What game do you want to see me play next? (Excluding Deltarune and Undertale Yellow, those are on the list!)
@GrimGriefer5Күн бұрын
After deltarune, you should play Deltatraveller, a fan game based on deltarune thats still being worked on (currently chapter 3 is out) there is a pacifist and a genocide for that game as well Also undertale has a short hard mode and so does deltatraveller, you activate it by naming your character "Frisk" which for the whole ruins section it makes all enemies stronger
@helton181222 сағат бұрын
have you bychance played OFF by Mortis Ghost? it was one of the many inspirations for Undertale. and is overall one of my favourite games ever made :3
@ThisSlugIsAlive19 сағат бұрын
@j122717 сағат бұрын
Ts UnderSwap it basically Undertale 2.0 It is so good and it’s not even finished
@misadique84515 сағат бұрын
the full 10 hours of the sans fight
@sentificial35462 күн бұрын
Your friends are like the demons on your shoulder 😂
@PrehistoricEmpresss2 күн бұрын
@@sentificial3546 quite literally 😭
@cruciblelord632618 сағат бұрын
It’s like deltarune snowgrave route
@Maiki_61422 сағат бұрын
I just want to clarify something that I feel the collective fandom took at face value when first fighting sans when this game came out and just went with it lmao. Sans doesn't actually remember resets or save and reloads. He just is aware that you're capable of doing it, among being aware of a lot of the facets of what you can do. And thus he can tell the signs that you did those things. You'll notice his dialogue after you die usually starts with "that look on your face." He's good at reading people, he is the judge after all. Theres a secret you can do in pacifist if you reload your save after doing his judgement. Where he'll notice you seem to have heard this before, and will keep asking you to reload and telling you different "codewords" to repeat back to him to confirm his suspicions that you are a "time traveler", and then give you his room key.
@PrehistoricEmpresss21 сағат бұрын
That’s SO COOL?! I didn’t know that’s how he knew!
@j122716 сағат бұрын
You think him saying “that look on your face” is the actual explanation? I’d take that as clearly him being sarcastic Especially with that time travel gag, that’s him messing with you repeatedly, “confirming” something he already knows
@Maiki_61414 сағат бұрын
@@j1227yes, confirming that he knows you CAN do it. All I'm saying is that he doesn't directly have memory of it. Nothing ever implies he does anyways. He talks about the timelines jumping, stopping and starting, until it everything ends. Saying "That was you, wasn't it?" He knows what it is he just isn't sure of it until now because he doesn't remember the resets. And other than the genocide death messages and the room key bit, he never shows any other change in dialogue for any resets or reloads. And the dinner in MTT Resort, if you died up to that point when he says "besides... haven't i done a great job protecting you? i mean, look at yourself. you haven't died a single time. hey, *what's that look supposed to mean?* am i wrong?" And if you actually didn't die he doesn't say that last part. And again during his fight even says "look. i gave up trying to go back a long time ago. and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore, either. cause even if we do... we'll just end up right back here, without any memory of it, right? to be blunt... it makes it kind of hard to give it my all. ...or is that just a poor excuse for being lazy...? hell if i know. all i know is... seeing what comes next... i can't afford not to care anymore." That's why he's resigned. No matter what he does, no matter what happens, no matter who's killed, he knows it'll all go back and he'll be none the wiser. So why try? Until in genocide when you have the potential to end everything forever, then he finally puts in the work. There's so many more implications that he doesn't remember, far more than there are that he does. But again all I'm saying is just that he is only aware you're capable of doing it, and the signs that say you did so. But he doesn't have direct memory of everything that happened like Flowey does. Sorry, I don't mean to write an essay lol, I just want to give a better explanation of my thought process.
