Hungarian Convert to Islam Speaks about his Expiriance in Madinah City

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Interview with Hungarian convert to Islam.
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From Jesus to Muhammad: Similarities between Early Christianity and Islam, e book:
From Jesus to Muhammad: Similarities between Early Christianity and Islam, paperback:
Self-improvement for happiness: Self-discipline and personal development, e-book:
Self-improvement for happiness: Self-discipline and personal development, paperback:
Tips for improving your health: Recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, e-book:
Tips for improving your health: Recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, paperback:
Endless Journey: Infinite Reflections for Spiritual Enlightenment, Islamic Poetry, Kindle Edition:
Adam a.s.: The story of the prophets, Kindle Edition, Children book:
Two people discuss their experiences with Islam in Madinah city, including the kindness of the people and their interest in religion.
Experience of a convert to Islam in Medina.
00:11 Money found, call number on wall
01:31 Learning about the Kaaba
02:51 A person converts to Islam after finding peace in a mosque
04:02 Belief in Quran as word of God is central to Islam
05:12 Least project provides free Quran to people in many languages
06:17 Misconceptions about Islam in Austria
07:21 Spread Islam through education and inspiration

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@adamassociation Жыл бұрын
If you want to support the work and help us reach more people, you can buy our books on Amazon. We have a selection of books that cover different aspects of Islam. By buying their books, giving good reviews, reading them, you will not only benefit yourself by learning more about Islam, but also help us continue our mission of spreading the light of Islam. May Allah reward you for your generosity and support. Links: From Jesus to Muhammad: Similarities between Early Christianity and Islam, e book: From Jesus to Muhammad: Similarities between Early Christianity and Islam, paperback: Self-improvement for happiness: Self-discipline and personal development, e-book: Self-improvement for happiness: Self-discipline and personal development, paperback: Tips for improving your health: Recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, e-book: Tips for improving your health: Recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, paperback: QUR'AN AND THE UNIVERSE: SPACE JOURNEY FROM CREATION TO THE END OF UNIVERSE Kindle Edition: QUR'AN AND THE UNIVERSE: SPACE JOURNEY FROM CREATION TO THE END OF UNIVERSE, paperback: Endless Journey: Infinite Reflections for Spiritual Enlightenment, Islamic Poetry, Kindle Edition: Adam a.s.: The story of the prophets, Kindle Edition, Children book:
@user-zy9qu9uh3b Жыл бұрын
Alhamdulilah, Thank God for guiding him, saving him from hell and including him in His mercy and paradise, God willing. 🎉🎊🎈🎁💐
@rafeekbuhary7704 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations and best wishes Brother Welcome to the Peaceful Religion ISLAM may Allah bless you and your family and Guide you on the Correct path
@farid-selefi Жыл бұрын
wa aleikom salaam brother from hungary masha Allaah tabaraka Allaah
@lonelyglace5207 Жыл бұрын
💓💓💓💓❣️❣️❣️ love for all my reverted Muslim brother and sister. Please prey for me.
@muhammedsaleem3258 Жыл бұрын
Promoting huris and liquor in nonexistant paradise😅😅
@munirahmedkhanbalouch6945 Жыл бұрын
MASHA ALLAH ❤❤ Congratulations and welcome to Islam brother
@sikandermirza2354 Жыл бұрын
Ma Sha Allah, may Allah bless you with istaqama on Islam.
@annamuller8340 Жыл бұрын
Mashallah ❤ Alhamdulliah
@akmziaulhaque9030 Жыл бұрын
@NasirAhmedApu Жыл бұрын
Nice video about a prosperous young individual. Alhamdulillah.
@francisbangkok2937 Жыл бұрын
@islamic10001 Жыл бұрын
Maa sha allah
@zahidmuslim4110 Жыл бұрын
Love....only love
@danielahmed8162 Жыл бұрын
Al hamdulillah. Masha Allah
@VigilanteMian Жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah. This Hungarian brother's all previous sins have been forgiven. Inshallah.
