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“The Heavens declare The Glory of God; and the firmament Sheweth His Handywork. Day unto day Uttereth Speech, and night unto night Sheweth Knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where Their Voice is not Heard.” -(Psalm 19:1-3)
The Word of God Says, ‘Faith cometh by Hearing, and Hearing by The Word of God’ (Rms.10:17).
That simply means, except you have Heard/Learned of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and What He has Done For us by His Cross, you will not know The Way of Salvation - you will be lost, lonely, and heading to an eternal hell.
The Holy Knowledge of Salvation comes to us through the avenue of the Preaching of God’s Holy Word which Brings Awareness and Faith, and when acted upon and continued In, that Faith will Bring about Salvation and all things for which Jesus Died.
The Mission of the true ministry is that others may Know and Find The Way unto Salvation, Victory and Eternal Life (Jesus Christ and The Blood of His Cross), by the Preaching of God’s Holy Word. For without such Holy Knowledge none can be Saved.
In other words, unless someone has Shown you The Way, unless you have Heard, you will not know. All must hear.
But all have heard. For God has Preached to us in Creation. And all in this world, no matter the location or language, no matter the the ability or inability (physical sight and hearing; for the call is as strong inwardly as it is outwardly), no matter how remote their dwelling, have heard This Voice (Rms.10:18). No soul will be able to claim ignorance come Judgement Day.
Paul, echoing the Psalm above, said, ‘the invisible things of Him from the Creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are Made, even His Eternal Power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse’ (Rms. 1:20).
Simply put, even though you may not know The Way unto Salvation, through the Preaching of Creation-nature, God’s Amazing universe, inner conscience (natural inward knowing of wrong and right), the inner desire in the heart and soul of the creature for a relationship with The Creator, the inner Knowing of Who The True God Is-you will Know of God’s Existence. And it is that Knowledge that points you to God’s Word and the Preaching of God’s Word, which brings recognition of God’s Holiness, our sin and certain fate, and then the Preaching of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, The Way of Salvation and Life.
Creation Points us to The Truth of God's Existence, which, when responded to will always Lead us to the Proclamation of The Truth that will Set us Free -- Jesus Christ and His Blood.
Paul Said, 'the Righteousness of God (is) REVEALED from Faith to Faith' (Rms. 1:17). It’s a chain reaction of Faith in action, which brings REVELATION. When one Hears from God in Creation (Revelation of GOD'S Existence) and Responds to that In Faith, God Brings them His Gospel (Revelation of Salvation). Then when they hear His Gospel and Respond In Faith, God Brings them His Healing and Salvation. It’s from Faith to Faith for Revelation, then Salvation. And God is NOT obligated to bring His Gospel to the soul who does not respond to Creation's Preaching by Faith.
There has never yet been a soul that has not received Just Revelation, Opportunity and Mercy. There has never yet been a soul that God's Amazing Love has not Sought to Save. Never yet has a soul sadly fallen to hell without God greatly Contending for their Salvation. No soul has fallen to hell ignorant of The Creator. For His Love Shines The Light, His Voice Speaks, His Mercy Reaches out, He Calls and Searches Again and Again and Again in unbelievable, inexhaustible Patience and Love. God Works so hard that none should be lost. Twenty-four hours a day, day unto day, night unto night His Voice Speaks, His Spirit Moves, and His Creation Preaches to all. Every breath that we take, every heart beat, every blink of the eye, every bird that soars, every sunrise, every star that shines, every mountain, every tree, our conscience and the desire of an empty heart - all of God’s Great Creation, in one way or another, Calls us to His Love and Mercy. It is beyond Clear, there Is A God, there Is A Redeemer, there Is A Lord -- Jesus Is His Name.
But ultimately the choice to accept or reject, to respond or ignore, is ours to make. God has Given us the power to choose our own destiny. We are responsible and accountable for what we do with the Preaching of Creation, for it will always lead us to the Preaching of the Blood stained Cross of Jesus Christ, and there we will Find Salvation, Eternal Life, New Creation, and all that we need In Jesus Christ. We have it all In The Lord Jesus and His Precious Blood.
God will always Send His Ministers to Show The Way to those who seek Him and Respond to His Calling. You must Respond to His Call right now. For in the end, we will have no excuse.
Video Features Clips From: Tony Evans Ministries, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, Billy Graham Evangelistic Assc., Pro Art Inc., Francis Ghersci