== GET 30% of Ground News TODAY at ground.news/paulogia ==
@Cajek2 Жыл бұрын
So ground news is the enlightened centrism of news? Greeeeeat 👎
@larryscarr3897 Жыл бұрын
Mmm Ham and aigs served burned to a crisp, just the way I still like it, going on a decade now.
@fmccloud Жыл бұрын
I want to thank you for actually showing how Ground works and how it can be used to research. I usually skip sponsored segments because they are almost NEVER informational, just for getting brands known which is useless to me and should be ignored by everyone. You actually put useful effort into the spot and it was appreciated!
@GameTimeWhy Жыл бұрын
@@Cajek2in what way is it enlightened centrism? How is understanding bias centrism?
@jtmopar2498 Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that Ground News sponsors commentators I follow both on the left and the right of many political topics.
@toblexson5020 Жыл бұрын
Did they seriously mention the Nazi's, and then go on to talk about Ken Ham's 'special camps'?
@Paulogia Жыл бұрын
@Nekulturny Жыл бұрын
Ken Ham is not a very self-aware man.
@HiEv001 Жыл бұрын
Yes, where they'll teach kids to concentrate on God. I mean, you could almost call them... OK, no, this joke has gotten too dark for even me. 😦
@snooganslestat2030 Жыл бұрын
As if he didn't even try to hide it but make that a positive advertisement!
@CatDaddyGuitar Жыл бұрын
I was listening in my kitchen, dropped what I was doing and said, "Are they hearing themselves!? WTF?!"
@TheMindRobber42 Жыл бұрын
Saying that Nazi youth camps were communist is the funniest thing to me
@DeludedOne Жыл бұрын
It's an old thing to the far right in America who think that fascism and socialism are the same thing and that Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, some even saying things like "it's in the NAME of the party, National Socialist German Workers' Party, they MUST be socialists." By that measure, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea must be both democratic and a Republic. It's all an attempt to paint their hated opponents on the left with negative annotations while trying to whitewash the fact that they are the ones who are acting more akin to what those hated labels really point to.
@andersandersen6295 Жыл бұрын
Nazi is litterally National socialists, the nazis wanted to lure the gremans away from the normal marxism/socialism so they did their own version that was acceptable to those voters, but nazi youth camps were mostly based on gymnastics and boy scouting activities.
@artemisia4718 Жыл бұрын
I believe the lady was talking about communist indoctrination in East Germany, too "erudite" for Ken.
@GameTimeWhy Жыл бұрын
But their name is National socialist?! Checkmate atheists.
@googlestolemyhandle Жыл бұрын
When in reality, they were christian.
@EdwardHowton Жыл бұрын
Ken Ham: "People who go after your kids can't be trusted!" Ken Ham's idiot audience: **wild cheering** Also Ken Ham: "Let ME go after your children instead! I obsess about going after your kids and make tons of money out of it!" Also Ken Ham's audience: **even wilder cheering**
@drewharrison6433 Жыл бұрын
Every accusation is an admission.
@GameTimeWhy Жыл бұрын
Yeah the cognitive dissonance is wild.
@BrianS1981 Жыл бұрын
@@drewharrison6433 That's always true with the right.
@shriggs55 Жыл бұрын
The last time I checked, Ken was worth over 50 million dollars.A lot of it came from building an arc for god.128 million to build the ark-with heavy machinery and power tools and such.Almost $50 a pop to take a tour of the ark. Money,money,money off pushing the Bible fable(s).
@fentonpeter1582 Жыл бұрын
When did you first become suspicious ????? As Arthur Daly used to say "a good little earner" !!@@shriggs55
@PassiveSmoking Жыл бұрын
The "Has anyone ever witnessed a star form?" remark really triggered me, not going to lie. If you see two mangled cars in the street, skid marks, shattered glass and crumpled bits of metal all over the road, then any remotely reasonable person will think "Oh, those two cars just crashed into each other". A person with the requisite knowledge of things like impact dynamics can work out the probable sequence of events from looking at the skid marks, crumpled metal, etc. But only a complete and utter cretin would think "Oh, those two cars look like they crashed into each other, but as I didn't witness it personally, I can only conclude that those cars have always been like that". It's the worst kind of wilful ignorance and it really annoys me.
@satanofficial3902 Жыл бұрын
"Beans are the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel. So let's have beans for every meal." ---Albert Einstein
@Julian0101 Жыл бұрын
My answer to that nonanswer is 'Oh, were you there when jesus resurrected? Were you there when the witnesses were there? Ar least where you there when the stories were written?".
@greengelacid2061 Жыл бұрын
If asked, "Have we seen a star form?"...I'd answer yes lol
@crassbusinessman3122 Жыл бұрын
@Julian0101 XD so true. One question I've been asking Christians lately is 'Whats the difference between God and the Devil? Or rather, if either one of them were trying to communicate with you, how would you tell the difference? Because if a voice in your head commanded you to kill your only son, most people would think it was the devil. But god literally said that to Abraham, right? *cue for the bible tells me so* So its not like it would even be obvious.'
@raysalmon6566 Жыл бұрын
[149] Edward Armstrong@ray salmon Thanks for demonstrating your 'Christian' reality denial out in the open for all to see. The Biblical Flood, Shadow People and The Supernatural| Truth Wanted Jesus is the truth
@falsenarrativecults6235 Жыл бұрын
Why is AIG saddened about biases and discrimination, when you're required to sign a contract of faith to work for them? No self awareness at all!
