I Built a Fully Automatic Robot Spleef Arena Because Who Needs Friends? (Scrap Mechanic)

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kAN Gaming

kAN Gaming

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@kANGaming 9 ай бұрын
Do you guys want to see more robot spleef? If so what other changes can we make to the robots or arena?
@apersunthathasaridiculousl1890 9 ай бұрын
Robot racing spleef, where the race ends with the track is no longer race-able
@niar4358 9 ай бұрын
Robot team vs human team
@Bartexoll 9 ай бұрын
wheres moonbo?
@Tiny_420 9 ай бұрын
Not really into these video types.. Is the let's play for crashlander over?
@benw7616 9 ай бұрын
Multyplayer monday 2v2v2v2 spleef, everyone gets a pet robot
@PizzaMineKing 9 ай бұрын
I think it would be interesting to let your friends decide the strategy the robot goes with, as in program the logic gates, to see what non-identical robots can do...
@Punchin83 9 ай бұрын
Interesting idea, but that would limit the players to those familiar with the logic system. I guess you can have the turns controlled by timers and controllers and have instructions somewhere so they can only control how often and how hard the bots rotate.
@vincentkuijpers9219 9 ай бұрын
like same robot but tweak sensors (angels) and logic
@Nevir202 9 ай бұрын
Exactly my first thought. Or even a full build challenge, where they both build (with constraints) and program their own vehicles and then just let them go. Maybe with brakes to make changes between rounds? Or even an evolution version where everyone gets the winner's vehicle and modifies it?
@Luziferne 9 ай бұрын
timers can/could be use like computer punch cards. three or more timers in a loop and 1 tick logic button to "program" them. other hijinks can be added, like a flip/flop logic splitting up the signal to make it turn left/right - with a button to preset if its first left or right turning on a signal from the Timer punch card And for the accidental turn-off by stray spuds… just let it happen, it adds to the random randomness of it xD
@vex3488 9 ай бұрын
That or have regular spleeff with automated robots at the same time to act as environmental dangers
@The_Calvary 9 ай бұрын
Now for next MM spleef you just need to have a big arena, maybe a few different levels, maybe a few hidden explosives, and a few of these robots for maximum chaos and randomness
@general.catallion_8054 9 ай бұрын
giving each player a robot companion would be interesting, even if they lose maybe their robo friend can win in their stead.
@Mazapine 9 ай бұрын
The robo companion sounds like an awesome idea, they're going to need a giant arena
@ConnerBragg 9 ай бұрын
It’s kinda is sad to have a robot that is you friens😂
@kylewall9107 9 ай бұрын
Simple solution you may want to try: before the spud guns activate the bots, stop the start-block rotation. I noticed a few times, the back wheels still on the start-blocks were pushed in a direction and rotated the bot while they were trying to drive off the platform.
@Nevir202 9 ай бұрын
Or just a logic lockout for the first several seconds, meaning the vehicles would never do anything but drive straight till they were well onto the arena.
@Hadeks_Marow 9 ай бұрын
So here's an idea: What if you randomize the cardboard color in a checker pattern in the arena itself? Then you can hook up a timer so that they do a turn at regular intervals. The direction they turn is based on a bottom side color sensor. This way they don't just go straight. This would override and fix the "left turn priority" issue by giving it a randomized priority based on the colored floor they are over. Idk how you could randomize the timer, but you could atleast randomize the direction. Stuff like this makes me excited to see version 3 of these. Just have you and kasmo gambling on horse races essentially sipp'n on whatever drink fills your glass.
@VAXHeadroom 9 ай бұрын
This is an excellent idea!!
@Hadeks_Marow 7 ай бұрын
@@VAXHeadroom Nah, someone had a better idea for the avoidance of "left turn priority". Just use memory bit on a timer so that it switches every few seconds. Painting the arena means it'd only work on arenas designed for it. As for the randomized timer. You could use 2 controller arms 1 for a colored sensor spinning 1 speed and 1 for the color block going a different speed, when the block and the sensor aligns, this would trigger the turn for X amount of seconds. It could also just be 2 censors rather than a colored sensor and the colored block.
