Use code 50HUNTTHEFRONT to get 50% OFF plus free shipping on your first Factor box at!
@brandonsernikКүн бұрын
we need a Well DANG! or a Well SHOOT Tshirt for 2025 lol
@danwilliams1309Күн бұрын
Jesse is thinking of the future and his family, racing just don’t cut it if your not rich , good move for him know he is home working a normal job for his family ❤
@kingkong_1959Күн бұрын
Jesse was the show. he will be mist
@hippyjasonКүн бұрын
@@kingkong_1959 "Missed," maybe?
@MrHatchbodyСағат бұрын
True and when you want to drive but never get the chance. It’s hard to work at someone else’s dream and not get yours.
@waynebratton9813Күн бұрын
Hunt The Front is a good racing team, they try so hard and just no luck.Dusty sure is a good worker and some day your luck will change.
@robertwestover2125Күн бұрын
LUCK = Labor Under Correct Knowledge ….
@williambrooks4461Күн бұрын
I never followed this team for wins if yall get to meet them you would follow them regardless stand up guys!
@lallier7576Күн бұрын
Love the team. Don't forget, y'all racing against the best racers in the country..good job boys
@robertbarone2306Күн бұрын
Whatever they are paying that Dusty It's not enough
@chuckcleaves6816Күн бұрын
@@robertbarone2306 how do you know.
@Huntinglife4123 сағат бұрын
Why isn’t it he’s not creating wins?
@Trackratz-zl9di18 сағат бұрын
Because he's not a magician.
@Huntinglife4117 сағат бұрын
@@Trackratz-zl9di then he’s not gonna get paid more are yall clueless about racing?
@pazzocorridore10 сағат бұрын
I don't usually leave 2 separate comments, but wanted to leave one for Dusty! 💪🤘🤙
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
The absolute BEST part of this video, and all your videos really, is that y'all did better than ANY of the people leaving the comments.
@americanadventureoutdoors4213Күн бұрын
Spot on 👍🏻 and guaranteed there having a lot more fun than most of us are !!
@jonkluver7912Күн бұрын
It's snowing here and I'll have to shovel in the morning, so watching this for free is time we'll spent.
@Trackratz-zl9di18 сағат бұрын
How much fun is 9th at a crate race ?
@jonkluver791218 сағат бұрын
Alot funner than this empty bag of doritos and cold b3an bAg ChAiR @Trackratz-zl9di
@americanadventureoutdoors421316 сағат бұрын
@@Trackratz-zl9di Ide rather race and finish last than have a good day at work . I’d say most people here would fill the same way . Apparently not you though . Apparently you would rather be at work or sitting at home looking at your phone . That sure sounds like a lot of more fun than racing and finishing 9th for sure . Apparently you have never heard the saying ,” ide rather have a bad day of fishing than a good day at work “ ! .
@bubbaakatommyoso4119Күн бұрын
For the people that said they was gonna quit watching since Jesse stepped away from the channel wasnt True HTF fans to begin with It was just Joeseph and Jonothan and Dirt Daddy in the Beginning Eather way yaw kno Jesses gonna show up in some Vids... he allready said he would HTF Nation baby
@ThatGuy-256Күн бұрын
Well said bubba
@Dannnomite12 сағат бұрын
Only funny person in the crew with personality
@jasonwilliams208Күн бұрын
Good run guys!!! Passing that many cars is a great effort!!! Thanks as always for the great videos Jon!!! 👍😁🏁
@profishant989118 сағат бұрын
A stellar job gettin the ole "Orange is the new Black" hotrod back to racing shape in fine time!!!
@haroldgarrett9677Күн бұрын
Keep pushing boys!! Bet yall missed ole Jesse! Only three of you! Good luck! Hope yall can make the race!
@freedomwandererКүн бұрын
Time to hire some crew boys.
@BluegrassMikeКүн бұрын
Yea, been wondering myself what they are going to do about next year. Prolly need to replace Jesse and if Jordan is going to stay on or not due to the issues he's had recently or if he decides to do something else.