@isaaclueck8259 Жыл бұрын
I feel unemployed clicking on a video that literally JUST DROPPED that i found by refreshing the youtube home page
@Paulogia Жыл бұрын
You're helping me!
@damzey91110 ай бұрын
It's a great channel
@JarredTheWyrdWorker Жыл бұрын
My eyes rolled right out of my head over the "increased number of LGBT students" article as soon as I saw Lisa Littman's name mentioned. Littman's original study regarding ROGD was so fundamentally flawed that the journal that published it had a retraction almost immediately. The fact that anyone takes her seriously after that is astonishing.
@bodricpriest8816 Жыл бұрын
Where there's a will there's a way, the human brain is both amazing... and sometimes really depressing...
@CyaNinja Жыл бұрын
I really like how you worked your sponsor in this video by actually using them. I usually hate sponsored video plugs, but I actually enjoyed this. Whatever they paid you for it, they need to at least double it!
@nasonguy Жыл бұрын
You hit the nail on the head at 18:55 I am speaking as a cis, bisexual man. I got married at 20 years old to a cis woman. As far as I knew at the time (deeply indoctrinated in the church), I was "straight". That's all I knew. I've since done A LOT of learning about myself and exploring the world. I can confidently say that I am bisexual. But you know what I haven't done? Cheated on my wife. I love her and cherish her. We've been through hell (haha) together. Our relationship is paramount in my life. OF COURSE I'm not "bisexually active". I would be a complete fool to be. There are days I feel almost entirely straight. There are days when I feel massively queer, haha. Most days it's somewhere in between. Anyways, I'll stop rambling. You nailed it though....
@Paulogia Жыл бұрын
Appreciate that affirmation.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
You can't be speaking as that, because there's no such thing as a "cis" anything.
@nasonguy Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 I'd love for you to expand on that. I was under the impression that the word "cis" as a prefix has been in use for hundreds of years and has it's roots in the latin 'Cis' meaning "this side of" or "nearer to".
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
@@nasonguy Well, this is going to be a bit of a deep dive, but you did ask me to expand on it, so I hope you are prepared for a bit of a read. Latin is a quite old language and while that original version of the word "cis" has been around for a long time, it was not at all used in the way it is currently being used in our time. It does mean what you think it does, but it was never in use with the other term "gender." That connection didn't occur until the English current day usage. I'll get to that a little later, but if you use some common sense here, it should already make sense to you. While I have been on this planet for nearly a half century now (goodness, has it really been that long?) and because of my line of work with a doctorate of pharmacology, that involves a lot of science and chemistry, the term has been around in science for a long time and has absolutely nothing closely related to the Latin meaning of the word, or the current day adaptation. But, in all of my time, my parents' time, and my grandparent's time, none of us had ever heard the word used in common/popular language to refer to anything, especially as it refers to gender. The current adaptation of the abbreviation for "cisgender" is "cis." That is a very important distinction. The word "cisgender" includes the word "gender," which is an English word. This might be a rather meaningless distinction since you can trace that word back to other root words from other languages, but it is not a direct copy of the word like "cis" is in this discussion. At any rate, the term "cisgender" didn't come about until supposedly the 1990's from my research, but I hadn't heard of that terminology until perhaps five years ago. So, I don't agree with the term "cisgender" or "cis" for short. There is already a term for a male and a female, it needs no precursor. The term is being used in a derogatory fashion, and also being used to pervert the notion that there are only two genders. So if you are to accept the notion of a "cisgender," you have to agree with the notion that there are other kinds of genders. There aren't. You can take this last part of my argument any way you like.
@nasonguy Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 Yeah, thanks for elaborating. You've made it clear that you are of the "Old Guard". You bait and switched me with an ambiguous statement. Language changes. Social norms change. The newness of a word has nothing to do with the validity of the thing it describes. You are conflating Gender and Sex. You are implying that "cisgender" means something other than "A person whose gender aligns with their biological sex assigned at birth". To say that "cisgender" is being used in a derogatory fashion means nothing. So is the word "queer". So is the word "gay". Their derogatory use has NOTHING to do with the validity with which they are used in positive and non-derogatory contexts.
@DeludedOne Жыл бұрын
10:48 Yeah, Ham's bs thought stopper is nonsense on several grounds. One of which is the fact that while no human can live long enough to see a star form from start to finish, we are able to see different stages of that star formation, and that's enough to tell us a lot about how stars form. If mayflies were able to pass down information to their descendants, or share it collectively, it might be possible for them to know of houses in different stages of construction, which would also allow them to deduce how houses are built. Another thing is that by simply denying something happened because no one was there to witness it or no one could possibly witness the whole thing, Ken is basically denying a lot of things including the entirety of the Biblical works. After all, no one alive was around to actually see those things happen. Ken Ham cannot simply claim then that the Bible itself is a reliable record when his own statement denounces similar scientific records. It would then boil down to which is actually more reliable as information and evidence which is entirely outside of his "were you there schtick". Finally, Ken Ham's attempts to shrug off applying the same standards to his own worldview by ad hoc asserting that "God was there" and relying on the evidence free assertion that the Bible was essentially written by God. Which of course is simply the hypocritical Christian method of applying different standards to different information.
@fentonpeter1582 Жыл бұрын
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story...... or....... Don't stand in between a $20.00 note and a theme park owner.