@Pcat0 9 ай бұрын
You should make a template Spleef bot and put it on the workshop to make a competition for your audience out of it. Have people modify the logic of your template and then have a tournament between user submissions.
@PizzaMineKing 9 ай бұрын
It would be interesting if there was a way to make random turns, like 10% to turn left for x seconds, 10% to turn right for x seconds, 80% to go straight, obstacle detection overrides. I think that would make for interesting cuts.
@Volt64bolt 9 ай бұрын
There isn’t really an easy method for that in vanilla, but mods exist
@King0Mir 9 ай бұрын
@@Volt64bolt You could probably build a linear feedback shift register to get a primitive pseudo random number generator.
@Volt64bolt 9 ай бұрын
@@King0Mir there are quite a few ways to get pseudo randomness in this game, the easiest is just a bunch of timers
@TheRavenCoder 9 ай бұрын
You'd want to use Perlin Noise to get natural looking lines. Unfortunately that might be a bit too complicated to do in vanilla Scrap Mechanic in a robot form factor.
@Volt64bolt 9 ай бұрын
@@TheRavenCoder not how that works
@MikeyJay69 9 ай бұрын
Shouting Green every time and just seeing it do a 180 and die most the times was hilarious
@brettgrindel9017 9 ай бұрын
It's like there's some sort of bias against a random color...
@blueflame_sm 9 ай бұрын
It's roomba spleef! xD I doubt you'd be able to get a super smart AI working, but there are a few thing you can do to potentially help them become smarter. First of, they need better depth perception in the direction they are going. Is the thing in front a gap? or is it small enough to pass over? They also need more awareness around them such that they don't drive themselves into obvious dead ends. That is, split it into 2/3 urgency levels? Close in sensors are always leading and will see if turning a certain way puts the wheels into a gap. Then the second and third layer work together to determine what direction around it have holes. Another interesting thing would be programming in different strategies: - Hug outside wall - Roomba (e.g. turn some set amount when obstacle hit) - Mostly random (may want to look into simple hash functions and AES key expansion, or I could get you up to speed on some simple hashing with SM logic to make pseudo-random stuff) - Spiral (e.g. move forwards, make a circle, hug inside wall) As for the launch mechanism, you should probably switch to engines, sensors at the extrema (and maybe a hardstop). That way when you launch you can stop the platforms entirely. Another Approach would be to hand them centrally on the platform and detach them from above. An added benefit of the latter approach being that you could for example send data to the robots before deploying, like a seed for the random robots, a start signal to the spiral one, etc.
@Wolfe_Gaming85 9 ай бұрын
Human vs robot spleef would be interesting
@Nevir202 9 ай бұрын
lol spleen
@Wolfe_Gaming85 9 ай бұрын
@@Nevir202 oof lol auto correct spleef
@Nevir202 9 ай бұрын
@@Wolfe_Gaming85 Why in the notification does it say Direwolf tagged me but your name appears differently when viewing the comment?
@Wolfe_Gaming85 9 ай бұрын
because I replied, it aito tags
@BeefIngot 9 ай бұрын
yes, like multiplayer monday with 4 bots and 4 players but the players dont have spuds
@WoolyGriffin 9 ай бұрын
I'd have the robots on a timer to enable their AI in the beginning so they don't drive off, an alternative is of course just to move them elsewhere. Having random inputs for turns would be cool so they don't always go in a straight line. Having different AI's for the different individual robots would be cool too, like having one be super aggressive, one be skiddish of every line, one be a neutral ground, etc. Also having priority in the AI so that it doesn't end up driving off a cliff because it saw another robot next to it.
