Cher Cher, Mira 我好愛你們的。永遠支持你們❤❤ 不想跟你們說加油因為知道你們已經好努力]。 Mira 記得給自己好好放鬆。 做自信自然的自己最美,身形根本不重要。 爱你的人不會介意你的外表 因為是愛你的內在美。 Mira ,我從香港送你一個大擁抱 你好叻女可以捱過咁多🌟🥺 辛苦了 休息下呀 吾好咁大壓力 Support!
Hello Mira, 我諗我都係啱啱識咗你半個鐘,我喺KZbin嘅homepage面頭有你分享一個香港女仔去咗韓國做女團嘅一段片啦,翻翻去主頁嘅時候,我就見到另一個你出嘅片封面寫住「我情緒出現了問題」。其實,我係因為你呢個標題而撳咗入去,因為其實我目前嘅狀態係同你,係一樣,係一銀樣!而我即將計劃去睇心理或者精神科醫生,因為我同樣意識到自己嘅情緒有問題,但係去到一個點係你唔知點樣好,好想有改變、好想快啲好返。我完全明白理性層面上知道應該要點樣處理,但係感性上,心理同情緒又未能夠轉換得到,簡單啲來講就係,未諗得通。我呢排有好多時候,我都係要睇情緒相關嘅書,去令到自己嘅思考角度可以擴展一啲,希望喺文字方面搵到一個自己情緒嘅出口。 見你呢段片嘅分享,其實我同樣做緊你做緊嘅嘢來克服呢啲負面嘅情緒:同朋友出去,做吓運動,望下出面嘅風景...等等、的而且確係有好大嘅幫助。不過我都知道可能每當返到屋企或者當你一個人好靜嘅時候,又會好快跌返落去嗰個低潮地帶。呢個係我哋必須要接受嘅一樣嘢。不過好消息係,尼個會經時間會好轉。 我記得之前自己情緒超低落嘅時候,低到一個點係覺得自己唔可以再咁樣頹廢落去,所以搵咗一啲好朋友陪自己,去行山等自己出返望吓山下面嘅風景,感受一下自己嘅渺小,提醒自己其實好多嘅問題唔係問題。好多問題係自己製造比自己,全部都係心魔黎架。我哋控制唔到別人,但係我哋可以改變自己。 我相信你好努力咁去克服呢個咁寂寞或者低落嘅情緒。希望你能夠係呢段時間,識得去感恩自己有寂寞嘅時候,有低氣壓嘅時候。因為呢一段嘅日子能夠造就更加好嘅你。你嘅經歷會明為別人軟弱時,很重要嘅力量。 We should embrace The difficult moment, because it’s also a treasurable moment for us to learn and grow up. 依家係香港夜晚就嚟凌晨12點,其實我啱啱放工嗰一刻感到好沮喪,因為我唔知點樣自己一個人去渡過呢個咁正咁寂寞嘅晚上。(it sound a bit horny, but don’t get me wrong)因為同前男朋友分手之後經歷過兩年好唔明朗嘅日子,令我覺得而家好難自己一個人獨處。但係睇完你呢段片之後我覺得 I am not alone. 因為我覺得自己嘅感受原來唔係剩係得自己經歷緊。 我好欣賞你能夠有勇氣同大家去講自己心裏面嘅嘢呀,因為其實我同你一樣都係報喜不報優嘅人。好似冇人會覺得你唔開心或者會有情緒低落入面嘅一個人。甚至我覺得當你唔開心嘅時候你啲朋友係會覺得你好煩,唔係好想處理你嘅負面情緒,所以選擇唔講。其實要成日自己抑壓住唔開心要自己處理晒所有負面嘅情緒,真係好唔容易。不過有時覺得,當你自己唔開心嘅時候,仲要體諒別人,真係覺得好攰。所以講比一啲真正關心你或者令你講咗之後覺得舒服嘅人聽就已經足夠.... BTW, 我係一個好鍾意食嘢嘅人,同埋我到而家都未試過減肥成功過,哈哈。其實運動真係為咗健康。除咗係身體健康更重要嘅係可以令心理健康。等你個人個心開心返多一啲嘅時候,先有能量去做其他嘢。所以為咗去經營每日正常嘅生活,我係都要迫自己做吓運動。不過記得每次做完運動之後你都要比3分鐘cool down 嘅時間,好好多謝自己個身體為你嘅精神健康操勞左30至45分鐘呀~或者約埋朋友一齊做運動啦,一班人做運動會開心啲❤️一齊努力啦~我都好鍾意食炸雞架 yeah👍🏻 I love food so what~ And~ 即使做咗你能力上可以做嘅嘢,我哋就俾啲時間比自己慢慢康復啦!我哋係會康復過來的❤️ Please don’t feel guilty about being low productive on KZbin channel, you are just human, you have your own limits. When you hit your own limits it’s perfectly understandable that you need some rest to able to let yourself restart again. You deserve that healing time. You are a smart girl, you can do this. Wanna send you some love some support and big big hug❤️❤️ And if you want to chill a bit, you can go to my KZbin channel, we are really really small. @brian and Lois
Mira 加油呀!前排我都有好多情緒問題,其實係我自己畀左自己好大壓力,自己控制唔到,成日都好緊張,同埋一直都對精神科有偏見,所以都好抗拒去睇。但去完之後 ,我好後悔冇早啲去,啲藥物雖然有負作用,但真係幫左我好多。令我覺得原來我係過到正常人嘅生活,同埋佢地都教左我一啲skill去解決問題,令我唔會再咁死牛一邊頸。不過我覺得你可以先從心理醫生開始接觸,因為佢地唔會用藥物治療,而係同你傾計,希望你見到我留言,你係我心目中係一個好叻嘅女仔黎!so proud of u💕
hey i have no idea if you will read this comment, but after watching this video i felt the urge to tell you that even if things seem like it's all going downhill, always remember that life is an upward curve. there might be slumps, whether it be big or small ones, but slowly and surely, you will be able to accept yourself for who you are and be truly proud of yourself. im also a HongKonger and firstly i would like to say thank you for having the courage to speak up for yourself and be honest because i believe that this is the first step to improving one's mental health. at the beginning of this year, i have been diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder, which is a common mental illness amongst HongKongers. i went to study abroad this year, in hopes that i could do better, but like you said -- it's actually a very lonely experience. not that i cannot make friends and get myself involved in activities -- in fact i am proud of myself