I 'Member! - War Within Release Trailer Reaction

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The Daily Preach

The Daily Preach

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@Pravaification 3 ай бұрын
A lot of oldheads were looking forward to Pandaria because it was mentioned in Warcraft 3, but most of those players left during Cataclysm. So by the time MoP was announced, the playerbase consisted mostly of newer players that knew nothing about the lore and thought it was a "Kung Fu Panda" expansion, when in reality Blizzard came up with Pandaren years before those movies came out. I'm glad that MoP has been vindicated with time, but back then it was hard to defend the expansion against the younger and more immature players.
@Wonderbread91 3 ай бұрын
Damn, I was early twenties when it came out and yeah. I got so hyped for mop but was so confused why so many were joking on it. I actually never thought about what you just said. Makes so much sense now that I think about it.
@brettcloud8550 3 ай бұрын
I remember when mop was coming out I'd changed my work computers wallpaper to the mop wallpaper and my lead walked by, "Hey! Is that Kung Fu Panda?" "well...yes."
@profion85 3 ай бұрын
Chris Metzen said in Blizzcon that in the end of Midnight "Things may not go to plan, things may just spiral wildly out of control". We'll loose at TWW and we'll loose even more at Midnight! Also the final boss of each of the Saga expansions in my opinion are: TWW: Iridikron Midnight: Xal'atath TLT: Aman'thul(The Pantheon)
@luizfbrc 3 ай бұрын
Iridikron will probably live at least til the end of midnight or even LT so he can do the thing that will lure the Titans back to Azeroth. Xal is the villain of TWW but she'll probably win, which is what im hoping for. Like, we succeed in avoiding the end of the world in TWW, but then we are faced with her 5d chess plan that will bring us into the Midnight xpack and it will be probably there that we will kill her. Then Iridikron will take over to do his thing to get us to the LT xpack and then the Aman'thul will be the big bad! And Im here for it. It should be amazing!
@nata.s189 3 ай бұрын
The voice narrating is the same actress who voices Floor Inspector in Gw2😉. I thought she sounded familiar.
@dbrtomusa 3 ай бұрын
I also like how the voice sort of morphs from the OG vanilla trailer voice into her voice...
@lorkano 3 ай бұрын
It's Inspector Floor!
@MargrimEU 3 ай бұрын
MoP trailer was and is awesome
@neptoondigital7321 3 ай бұрын
Times have changed lol
@QuintemTA 3 ай бұрын
How easily people at the time latched onto Kung Fu Panda... Warcraft did martial art pandas first, even if it was a bit of a joke. Now people realize how shallow their opinions were and how much worse things became lore wise and gameplay wise.
@Vinzenzx 3 ай бұрын
@@QuintemTA gameplay wise is far better, i am sorry.
@QuintemTA 3 ай бұрын
​@@Vinzenzx You think the gameplay got better after MoP or am I misunderstanding your comment?
@Vinzenzx 3 ай бұрын
@@QuintemTA Yeap, i play WoW since 2011 and for sure it got better. Like many times better.
@realmrbzerk 3 ай бұрын
The 'Member berries are strong with this one
@ruicorreia6373 3 ай бұрын
Crazy how well WoW works when you delete BfA and Shadowlands... Big epic Legion, then a breather expansion with Dragonflight, and now we deal with the sword, maybe Midnight could've dealt with N'zoth idk
@UncrownedKingDante 3 ай бұрын
I dont think we will lose iridikron like that, im pretty much sure he will do something crazy after midnight, most likely consuming the remnants of void and becoming the monster galakrond was, even worse. Just to beat the titans. The guy is obviously most dedicated villain in WoW history and I also dont think they will let him drop dead before we face the titans. Also are you guys just forgetting the 5th old god that is leaking? I think alot of people got Xalatath wrong, yeah she is great big bad, but from lore perspective she is bringer or void, same thing what Gul'dan was for legion, just she isn't orc and mortal like Gul'dan was is she? So even tho most likely she will survive till Last titan, she is just the pawn of the cosmic void. I doubt she is stronger then old gods, especially 5th one since its combination of all 4 that died/or returned to void before, she serves Dimensius and that talks alot.
@Braincleaner 3 ай бұрын
"AT-ST! AT-ST! X-Wiiiings!"
@Vinzenzx 3 ай бұрын
The point is to show every single cinematic, if that didn't was obvious Preach senpai.
