Hey Deemz, U are one of the purest streamers influencer or however U wanna call it. What I want to say here stay as U are we love U, Ur Community feels for me like a family and family grows sometimes slower sometimes faster. U are one of the best we/ I will always support you!❤ Your dearest Linksebi44
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Thank you Linkse! Glad to hear that!
@Turtlpwr10 күн бұрын
Love being a part of your journey. You make KZbin better. Whatever you do, I’m 100% here to support it. You’re a good, genuine guy and deserve success
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Thank you dude!
@PikminBean10 күн бұрын
Take care, brother. You have a lot of heart and I love the content you make. I hope you get to keep doing what you love
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Txs! iappreciate that!
@raievdarkfyre8 күн бұрын
Lots of love, Dee. You've worked so hard to create a genuine presence - a real person - that has so much to relate to. Your honesty shows the heart of a person who deserves to do what you do. I believe in you. 💜
@DeemziesTV6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!💜
@starblaiz198610 күн бұрын
You got this hun, we believe in you ❤
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@jonah-b7k10 күн бұрын
we believe in you 🎅
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@pvinkreverie10 күн бұрын
Always gonna be supporting you, Deemzies, wishing you the best. 🙏❤
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@supremenach527310 күн бұрын
U are a great content creator! Keep doing ur best!
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Thank you! ❤️
@crispcustard517710 күн бұрын
supporting you always
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@scherb4289 күн бұрын
wow man you inspired me a lot. I just graduated this year and I've been struggling to find a real job and a part of me has always wanted to create content.... ty for being real with it
@DeemziesTV6 күн бұрын
Go for it! 😁🤘🏻
@Marouan-ix4uf11 күн бұрын
Best of luck man
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@BeigeShell10 күн бұрын
Hope you thrive sir
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@kobe15456 күн бұрын
My favourite content creator
@Reshii-il1su11 күн бұрын
I accidentally found this channel when I was just searching your DeemziesPlays channel to show my Mum something you were talking about a while ago. You've won your way into the hearts of my family here mate 🖤 I've... sort of left Overwatch probs permanent now. I don't like how Blizz feels now and it kind of hurts because I used play StarCraft with my brother as a child and wanted to be like Kerrigan when I grew up. I'm nearly 30 now and I reckon I'm at least as tough as her; so girlboss goals ✨️ Marvel has had my heart for years (I have a tattoo of Loki's helmet on my arm ffs) so I love that you're covering what I moved to! I actually had been trying to work out how I'd be able to sub to your Patreon to help support you. I'm determined to at LEAST join the first tier. However, if the views help (I'm not business or tech savvy I just hide here) I am happy to watch what you have to say about Overwatch news. Your content and perspective is always entertaining yet passionate and I love the effort. Take care of yourself Deemzies
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
I appreciate you watching the content! It really helps me a lot. I’ll gladly keep informing and entertaining everyone :)
@Reshii-il1su5 сағат бұрын
@DeemziesTV late reply jfc I really hope BOTH do well honestly. I needs me more positive vibes in the gaming community/industry. I really hope Overwatch and Marvel can both learn from each other and do awesome in their own ways. The heatwaves buggered the internet so I've been playing Pokémon and watching people stream (somewhat laggy tho) I'm not sure about if you read the comments on the KZbin streams so I'll say here: Merry Christmas Deemzies! 🎄 I'm gonna be hiding under an air con.. but I hope you and your family have a warm day and a wonderful new year~
@Sup3rb111 күн бұрын
I wish you all the best, Deem... lots of luck... I don't comment on every video, but I try to watch them all. At the turn of the year, I'll be able to subscribe to your Patreon. (Unfortunately, only on tier 1. Tier 2 and 3 are a bit complicated for a student) But I hope that in a few months, we’ll be celebrating! PS: Here in Brazil, we call this fruit 'Mexerica.'
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Don’t worry! Your views, comments and likes mean a lot! And thanks for the translation 😁
@dylanvela947710 күн бұрын
Love ur personality never stop being you man
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@BlazeD_710 күн бұрын
Hey deemz, I've been watching your overwatch videos and it's been really enjoyable. I hope the best for you, much love. Keep improving
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@darthzirom8 күн бұрын
Always here man ! you know that !🖤🖤
@DeemziesTV6 күн бұрын
@TrottiexD8 күн бұрын
i havent been watching long but your videos all are some of my fav even when i wasnt subbed wish all the best for the future of a such a ameizing content creator ❤
@DeemziesTV6 күн бұрын
Thank you! Glad you enjoy my content! 🤘🏻
@BloodyGoodReviews7 күн бұрын
There are few people I'd wish success for more than you. Hope you'll find something that finally works for you, both financially as well as work satisfaction wise.
@DeemziesTV6 күн бұрын
Thanks buddy! I appreciate that! And thanks for the occasional help! :)
@joehannesGørAlt8 күн бұрын
Love you man wish you the best! I will do my best to give you as many views as I can
@DeemziesTV6 күн бұрын
Thank you! 😁🤘🏻
@Dj-fm4tj9 күн бұрын
@MilyDephlina11 күн бұрын
Best of lucks! And it called "Mandalina" in Turkish :) (I think it English is "Mandarin" or "Tangerine") I like not sour ones lol
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
I don’t like the realistic ones either :p but hey are really nice and sweet this time of the year!
@liquidmustard992510 күн бұрын
Oh yea film reviews are great but I'm more interested in gaming videos, I wanna see more odd games covered and hopefully it works out, Ive been trying to do KZbin since I was 14 and I've been homeless twice since then and keep going, I'm obviously working towards other things I can do in the future other then KZbin but I cant afford to go to school so I'm a little stuck, good luck big bearded funny man! Don't forget us when youre a big time 1 million sub youtuber haha
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
Txs! Good luck to you 2!
@Kishiiknight10 күн бұрын
i think you spread yourself too thin, you should make one main chanel for vlogs, streams, q&a’s, and use the other channels for shorts and stuff that farms views for the main channel you definitely put out high quality videos
@tombleys10 күн бұрын
Notice me senpai
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
@taranpolzin219110 күн бұрын
Like comment sub
@Johan-ic4jg10 күн бұрын
Why don’t u post rivals content on the omnic post channel as well. I’m not a KZbin expert but I feel like it would be easier to continue to grow an already established channel rather than building something from the ground up and not taking advantage of your years of hard work to build that community. You wouldn’t be unique in the approach since people like ML7 run both games on one channel. It’s seems to be the same player base as well making it suitable for your audience. It also makes sense from a ad-revenue perspective. You now have two sources of content which makes you be able to produce more content that is relevant without feeling forced. Already having a connection and a genuine interest in marvel will only benefit as stuff like that tends to shine through in the video and making it more enjoyable to watch. Good luck 🎅
@DeemziesTV9 күн бұрын
It is kind of complicated to explain in a reply 😅 Long story short, it is about brand identity, volume and the algorithm. It was a very deliberate decision 🙂