@dirtracer919323 сағат бұрын
@@freedomwanderer 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are the best Captain 👍🏻
@tommyschirnhofer9696Күн бұрын
You guys did a great job for being short handed
@chrisodie2467Күн бұрын
Hellyeah boys!!! Hard work with the 3 stooges!!😅..thats in good faith guys, yall did AMAZING!
@billwheeler2902Күн бұрын
Been a crew chief on several dirt track teams, mm any times have we had all our ducks in a row,just to flat got buried under the dirt we ran on.a real fan supports his favorite team if they lose every time until they start winning again Goodbye😜
@danwilliams1309Күн бұрын
I like these guys and wish them well, follow everyday
@jasonlong3929Күн бұрын
Great job 1 bad lane choice on restart when he was 3rd and yall had a podium great job team
@BluegrassMikeКүн бұрын
He doesn't get to choose the lane, not his choice!
@jasonlong3929Күн бұрын
@BluegrassMike apparently you wasn't watching 1st and 2nd was on front row he was on the bottom the chose the top going into 3 yes he did
@haiwin224Күн бұрын
@@jasonlong3929I want to say that depends on who is sanctioning the race. Sometimes the driver decides like when they do the choose cone in Flo Racing Night in America. Others the race director picks. IDK what exactly XR does without looking over the rule book.
@jasonlong3929Күн бұрын
@@haiwin224 1st and 2nd on front row even on restarts 3rd place chooses lane in xr
@BluegrassMikeКүн бұрын
@@jasonlong3929 Ok, I see your talking about the main event, and he didn't CHOOSE to start on the top. Only one that gets to choose is the leader, then the odd positions line up on the same side that he does. Looks like Joseph thought or tried to line up on the inside but they moved him and the other odd number positions to the outside. I thought that was the case and went back to double check and that's how they do it. He got stuck up there to some degree, and the car (or tires) didn't run as good last few laps.
@bodine4479Күн бұрын
Dusty , I wish I could come help ya buddy! Your definitely are hard worker!💯🤙🏻
@keithzeug194414 сағат бұрын
I feel really bad for these guys they work so hard good luck HTF
@jackjackson9068Күн бұрын
Keep digging and believe in your self-confidence. You have all come a long way from where you started.
@DonnieJackson-r4eКүн бұрын
Hey buddy I saw the name an I Jackson to I donnie
@JoyceStrayhornКүн бұрын
Good hustles for only three on the crew by you need to hire good crew chief but I'll say this Dusty is kicking ass
@dirtracer9193Күн бұрын
Can you list 10 crew chiefs available pls?
@JoyceStrayhornКүн бұрын
@dirtracer9193 where did I say 10 crew chiefs need to find somebody good at shock setups they seem to always miss it in the front end.
@dirtracer919323 сағат бұрын
@ give us a list of people they can call
@ryanlane3529Күн бұрын
At that track where yall shine is in the shine.
@donaldpastore6594Күн бұрын
Your a good bunch of guys! I am always watching! What has happened! Not a single finish too talk about. Has the pressure been too much on Joseph? He has lost the aggressiveness that is needed. You ran better when you had nothing! It changed when you switched Chassis, For sure.