@mellowsunset7730 2 ай бұрын
Love Xal as a villain, hope she sticks around. Also got whispered at by casting void torrent in legion. Sylvanas sentenced to an eternity of maw dailies - a fate worse than death.
@PsychKenn23 3 ай бұрын
I think we win in The War Within and Xal has to replan and heads to the Sunwell. In Midnight we stop the Void and Xal's plans, and at the end of Midnight or beginning of The Last Titan Iridikron shows back up and betrays Xal by not helping her. The Last Titan will then focus on Iridikron's plan to end the Titan's or the Titan's plans for Azeroth assuming they stick with the Titan's being trapped forever.
@Reinshark 3 ай бұрын
I think the 'memberberries are also there to try to give a (false) sense that the "Worldsoul Saga" is going to tie all of that material together somehow - to give the impression that everything has been "leading up to this", and that this is the true end of the story... which is exactly what they were saying about Shadowlands. I also think Xal'atath will NOT be the main villain, and that she's instead the precursor to something - but I think they'll let us know what that something else is by the end of the expansion, at least.
@joshuanichols68 3 ай бұрын
The only “last titan” that makes sense is sargeras, sargeras is Warcraft. Nothing better than turning to your biggest enemy to defeat the void, the other titans couldn’t do it. Then Azeroth wakes up, does some neo “no” shenanigans and is powerful enough to start a whole new beginning. Enter WoW2, the next 20 years.
@raynesz2903 3 ай бұрын
the titans will also be enemies in the last titan. they are talking about a conspiracy. i think they dont want to paint a certain cosmic force as the enemy because so far our only enemies have been Death (Jailer), Disorder (Demons) and the Void. but it seems that Order(Titans) and Light dont have great plans for us either. it seems that all cosmic forces are fighting for who is going to claim Azeroth, even Life (Elune etc). the final and strongest world soul
@Gravewhisper 3 ай бұрын
Every time I think "Oh, this WoW story seems cool, maybe I want to go back and see it..." I remember that WoW's main story beats always happen exclusively in the raids and I hate raiding in WoW. :D
@sholtoz799 3 ай бұрын
i think she would be the final boss in midnight and iridikron can be the first major patch boss of the last tian .1 patch and last boss of the last titan i got 3 names, it either sargares, aman'thul or dimensius
@Mystachi 3 ай бұрын
MoP followed same fate as LoZ: Wind Waker. a lot of ppl hated it at start, since they wanted dark & gritty gaming. But later Years, turned those opinions 180. Also at Blizzcon, blizz said we will lose in midnight. so are we gonna lose 2 times in a row i wonder? or will it be a bk & forth.
@WaywardHex 3 ай бұрын
It's always funny to hear someone only giving quarter of a fuck speculate about the lore. Kinda puts you in a perspective of your everyday player.
@syranon 3 ай бұрын
Especially compared with his love for the FF14 storyline
@mebrandonb 3 ай бұрын
@@vfvs11a He's a variety streamer and plays a lot of games, but that doesn't mean he can't love a good story. I myself dipped into FF14 during the Shadowlands yikes-fest and I still refer to Shadowbringers as the best story I've ever experienced in any game despite not knowing a lot of the big character names. There was a scene in Stormblood with that little lalafel dude who's name I still can't remember that particularly always stood out to me as a great moment when he sacrificed himself and wouldn't even let us try to help him. That other lady who was bad but then helped us in the end. I even sometimes forget Grahatea's (sp?) name even though he was one of my favorites (see I bet I didn't even spell it correctly lol). You can love a story without making the content your be-all-end-all, you just experience it and move on to the next story. Getting hung up on details like that as evidence that someone may just be pretending to have liked it as much as they did is just weird.
@VorpalVixen 3 ай бұрын
What lore? The last 4 expansions of WoW lore have been an absolute train wreck.
@WaywardHex 3 ай бұрын
I don't believe I made any qualitative statements above but just to clear any misunderstanding let me say it this way. I find it interesting (entertaining even) how different a perspective on what is obvious and what needs speculation is between someone who is first and foremost interested in lore and story and someone concentrated on gameplay. If it makes something clear it is that Blizzard might need to do a better job since the divide is so large.
@Morg2851 3 ай бұрын
I hope that both Kotick's departure and Metzen return will bring something, creatively, for the people still playing. But the member berries don't do them any favours imho. Because I remember when Blizzard curated the community and the game had integrity, support, and the right tone.