@donnievance1942 Жыл бұрын
Right. How do they know that God wrote the Bible? Were they there to see it happen? The idea that no one can know anything they didn't personally see is ridiculous on its face. None of us saw the American Revolution happen. And it's not in the Bible either. I guess we shouldn't believe it happened. We don't even personally see most of what we know about that happens in our own time.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
You don't know how stars form. You BELIEVE you know based on what you think you see.
@DeludedOne Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 Based on many observations plus how gravity works, plus what we know about physics and we can piece together how stars form, not to mention we've seen how stars are destroyed. If we've never seen something, does that mean that for any murder that occurred withput witnesses, it can never be known how it happened?
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
@@DeludedOne No, but to prove that somebody committed a murder, you have to prove that case with actual evidence. You can't have somebody go to court and say, "I think this person committed murder," and expect to win your case. Nobody has observed the birth of a star. Nobody has seen a star "form." So there are no observations of this. You think we know how physics and gravity works. Seeing something being destroyed is not the same thing as seeing it being created. You THINK you know how stars form based on limited bits of information and accepting on FAITH that certain things happened. You don't actually have any proof of this.
@ArtieThomas Жыл бұрын
Is is my imagination or has Ham and AiG become more paranoid in the past year or so? It seems they have gone from basic disingenuity and reactionary ideology to increasing bats**t crazy. Their siege mentality seem to entrench deeper and deeper.
@fentonpeter1582 Жыл бұрын
Same seems to be happening with all the YECs at the moment. There are some hilariously funny productions coming out of CMI at the moment. Well worth the time to check them out.
@the_disc32 Жыл бұрын
It's what happens when you have to run with the mentality that everyone is out to attack your "way of life" You have to keep escalating the nonexistent threat
@ob2249 Жыл бұрын
@@the_disc32 f0x news makes miIIi0ns with the exact same theme iIIustrating h0w guIIibIe christians are fake 0utrage 0ver invented issues is their speciaIity
@ianchisholm5756 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, he's just put out a video saying how dangerous William Lane Craig is.
@diogeneslamp8004 Жыл бұрын
@@ianchisholm5756 Really?!
@kenbattor6350 Жыл бұрын
When my appendix disintegrated, I checked Genesis and it had nothing about surgery. I therefore didn't have the surgery and I died.
@wrathofainz Жыл бұрын
@GameTimeWhy Жыл бұрын
I think you mean that the bible didn't say anything about humans having an appendix so it disappeared. Checkmate.
@fieldrequired283 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for writing us from heaven, once again confirming the biblical theological worldview. Checkmate, atheists.
@broddr Жыл бұрын
Wait, why didn’t the pain cause you to ask a Christian to heal you? Jesus healed the slave of a Roman soldier remotely, without even visiting the slave. So you could have had that healed over the phone. Because the Gospels clearly state that true Christians will have all the healing powers of Jesus. 🤔
@kenbattor6350 Жыл бұрын
@@broddr The Lord works in mysterious ways
@davidtripp2118 Жыл бұрын
I really liked the in-depth look at the usage of Ground News. Makes an even better "commercial" for it.
@M1nt.n1te Жыл бұрын
I hope this sponsor is paying you good because I’ve heard countless ground news ads but this was the first video that made me actually consider downloading because of how you used it and how it prompted me to see it as a useful tool!
@MichaelDeHaven Жыл бұрын
He did an incredible job. Really cool way to integrate them and back up his points too. I'd totally get them, but I've had them for several months. They're pretty good to stay informed, especially the blindspot feature. It really helps if you happen to be fairly far into either side's media ecosystem. The only thing I'm concerned about is all these ads. I've seen their ads everywhere now. I always get a little worried when a service goes so heavily into ad buys.
@JJ_Smilez Жыл бұрын
@joshuaa7266 Жыл бұрын
My main concern is how they determine what is "factual" and what their own bias is, or how they deal with that. It definitely looks like a useful tool but I want to learn more about how they get that information before I rely on it.
@rubif5797 Жыл бұрын
It is really nice to hear the calming (with a slight angry undertone) voice of paulogia once in a while. Thanks for the effort man.
@graydanerasmussen4071 Жыл бұрын
So Ken Ham is not entirely forthright and honest in where he gets his stories? -Say it ain't so!! :D
@seraphonica Жыл бұрын
Love this integrated use of your sponsor - teaching people how to evaluate sources, whether they have the tool or not, is a good way to ensure higher media literacy in general.
@shassett79 Жыл бұрын
I liked the bit about AiG getting most of their news from biased, single sources. At least they're consistent in their approach to learning?
@javierramos9795 Жыл бұрын
AIG reminds me of car manufacturers saying, “you don’t need to service your vehicle transmission, it has lifetime fluid”, they’re technically true but misleading, not replacing your transmission fluid will shorten its life.
@HarkerFerry Жыл бұрын
Paul, thank you so much. This is the way to advertise a sponsor like Ground News -- using them to review the sources and biases of news cited by these apologists.
@lazylenni1017 Жыл бұрын
The fact, that Ken and co. try to talk away the topic of climate change, by appealing to the Bible, is worrying. It really does remind you of how much of a threat dogmatic religious thinking is, for humanity.
@EdGloss Жыл бұрын
I hid the fact that I was bisexual for decades from everyone I knew, including my wife. I am in a monogamous relationship and do not have sexual experiences with men by choice. It doesn't change who I might be attracted to.