@DonnieJackson-r4eКүн бұрын
They don't want win to mush taxes buddy
@Maddie-GirlКүн бұрын
@@DonnieJackson-r4etheyr happy with a 10th place finish pretty much says it all
@robertwestover2125Күн бұрын
The Langenfelder Karma coming back to bite them …
@chriscannon5330Күн бұрын
Great job all weekend guys
@michaelolenick4078Күн бұрын
Now you guys need some snow to go with that cold weather like 30 degrees with a couple of inches
@BrandisManLCM1011Күн бұрын
Man drive with that aggression all of the time like you did in the heat race sometimes a pissed off drivers are good keep diggin Clay from mobile Alabama
@bubbaakatommyoso4119Күн бұрын
I see Corey Hedgecock at every big race no matter where it is lol I started watching him 10years ago at 411 and I-75 Dukin it out against another KiD Quick I cant think of kid quicks name but hes good:Edit lol his name is Dakota Knuckles yo what a Kool name ... But i havent seen that kid in any races when 10 yrs ago he was racing in Tenn and Georgia just Like Hedgecock was racing at all the big tracks like Rome speedway and at my Track Cherokee because they closed down the track 30mins away from Greensboro where I live which was 311 where davenport cut his teeth and raced against my friends dad Ray Tucker They have Memorial Races for my friends In the Tucker family and it's called the Donald Tucker memorial which was his Grandpa and he was also in the first Daytona 500 after they paved it My grandpa raced asfalt in the 80s and 90s in 3 different cars, 2novas and a Malibu was Bad ass but anyway I tell this story on here all the time Racing is in your blood And it's More Traditional then any other sport in the 🌍
@mike77tmc2Күн бұрын
Good job guys! And the video was awesome for a cookie cutter video! Had to say that, because of what I heard another channel say. BTW I think that your videos are better than other channels I watch. Still missing Jesse, and it would have helped if he had been there to help you guys!
@dad_connection20 сағат бұрын
It’s crazy to me how much hating goes on in the comments. Jesus these dude started from the bottom and worked up to where they are now. No pleasing these people.
@mathewpierce6385Күн бұрын
Keep getting it boys!
@JohnAllison-h2rКүн бұрын
Being a man short, great job 💪💪💪 GUYS
@BertholemuКүн бұрын
Love everything dirt track , keep up the good coverage joiner family, an c’mon HTF 🍻🍻🇦🇺🇦🇺
@rogerworley5897Күн бұрын
Man, what's with all the animosity round here, everyone quarterbacking from the couch, like they've got a race team at home and are past champions.....oh wait they don't. Keep it up Joiners you got nothing to be ashamed of, I'm rooting for ya no matter the odds.!!
@robertwestover2125Күн бұрын
Some of us are past racers and champions
@rogerworley589720 сағат бұрын
I have no doubt that you are, just seems like people are quick to judge, thats all.@@robertwestover2125
@SLMdirtfan18 сағат бұрын
Welcome to the world of the internet and youtube. Tons of people think they know what's best for others.
@jacobstanfield156416 сағат бұрын
@@robertwestover2125took the words out of my mouth. Internet folk don't understand the amount of shit talking racers do. Even the quiet ones quietly talk shit.
@logangustaf6114Күн бұрын
I guess I’m not understanding how you guys got In the wreck in the heat race and got put back in your spot instead of to the back maybe it’s different down south
@cowrocket3870Күн бұрын
Yellow was already out.
@joeblow3435Күн бұрын
@@cowrocket3870he was that far behind and still ran into him...
@AshleyPoston-u2eКүн бұрын
Keep it up hth haters be haters
@stuartwall8212Күн бұрын
Go HTF!!!!!!
@BluegrassMikeКүн бұрын
Can't wait until the next video from the main event, both for the finish and the situation that happens (quite a few will be pleased and some will shake heads and do told ya so's lol).
@timcampbell9801Күн бұрын
Hell of an effort
@danwilliams1309Күн бұрын
Why did they change the chassis’s from longhorn ?.
@DonnieJackson-r4eКүн бұрын
They couldn't get longhorn help with car at track
@Maddie-GirlКүн бұрын
Cause they couldn’t win not much has changed
@kennethdejardin795Күн бұрын
Hello HTF good effort by you guys pay no mind to the trolls your trying to do the best you can no shame in that my only question is when you come out of the corners are the tires spinning or is that motor down on power seems like the other cars are powering away from you just wondering
@danwilliams1309Күн бұрын
All the top guys run longhorn!
@NokkblackmetalКүн бұрын
What happened to the keeps sponsorship?
@joeblow3435Күн бұрын
Didn't work looking at them heads so no more infomercials on hair plugs and such. Lol
@662_Food_ReviewКүн бұрын
I tried that pork chop and it was excellent
@MrChristopherHaasКүн бұрын
which ride is Tyler Erb in? for $100k i KNOW hes gonna be in it. Hard to imagine both Overtons, Oneal, all of those top Georgia and Florida shoes not looking for their piece as well lol.