@j122714 сағат бұрын
@Maiki_614 I’d argue none of that actually points to him not knowing. They’re all very clearly moments where he’s being cryptic and obtuse. He’s not actually asking if he’s wrong, he’s playing with you cause he knows he’s wrong. He’s playing obtuse This is clear in his ability to count exactly how many times you’ve died. If he just said something about just knowing you died that be one thing. But he tells you exactly how many times you’ve died. He can even tell not only that he betrayal killed you but knows what he said after words “if we’re really friends you won’t come back” “guess we’re not really friends” And it’s not like him knowing is a stretch. Multiple people shoe clear signs of Deja Vu. Who’s to say Sans doesn’t just have a more extreme version of that? Or uses that Deja Vu in tandem with his knowledge of the anomaly to heighten his awareness. It also makes much more sense for him to be so resigned if he remembers. He’s given up on changing the game. He likely has before yet the cycle never ends. There’s no point in trying cause he’s already tried everything and realized there’s no point in doing anything.
@Maiki_61413 сағат бұрын
@@j1227 Well if you spare him, on your next attempt he says "whoa, you look REALLY pissed off about something. hehehehe.. did i getcha?" and then says the "guess we never really were friends" thing, and then says: "don't tell that to the other sans-es, ok?" Which I feel like is a big point. Why would he say that if he remembered? And also on the death count thing. Yeah he's very specific, but based on all the other times he seems to very specifically read your expression I wouldn't be suprised if he could keep track just based off that. But if he's saying "That expression on your face" for no reason before all of them just to be cryptic or sarcastic seems odd to me. especially since he always notes something about a look on your face most of the times he says something about something that happened before a reload. I don't know. Just my view on it, but I personally see more toward him not remembering than doing so.
@homeunshared62 күн бұрын
Fun Fact: If you had clicked "Read" in the Snowdin Shop, you would've found a note saying "Please don't hurt my family."
@PrehistoricEmpresss2 күн бұрын
Omg that would’ve actually crushed me 😭
@homeunshared62 күн бұрын
@@PrehistoricEmpresss Toby adds lots of small "You're a terrible person (:" notes within Genocide, he's a master of writing
@Nurmsito_X19 сағат бұрын
What's so fun about that?
@FwkZPouletV17 сағат бұрын
@Nurmsito_X i guess we will call it a Sad Fact then
@homeunshared613 сағат бұрын
@Nurmsito_X uhhh.. the thought out nature of it?
@Onceortwice452 күн бұрын
I’m so glad I got to watch your exclusive suffering during the Sans fight live
@PrehistoricEmpresss2 күн бұрын
Only the most exclusive suffering on this channel
@baum24_baumbaum182 күн бұрын
Undertale is not a game, it is a piece of art… Btw if you were to do another pacifist run, the fact that you gave your soul to chara (thats her canon name) does change stuff in the ending giving you the soulless pacifist run.
@collectmyhandles14 сағат бұрын
their, not her.
@tracej.kingsford72282 күн бұрын
I have now finished the video, and I’m glad you didn’t fall into the thinking I’ve seen from so many other content creators, note this is a bit of headcannon, Chara (the true name of the fallen human) isn’t inherently evil, the way YOU play the game shapes their view on the world, imagine if you will that you are Chara, you had a plan to free the underground Adriel took your SOUL and took your body to the flowers, but when the villagers attacked him, he refused to FIGHT, he took blow after blow, and he returned home and DIED, your plan failed, and that’s the last thing you know, then you wake up attached to a human you have never met in an unfamiliar room, you go on and meet Flowy, then he immediately tries to kill you, but the human is saved by your Mom, the human is nice to monsters and you help them, translating what the froggits say, and you describe what things are, and what signs say, then your mom says that if the human leaves ASGORE, your Dad will kill them, everything seems wrong, jumping forward now, When the human fights Asriel, your Brother, and saves everyone else, there’s only one person left to save, him your brother, and you share a memory with the human, of when you fell down, and when he showed you kindness, now let’s see what happens if you decide to do a genocide route, Your plan failed, and you wake up attached to a human you’ve never met, the human hunts down EVERY. Last. Monster. in the ruins to gain more power, more LOVE, and then they kill your MOM, and this flower mistakes them for you, but with every exp. Gained every LV. You get more powerful, your purpose isn’t to have fun, but gain power. You help them, you describe things to them, when you get to your home it’s revealed that the flower is your brother, or at least a pale imitation of him, then you fight the comedian, he dodged your last attack, but you force the human to strike again and you kill him, then you finish the job, and properly introduce yourself, but the human doesn’t want to destroy the world, when that is clearly the only thing left to do, they want to GO BACK? To the world THEY pushed to DESTRUCTION? They clearly think they are above consequences, you destroy the world anyway, but they still want to go back, they still have one thing you want, a SOUL, so you make a deal, you take their soul, and reset everything. You the player are what pushed CHARA to this bleak view of the world, you couldn’t leave well enough alone, and the world is forever worse for it. Keep up the amazing content, can’t wait to see what’s next!
