"I'll tell SRK how much I ....”: Fahmaan Khan | Rapid Fire | Faridoon Shahryar | Connect Cine

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@rekha2011 6 күн бұрын
How can #FahmaanKhan be asked to choose between #ATBA and #Imlie. Both gave him something to remember ,one gave him his first lead role and his next role , a character to forever remember ie #AryanSinghRathore,on the same platform he is doing #RanbirSinghBajwa another adorable character 🙏💯👌
@hashiniherath9255 4 күн бұрын
One and only world best handsome boy fahmaan very good actreses God bless you love you 🇱🇰
@yasmeennawab4576 5 күн бұрын
Very nice segment.It was very appropriate that fk did not choose between atba nd imlie.Both r milestones in his career.Nevertheless fahmaan gives equal imp. to all his characters #Ranbirsinghbajwa #Issishqkarabbrakha
@rekha2011 6 күн бұрын
Best wishes for Actor #FahmaanKhan 🙏🧿
@roshanikhatoon5805 5 күн бұрын
Great conversation for fahmaan Khan my lovely actor ❤❤❤❤❤
@sunitajagtap841 5 күн бұрын
l love you# fahmaan Khan ❤❤❤❤❤
@brijenpatel478 6 күн бұрын
Fahmaan down to earth person ,versatile actor,fabulous human being. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Amitabh Salman and Shahrukh are legends. Why Aditi gets mentioned in that list? It's a joke
@fai3379 4 күн бұрын
@kausarfatima3463 3 күн бұрын
Same 😁 they just pushing the Aditi topic
@TheImperfectionista 5 күн бұрын
And what was that beautiful lol not even talented, smart or love of my life (because there’s no love only show off and fame seeking from Aditi’s side🤡🤡). Beautiful toh iski billiyan bhi hain 😂😂 (as said by him only voluntarily)
@udayasanjeeva2871 5 күн бұрын
Fahamaàn is not matching aditi duck lip old women. Fahamaàn our favorite actor.
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Aditi Shetty unfollows and blocks Fahmaan everytime she don't get what she wants. Fahmaan contradicts himself so much where he says he don't like complicated relationships but Aditi is one complicated woman. She unfollowed him during Krishna Mohini during trending reel of Fahmaan and Debattama. She wants Fahmaan's fame. She comes across as insecured, obsessed and possessive woman. Shes unfollowed him and he keeps liking her posts and reels. Fahmaan what's wrong with you? He started to trend after long long time mentioning her name again will take all that fame away. His fandom who supported him since Apna Time Bhi Aayega all have disappeared because of Aditi. Fahmaan takes her to resorts and spend time together. He don't want media to see them because of Aditi reputation. All men on social media have seen her in hardly any clothes and making such woman a life partner and family of your parents and not forgetting late superstar your brother. It is doubtful that Fahmaan chases her all the time. Going holidays and even Thailand with her. Is it sx physical frustration with her only? If Fahmaan as a man, you using her then shame on you. Aditi as a woman where is your self respect being humiliated like this. This relationship is complicated and toxic. Fahmaan lies a lot in his interviews. Marriage rumours was by Aditi in her interview with media during current show launch. Fahmaan is using interviews to mention her name. In this interview Aditi is beautiful, in another interview after Dharampatni, Guru is the most beautiful woman he has ever worked with. Fahmaan needs a reality check. He has done absolutely nothing to support his fans who lost accounts and cried to him for help. His fandom was one of the best and sadly it's all gone because of Aditi. It is Aditi who posts videos and photos of resorts with Fahmaan. Stop lying and make fool of your fans Fahmaan
@shrutisrivastava6228 5 күн бұрын
Correction needed he did almost what ever he could do ....for his fans even tweeted about the problem he loves his fans who always left him when it was something related to Aditi .... wearing less clothes is not a prob in any case this iv is old she unfollow him right now Aditi has some insecurity which he is trying to fulfill but she has become quite more possessive he is trying to make things work if this was just a physical relationship then he would have not put that much efforts and lost fans and heard so much hatred idk whether u know or not know there are women easily available specially for actors many actors have even mentioned this in various iv indirectly so he is not that kind of guy who only need sex he is approaching her for marriage but is confused by her this childish behaviour but don't say he never did anything for his fans because that man tried level best but if neg pr is on u u cannot do anything...
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
​@@shrutisrivastava6228Fair enough I see your point. Fans were sent messages and blocked from Fahmaan's account. This has been happening since Dharampatni. Is it Aditi who has access to his account? It makes me doubt if she is the one behind all the suspended and locked accounts and not other person. Why has Fahmaan not done anything about it or is not aware who has access to his account? I have lost 4 accounts myself and sadly Fahmaan hasn't done anything except few tweets. Ex is an ex for a reason and she keeps following and unfollowing him. Does he needs this toxic complicated woman? Fahmaan needs to see the signs and not one sided love.
@shrutisrivastava6228 5 күн бұрын
@ShilpaTristar no I don't think so this has happened bec Aditi will not do this big drama when fk and his team is already trying to fix things not from now but very long time bro he knows fans are imp he is not mad that he will do these things but yes I would like to make sure what kind of comment u made about him matters a celeb blocks people who write bulshit on sm which they don't like so may be my ac never got deleted I never wrote hate
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
​@@shrutisrivastava6228for your kind information many fans accounts got suspended for copyright reasons and not hate. These fans are solo hard core fans who hyped him day and night without any hate. Fans can pull out when one is going wrong direction or doing wrong. Fahmaan used to interact with fans on dm and that was stopped as someone had access to his accounts and blocked all fans. That had nothing to do with me madam ji
@vijisudhi1126 6 күн бұрын
@BosBombosh-l7f 5 күн бұрын
Seeing your face its just woming to me ..