@smitty805Күн бұрын
The overton brothers were there
@jamiegore4192Күн бұрын
Cant just be good on 1 type surface got to be able to adapt and run on any surface
@bodine4479Күн бұрын
Great finish in the finale outta all them damn cars! 💯🤙🏻
@robertengster5643Күн бұрын
You guys are going to miss Jesse. Huge part of that team for years
@kingkong_1959Күн бұрын
yes he was thums up.
@TRM8311 сағат бұрын
That particular😢 motor just doesnt sound like it has the torque to pull off the bottom.
@johnbean199414 сағат бұрын
Isn’t that a processed meal? Aren’t they supposed to be bad for you?
@zacbloor-chrest7670Күн бұрын
Dang I'm early for once
@Maddie-GirlКүн бұрын
If yah don’t get to start up front it’s hopeless in winning
@JimmyJolly-d8vКүн бұрын
Are yall going to take over promoting Cherokee Speedway in 2025 ?
@justinworkman9980Күн бұрын
Faithful should have been used
@smitty805Күн бұрын
Stay tuned
@jackjuby95207 сағат бұрын
Seems weird without Jesse!
@tol12341Күн бұрын
@VickiLandrum-u4kКүн бұрын
They did worse in the 100 grand night 😂😂😂😂
@mnewell89Күн бұрын
Car drove better with the bent lower lol
@timsessions628020 сағат бұрын
Haven't heard much about Bo Slay maybe just maybe he could be your next replacement for Jesse? Bo knows
@busher69Күн бұрын
In a points show, the heat races are prolly the most important race for of the night. You had better able to get 2-3 spots during the first lap and a half or you bury yourself. This format is the best possible format for fans. Intensity level is Code Brown.
@VickiLandrum-u4kКүн бұрын
It's like there sponsor koboto slow
@bobbymorris8390Күн бұрын
Need to change shock companies.
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
From what company, to what company?
@dirtracer9193Күн бұрын
They did. Try and keep up and maybe watch a video. Proof is there Thanks for coming out 👍🏻
@joeblow3435Күн бұрын
@@dirtracer9193that's exactly what the shock company told htf... It's not the shocks. It's how and who adjust them.
@dennisswab6020Күн бұрын
missin jessie yet
@scottcarroll631Күн бұрын
Too bad you couldn’t use the drone
@davidh2859Күн бұрын
Hang in there you can't win them all good work for a 3 man team
@joebullard8017Күн бұрын
Pickup motors flatxout
@johnmenschner3693Күн бұрын
Once again qualifying bites you in the butt. Same old story went the wrong way with our adjustments for qualifying. Top 10 out of 100s of cars then why change it? Change it after qualifying when you know the track condition. Hope this doesn't follow you next year. Figure it out guys. Love your fortitude
@haroldwilcox901Күн бұрын
They need to change DRIVERS nothing against you Joseph but Johnathan is a much better driver. I have watched you both since you all started this channel switch drivers and see what happens just saying.
@chuckcleaves6816Күн бұрын
Did you see what happened few weeks ago when Johnathan raced?
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
If you watched since the beginning you would know Joseph IS the better driver.
@DonnieJackson-r4eКүн бұрын
Camara man scared that late model
@Toddscamry-lk5wrКүн бұрын
Hate these stupid sales pitches at beginning of all these videos makes me not want watch
@WaddickLawnCareКүн бұрын
So did you ever notice on tv how every 4-6 minutes the show stopped playing and then you watched ads? 30 min tv show is 22 min so 8 min of ads for 30 min of tv. 1 min ad before a 27 min video and it’s shippable
@AlabamaLinemanFarmerКүн бұрын
KZbin has a fast forward button, it’s not hard to operate🤷🏻♂️
@chuckcleaves6816Күн бұрын
No ones making you watch!
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
In the time it took to type that out, you could just skip forward and not end up looking like such a stupid douche bag.