@Giamer__16 сағат бұрын
I hope more people read this comment, it's a perfect description of Chara's POV in Undertale, Chara does not control the Human, we make they gain control of it, until the consequences that we always avoid suffering, reach us.
@justicesplanet59582 күн бұрын
2:00:18 Im ngl i stop paying attention from like a minute to play connect 4, and the one attempt im not watching is the winning one 😢
@PrehistoricEmpresss2 күн бұрын
aww noooo!
@justaguy625Күн бұрын
Who else wants to see them react to the post-genocide pacifist ending?
@cutlefish778116 сағат бұрын
It’s always refreshing to see a blind reaction to Undertale!!
@Itz_R0wan2 күн бұрын
Loved this playthrough!! I saw your pacifist run and just couldn't wait to see if you'd play a genocide route too, I was not disappointed!! Happily watched the 2 hours, thankyou for making this content
@PrehistoricEmpresssКүн бұрын
Of course!! Thank you so much for watching it :]
@Kaylen_Jakobsen13 сағат бұрын
10:50 maybe this mouse will get the cheese. some day... 1:13:00 checking MK says "free exp"
@Nerd-o5n15 сағат бұрын
Try naming yourself frisk at the start, it opens up new routes!
@SlabsUdertabs3 сағат бұрын
1:36:41 okay you cant convince me that you actually never knew about sans being here, literally the entirity of the internet sees this place and goes "HOLY SHIT ITS SANS"
@PrehistoricEmpresssСағат бұрын
? Sorry my reaction is predictable I guess? I quite literally just didn’t look at the game nor care about it online until this year lol
@manglenightmare031110 сағат бұрын
This was a cool video, by the way could you do a let’s play of this demo for a game called the twelve slot saloon (it’s inspired by Undertale, mainly in battle mechanics and killing or sparing enemies, but is super cool and very promising and underrated, also hope your having a great day
@Astronautical_fish13 сағат бұрын
Fun fact, if you checked monster kid, it would’ve said “free XP”
@PrehistoricEmpresss13 сағат бұрын
Are you serious?? 😭
@Astronautical_fish13 сағат бұрын
Yep! And it would not have Been a lie =)
@LeeviLihisКүн бұрын
I beg you to check out Undertale Yellow. It is a fangame on the same quality level as the original if not higher.
@PrehistoricEmpresssКүн бұрын
It’s definitely on my list! I heard about it originally from my friend Kyler in the video. Will definitely be playing that after I finish Deltarune!
@jakubpartynski947220 сағат бұрын
you smile becouse they aren't trying to take your 7 soul. . . YOU are looking for THEM = )
@helton181222 сағат бұрын
watching you spam left and right to grind for encounters is painful knowing you can just hold up + down and watch Frisk do a funny dance to grind (also grinding in rooms where you can't find enemies😭😭😭) (also minor nitpick. Napstablook, Monster Kid and Chara (or "Dingus" in this case) go by they/them. with Mad Dummy transitioning from they/them to she/her after possessing a Mew Mew doll in a secret fight in the Switch port💔)
@PrehistoricEmpresss22 сағат бұрын
@helton181222 сағат бұрын
@@PrehistoricEmpresss yeah lol. got the name "Frisk Dance" or "Murder Dance" by the community
@justicesplanet59582 күн бұрын
Sans took so long
@blackserperior637022 сағат бұрын
How in the world did you managed to avoid spoilers for 9 years?