@BosBombosh-l7f 5 күн бұрын
@tanzeelarajpoot364 5 күн бұрын
Beautiful hoti to u bikni Sellar na hoti beautiful hoti to kis movie main hoti beautiful hoti to kisi show ki heroin hoti jante hae hum k fk bht jhot bolta h par etna bole ga ye nhi pata tha fahmaan ne apni sari image ka berha ghrak kar rakha h is bade k mhu main jo ata h bolta hi jata h hum is ko bht sinceir our inocent samjhte rhe choice utni hi ceep rakhta h
@BosBombosh-l7f 5 күн бұрын
@shrutisrivastava6228 5 күн бұрын
@@BosBombosh-l7f so please leave and I should not see yr id on his any iv from get lost
@DreamerDreamer-zz9nt 6 күн бұрын
Sorry fahmaan your gf is beautiful for you not for public that girl has no sense impulsive immature annoying
@bikrambiswas9872 6 күн бұрын
Is aditi highlighted for negative publicity??
@shrutisrivastava6228 6 күн бұрын
Have u any idea that she is following him or not bec I have deactivated my ig for a while now so please confirm
@fatty-i4i 5 күн бұрын
Abbi tak nahi kiya hai​@@shrutisrivastava6228
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Are bhai Aditi ne Fahmaan ko unfollow block kar diya he insta pe
@YeniSriDewi-x9k 5 күн бұрын
😢u lose...fahman perpeck lier
@safiedafieda7973 5 күн бұрын
Both fake fk and ducklip, she wants him to come like a puppy, she is controlling him😂. After one reel she unfollow him😂😂😂what a joke,then this people are going in relationship 😂. Fk will run as 🐶 to her,and give you guys a photo again on instagram 😂😂the pressure of aditi,watch and wait the unfollow and follow couple 😂😂what a history they make👏👌
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Aditi wants Fahmaan's fame and fandom
@fatimahsaad8426 5 күн бұрын
matlab fk very love aditi and they not announced with public
@Rockstar-me3 6 күн бұрын
Wow Aditi is entered in legend list after shahrukh salmaan Amitabh that they need to ask about her 😂😂😂
@DreamerDreamer-zz9nt 6 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 Bhai ye sab dekhna baki hai
@shrutisrivastava6228 5 күн бұрын
Faridoon trying hard to get some reaction about aditi😂
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Fahmaan thinks he is like Shahrukh
@safiedafieda7973 5 күн бұрын
@Rockstar-me3 no if aditi name doesn't come in a interview, then when fk go home ,she going to beat him🤣🤣,fk became puppy for her🤣after unfollow he make her now jealous with his co-actress,and bhavika🤣
@shrutisrivastava6228 5 күн бұрын
@ShilpaTristar kind of he is like sharukh doesn't care about media I mean srk also gets so much hate but he doesn't care but he never compared himself with srk
@shabnamhabibsangita8607 5 күн бұрын
According to Fahmaan, Sumbul is a lier girl. According to Fahman, Adity is beautiful & amazing girl.... It is different.... Nothing to say more... All is clear like daylight... Now time to wait for marriage with Adity.... Till then, hide & seek private relationship run by Fahmaan Khan... Good job Fahmaan Khan... But again & again highlighting your girlfriend Adity doesn't work more if Adity herself can't get any project or show her acting talents... Otherwise you try hard to highlight your gf, Adity never will get any project as heroin or main female lead role..... Only showing naked body or highlighting by you through every interview will not come in a work.... 😅😅😅😅😅😅
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Aditi has no reputation and has no job. She likes attention and fame which if she don't get throws tantrums and unfollows. She gives away that her and Fahmaan are couple by posting resort videos and photos. Fahmaan on other hand says they are interested in each other and see how it goes. It's been 2 years of this courtship or dating or physical relationship. Fahmaan has no clarity himself and contradicts in every interview. His actions speaks louder than words
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
Zayn Ibad Khan to Play Male Lead in Star Plus' Upcoming Show Sumbul Touqeer and Khushi Dubey in Contention for Female Lead
@fatimahsaad8426 5 күн бұрын
when fk say sumbul is a lier girl
@ShilpaTristar 5 күн бұрын
@shabnamhabibsangita8607 According to Fahmaan in an interview after Dharampatni, Guru aka Kitto is most beautiful girl he has ever worked with. Can't trust him as every interview is different. Non of Fahmaan's co stars are following Aditi except the Dharampatni gang. His current show trp still low. 3 new shows coming on Star Plus including Sumbul new show This man doesn't see and realise that name Aditi affects his show and fans
@shrutisrivastava6228 5 күн бұрын
@@fatimahsaad8426 in their dreams that girl lied ig about him and tabish and then when fk was sorting things and said a lie then she came up said he is lying so repercussions to felt he cleared everything in iv ....told she lied on ig because she has more followers her lie became true and bec tabish is not having followers his truth also became a lie
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