@EvLch3dd4r 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like they need Tegridy
@Msdimwitted 3 ай бұрын
The absolute peak of Warcraft writing was Mists of Pandaria. And a good chunk of the fanbase couldn't look past 'ohhhh pandas how silly, ewwwwwww' and completely missed the complex theming it brought to the table. This paired with Metzen's comments of tapping into MCU makes me pessimistic on getting truely unique, creatively interesting writing for the coming trilogy. With the recent restructuring kicking out established writing team members (even if Danueser and Golden weren't well loved) it's going to be more shakey before things solidify and stabalize.
@Morg2851 3 ай бұрын
@@Msdimwitted I loved MoP from gameplay to story to content, but the overall theme was pretty distant from the traditional Warcraft, I remember the WoD marketing leaning in about returning to the old school tone (that kinda fell flat because more orcs after 14 months of Siege of Orgrimmar lmao).
@Hatsjekideee 3 ай бұрын
What I would personally prefer in regards to bad guys: Xal'atath being the big bad throughout the World Soul Saga, but they also use it to further flesh out Iridikron's character, who could then take over the mantle of big bad *afterwards*
@TheGrey08 3 ай бұрын
Most people who get all mad about the story don't even pay attention to 80% of it so they are commenting on a small portion of it. That's partly on Blizz for how they have told the story over the years.
@bluey1695 3 ай бұрын
I would love a cinematic where Xalatath goes full goth octopus on Iridikron and absolutely annihilate him with the Dark Heart.
@draegin2566 3 ай бұрын
I could see a situation where Iridikron is the final boss of this expansion, we start to defeat him but she comes in, squashes him and defeats us. It’s a “we beat the boss but still lose” situation.
@ShadowsOfThePast 3 ай бұрын
Yes Xal'atath definately needs to win in TWW and I think she's too good of a character to maybe even be killed in the whole saga. Perhaps we could instead just bind her to some weapon again and "store" somewhere.. Somewhere "safe" 🙄
@DoylePTB 3 ай бұрын
Iridikron last boss, we kill him and Mythic phase (or final phase) is Xally and she kills everyone and we lose the expac
@xzBorn_ 3 ай бұрын
Which characters can return? Sargeras and the Titans, Illidan, Sylvanas are surefire. Medivh? Kil'jaeden and/or Archimond? N'zoth/C'thun/Yogg-Saron/Y'shaarj?
@Prottoy959 3 ай бұрын
This trailer has a strong resemblance to the trailer of "Scorcher VI: Global Meltdown" from Tropic Thunder. Including the voice over. Here we go again, again...
@marekmoucha8890 3 ай бұрын
that narrator gives such a opening of Lord of The rings vibes
@Maddawg1984 3 ай бұрын
I think we fight Iridikron as the final boss of War Within. We kill him but he was used by Xala'tath as a distraction and she leaves him to die and we lose from being distracted from her real plan taking us to Midnight. I think a Void empowered Iridikron. I also think we will be going to Undermine Goblin Raid in 11.1 to try and retrieve some artifact unearthed by the Goblins there but I believe Xala'tath beats us to it maybe having Iridikron if not herself to retrieve it leading us to the final 11.2 Raid. That is my prediction right now and I do Think Xala'tath will be the Last Titans final boss and that is where we win saving Azeroth at the very last moment.
@Boxkar24 3 ай бұрын
Only critique I'd say is that I think the Shadowlands one is fitting, and we can't go on acting like it didn't happen. lol
@AniFever 3 ай бұрын
I believe at the end of TWW we loose the fight to protect the world soul. Thus making midnight the "dark age" and in part 3 we somehow cleanse and rescue the world soul.
@WraithWTF 3 ай бұрын
I'm thinking not only do we lose at the end of TWW, but Alleria succumbs to the Void corruption...we spend Midnight having to fight her along with Xal'atath, during which Sylvanas will make her return to try and get her sister back from the corruption, very end of Midnight we get Alleria back...then we spend TLT killing Xal'atath and possibly a proper Void Lord that she somehow brings into our plane (or we kill a corrupted Azeroth).
@BriGuy77711 3 ай бұрын
I think it'll be a Star Wars original trilogy saga with the Worldsoul Saga. TWW will be A New Hope, with us achieving a narrow victory at the end of the expansion, but it's clear that the fight isn't over. Midnight will be Empire Strikes Back, where our heroes experience severe loss and we come away from it feeling like we didn't really win or make things better. The Last Titan will be our Return of the Jedi, with Anduin coming into his own as a hero and a king, maybe a self-sacrifice from Thrall to put his character to bed, and we resolve the war between the Titans and the Void where we come out victorious. I don't need it to be terribly original; I hope its done well, better than how I've imagined it. Above all, I want to be emotionally invested in it from start to finish.