@muhammedsaleem3258 Жыл бұрын
He has jumped into dirty pond
@alfiasiddiqui7754 Жыл бұрын
Walaikum assalam
@snijeg2244 3 ай бұрын
alhamdulillah rabbil alameen. I’m bosnian and croatian but I’m ~15% hungarian, I can’t believe my magyars are finding the truth, I have heard they only worship one God and that Jesus is the prophet they said to me “igen, nincs isten csak Allah” when I was in hungary few weeks ago. ma sha Allah 🇧🇦🇭🇺
@AbdurrahimAbuAdam 2 ай бұрын
Barak Allahu feek testrvérem.
@snijeg2244 2 ай бұрын
@ köszi akhi és te is barak Allahu feek
@srikanthchaudhuri319 Жыл бұрын
Mashallah! Alhamdulillah!
@redvoice896 Жыл бұрын
MashAllah beautiful ☝🏻🌹
@hafeezkhanzoi7393 Жыл бұрын
اللهُ اکبر
@UnknownABC-wu4pq Жыл бұрын
@rab251 Жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah ❤
@kausamsalam8543 Жыл бұрын
Inspirational. May the young brother and the interviewer continue having great and blessed lives-as we all strive to overcome humanity’s differences, while striving to get along with each other (as Allah teaches in Holy Quran).
@adamassociation Жыл бұрын
Jezakallah un khayren
@kausamsalam8543 Жыл бұрын
@@adamassociation 💜😊
@islamcentar Жыл бұрын
Massallah tebarakallah
@shakuatali8557 Жыл бұрын
Masha Allah v nice well come to Islam 🎉🎉❤❤🇵🇰
@arakibhosen434 Жыл бұрын
QURAN: Who is better in speech than the one who calls people towards Allah, does good deeds and says: "I am a Muslim?"
@hellogoogle1938 2 ай бұрын
Ya Allah SWT. Allahumdulliah and this is my wish to asking only you ya Rab all humans become beautiful Muslims Ameen
@adamassociation Жыл бұрын
Please subscribe and follow ourchannel for new videos
@AbdurrahimAbuAdam Жыл бұрын
MashaAllah akhi, where did you get this video? This was almost 10 years ago
@adamassociation Жыл бұрын
Haahh...InsaAllah nothing changed:)
@adamassociation Жыл бұрын
May Allah reward was a good interview i have several others with some other brothers ill post them next days
@AbdurrahimAbuAdam Жыл бұрын
A lot of things changed, but all to the good alhamdulillah. Lies project doesn’t exist any more but there are others, alhamdulillah married, 5yo daughter, and finaly also a normal looking beard 🤣. SubhanAllah i was thinking about madinah few days ago how much I miss it and then a brother send me this video. I hope to see you one day there InshaAllah.
@adamassociation Жыл бұрын
@@AbdurrahimAbuAdam May Allah keep you safe you and your family:) and also give you guidance and steadfast..we are all just travers in this world going to the final destination...
@AbdurrahimAbuAdam Жыл бұрын
Amenn ya Rabb
@farid-selefi Жыл бұрын
alhamdo li Laah yes we are wahabis because one of Names of Allaah is Al Wahaab and we are His servants and yes we are salafis because we want to learn authentic islam according to selef, first 3 pious generations muslims after prophet mohammad salla Allaho alaihi wa salaam and yes we are madhalees because sh rabee teach us this correct understanding of islaam and he always refer to authentic old school books of major islamic scholars like abo hanifa,imaam maalik,imaam shafi, imaam ahmad bin hanbal, ibn taimia and others from major wellknowed islamic scholars who have correct metholodgy and creed of the selefo saalih so thank you for giving us this beautifull nicknames
@miguelsureda9762 Жыл бұрын
@zehrabaig4376 Жыл бұрын
@shafiqislam2751 Жыл бұрын
This is for only Law of Sharia. Give Dawah Brother to All Non Muslims
@nafeesahmed651 Жыл бұрын
@gharib02 Жыл бұрын
He should try to pronounce إن شاء الله correctly, because mispronounciation could change the meaning. May Allah guide me and him.
@AbdurrahimAbuAdam Жыл бұрын
بارك الله فيك أخي، كان ذلك قبل ١٠ سنوات. الآن نطقي و تجويد الحمد لله أفضل.