@ctwentysevenj6531 Жыл бұрын
Always news from Ken Ham Sandwich and the gang always brings a smile to my face with their delusional comedy🤣🤣
@kingfish4575 Жыл бұрын
I use ground news free version and it is a good source. Also the issues on climate that they bring up shows the difference between weather and climate. Keep up the great work Paul.
@arkcritic6080 Жыл бұрын
23:24 Didn't that movie got sold out with empty theaters?
@kanadakid147 Жыл бұрын
Love this video. I appreciate you using ground news, an example of how it's suppose to use.
@diamondflaw Жыл бұрын
Where I live air quality due to fires has had an AQI over 200 for a week now, which never happened 20 years ago, and people here are still trying to say there’s no climate change.
@ecpracticesquad4674 Жыл бұрын
Kent is just mad that his indoctrination efforts aren't working, and I love every minute of it.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
He got Bill Nye to admit that his belief in science is a faith. So, guess it is working.
@loganleatherman76478 ай бұрын
@eduardopena5893 There’s no such thing as a “belief in science”. Science is an evidence-based process of abductive reasoning and thus doesn’t require anything remotely resembling religious belief. Hope this helps. Sincerely, A scientist
@tomsenior7405 Жыл бұрын
Great work Paul. This looks like it took a great deal of research and an investment of your time to put together. I appreciate this. I use a far simpler and quicker method: 'Everything that comes out of AIG is worthless'. This method saves time and is 100% reliable.
@satanofficial3902 Жыл бұрын
"Once you go full Nummy Muffin Coocol Butter, you never go back." ---Albert Einstein
@jamiegallier2106 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, and congrats on the new sponsor! 🎉What a great way to feature the sponsor, looks like AIG will have to step it up. Not surprising some of the articles searched weren’t ‘recognized’ by the search engine- AIG and other creationists like using non-standard terms for science processes which makes it harder for any of their flock seeking understanding or fact based evidence elsewhere.
@erictaylor5462 Жыл бұрын
Is the number of people who are LGBTQ actually increasing, or is it the number of LGBTQ people who feel that publicly admitting their feelings is going up? It's sort of like when airbags became standard in cars their was a dramatic increase of traumatic limb loss in car crash survivors. The airbags were not doing anything to cause people to lose an arm or a leg. They were saving the lives of people who would otherwise have died in the crash.
@JasonHenderson Жыл бұрын
I don't watch the news or read news, I get all my news from news communicators on KZbin. I've been seeing a lot of sponsorships for ground news. It's cool that people are source checking their articles.
@gracesprocket7340 Жыл бұрын
Mayflies live 2-3 years. It is only the adult instar which has a duration of 2-3 days existing only to mate, but doing so in vast numbers and all at once in a manner which overwhelms the ability of predators to concentrate and significantly reduce their numbers.
@theinternetjerk9597 Жыл бұрын
Anytime I can start my day with a new Ham &Eggs segment it's a good day.
@YY4Me133 Жыл бұрын
@ottonormalverbrauch3794 Жыл бұрын
People like Ken Ham criticizing youth indoctrination could well be a verse in the Alanis Morisette song 'Ironic'.
@dickturpin9498 Жыл бұрын
And ironically if it were, it would be the only example of irony in the whole song. A song about irony that contains no examples of irony, ironic, isn’t it?😂
@pwoody9416 Жыл бұрын
I loved this meta analysis. I have seen Ground News as a sponsor on many sites, but have never seen it used! Thank you!
@silverlightsinaugust2756 Жыл бұрын
How do these people see smog, light pollution, huge clusters of trash, disappearing animals, and everything else, and say “meh, who cares?”
@libertine5606 Жыл бұрын
They are completely right! We as humans cannot break the earth. However, we can make the earth inhabitable for US!
@harryhagman6063 Жыл бұрын
@sunvalleydrivemusic Жыл бұрын
You’re work is always amazing, but this one stands out as one of my favorites. Happy to be a Patreon supporter and learning something new with every new Paulogia post!
@quantumrobin4627 Жыл бұрын
I can imagine Bodie finding out he has stage 4, the doc is in the middle of conversation about targeted treatments, Bodie says “I’m tired of all the professional talk, everyone wants to tell us we are mortal, what gives”
@Nekulturny Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I like Aron handled that once on here "why don't we just get him a ball of yarn to play with" something like that Aron said, it was perfect too.
@alisaurus4224 Жыл бұрын
“Well doc, you’re saying it started in my kidney and spread to my bowel and lungs. But how can you tell? Were you there, in my kidney?”
@quantumrobin4627 Жыл бұрын
@@Nekulturny Aron has literally heard it all, many, many times over, his reactions are always hilarious
@thelostone6981 Жыл бұрын
“Were you there to see a star being born?” “Were you there when Jesus was resurrected?”
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
"Is Christianity a religion based on faith of things you haven't personally witnessed?" Ken: Yes. "Is Science a religion based on faith of things you haven't personally witnessed?" Bill: Yes. mic drop.
@loganleatherman76478 ай бұрын
@eduardopena5893 Science fundamentally isn’t a religion nor is science based on anything remotely resembling religious faith. Hope this helps. Sincerely, A scientist
@samreciter Жыл бұрын
Nicely done - really interesting and entertaining - and a perfect ad for ground news!
@amazingbollweevil Жыл бұрын
This was one of the most interesting videos you've done. Tracking their sources with that tool was fascinating and I hope you do more.
