Petr Kulhánek, Jaký je náš vesmír - milníky současné kosmologie

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Hvězdárna a planetárium Brno

Hvězdárna a planetárium Brno

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@martinslezak2287 6 жыл бұрын
Pecka, potvrzuje to mou myšlenku o tom, že temná energie je energií vakua z kvantových fluktuací. Škoda, že jsem tuto přednášku neviděl dřív, informace v ní jsou velice podstatné. Musíme se o toto více zajímat, ale pokud je to už 6 let, tak už jsme určitě pokročili. Pevně věřím, že toto odhalíme a kdo ví, možná nám to i bude co platné a chléb bude levnější. XD Kéž by se toho dožili fyziky velikáni, co už dnes nejsou mezi námi.
@tomino3093 12 жыл бұрын
mám velmi rád pána Kulhánka pretože vždy vie aj tie zložité veci zrozumitelne vysvetliť
@tomasjanosec6926 2 жыл бұрын
Super přednáška 👍
@mrpropervole 7 жыл бұрын
"Protože jsem nedostudoval, tak si to kompenzuji tím, že odebírám časopis Vesmír, kde čtu vše, ale málo čemu rozumím." (Jan Werich) škoda že nemohl jít na přednášku doktora Kulhánka.
@FrodoKolik 12 жыл бұрын
Pěkná přednáška p. Prof. RNDr. Petra Kulháneka, CSc.
@Star_Kay 11 жыл бұрын
Moc pěkný. :-)
@Jeblington1 Жыл бұрын
Nojono, ale velký třesk není uplně jasná věc, jenom spekulace, vesmír pulsuje a spočítat to holt neumíme... Já jsem to viděl, tak to vím, a není šance o tom dál diskutovat....
@lubomirvlcek9888 8 жыл бұрын
Hi , A particle moving in a transmission medium. Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) moving at the velocity of v has two different values: Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion of a particle ( charge) It is realy as Newton´s kinetic energy, where v is velocity of a particle ( charge) . Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion of a particle ( charge) It is realy as Maxwell´s electromagnetic wave energy, where v is velocity of a particle ( charge). Corrected Third Newton's law of motion : All movements in physics are based on principle of action - reaction and on velocity of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, α ). Action, as a motion of stable charged particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, α ), is characterized speeds up in source along ellipse or quasi- elipse ( excentricity e -> 0 ). Action creates unstable particles ( leptons μ−, τ−, baryons, mesons ), bosons W +, W-, Z (= particles = β electrons moving at nearly the speed of light )in direction of motion of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, alfa ). Reaction creates into transmission medium, the electromagnetic waves, as unstable “particles” - neutrínos νe, νμ, ντ , mesons π0, π+ , π- , η , K and gamma rays (=waves of extremely high frequency >1019 Hz ) - against direction of motion of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, alfa ). Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves, or “unstable particles“ respectively , i.e. neutrinos and mesons. Extraordinary proofs: [32] viXra:1506.0207 submitted on 2015-06-29 01:42:05, (188 unique-IP downloads) New Trends in Physics CD Rom /book, Elementes Pictures, Spheres in Nuclei, Forecasted Nuclei [31] viXra:1504.0082 submitted on 2015-04-10 05:16:10, (80 unique-IP downloads) One Blink of Electron is the Basis Amount of Kinetic Energy 6.62606957x10-34 Js [30] viXra:1503.0056 submitted on 2015-03-07 19:18:06, (110 unique-IP downloads) Confirmation of the Theory Under Discussion Wave-Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and in Direction of Motion in Discussion Group Theoretical Physics !!!! Eureka !!!! [29] ViXra:1502.0184 submitted on 2015-02-21 05:23:36, (174 unique-IP downloads) Einstein's Theory of Relativity Can not Explain ... [28] viXra:1501.0199 submitted on 2015-01-21 04:39:51, (194 unique-IP downloads) Corrected Newton´s Laws of Motion [27] viXra:1501.0198 submitted on 2015-01-21 04:47:40, (83 unique-IP downloads) Principles for the Theory and Its Agreement with Experiment [26] viXra:1501.0197 submitted on 2015-01-21 04:58:33, (179 unique-IP downloads) Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion. [25] viXra:1412.0131 submitted on 2014-12-06 14:12:09, (126 unique-IP downloads) Improvement of Classical Physics [24] viXra:1412.0125 submitted on 2014-12-06 02:24:29, (108 unique-IP downloads) Kinetic Energy According to Einstein and According the Latest Knowledge [23] viXra:1411.0533 submitted on 2014-11-21 11:33:37, (118 unique-IP downloads) Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is Asymmetrical. [22] viXra:1411.0531 submitted on 2014-11-21 11:46:11, (70 unique-IP downloads) Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear [21] viXra:1411.0530 submitted on 2014-11-21 12:08:28, (74 unique-IP downloads) Kinetic Energy of a Charge Moving at the Velocity of V Has Two Different Values [20] viXra:1409.0090 submitted on 2014-09-12 06:18:51, (235 unique-IP downloads) Three Objections to Modern Physics [19] viXra:1408.0185 submitted on 2014-08-27 07:41:44, (88 unique-IP downloads) Protons Are Perfectly Stable or Their Lifetime is Enormous [18] viXra:1408.0133 submitted on 2014-08-20 05:06:15, (157 unique-IP downloads) Please Read my Articles in More Detail. [17] viXra:1405.0355 submitted on 2014-05-29 12:55:30, (113 unique-IP downloads) Movement Principles of Ufo [16] viXra:1405.0334 submitted on 2014-05-27 16:07:44, (192 unique-IP downloads) [15] viXra:1405.0308 submitted on 2014-05-25 01:51:26, (113 unique-IP downloads) Who is Right? [14] viXra:1405.0307 submitted on 2014-05-25 01:57:30, (205 unique-IP downloads) What is Quark? [13] viXra:1405.0237 submitted on 2014-05-14 05:14:55, (90 unique-IP downloads) L.vlcek Vixra, Getcited, Book, CD, Conferences 14.5.2014 [12] viXra:1404.0471 submitted on 2014-04-28 11:29:47, (118 unique-IP downloads) Superheavy Spherical Nuclei. Island of Stability [11] viXra:1404.0369 submitted on 2014-04-17 01:31:59, (190 unique-IP downloads) Neutrino Oscillations [10] viXra:1404.0279 submitted on 2014-04-16 03:58:50, (309 unique-IP downloads) Physics is Easy [9] viXra:1404.0273 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:09:57, (202 unique-IP downloads) Particles, Waves and Trends in Physics [8] viXra:1404.0268 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:16:15, (137 unique-IP downloads) Physics is Beautiful [7] viXra:1404.0261 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:23:08, (90 unique-IP downloads) Introduction to my Two Articles Physics is Easy and Physics is Beautiful [6] viXra:1404.0253 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:33:01, (133 unique-IP downloads) Orbit Radius and Speed of the Sun Around the Center of Gravity of the Solar System [5] viXra:1404.0248 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:41:18, (80 unique-IP downloads) Spectral line Hα [4] viXra:1404.0246 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:47:42, (124 unique-IP downloads) Shortened Great Table of Elementary Particles [3]viXra:1404.0243 submitted on 2014-04-16 04:53:01, (206 unique-IP downloads) Great Table of Elementary Particles [2] viXra:1404.0238 submitted on 2014-04-16 05:03:33, (107 unique-IP downloads) Movement Principles of the Fast-Spinning Bodies [1] viXra:1404.0130 submitted on 2014-04-16 03:43:54, (151 unique-IP downloads) Nuclear Fusion Critical examination of fundamentals in physics L. Vlcek, : New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-85665-64-6. Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. - Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla , E 9. -13 September 1996, THE NEW COORDINATE SYSTEMS IN PHYSICS AND MAGIC NUMBERS
@marekkrakovsky4187 3 жыл бұрын
Je tu ještě spousta neobjevených částic: Epsilóny, Etóny, Thetóny, Jotóny, Kappóny, Lambdóny, Nióny, Ksióny, Omikróny, Róny, Sigmóny, Ypsilóny, Fióny, Chióny, Psióny a Omegóny.
@jiimyjetojedno3997 3 жыл бұрын
Jak mozes vediet ich mena ked nevieš ze existuju?
@vidliboyvagabund3738 2 жыл бұрын
? Kde. MAŠ? Zapalovw.!
@vidliboyvagabund3738 2 жыл бұрын
Jsi, něj.. Í
@karelkvita 2 жыл бұрын
@jtom245 5 жыл бұрын
Pokud vim, tak internet nevznikl v Evropě, a už vůbec ne v CERNu. Navíc určitě ne pro civilní účely.Jinak pěkná přednáška, jako vždy, na její popud sem si letos chtěl konečně zajet na konec Long Island, ale bohužel jsem až tam nedojel, měl jsem jen 2 hodiny na vrácení auta na JFK.
@janvesely6353 5 жыл бұрын
Mysleno WWW, HTTP atd, jejichz puvod skutecne s CERNem souvisi a pro internet jak ho zname byly zasadni, internet jako takovy je samozrejme jak rikate starsi.
@jardam.8600 4 жыл бұрын
Nic takového pan profesor neřekl! Zmínil službu WWW, jen ji nesprávně nazval protokolem. Tuto službu skutečně vymyslel pracovník CERNU.
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