@Valykry 9 ай бұрын
Couple ideas here. 1) Have your buddies each design their own spleef bot (Rules on size and such) and see whos bot lasts longest. Give them a few days to come up with a good bot and bring it in. 2) Once you've managed to improve these bots a bit, have a couple of them thrown into the mix on multiplayer monday. Normal players with a few bots to throw in extra chaos.
@Poldovico 9 ай бұрын
Robot Slpeef -> Robot Wars Spleef! :D
@senorporko3299 9 ай бұрын
Next multilayer Monday you need to all build your own robot to play spleef against each other to see who has the best spleef bot
@newclearNRG 9 ай бұрын
Was gonna comment this if no one else had
@Punchin83 9 ай бұрын
Have a logic gate attached to the back of the robots by a cardboard block. When the block gets shot off, that logic is removed and the robots go without a shutoff. I really like the randomization of the turning idea and definitely support the prioritization of violence over bungee jumping without a cord. You most definitely need to move them to their own platforms on the 4 sides of the map. However, instead of having the platforms move away, with the turns randomized, have the cars disconnect their own platforms with their guns as they enter the arena.
@dnielbloqg 9 ай бұрын
To fix the starting problem, you could set a lock-out timer on the bots for like 5 seconds in which they don't react to sensor input just to clear the starting area.
@PixeIWorks 9 ай бұрын
I suggested a while back where you and the guys make a RC style SPLEEF where they are in the viewing platform above and can control the robot below via switches or a seat.
@SteffedPepper 9 ай бұрын
Enjoyed this a ton! I'm all for more of this, or any other challenges you want to set up for simple programmed machines. Kind of like watching marble racing or glass fighting. I have full confidence you could program some weird and fun to watch competitions.
@VONYX8 9 ай бұрын
Robots are friends :)
@bryanlandwehr7422 9 ай бұрын
Not food
@aprcktiplaal9293 9 ай бұрын
you should give each robot its own personality like with pacman and the ghosts
@AJVulpes 9 ай бұрын
Adding a timer on a an xor or xand gate for the wheel turning might add some turning at random intervals. Also to avoid the switch problem, use a lvl 5 sensor and use a color you dont use as a trigger with a destructible material.
@IntroStellar 9 ай бұрын
add robots to a multiplayer game! to see who's last standing with the chaos of the robots on the map as well
@pugz3230 9 ай бұрын
2:57 some tanks, especially older ones, do indeed turn like this
@adammullarkey4996 9 ай бұрын
I feel like the problems with the start could be easily solved just by moving the robots further apart, so they don't detect each other.
@hydrax_x2381 9 ай бұрын
small improvement to robots turning : if they no longer detect ground on both sensors they start turning on spot until one of the sensors detects ground again if they do full 360 and is nowhere to go then they give up, or they will have more sensors on sides facing down so if both front sensors no longer detect ground, side sensors choose where to go, and then if also side sensors no longer detect ground only then they do 360 thing and if they have hole on one ground and on other side they detect other robot they should also start turning on spot or realy sharp towards robot not the hole
@Poldovico 9 ай бұрын
If a spleef vehicle does a full 360 on the spot, giving up happens automatically by cutting itself off the platform :P
@hydrax_x2381 9 ай бұрын
@@Poldovico yes
@astramancer 9 ай бұрын
For a random direction change, maybe put timers for each edge detection sensor that periodically turns it off? That way they'll sometimes turn when they see a cut and not just a big gap. Maybe even crosslink sensors to timers that don't go to that sensor for added unpredictability.
@ArEyeses6751 9 ай бұрын
You should tweak the front sensor vision distance so that they don't attempt to cross a too-large hole (like at 11:35 ) Also; if you added a second set of side sensors at a greater angle, you could make them prioritise turning to one side if they see floor there. This would this help them not get stuck on square corners, both at the edge of the map and also where the remaining floor has a sharper corner. (Could even be 3 sets of sensors on each side if that isn't too complex) And like you said, prioritise avoiding holes over avoiding each other Oh, and if it isn't too complicated, if they were turning one way and then see something of equal priority on both sides, they should keep turning the same direction
@plasticfrank 9 ай бұрын
Multiplayer spleef with a robot on the bottom side making unpredictable cuts.