@Ardonmachinery5 ай бұрын
Could someone please tell me what the words are in the opening jingle sung between the middle and last “ham and eggs” ? It’s been bugging me for years and I can’t work it out 🙏🤔🤷♀️
@TheRatsintheWalls3 ай бұрын
I'm 90% certain it's "flip 'em, fluff 'em" x2. There's a reasonable chance it's "flip 'em, flop 'em."
@jaegrant6441 Жыл бұрын
I can understand how some people might think human activity driven climate change is a "new trend", considering that media have either ignored or ridiculed climate scientists for decades until recently.
@judygreenwood4696 Жыл бұрын
Climate change is a, “in your face”, inescapable fact. Oh, you can play the, “Three Monkeys Denial” card but ultimately it’s you & your family that will suffer!
@neonshadow5005 Жыл бұрын
It's funny hearing religious people talk about indoctrination and how it's important to influence young people. They definitely know that and try their best to do that.
@Oswlek Жыл бұрын
Wait, so temperatures change on a daily basis? Surely this piercing insight has gone unnoticed by climate scientists for the past hundred years.
@bluetoad2668 Жыл бұрын
Higher education is for sure a safe place. Where I grew up no one would dare to identify. I went to university and, wow, suddenly the freedom to be yourself meant I was suddenly aware of this diversity. This was over 30 years ago. Back when no one seemed to care as much. Now we have this bizzare moral panic. The sky doesn't fall in if you allow people to be themselves, or have abortions. There are real problems to spend our time on.
@wrathofainz Жыл бұрын
It might be a bit evil but I think it would be fun to see Ken Ham as part of a murder investigation where someone in his family got taken out... The twist is that the police officers insist no one was there to witness the crime so they can't draw any conclusions. I know there's an animated video to that effect out there somewhere.
@EmissaryOfStuff Жыл бұрын
DarkMatter made a video about that. It was pretty funny.
@wrathofainz Жыл бұрын
@EmissaryOfStuff oh, so it was Darkmatter. I reckon it's his video I remember. I ought to download it. It's unfortunate that peoples' standards can be as stupid and inconsistent as Ken's.
@grateful3300 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always said that all those old cold case murders were performed by god. He’s got the track record, he can’t be seen and hes everywhere.
@curiousnerdkitteh Жыл бұрын
I was going to say that sounds like exactly DarkMatter's kind of video!
@urielpolak9949 Жыл бұрын
So funny the “were we there??” As if his creation story is a first hand testimony
@broddr Жыл бұрын
So true, who was the witness in Genesis prior to Yahweh creating Adam? Somehow that pure speculation doesn’t bother fundamentalists, perhaps because that speculation was “inspired by a god” as opposed to being developed by the scientific method.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
@@broddr Christians admit that they are accepting it on faith. They are being honest. The evolutionist believers, other than Bill Nye who admitted he had a faith in a discussion with Ken, ironically enough, are stating their FAITH as THE ONLY TRUTH. Seems a bit hypocritical to me, but, you have the freedom of your religion as well, so have fun with it.
@volundrgingersen4874 Жыл бұрын
There are far more beautiful and interesting places to visit in Kentucky than the Ark Encounter.
@Ejaezy Жыл бұрын
It seems like Answers in Genesis is aware of everyone else's biases except their own...
@toren1970 Жыл бұрын
@Paulogia Жыл бұрын
@ArthKryst Жыл бұрын
17:09 I think she doesn't understand how percentages work. It's a relative change. Say in 2010 there were only 100 people "identifying as Bisexual" then 232% increase just means now 232 people identifying as bisexual, just because the increase is over 100% does not mean that's it's a statistical anomaly or it's uncommon. In fact it raises the question as to how many people hid their bisexuality or had no idea of it back in 2010s to get this increase It's not 2023s data that's abnormal, it's 2010s data that's abnormal. That leap in increase is due to knowledge and understanding of these subjects growing and people starting to sympathize with shit like that.
@laurajarrell6187 Жыл бұрын
Paulogia, great video! And I'm so glad you're showing how ground news works! And AIG doesn't, lol. 👍💖💙🥰✌
@ziploc2000 Жыл бұрын
I find it revealing that they say everyone has a worldview bias, without acknowledging that their worldview bias is that Genesis is a literal story so anything that disagrees with it they dismiss, regardless of the evidence.
@gerritvalkering1068 Жыл бұрын
A Ham And AiGs video, after so long! You sure know how to treat us well. Though now I'm hungry, time for some omelet
@gerritvalkering1068 Жыл бұрын
"Human ancestors survived the impact that killed the dinosaurs, what objection could AiG have" Obviously, you forgot that AiG rejects the asteroid part, because the dinosaurs had to have died in the flood.
@jimmygravitt1048 Жыл бұрын
It kills me how people are surprised that more people are coming out as gay/bi/trans/tec., when in the not too distant past, it was literally illegal. And there are still a lot of people with some backwards ass views, so no wonder people feel free to come out in inclusive environments like college.
@chrisfriel2003 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant, just brilliant. I’ve daydreamed about doing this exact thing - slap ignorance with facts. The broader overview makes it easier to stick to the facts and not get bogged down in conservative semantics. Thank you Paulogia, that was a hoot
@raysalmon6566 Жыл бұрын
the worse slavery of all is being a slave to sin whose master is the cruelest of all
@chrisfriel2003 Жыл бұрын
@@raysalmon6566 Sorry to be rude, but that is nonsensical.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
Do you save up your money to make a purchase? I bet you do or have in the past. Congratulations, you just used a "conservative semantic."
