of my life, but I am learning PATIENCE and TRUST. Life is not happening on my timeline, but it is happening. As a Mercury in Aries this has been a tough pill to swallow. I am coming out the other end with a long term foundation of my home and dream career. Thank you Saturn for the lessons. To sum up: “I may not always have joy, or happiness but I have DETERMINATION” (Taurus Sun).
@willaharlatt4862 2 жыл бұрын
i have found my second saturn return has been about saying no to outside expectations......the stress of all that has disappeared. Life is in fact freer and lighter because of that. Saturn is in my 7th house in aquarius......i also surprising got engaged
@ginahaber3224 2 жыл бұрын
Saturn returns and so does Cat! Welcome back!
@benvinar2876 2 жыл бұрын
TOOL "the grudge" Saturn comes back around to show you everything Let's you choose what you will not see and then Drags you down like a stone or lifts you up again Spits you out like a child, light and innocent Saturn comes back around Lifts you up like a child or Drags you down like a stone To consume you till you choose to let this go Give away the stone Let the oceans take and Transmutate this cold and fated anchor Give away the stone Let the waters kiss and Transmutate these leaden grudges into gold Let go
@isismoon5465 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect timing. I am at my 2 Nd Saturn return in the 1 st house and Aquarius. The words that come to me is my 3 Rd Act. Yes a lot to let go of in our anti aging society. But to become a wise elder has a lot more to offer. I have left home and feeling to become a forest dweller. Great to know these feelings are being guided by the planets. Thankyou Kat and Achyuta. . Looking forward to hearing about your book Kat. 💖
@johnwalsh1648 2 жыл бұрын
Okay so I was going to offer a wee critique, but in end you did a decent job with regard to the second Saturn return. I realize that most of your audience is younger, far younger than I am, and probably also a bit younger than you. You did mention that you had checked in with your elders, too. I had been waiting for you to get to that part. Some of the words/metaphors you employed with regard to the first could have worked well with the second, e.g., "a narrowing." But the second return is, or can be, just as complex as the first one. (Spoken from experience), so if you were to tackle this topic again, even perhaps in more detail, I'd hope you'd have an astrologer guest who is well past 60 years old. And in that same vein, I am well aquatinted with several (3 or 4) people who are something past 90 who remain vital and lucid, so there's that too!
@leonardgooden6675 2 жыл бұрын
I have Saturn in Aquarius, My Saturn 🪐 return is April 26th Because of two retro grades , it passes my degree 5 times I am 28 years old born November 19th 1993 The other side of my Saturn return will be in February 2023
@taylorsmall2280 2 жыл бұрын
Aquarius 2nd Saturn Return, fifth house, my mom passed away within 4 minutes of my natal exact degree and minutes; List to do (had I known) 2nd Saturn return again … had I known, two years prior to your 2nd SR health colonoscopy I would have focused at 57 years, take debt to zero, diagnostic health, pitch 50% of your material stuff and clear your calendar, plan almost nothing, trust me your life comes down on you and that time is needed … resign from all external situations that drain you and I hope next year I see brighter rays of sun. Had I had this list at my 56 to 57 years of age I could have minimized the “impact” at shy of 59 years of age and just 31 days .. 🏄🏻✨❣️🌸🌻❤️
@cherylbrigid5781 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this list. Saturn is currently conjunct my Aqua. asc and won't be making my 2nd return until the early degrees of Aries. I'm using this time diligently to prepare. Your list provides wise counsel for a successful 2nd return to those looking to launch the potential best years of their life.
@friedaholmes3782 2 жыл бұрын
Transitions Are On Going…We’re Ever Evolving Beings. I Just Endured My 2nd Saturn Return in Aquarius 12th House the Subconscious Mind and Old Affiliations Combined with Pluto in Capricorn 11th House (Group Associations) Trine My Sun Virgo 7th House (Partnership). Oh, I’ve Had to Clear My Closet Inside and Out. And Saturn is in a T-Square to My Moon (Comfort Zone) 3rd House (Community) and Venus (Planet of Love) 9th House (Belief Systems and Higher Knowledge).
@doradestroy 2 жыл бұрын
I'm almost 50, my first Saturn return was a waking horror nightmare that lasted for years after the onset, my 40's ended up being a whole new version of waking nightmare that seems to have no end in sight and considering my current situations add inflation and potentially nuclear war, I expect to be dead by 60 or working like a slave trying to survive because I have zero retirement. This birth chart can pretty much suck it.