@DigitalJedi 9 ай бұрын
You could add some wigglyness to the paths with a pseudorandom number generator. I like to use 4 timers with prime number delays being pulsed really quickly and then polled by a 5th much slower prime number timer. I use this to generate a random 4-bit number for the state of my wave-function-collapse machine (16 possible states of each cell), but you could also use the pairs of bits to determine which way and how much it should turn by using the greater pair of bits.
@chan-chanuwu2785 9 ай бұрын
Put sensors on the bottom of the Splots around the edges of them, possibly do a 2/3 sensor detection. This is supposed to mimic our ability to understand when the edge of our car may be over the border or into a hole, the diagonal eyes are good, but can't make up for intuition! this was such a cool watch, cause they sometimes just randomly do crazy plays
@KidarWolf 9 ай бұрын
For a safe on button, could you perhaps use a sensor with a cardboard block over it, so that when the spud guns to start the robots fire, they destroy the block, and the sensor being clear means the robot moves? This was really cool to watch, kAN, and fun to imagine how I might approach building the logic for robots for spleef. Super thought provoking stuff, love it.
@_miobrot_603 9 ай бұрын
Just for your knowledge, the pistons flickering happens whenever an object the piston is attached to changes somehow. Whether a block is removed, painted, or place, the pistons will detect that change by flickering.
@bow-tiedengineer4453 9 ай бұрын
I think you should do the spleef bots with down thrust, and an arena where they can drive around a curved section to flip upside down. Then you'd have two layers of cardboard, and I think that would create super interesting spleef conditions.
@jacksonstarky8288 9 ай бұрын
This is awesome. I like the ideas of random direction changes and less concern for collision with other bots. And yes, definitely have them start with more distance between them; the green bot really got the short end of that stick. Experiment with some other bot designs and see what works. This has a lot of potential for just as much variety as spleef with human players... even if the bots might not always make the best decisions, humans are known for that too. 😀
@1williamsg 9 ай бұрын
Spleef with an robot or 2 messing up everyones plans sounds like a fun multiplayer monday to me. It could easily be a terrible plan but at the same time a fun bit of chaos
@roccov3614 9 ай бұрын
Didn't you do a race of community designed robots once? Maybe it's time for a community designed Spleef robots competition. May the best robot win.
@Poldovico 9 ай бұрын
I think improvements on robot spleef have intresting things to show all on their own. Also, multiplayer robot spleef could be interesting, either by adding maybe one robot as a stage hazard into a human spleef arena, or if time allows by getting each player to build their own spleef robot.
@braydonfisher9273 9 ай бұрын
Have a half second timer on repeat on/off, starting when they turn on. When on and it decides to turn, it turns left. When off and it decides to turn, it turns right. Save the decision in a flip flop until its done turning.
@abp2005 9 ай бұрын
You could do RC car spleef with a bird's eye view and a little extra twist for fun, the controllers are randomly assigned a car at the start so you have to figure out which one is yours in real time. And if you want to add a really painful element, the controllers could switch vehicles every few minutes.
@michaelk__ 9 ай бұрын
For MM, you could make robots that drive on the ceiling with you guys below. Having them in the same arena would just end with the bots dead and going back to normal spleef. Robots on a stable platform with walls so they don't fall off, shooting "up" so they create random lines on the arena
@just5fornow 9 ай бұрын
Upside-down Spleef! Edit: Btw, the robots look like lil' bugs!
@theodor5480 9 ай бұрын
Great Video! would love to see more robot spleef. also, you could make spleef, but without cars, just spudling-guns, and players walking around.