@pauline_f328 Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for the help in learning to navigate Ground News! I've been meaning to use it but it says a bunch of things about stories so I wasn't sure about what to look out for
@shanewilson7994 Жыл бұрын
19:20 yup, my fiance is bi, yet she's not sleeping around with other women (or guys) because we're in a committed relationship that, currently, is monogamous. Its so weird that some people expect someone who is bi to just be sleeping with everyone. Or even someone who is homosexual to be actively sleeping with someone of the same sex, when they may not be interested in a sexual relationship.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
That you know of. I am also glad that you think you speak for the entire "bi" and gay community.
@debrabathurst7276 Жыл бұрын
Thank u Paul. That was an interesting take on aig biases It could/would be good to include these snippets going forward in all of yr reviews Cheers
@erict.watson2460 Жыл бұрын
16:49 Two thousand ten to twenty thirteen is 13 years eh? I think I'm going to find further AiG mathematical claims somewhat dubious ...
@subcitizen2012 Жыл бұрын
I love their goal post moving when it fits their narrative. One minute the earth and all of creation intricately created and is perfect and pure as it is, like the "God made sunsets beautiful for us to look at;" but whenever it suits then it's also a cursed earth and creation destined for decay and destruction.
@fieldrequired283 Жыл бұрын
If you're not going to form or sustain your belief based on evidence, having your public-facing hypotheses explain everything (because they're unfalsifiable and have no predictive power) is the way to go. Otherwise you have to make specific claims about observable things, and then people might notice how often you're factually wrong. Which is bad optics for someone who claims to hold the only correct interpretation of the infallible word of god.
@broddr Жыл бұрын
Most evangelicals not only believe that this world is destined for destruction, they are hoping for that “judgement day” and, for some of them, actively working to make it happen.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
You do know there is more than one power at work? Oh, of course you don't, because you've never studied the Bible.
@fieldrequired283 Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 Definitionally, if there is an omnipotent and omniscient god, nothing in the universe happens without its consent. Indeed, nothing in the universe can happen that is not willed by that god. So no, in a cosmic sense, there are not any other powers at play. Unless you think this god is of limited power and knowledge?
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
@@fieldrequired283 It is not up to me to question God. If you want to question him, you can take it up with him the day you meet him.
@TisButAScratch666 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely LOVED this video and your approach Paul. Keep up the great work.
@abbygaby9210 Жыл бұрын
this is probably the best ad video ground news could wish for, excellently used throughout the video and proved to be a great tool for what is being used for
@tetsujin_144 Жыл бұрын
18:25 - "They found in the research that sexual activity has not kept pace with identification" I mean, there's no reason it needs to. If someone's bi they don't need to put on a demonstration for you and "prove" it. If people are becoming more open to different ideas of what's right for them, I think that's great. If nothing's really fundamentally changed that much but we're just recognizing and acknowledging (even... wild idea here, *accepting*) something that was already there, that's good too.
@dyslexictroll8708 Жыл бұрын
According to the 1939 German census 95% of the German population was Christian.
@corwin32 Жыл бұрын
I try to not be snobby about difficult science terms, because we all know they exist and suck, but I am enjoying watching AiG make glorious face-plants on almost every headline
@robsquared2 Жыл бұрын
Welp this video finally convinced me to get ground news. Btw did you know that an ad for Epoch times (yikes) shows up when you get it from the app store?
@JosephKano Жыл бұрын
Sadly not much you can do about those sorts of ads creeping in.
@GameTimeWhy Жыл бұрын
My favourite ads are the ones for Gaia. I hope logicked covers their "fun" videos.
@SkepticObserver30 Жыл бұрын
i cant stand ppl that first of all are against lgbt and second of all are like "oh look the lgbt 'trend' is on the rise!" no dude, weve been here, were just able to come out and be comfortable with our sexuality more than ever yet ppl like Ken Ham and his group of fanatics cant stand to just see the facts of reality
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
Nobody is against you. I disagree with your lifestyle choice in the same way you disagree with Ken Hamm's religion and teachings. You can be comfortable being whomever you want. You don't have the right to force others to be, and you certainly have no right coming around my children and trying to teach them about your choices without my knowledge or permission. I believe the trend is on the rise because of a severe lack of access to and availability of proper mental health care in this country.
@SkepticObserver30 Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 ok first things first. sexuality is NOT a choice. in fact if you really think it is i challenge you to choose to be gay. second the statement "nobody is against you" is just plain wrong. you dont know me or anything about my life so for you to claim that anyways simply has no merit. ive been berrated, yelled at, and even had things thrown at me simply bc i was publicly showing rainbow colours or when i was with my bf. ive been told countless times about how i will burn and suffer unimaginable torment in hell for eternity for my "choice" of being gay. as far as children education on sexuality goes, i personally do not go out of my way to teach any child on the subject nor did i claim to, so to bring that up is irrelevant. i will say however i do believe education to be very important and in this context it teaches children people are different and they exist just as much as anyone else and if they themselves realise somewhere down the road thats how they are as well it can be taught to them that 1 its normal and 2 they can figure it out sooner and hopefully live more fulfilling lives by doing so. and i assume by the last part of your comment (please lmk if i am misinterpreting your point) you mean to say that being gay, bi, trans, or what have you is actually a mental disorder when it is not and generally has been known not to be since the 50s or 60s if im remembering my history correctly. mental problems can stem from stigma and discrimination towards those in the lgtb+ community. i personally have experienced sever anxiety and depression from it and the fact that ik that if i were to come out to my family (bc its happened to a cousin of mine) i would be immediately disowned by half of my entire family. i encourage you to research this topic more and hope that you can walk away from it with a better understanding. one more thing, im not entirely sure what youre saying by "you dont have the right to force others to be" im not forcing anything on anyone, i just hope that people can better understand the troubles ppl in the lgbt+ community go through and what actually goes through their heads instead of relying on what i can only assume (bc ive seen it time and time again) what you have heard from various pastors and other religious spokepersons
@SkepticObserver30 Жыл бұрын
side note, id also encourage research into what the bible actually says about homosexuality and in its historical context. there are many great videos about it from christian and secular scholars of the bible and they all agree it just isnt as simple as "bible says gay is bad"
@doclees11 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the introduction to Ground News. It's a nice tool to aid in critical analysis of "news" put in front of us. It is important to recognize this service doesn't seem to do anything regarding the facts of a story. That will still be up to the reader to continue to research or accept as presented. Now I need to fact check their bias/factuality/ownership methodology for its bias, factuality and ownership. Aww screw it. Remember, figures don't lie but liars do figure.