@timdeutsch4157Күн бұрын
Maybe they could've used that commercial money to pay jesse .... So he didn't have to go out and get a real job
@ThatGuy-256Күн бұрын
@henrysams421Күн бұрын
@grumpyfellerКүн бұрын
Where/How do I get in on the pool how long before Jessie is back?
@toddstarkey6820Күн бұрын
I figure he actually wanted to drive a race car. He is a good personality to watch.
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
@@toddstarkey6820 he didn't leave to go drive a race car, did he bud?
@chuckcleaves6816Күн бұрын
@@grumpyfeller he won’t be back unless he don’t care about wife and kid. Why ya think he’s done . He said five years away was a lot.
@toddstarkey6820Күн бұрын
@@pazzocorridoreI have been aggravated for a while that he rarely got to drive. The other commenter is probably right. Probably wants to spend more time with his family. I don’t know him, just speculation.
@dirtracer9193Күн бұрын
@@toddstarkey6820he said that’s why he left 🙄
@JudyHawkins-gr1yeКүн бұрын
You guys have too much bad luck. Maybe Someday.
@thomase.piggott7383Күн бұрын
How many more races will it take before you realize you need a better driver. Love your videos. PS I have a Kubota diesel 4x4 b7610 tractor, love the dependability. Wish you guys and your family members a great Xmas, May God grant you many great years ahead.
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
How many more races will it take before you realize that Joseph is the driver, and that's it.
@redeyedmongoose2963Күн бұрын
If you get passing points for passing on backwards, it’s a lock
@downhomeonthefarm6464Күн бұрын
Is that what happened to you??
@haiwin224Күн бұрын
Passed 1 in the heat and 9 in the A Main. What kind of rock are you smoking kid?
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
Is that the math you learned at the trailer park school? Ffs
@toddsmith2001Күн бұрын
Even commercials on TV are only 30 seconds...that was pushing info-mercial status.
@AlabamaLinemanFarmerКүн бұрын
KZbin has a fast forward button you know
@troykidd3232Күн бұрын
😅 i was thinking the same thing, i like watching there videos. But damn he really lays it on
@ChrisPaulk-r4kКүн бұрын
I love you guys and I want to see you win .But at this point I think your satisfied with you tube money and ,merch money .witch ain’t bad if your happy with that .ill keep watching.hunt the back
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
Lucky for you, not a single person here or on this team cares what you think. Not even a little. NADA! 😅
@toddstarkey6820Күн бұрын
@@pazzocorridorethey will if we quit liking and commenting. Not to mention that 25 bucks a month I spend on the app.
@dirtracer9193Күн бұрын
Kubota is happy with them. Committed to another year. Guess you’re wrong 🤣
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
@@toddstarkey6820 and you can't tell the difference between "liking and commenting" and "what people think"? Please tell me you can...
@dennisswab6020Күн бұрын
need some help qualifying so don,t start so far back every week..
@waynecoughlin3648Күн бұрын
I have to admit it but as much as i enjoy ur vlog i hate to see u turning more into commericals like other you tubers ur becoming greedy just like them. Just my 2 cents...
@dalemarizzaldi1212Күн бұрын
All this is is just one big infomercial for Kubota and other products.
@Slotmachineking567Күн бұрын
Man you guys can't keep up in a 604😅 you may want to rethink your racing program
@robertwestover2125Күн бұрын
It’s not the motor, rather, the chassis setup
@Slotmachineking56711 сағат бұрын
@@robertwestover2125 true
@AirelKramerКүн бұрын
I'm not even 5 minutes into the video...but it's not that people with open trailers are beating HTF.. But witching car manufacturer mid season maybe have something to do with not "good" week in and out... But it is the best thing for he can be in the middle. Of a race night and able to call someone... It's not all witching but I still love the videos
@justinworkman9980Күн бұрын
Please get your crap fixed, I am tired of the excuses
@WaddickLawnCareКүн бұрын
Lmfao grow up how immature!
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
What were the excuses? You would be better of just walking on and not returning.