@sambrown6426 9 ай бұрын
Idea 1: I think it would be interesting if (and you would need an absolutely gigantic map for this) each player also had a robot, and in order to be considered "out," both the player and their robot need to die, so if either you or your robot dies, but the other's still up, you're not out yet. Idea 2: once you're out, you get to hop on a spud gun turret and try to take out the other players, which could be especially interesting in team v team matches, where once you're out, you can still help your teammate/s with the turret.
@turrboenvy4612 9 ай бұрын
You could use the pacman model where they each have a specific behavior. One prefers left, one prefers right, one plows right into opponents, and one does like circles. More realistically, you could put sensors near the back so when they're heading for a hole they will turn the way there's land to drive on.
@TheKsax 9 ай бұрын
Finally, I was waiting for this for years.
@chris993361 9 ай бұрын
I think these robots are just smart enough to make just the right amount of chaos if you add them to your multiplayer spleef
@imcuneo 9 ай бұрын
To combine humans and robots spleef together, you could just make the sensors, override the players inputs. That way you would have to try and play defensively enough to maintain control.
@baconranger4363 9 ай бұрын
I have a couple of ideas. Replace the switch with a not gate and have the bot welded to the start, have another logic gate to turn the not gate off and the spud gun shoots a cardboard block that releases the bot and breaks the logic turning on the not gate. You could also add a timer to delay when the sensors start working, this will allow the bot to go in a straight line off the start for a few seconds. Lastly you could copy the start platform to each side and have it so can only select 1 of the bots from each side to use. That way you could also have each bot have different programming.
@ericsternwood9812 9 ай бұрын
My boy Red might not have won, but he sure as hell put up a fight 18:18
@KalijahAnderson 9 ай бұрын
Robots competing with human players in this would just be adding a bit of random chaos to the game, and I'm here for that.
@hanswurst5109 9 ай бұрын
The randomized spud gun positions with like 2 of these robots with regular spud guns would work really well because these autonomous bots would actually cut out pieces. You guys should try that
@MarisaClardy 9 ай бұрын
Definitely one robot per corner would be the ideal starting locations. Makes them drive somewhat towards each other and prevents them from falling off at the very start
@BloodyBillyBartholomew 9 ай бұрын
That was awesome, more robot spleef please
@OriginalPiMan 9 ай бұрын
The next time you do a spleef with friends, put a couple of these bots in the area. It's not about them ever having a chance of winning; it's about them simply being there and in the way.
@N.O.R.A.17 9 ай бұрын
I had a couple major idea. First is randomized position, I imagine you could have large pistons move back and forth while rotating at different speeds. Then just lower/raise the platforms. I would add in a collision detection thing to the platforms and have all the pistons on the same layer. Just have it when sensors on the side trigger they reverse direction. Second is an idea I've had for a while. What if you put a vacuum pump at the back of the vehicle so the lines repair themselves. In my mind it would end up making things a lot more chaotic since lines could have random attachments. And since the vacuum pumps fire so slowly it wouldn't just repair the stage. The last idea I had is to have forced rotate sections where parts of the cardboard are painted differently and force the robot to turn.
@Bartexoll 9 ай бұрын
build a spleef arena where your controlling 3 cars at once
@theldraspneumonoultramicro405 9 ай бұрын
why not 3 separate arenas of different shapes where you control a robot for each? probably gonna be somewhat hard to manage though.
@Mazapine 9 ай бұрын
This is really cool, I'd love to see some more. Maybe have everyone tweak theirs for MM?
@baxterboy123yt 9 ай бұрын
LOL! I was wondering why there was a spleef video on a Thursday!
@robinvandenakker5289 9 ай бұрын
this game was amazing. maybe MMM with all own created spleef robots ?? that would be fun.
@danyaeger12345 9 ай бұрын
i really liked it, what i would maybe suggest is setting up some type of randomness so they don't default to cutting out long straight lines all the time. I can imagine something like that getting very complicated very fast though.