@PrehistoricEmpresss21 сағат бұрын
I just didn’t really care for the game honestly. When I was a kid, I had a hard time understanding how to do video games on my own, especially if you had to follow a story (I played Mario on the Wii instead lmao). I finally saw it in my steam library in 2024 and thought, “hmmm my friends said the game was good so”. BUT I will say I’ve heard the soundtrack more times than I could count cause I had it on Spotify 😂
@XR_Chaos16 сағат бұрын
Couple things i thought would be cool to share. With Undyne (The Undying) like any other monster, she should have died, ofc she didn’t. Because she became the one exception for monsters, where her soul was able to persist after death… just like a human soul can. Which we know as “Determination”. She was able to generate enough Determination because she was determined to stop you from killing monsters, humans, EVERYONE (the only thing i don’t remember if it was clear was if she generated her own determination or because of alphys since if you remember alphys also experimented with determination through injecting monsters with it, which could’ve involved undyne as well)
@PrehistoricEmpresss16 сағат бұрын
Ooo that’s so cool!!! Undyne really is badass!
@XR_Chaos16 сағат бұрын
The other thing is involving Mettaton NEO. You notice you end up killing him in one hit and doing a SHIT ton of dmg. He is part of the notion that sometimes ATK and DEF lie. If you had checked Mettaton NEO’s stats it would state that he has 90 ATK and 9 DEF, however in the game’s code, his actual defense is: -40,000!!! This can also tie with Undyne the Undying actually where it says her ATK and DEF are both 99, but in the code she has 12 ATK and 5 DEF
@XR_Chaos16 сағат бұрын
@@PrehistoricEmpresss i didnt expect you reply so fast, i just wrapped up my followup reply 😭 But yes! Probs why Undyne is one of my favorite characters for reasons like that
@sypenn250215 сағат бұрын
Great video! But Is there anywhere we can watch the full sans/undyne fight? A lot of sans's dialog is interesting so i was wishing it was included, even if the full thing would be pretty long lol
@PrehistoricEmpresss15 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately I did have to delete all the footage after upload because of how much space it was taking up. The only thing I have is me streaming me fighting sans but that footage doesn’t have any of the special dialogue :(
@sypenn250213 сағат бұрын
Aw, tragic but understandable since it was probably huge. Thanks for the answer, though!
@GrimGriefer5Күн бұрын
1:41:32 actually Flowey is talking about YOU, the player, cause your watchibg frisk and controlling someone else to kill everyone, instead of just killing everyone yourself
@FrostedStar200517 сағат бұрын
Nope, that line specifically is only uttered if undertale detects a recording software, it's directed at us the viewers.
@GrimGriefer514 сағат бұрын
@ have you played undertale? I literally have the game installed right now and if i go to that moment in the game i can promise you flowey says that, plus it doesn’t make sense, are you saying toby fox predicted his game was gonna be a hit?
@FrostedStar200513 сағат бұрын
@@GrimGriefer5 okay well that's a goof up on my part. I tried to do genocide on the switch version but undying rocked me till I gave up.
@GrimGriefer512 сағат бұрын
@FrostedStar2005 lmao yeah she was a pain to get through, and a lot of people misinterpret floweys line especially whrn watching playthoughs of the game but he is actually talking about the player cause the player isnt killing everyone themselves they're just controlling someone else to do it for them which is why he knows your watching
@satriagatotutama386910 сағат бұрын
Fun fact about 60%ish of peapol (idk if i spell it right im from Indonesia) quit genoside route bc pepyrus 🙂
@th3you7beguy15 сағат бұрын
Please don't "Rune" our days.
@theguywhodidnotasklol14 сағат бұрын
Why do you sound like alphys in every comic dub 💀(no offense btw)