@dhc Жыл бұрын
Damn. I didn’t realize Ham used the “did you observe it?” Argument. I mean, the irony in that is incredible. Astounding. “Hey Ken, have you ever observed Jesus? Have you ever been in a group of people who heard god speak audibly?” No? I reserve my snarky name calling for now.
@CUtz143 Жыл бұрын
As a bisexual in a straight passing relationship thank you so much for your understanding of bisexuality. I'm not straight just because the person I fell in love with is the opposite gender, he is just who clicked with me! Id love him just as much if he was a woman or an endby!
@shassett79 Жыл бұрын
No, sorry, you're the victim of social contagion. Or CRT. Or Marxism. Or something. You can't possibly be a rational actor who understands their own internal state because Ken Ham said so
@kayew5492 Жыл бұрын
I'm bi, and I didn't come out until I was 40 when I met my first girlfriend (20 years ago), after 2 failed marriages. Unfortunately I had no idea that bisexuality even existed in my teens and 20's. I thought that everyone was either gay or straight, and since I'd fallen in love with a man, I must be straight. I am so glad that young people nowadays are more clued in than I was, and confident enough to express their sexuality openly.
@Suprahampton Жыл бұрын
What's an 'endby'?
@SapphWolf Жыл бұрын
@@SuprahamptonAlso Spelled NB. It's short for non-binary.
@SapphWolf Жыл бұрын
@@kayew5492My boyfriend didn't realize he was bi until his twenties, shortly before we started dating, because he found girls sexy and never considered if he thought guys were hit too. That was 20 years ago and he's still as bi now as he was then.
@geoffmoon2903 Жыл бұрын
Just on statistics, it can sound a lot when you say an increase of 700%, but that could be achieved by going from 1 to 8, and maybe within a population 10,000 students that would actually seem quite small. So raw numbers are also good to know.
@wax99 Жыл бұрын
This was a pretty cool concept. Yes, it's a sponsor, but it's the most useful and creative way I've seen someone use their sponsor throughout the video.
@aditsu Жыл бұрын
2 problems with this video: - it is mainly a long infomercial for the sponsor - at no point is Ken Ham "LIVID!" about Paul's "dismantling"
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
What? Paul lied to you? What a shock. Makes you wonder what else he's been dishonest about this whole time, doesn't it?
@aditsu Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 not really, I think it's just clickbait
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
@@aditsu Which is a lie. That's the whole point of clickbait....hello.
@Jeagan2002 Жыл бұрын
lol "Fallen in love with global warming" means "I don't realize that the nine hottest years on record are... the last nine years in a row....
@lukehanson5320 Жыл бұрын
6:25 Sorry for forgetting the reference, but aren't we called to be 'good stewards' of all we're entrusted with?
@adrienhorrell5612 Жыл бұрын
"Answers in Genesis has a school he can apply to" DEAD 💀💀💀
@happyraver1958 Жыл бұрын
I'm an LGBTQ person, I didn't even know I was trans because I didn't have the language to understand what I had felt like almost my entire life. Once I felt safe exploring my gender identity without even knowing that's what I was doing, I did, that's when I slowly found out I'm a girl and my story is not unique, most of us knew we had strange feelings we couldn't explain most of our lives, once we knew what being transgender means, everything fell into place and we started our transition which dramatically improved our quality of life without hurting anyone else in the process. I'm post-op too and I have ZERO REGRETS about it, I'm very happy with my results and if I had to, I would do it again!! Most of us trans people experience those same results after our surgeries, the right is constantly lying about transgender people; if people really wanted to know what it's like to be trans, they should ask a trans person instead of relying on far Right propaganda.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
You didn't know you were trans because you never were, and you still aren't. There is no such thing. Jazz Jennings might disagree with you. There are many videos of people that are trying to reverse the mutilations done to them because they are more miserable after they've gone through it. You are in store for some severe medical issues in the future. You are eventually going to come to the realization that you aren't really what you think you've become. I am sure you know who Dylan is. "Days of girlhood." Notice he is focusing on the word "girl" and not "Woman." But, that's a separate issue. Dylan has a huge fan who was inspired to go through the mutilation surgery by Dylan (even though Dylan hasn't done that himself) and now they are completely depressed. The videos are heartbreaking to watch.