@RenTheFen 9 ай бұрын
How about adding these to a future spleef design for your friends? Maybe strapping some thrusters on em and putting them on the bottom of an arena while you guys play up top, something like that. Added chaos
@scrap-godsuper-zo4740 9 ай бұрын
You should make a plane that can automatically take off and land on a moving aircraft carrier (not vtol)
@DarknessDr 9 ай бұрын
No way, lesson learned. If you dont have friends, make them! (Im just joking, kAN probably has more friends than me)
@GeekOfAllThings 9 ай бұрын
You could build the robots with a couple variables the other guys can adjust. Like sensor distance, the angle of the front sensors, or some timer function. Also, if you stop the platforms rotating when you flip the switch, the cars would probably be less likely to start at sharp angles. Maybe have another spud gun disconnecting the platforms at the bearing so they just drop at their random angle when the cars are turned on.
@dwanediblie 9 ай бұрын
Sensor on the back that detects when the robot is on the cardboard, then turn on all other sensors/turning logic. Throw one in your next map as a test to see how it messes with the game in multiplayer. If they end up working in multiplayer, build an upside down version and have a couple riding on the underside of the map while everyone else is on top as normal. An unseen enemy cutting up the map.
@_cookielotl 9 ай бұрын
13:31 red just casually trying to cut out the whole map
@FeuerToifel 9 ай бұрын
can you do RC cars in scrap mechanic? probably would be fun to do RC spleef. you guys looking either all from up top or each of you in their own corner.
@braxtonbrown8097 9 ай бұрын
Make a cage to put players in so they can use their spud gun Spud shotgun spud linggun
@tommykj2 9 ай бұрын
A large platform with robots and friends could be very interesting
@thomblueart8448 9 ай бұрын
this would be fun to see humans playing this while a robot is playing against them
@richardmoss8286 9 ай бұрын
Finally robots so smart they realise dying is better than living ( very well done)
@JamesTDG 8 ай бұрын
19:17 hear me out, the switch is exposed initially, but then gets rotated so that it cannot be hit again. Alternatively, you could have a sensor detect a breakable block, and have said sensor linked to a NOT gate.
@nowone_bruh 9 ай бұрын
this was very fun to watch!
@josephkrug8579 9 ай бұрын
You should add some of these to the 'bottom' of a future multiplayer monday spleef map to add extra insanity :) And you could always add it to have them random turn on/off to make it extra weird....if they are on the bottom side and the players are on the top...it would not conflict with the players directly but add extra excitement and paths.
@-aid4084 9 ай бұрын
I would like to see spleef workshop games, people make their automated spleef robot and compete against other people's robots!
@JakoBpyroTech 9 ай бұрын
You should add a couple of these robots as hazards to your next Multiplayer Monday Spleef arena.
@Aruhik-G 9 ай бұрын
A really great video.👍 Also, MM idea: I would love to see you all playing spleef with a couple of these robots on a large arena.
@RecklessClient 9 ай бұрын
What about Spectator Interactions: Enabling spectators to influence the game by triggering traps, dropping bombs, and other things if you could do something like that then you could have 4 spectators each of you choose which color you want to represent and then battle it out 😅😂 idk if that could be done prob harder said then done but would be cool!
@BucketIndeed 9 ай бұрын
For multiplayer, just put a mounted turret on top of the robots for the players to use. Maybe toy with limited ammo, limited use player controls to override the robots movement momentarily, or exposed control buttons on opponent's robots for other players to use against them.
@davyz_7380 9 ай бұрын
New algodoo race just dropped Thanks, Mikan.
@SwedishStoker 9 ай бұрын
Idea: Multiplayer robot spleef. Everybody builds their own robots to combat each other!
@justjay4586 9 ай бұрын
Once it's perfected, you should bring this to the guys as your spleef idea. You guys just bet on bot colors --usually your green, Scrap's red, Kosmo's blue, though you often switch it up too-- to see who wins.