@chrysalis-sanctuary 2 жыл бұрын
#grabbed - My first Saturn return in Aquarius second house - The day Saturn went direct on my Saturn, I lost my fifth child. I had just begun my nursing education and in hindsight, I could never have managed five children under 8 with my college load. It was hard enough doing it with four. It was the transition from perpetual motherhood toward my nursing career. Now my second Saturn return is returning my career to me after a decade of hard times and sacrifices made for my children and grandchildren. I took this unintended sabbatical from nursing while Pluto plowed through my first house in Capricorn where my natal Sun, Mars and Mercury live. It’s been an acid trip through spiritual transformation that I will write a book about once I regain my legs. Pluto will hit my natal Venus in early Aquarius but I do look forward to taking an intended sabbatical from myself. All this first house transformation has been a bit too self-reflective for my comfort. Glad to be going back to work!!
@kimberlyhart5588 2 жыл бұрын
My Saturn is 21 degrees of Aquarius. This is my 2nd one.
@jomohogames 2 жыл бұрын
Great stuff. Next please talk about the Uranus opposite Uranus transit in your early 40s. 🙏
@MrBones105 2 жыл бұрын
So far my first Saturn return has been….depressing. Saturn in the 7th house (opposite my sun). Finished graduate school and started a new career that I worked for very hard but I’m struggling to “make it”. Single when it started, and only more single now. Most of my friendships vanished or collapsed. There are silver linings, but they seem faint in comparison to the loss. As the zen master says, “we’ll see”.
@92cpina 2 жыл бұрын
Saturn in Aquarius 11° 🥴 it’s been a ride
@LukeOtterbech 2 жыл бұрын
I quit alcohol and cigarettes few months before my Saturn return. By the time my Saturn return came, I was comfortable saying no to alcohol/ciggies and had internalised it that I don't do those things any more.
@LukeOtterbech 2 жыл бұрын
My Saturn is in Aquarius in my 9th House.
@claudialarsson7439 2 жыл бұрын
My first Saturn return saw the birth of my third son. ❤️ Born at the Harmonic convergence. My second brought a huge upheaval - breast cancer. Healed now but wow- what a journey. Grateful to be here. It hit totally by surprise as I had been incredibly healthy my entire life. Turns out a gene mutation was discovered. Brca2 positive. Very scary.
@diamondnervestarot9453 2 жыл бұрын
My first Saturn return hits March 18 2024. I am already looking forward to it, feeling more serious yet also relaxed as I grow more confident as an adult, as a parent. I sense the best times of my life approaching. This will take place in my 7th H of Pisces. #grabbed and will update!!
@lilstars5599 2 жыл бұрын
My first saturn return was extreme on both ends. It started the worst PTSD triggers I've ever had, really bad couple of years, in the 10th house and scorpio whole sign, with Pluto in the same house. I also finally got pregnant after years of trying and IVF. Been wanting to look into saturn and even the quarters because that little guy is nearly 7 now. 7 years away from the exact return was last October and we moved into our first owned house, had to move and paint during lockdowns and PNEUMONIA.
@TheCuriousPsych 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I have Saturn in my 6th house and I very much look forward for its return. My place of labor have always done everything in its power to undermine my education, health, and mental sanity. I am close to my first return and it will coincide to just when I am about done with my career studies.
@TeriTenn 2 жыл бұрын
Talking about ME 2/18/1962 Saturn Return now
@susanna7125 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. During my first Saturn return I got a job for next 18 years and started building a house with my husband. My husband is getting his 2nd return soon. During his first one he divorced his 1st wife and bought an apartment of his own. Very interesting to look these periods up!
@venusrevive132 2 жыл бұрын
This is my exact question right now due to- So thx ya’ll. 🌈❤️💫
@NickeGallup 2 жыл бұрын
I'm super excited to see that my part of fortune is conjunct my Jupiter in the 3rdhouse Libra.
@iamfranny 2 жыл бұрын
The point about natal and transiting aspects is huge, and I think it can affect sect considerations. For instance, those of us born in the early 80s have a natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction. In other words, transiting Saturn hit natal Pluto before or concurrent with returning to the degree of natal Saturn. I have a day chart, but WHEW, that transiting Saturn conjunct natal Pluto chapter was a doozy (a real tower card moment)-and then the actual Saturn return was still ahead of me.
@zodicatthefarmbyrobinclayt6411 2 жыл бұрын
Why do many people die on their first and second Saturn returns? I have seen a lot of people pass away during that time.
@jannaviana 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video ❤️
@egeegee7146 2 жыл бұрын
First one left my practice to further my husbands career had my child and husband fled Bit of a dramatic smack around the head. I simply was devastated and bewildered and mutilated psychologically. It was the biggest of growth points, that and a very plutonic relationship a few years later, but that was exceptional and intense and insane and glorious. Now heading up to second return. Neptune on my asc uranus and north node about to conjunct on my north node in second. I’m waiting to see what happens.