@Syed_12 Жыл бұрын
Muslim, below are food for thought All Human Believe In Allah Except Atheist All >GOOD< Hindu Christian Jew Muslim Will Enter Heaven Quran 2:62_21:94 All Religions Are Valid Path To God = Allah Quran 5:48 Does Allah Hear Prayers Of A Hindu Mother ? Quran 40:60 Heaven Is Not Property of Muslim Quran 2:111_2:112 Islam And Religious Pluralism: The Quran Allows It Most Mullahs Don't Quran 5:48 Islam mean submitting to God and Anyone submitted To God Are Muslim Christians Worshiped Trinity In Prophet Mosque In Madinah 1400 Years Ago And Prophet Did Not Kill Them True religion is submission to God and living righteously. Everything else is interpretation. There is so much we could learn about God from one another's religions if we start listening and sharing. Essence Of Islam: If It Is Not Common Sense Then It Is Not Islam Enemy Is Not Muslim or Christian or Hindu or Jew ......The Real Enemy Is Extremism Don't ridicule others' religions, and, insh'Allah (God willing), others will be less likely to ridicule yours. If you hate other religious people because of some fault or perceived fault they have, don't put it off on God. Own your own hate. Do Not Denigrate And Ridicule Others Religions Which Muslim Sect is Acceptable to Allah ? Your Allah is only God of The Muslims ? True Islam Vs Dirty Mulla's Islam Learn About Religion Of Islam, Do Not Inherit It Blindly From Mulla. Learn To Question Your Mufti, Mullah, Shaik May Allah bless those who can share Islam to other in a respectful manner. Quran Allah Words And Hadiths Men Words Which You Trust The Most? Quran and Hadiths Which You Love The Most? There's no Mufti, Mullah profession in Islam You should learn your Religion by Yourself. If your Salah does not made you better human being then do not do Salah. You are wasting your time If You Believe In Sect You Will Enter Hellfire Sectarian Muslims Says:- Allah Told Us To Hates You Satan, Mufti, Mullah, Sheikh, Are Brothers All The Science In The Quran Discovered By Kafir Not By Brainless Mullah Proper dawah (witnessing) shares truth in a respectful manner and leaves the power to God to give guidance as He wills. Proselytizing seeks to convert in a manner of expressing religious superiority. The Qur'an prescribes "beautiful preaching" --not proselytizing.Quran16:125 Allah said that He honored the children of Adam. Quran17:70 Let's show respect to all followers of everyone religion The guidelines for everything are in the Qur’an, but implementation is your responsibility A Hindu A Jew A Christian A Sikh A Muslim Can Be A Momin We are in different religious families, but we all belong to the family of humanity. Quran 49:13 Allah Love Non Muslim Who Do Good (Quran 3:148) And Allah loves the doers of good.” Does Allah Love Only Muslim ? Path To Heaven Is Righteousness And Path To Hell Is Blindly Following Your Sheikh / Mufti Do not blindly follow your scholars and mullahs Sunni And Shia Fighting's History is Not Islam Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Hussein Are Heroes Of Muslim Not Islam. Do not worship them as heroes Stop Letting Scholars Brainwash You And Read The Qur'an's God words For Yourself Momin Will Enter Heaven Not Muslim Quran 33:35 The Real Islam Is In The Quran Not In The Hadith Hadith Tells Mufti, Sheik, Mulla That Not To Use Brain Mufti, Sheik, Mulla Tells Muslim Not To Question Hadith If You Do You Are Not Muslim Mufti, Sheik, Mulla's Favorites Book Is Hadiths Not The Quran Quran The Book Of All Knowing Allah And Hadiths The Books Of Thousands Fallible Men If your religion causes you to hate any group of people, either something's wrong with your religion or your understanding of it. The best Dawah is your manners. The best Naseeha is your example. Spread the beauty of Islam by living it. Your ritual acts of worship are useless unless they influence your transactional relationships with other people. If you are on the path to God, we will meet in Paradise regardless of your religion.
@jakhajahon3513 Жыл бұрын
@fightwhowin Жыл бұрын
@Free_Falestine Жыл бұрын
Masha Allah
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