@Bartexoll 9 ай бұрын
Wheres Moonbo? everyones been quiet about him
@xiphido 9 ай бұрын
I think he's just been doing his own thing. Probably scheduling issues and he can't make time to record with the guys anymore.
@rebel6301 8 ай бұрын
sorry, i ate him
@jlsherriff 8 ай бұрын
​@rebel6301 oh ok... wait what?😂
@steeljawX 9 ай бұрын
There's an idea for Multiplayer Monday. Everyone else has built spleef arenas and then we get to kAN's. "We ain't playing speef, boys. Place your bets! WE'RE BETTING ON BOT SPLEEF!!!!" Spud gun interference is allowed.
@Punchin83 9 ай бұрын
Suggestion: PERFECT DARK SPLEEF!!!! Have the arena in a blacked out box and your car has a dim light on the front so you can only see a few blocks and the other players can see where you are. Other than that, the arena condition is unknown. I would love to see an afk cam from below so the viewers can see what's happening. Maybe get another KZbinr to sit in and record it for you?
@b13579d24680b 5 ай бұрын
15:00 he teased us with a massive chunk about to fall, then let us down instead of the chunk.
@MatheusdoNascimento-h8f 9 ай бұрын
It would be nice to see you guys + these robots (maybe with less fire power?) in a spleeth arena
@Kronholio 9 ай бұрын
Multiplayer Spleef avoidance? Player cars without cutters, or with handheld spudguns and 3-4 Spleef bots that cut out the arena? Positioning and observing all the cutters would be key.
@dinoeebastian 9 ай бұрын
I think a circular spleef arena would work well, however that would require a lot more time and effort, or I guess you could just make a square arena and then put a spudgun on a bearing and spin the bearing to cut out a circle
@danejones-qy6jy 9 ай бұрын
They look like cute ants or something. Very cool. Now you need to arm them!!! For the kingdom of Kan!
@paulfrench7222 9 ай бұрын
Multiplayer idea: 1 player vs. 3 robots. If the player loses, they're out. If they win, record their time. Repeat for each player, lowest winning time is the overall winner.
@hallohoegaathet7182 9 ай бұрын
A big problem I see for these robots is that they can’t detect holes right in front of them. So if they are in a situation where both sides detected ground but in front is a hole they will ride straight in the hole. To fix this I would add at least one but probably two forward facing sensors and if these sensors detect a hole the robot would 50% steer away from it. Furthermore adding some steering randomness, starting every robot on a other side and swapping the avoidance priorities will make it a lot more interesting to watch.
@theorangetvery90days 9 ай бұрын
justice for green!!!!
@anthonycarless8572 9 ай бұрын
This would be awesome in multiplayer, you all have 1 bot alongside you. Spread the spawn point along the full edge, manual cars slightly faster, maybe alternate turning left and right when they see a gap
@JMKnoetze 9 ай бұрын
MM spleef idea. Make the cars turn left or right without the ability to go straight at all. A three level spleef would be great too
@TysonWalker-u1w 9 ай бұрын
You could do one robot with players
@death13a 9 ай бұрын
I have the Evil Idea for you! Put your friends trapped on top of your spleef robots! Players can make "preferred turn" suggestions inside their trap by 2 buttons every 5 seconds and withing 2 seconds timer if they don't then use default left turn!
@AtikinKnight 9 ай бұрын
this would be even more intresting if the bots were different designs. also over the top intro videos for each different bot would be much appreciated
@Freedbot 9 ай бұрын
It's pretty obvious that they see eachother at the start because they're too close and at least the middle ones do the default turn left when obstructed on both sides. On that note, it would be cool if they could randomly pick which direction to turn when the sensors on both sides trigger instead of always going left. Edit: Don't shield the switches, if the 1:1,000,000 shot kills one of the bots, then that's fate. :P
@aliciashepherd1805 9 ай бұрын
Robots and humans mega map? :)
@Galaxie_ivy 9 ай бұрын
Multiplayer spleef where each person gets assigned a robot and they get to choose the logic applied.
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