I think an argument that wasn't touched on that much is that it's commonly thought of as men are only worth what they can provide and that only women and children are given unconditional love. Because of that kind of fundamental reality, most men spend their like trying to get to that feeling and then never know what it is to get it. As men we watch others around us and visualize what we sometimes see in movies or when we look at couples we see in the real world and think I want at some point at least 10% of what they feel right now. The topic of genuine desire came up, and the truest statement in that is that probably 70% of men have and never truly will feel that genuine desire. So they in some cases think that paying for it will get them their reality. Or the reasonably successful guy might give the argument of 50/50 to feel as if she's not with me just cause I have the ability to provide for everything. Now obviously that's not the entirely right mindset to approach that with but I don't think the argument of "be a man" is sensible given the thought.