@happyraver1958 Жыл бұрын
@@eduardopena5893 the regret rate among transgender people is between one percent and a fraction of a percent, statistics confirm this fact. What other transgender people have gone through to resolve the dissonance between who they feel they are and how they are perceived by society (gender dysphoria) always comes with risks and we all known them as we are also willing to take them because being absolutely sure that we are in pain for not being able to express to the world and see ourselves the way we absolutely need to is much greater than the risks and pain we go through to modify our bodies to achieve the closest approximation we can to the internal image we have of ourselves. You're weaponizing other people's experiences to deny my identity as a woman, that's not just immoral, it's downright cruel, it's hate disgused as concern for me. You definitely should rethink your position on this matter.
@Antowan Жыл бұрын
Our boy Paul got the ground news sponsorship im proud and supporting!
@jonathanpark7245 Жыл бұрын
I love Ken Ham episodes. I wish he would post more content. Ham and AiG news!
@chrishorsfield6268 Жыл бұрын
22:43 oh wow. Almost didn’t recognize Georgia.
@thereallocke8065 Жыл бұрын
12:18 there are two types or people in this world those who can interpolate from incomplete evidence and... But in all seriousness scientists draw conclusions based off of similar creatures and stuff. If they have reason to believe that there are other uncommon/unexpected features they'll add them. Kinda how we learned dinosaurs had feathers. But just looking at some bones that look like a Whale but bigger and denser if we know what a Whale looks like it seems like it's not much or a leap not to draw the thing with scales and gills.
@BubbaF0wpend Жыл бұрын
Important work, thanks Paul.
@abandoninplace2751 Жыл бұрын
"We actually have special camps..." OK bro i gotta stop you right there thanks.
@tetsujin_144 Жыл бұрын
24:22 - "From TripAdvisor, 22 best things to do in Kentucky" To be fair, though, #7 on that list was "go somewhere else" But, hey, Wonderfest is in Kentucky, so there's that.
@flowingafterglow629 Жыл бұрын
The fact that the Ken Ham things gets listed on the 22 best things to do in Kentucky just means that the list of good things to do in Kentucky is pretty small. They couldn't even come up with 25, even including the Ark encounter.
@noname-by3qz Жыл бұрын
1)children's camps can not be trusted. 2) send them to my children's camp. 😮
@graffffik Жыл бұрын
9:00 Nobody, and I mean nobody in the buy-bull were "there" either. Not a single author , editor, or changer of it was even alive during any single story described. The earliest is 2 to 4 generations after the death of an alleged "witness" It is entirely possible every single author is 100% imaginary based on future storytellers making up their names. None of this buy-bull is original, it is 100% edited and altered. So the stories are 100% fiction. This doesn't mean any person did not exist in it however, people like Hezekiah can be sourced outside of it. But Harry Potter also references real people, and real events of the 20th century, does this Make Harry Potter and Hogwarts real? These guys 100% lied - there is no buy-bull witnesses
@broddr Жыл бұрын
You left out questioning who was the witness to Yahweh’s creation process documented in Genesis before Adam was created. 🤔 Talk about lack of witnesses!
@graffffik Жыл бұрын
@@broddr They'd argue imaginary people like Moses wrote it down But were not actually there. But I agree. Even if these authors existed Every single word in it is post-diction, not by a single witness but people generations after said events take place, So even these alleged original authors "weren't there"
@RealPumpkinJay Жыл бұрын
I hecking love my ground news…
@BobPearson-zr1mi Жыл бұрын
If they like it, like smart phones, then the science is sound. If they don't like it, the science is flawed. Same science, broken people.
@uncle-epicurus Жыл бұрын
9:50 - I'm not sure how I got the wrong answer. I shouted in a big loud voice, "SCIENTISTS"!
@tetsujin_144 Жыл бұрын
0:18 - "We recently had a Ken Ham sighting on the Naruto's Schedule Answers News show" I didn't know AiG had a show about Naruto's schedule. Is this like an in-universe thing, like, 9:00 be Hokage, 10:30 reminisce about old times, 12:00 tell Boruto he can't spend time with him right now, etc.?
@askingbetterquestions Жыл бұрын
Appreciating your work from Seattle. Cheers!
@TheMonarchofGold Жыл бұрын
I love when they're reporting numbers, they always choose the scariest way to present them. An increase of 790% could literally be that 1 person identified x years ago and now 790 people do. These wild percentages mean absolutely nothing without context.
@321cheeseman Жыл бұрын
An increase of 790% would mean that 8.9 people now identify...
@SilverMKI Жыл бұрын
@321cheeseman a great example of how people don't understand numbers and statistics.
@eduardopena5893 Жыл бұрын
Except when using those same statistics in the same manner to support your idea, or just completely ignoring statistics that prove you wrong.
@ground_news Жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul! For anyone looking to compare coverage and see through bias and blinspots, check out the link above and let us know if you have any questions.
@flowingafterglow629 Жыл бұрын
re: identifying as bi and acting on it One of the issues of trying to characterize bisexuals by behavior is that it's not like they are currently having a relationship with both male and female at the same time. It's very likely that they are currently only in a relationship with one or the other. What makes them bi is there attractiveness to both. A bisexual woman could be in a relationship with a guy, which is a heterosexual relationship. But because she is bi, if they were to break up, her next relationship could be with a woman. Or with another guy. You can't tell bisexual orientation just by looking at who they have a relationship with currently or recently or even historically.
@phantomofkrankor3665 Жыл бұрын
Very good! Thanks for doing the hard work required to go through Ken’s videos🙄