for being able to do these things. but for many many reasons, even though you know that it's irrational to focus on the negative aspects in life, sometimes my brain just cannot process the positive thoughts such as things i should be grateful for. and i hope you know that it is not your fault, it's caused due to imbalance of hormones in your brain and do not beat yourself up for not being able to get better. as i mentioned, being a HongKonger myself, i want to be able to "做嘢爽手啲有效率啲" so i understand your frustration with not being able to go back to "being productive" and "normal" so to speak. i hope that you will go easier on yourself, even if all the haters convince you otherwise. and on the point of body image, i might not have to face the same pressure as you do (since obviously i am not s public figure), but first of all, you are perfectly fine and beautiful just the way you are. i think body image and mental health is not a topic that is discussed openly enough in Asian communities due to stigma and social pressure. and i just wanted to say that if you have slimmed down, you are amazing; if you have gained a bit of weight because you have been able to treat yourself with good food, you are amazing; and if you have not changed, you are still and will always be amazing for who you are. i dont know if you remember this but i watched a video of yours on dressing up cute for "slightly chubbier girls" and that video really made me feel slightly better about myself and it has reminded me that my body image should not get in the way of how i express myself through fashion. seeing you being YOU in your element is truly inspiring and i know that you will continue to inspire many other people, just as you are right now. last but not least, i hope that you will be able to recover from what you are experiencing. i would like to think of "mental illnesses" and "emotional problems" as "mental health" because these are not problems!! and everyone should learn to coexist with their minds, whether they are at a good or bad state. i hope you and your loved ones are doing very very well, and i look forward to your next videos. no matter what your next step is, i wish you good health and happiness -- and you deserve all of the love and support as usual.
我係韓國人。我訂閱妳嘅頻道已經好耐啦。嗰陣我打算遊香港,學緊廣東話啲啦。妳對廣東話嘅教學非常有過益。要是嗰日我未見倒妳頻道嘅話,識唔住噉樣快快哋學廣東話。雖我學緊廣東話喺網路嘅字典同廣東歌,但係我聽唔得平時嘅廣東話嘅。睇嚟好多人嘅情緒畀新冠肺炎傷嘅。加油。 我是韓國人。我訂閱妳的頻道已經太久了。那時我打算去香港旅遊,學著廣東話點了。妳對廣東話的教學非常有益了。要是那天我沒見倒妳頻道的話,知不了那樣快快地學廣東話。雖雖我在學著廣東話在網路字典和廣東歌,但是我沒聽倒平時嘅廣東話的。看來很多人的情緒被新冠肺炎傷了。加油。 I am a Korean. I subscripted your channel a long time ago. Those days, I planned to trip Hong Kong, and was learning Colloquial Cantonese. Your instruction into Cantonese helped me a lot. I am not sure if I could have learnt Cantonese at such short period, or not, if I have not watched your channel at that time. I was studing Cantonese from Cantonese songs, and from an online dictionary, but I did not listen to the real Cantonese until I find out your channel. I think that lots of people are traumatized by the Corona Viruses. Cheer up.
you poor babe.. please live in your own pace and take the rest you need. There will always be haters. You are still beautiful inside and out whether you're happy, sad, angry, etc. Your value does not come from what others think about you or approve of. I appreciate you!!!