@venusrevive132 2 жыл бұрын
🌈😻🌹💫 💖Cat Rose: Blossom of Blossoms!🌹✨
@sandrar1511 2 жыл бұрын
#grabbed jupiter neptune opp - well holy tomoly. I'm writing a book and I'm on the last chapter. Theres an underlying theme of spiritual quest and I bring in a lot my natal astrology to underscore. Each chapter heading is from songs that have been pertinent in my life and are the soundtrack theme to each chapter. I have been going full tilt until yesterday. June 2 in my time zone, NZT, when all of a sudden I started questioning myself and do I truly believe what I've written, are people going to get it, or will they think its nuts and want to commit me 😂 I have neptune in scorpio in 9th, saturn pisces rising, mars, venus, lilith in aquarius in 12th, pluto and uranus in virgo in 7th so needless to say I dealt with a lot of shadow and deep topics including God, death, sex, drugs and rock and roll, working through the shadows and journeying the underworld. I'm so sure that it will be a help to so many people, especially in the time we are in now as more of humanity awakens. Particularly when it comes to shadow work. I see things outside of our 3d reality. I know many others do and part of the reason for this book is to help people see they are not going nutty and that common people have uncommon experiences. Its not just about the saints and famous philosophers and extraordinary figures. Thank you for your timely post! I can work through this transit and continue to complete the book, albeit questioning myself on the way. If I hadn't listened to this, I may just have shelved it and rendered it incomplete. Gratitude 🙏
@sandrar1511 2 жыл бұрын
Huh, I thought I was posting on Jupiter and Neptune get together again 🤣 maybe I need to listen to this now as I'm entering my second saturn return 😁
@FMCFT09 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. 1st Saturn return started last year at 6° Aquarius. Uranus has definitely not been helpful as it has been transiting back and forth over my Natal Sun, which happened to be exact on my birthday. Having an identity crisis on top of maturing/taking on more/different responsibilities.
@cinza6670 2 жыл бұрын
Second Saturn 🪐 return is what made me look into astrology.A friend said to me “ I think you are in a Saturn 🪐 return”. I am like what the hell is that?! That was in 2015. Plus Pluto was raking across my 1 st house. Hitting my stellium there. I could write a country song 🎶 Lol
@edwardjones4572 2 жыл бұрын
On the tail-end of my first - excited to start this episode!
@dorotapomagalska3178 2 жыл бұрын
April this year I am awaiting my second return with Mars added to the mix. Bring it on universe 🤪
@goddessthehellraiser 2 жыл бұрын
My Saturn is Aquarius 25° which is coming up about mid April but it also is going to station retrograde on that degree as well for about a year. I wonder if it means building and reevaluating a better foundation in regards to 2H things.
@rhaineyrwc1974 2 жыл бұрын
If you had your first Saturn return before you were a year old because of Saturn retrograde, does that count as your first? And what is the third Saturn return about for those of us older folks?
@KJSullivan4601 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you both very helpful!
@janestanton9422 2 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, I'm right in mine right now. 👍😊
@SteinClaudia 2 жыл бұрын
im here for anything Saturn. :)
@dls300 2 жыл бұрын
I think that there's a lot of people that are confused right now. What's next? Who knows! It's not clear.
@roadopener 2 жыл бұрын
Everything you need to know is contained in “The Grudge” by Tool
@blessedgraceindeed 2 жыл бұрын
Brutal Saturn returns for me saggy raising Saturn n Capricorn in 1 🏠 rules second. People die each Time.
@cynthiam1381 2 жыл бұрын
My second return conjunct my soith node 😪🤷
@karenebner8808 2 жыл бұрын
I have to say I’m a bit disappointed in this video… it definitely did not resonate whereas most of the time they do. Not everyone has a dignified Saturn so not everyone has a “good” Saturn return. Sometimes life completely falls apart and you just can’t pick up the pieces.
@Adam-Elenbaas 2 жыл бұрын
@xtessa1 2 жыл бұрын
I am glad for a more positive Saturn return video. You should understand that positive Saturn return stories are extremely under reported. The Astrology community is otherwise FLOODED by negative Saturn return stories. Hearing another side of the story is very refreshing. Astrology doesn’t work like this that there’s only one side.
@egeegee7146 2 жыл бұрын
I hear you about crash and burn returns. But I will say as horrendous as my first was it was the most and remains the most growthful period of my life. Saturn is natally on my asc so it was about who was I. What was I ? And I found astrology seriously then rather than dabbling. I’m just a few years off my second and already I feel all acyuta said. It’s resonating. I expect some losses of family or even myself who knows. But I’m open to what ever comes because it’s my journey and I want to experience it.
@karenebner8808 2 жыл бұрын
@@Adam-Elenbaas , I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate you and all that you do. I do. This video was just a one off.
@brendabroadway4154 2 жыл бұрын
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