@RRBracingКүн бұрын
They finished 7th in a $100,000 crate race, it wasn’t a bad run
@ChrisPaulk-r4kКүн бұрын
I love you guys and I want to see you win .But at this point I think your satisfied with you tube money and ,merch money .witch ain’t bad if your happy with that .ill keep watching.
@tracyannegonzales11086 сағат бұрын
Lame commercials! Please stop
@Mike.T402Күн бұрын
Going straight to fixing the door panel before even looking for mechanical damage is ludicrous
@danprothero5905Күн бұрын
Kubota needs to find new team that wins.
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
They like this team, and this team WINS! So step on halfwit.
@chuckcleaves6816Күн бұрын
@@danprothero5905 not every teams wins
@graysonkramer9374Күн бұрын
@@danprothero5905 and you needa find some better to do than shit talk in the comments on all their videos. talkin a lot of shit for a guy thats making multiple comments🤷🏽♂️
@danprothero5905Күн бұрын
New driver.
@RRBracingКүн бұрын
They finished 7th in a $100,000 crate race, it’s not a bad run
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
No dipshit, it is actually the same driver.
@Trackratz-zl9diКүн бұрын
Open trailer teams are beating them now .
@stuartwall8212Күн бұрын
I think you are a boring naysayer. All you wanna do is piss on the campfire.
@downhomeonthefarm6464Күн бұрын
Where did you finish Mr Smartass?
@bruces1171Күн бұрын
Jessie … is that you? Lmaooooo
@Huntinglife41Күн бұрын
A toter and trailer don’t make you fast Homer lmao.
@jacktaylor9269Күн бұрын
Check your spelling before you criticize someone.
@Toddscamry-lk5wrКүн бұрын
Got out best card built and got in a mid pack car at best capital cars are shit
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
They are better than your grammar, THAT is for sure. You referring to Longhorn chassis? What should all the guys with them that don't win do?
@feltro19Күн бұрын
What’s up with JJ he doesn’t seam to be the same driver he once was asleep at the wheel ??????
@kameronrogers2568Күн бұрын
Boy I know y’all missing Jesse And I know he wants to be there so bad
@NutzycopКүн бұрын
Well what a way to cap the '24 season, yall spent a lot of money to go backwards. Cats out of bag for sat's race, what now ?
@pazzocorridoreКүн бұрын
You aint too bright, are ya fella? 😅
@danprothero5905Күн бұрын
Tired of watching a no win team. It’s frustrating y’all need a lead crew chief or settle for second best.
@TiMOThy931GBOКүн бұрын
Well don’t watch if you are tired of it nobody’s forcing you.Jump on somebody else’s bandwagon
@TonyWilhoitКүн бұрын
And just who would you watch that wins every week.
@charlesmoseley1457Күн бұрын
Or get a car start a KZbin and win i will subscribe for sure.
@mikesamuels4494Күн бұрын
@@danprothero5905 so stop watching and quit punching keys slick. SMH
@Fulford71Күн бұрын
He’s won 2 super races this year… how many you win this year?
@kylebusch51Күн бұрын
i don't see Jordan not show up at shop... why he went dome st louis .. i don't see him every time go racing he not show up help them.... fire him get a hire new one !
@chuckcleaves6816Күн бұрын
@@kylebusch51 it’s been said he’s got personal stuff going on back home
@woofersd2383Күн бұрын
Sad. I’m very sad. What The Heck.
@billgentry3679Күн бұрын
Should have let jessie drive
@JasonPoole-bz3jjКүн бұрын
You've got the best 604 in the country in the front of the trailer! You don't have the second best engine too! Take junk motor out and run the good one!
@danwilliams1309Күн бұрын
Htf has the best sponsors ! Big bucks but !,,,,,,,,,,,
@danwilliams1309Күн бұрын
The big thing is u have no pension to speak of when your done and it’s at a young age, I did super late model for 15 years working and racing on the road and one day I had to quit to make a life after racing it was a bummer but had to make a future with my family and spend little time that was left , glad I did!