@WillYeorg 3 ай бұрын
Denathrius might appear too. If they are looking for a bad guy to make an appearance and be the final boss of a raid, he is an excellent choice.
@joseluisramos1424 3 ай бұрын
How cool would it be if Xaletah consumes Demensius, and we get a big cinematic of her turning even more Voidy..
@darkadia6520 3 ай бұрын
It's basically what you said member berries lol
@HH-hd7nd 3 ай бұрын
1:17 A hell of a lot of people are completely overpowered in Remix already. I levelled by questing, have not farmed much (except the Yaungol on the Timeless Isle for Shaohao rep) and have done just the daylies and some additional LFR since then and I have maxed my gear by now. Other people who do normal and heroic raids are even ahead of that. That leaves at least another 4-5 weeks of feeling overpowered and collecting Bronze for cosmetics, mounts and pets. I think most people will have lost interest in being completely over the top by the end of July anyway because there's no challenge left besides clearing Herioc and maybe even Mythic raids solo. 5:38 Seriously? It's my most liked trailer - and there are actually a lot of people who love that trailer because it is so funny. 8:20 Isn't Midnight supposed to be the huge Void vs Light expansion? It would make sense to build her up in The War Within and then her being the final boss of Midnight and then afterwards shifting to Iridikron in The Last Titan.
@ThePetrovics 3 ай бұрын
i will propably gonna get torched for this, but shadowlands and the jailer could have been amazing, if they stretch it out for 2-3 expansions, for example in shadowlands jailer escapes with his new full power, and next expansion we go into zereth mortis and that would have been an expansion where we defeat him and explore the concept of the first ones and the zereths of other pantheons
@rllove016148 3 ай бұрын
She is cool..I like that character a lot…😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Dryzual 3 ай бұрын
The Emperors new clothes...
@Rallarberg 3 ай бұрын
So we fight Xal at the end of TWW, we get her to 10% and she nukes us, before yeeting herself into a void portal, cacking like the maniac that she is. By then, Anduin has taken enough therapy sessions to reconnect with the Light, and uses mass res on us. When we get outside, void tentacles _everywhere_.
@XeviousGames 3 ай бұрын
can't remember the quest, but alleria mentions that vareesa moved out of dalaran a few years back
@ozzeroz8512 3 ай бұрын
The pandas are amazing. Your insane. I remember it being it awesome. Your projecting.
@MystiInferno 3 ай бұрын
Final Raid boss defo gonna be Aman'Thul
@xzygy 3 ай бұрын
These cinematics are promises given by a known liar.
@diode_wow 3 ай бұрын
Is Blizz the Void?
@WoWRefugee 3 ай бұрын
@fargranhammerheart Actually, its sounds like a millions of lost subscribers problem. Are you implying that not believing Blizzard is just a problem for @xzygy? Maybe the problem is the statement is true and you have a copium problem, which considering the pas history of Blizzard is the more likely of the two.
@cheapsta9397 3 ай бұрын
i love the anduin story
@velkatix1211 3 ай бұрын
mop got the worst reviews, but secretly most of us wanna go back to mop and enjoy what we had. watching your class reviews prepping for siege of org was my average day to day back then.
@ARGOS-THOR 3 ай бұрын
gears shirt goes hard
@donimmortal7692 3 ай бұрын
Pardon my skepticism but we been here before with Starcraft 2 Trilogy.
@edbrooke75 3 ай бұрын
StarCraft two trilogy was fire.
@cryam6428 3 ай бұрын
@@edbrooke75 Nah. Wings of Liberty was a solid start, the rest of the narrative was boring and lazy writing.
@JamesOfToya 3 ай бұрын
Someones obsessed with Sylvannasssssss~
@dzengiskhanwarbringer6125 3 ай бұрын
the copium with in will be good expansion😂
@adambailey994 3 ай бұрын
No one is talking about Sargeras. Surely he returns with the Titans.
@JackThor1 3 ай бұрын
All i want for Sylvanus's return is a bbeg is gloating over our defeat and in comes Sylvanus with the chair forcing the villian to retreat, cause i am tired of npcs kill stealing us, and she brings the forces of the afterlife against that bbegs forces. I don't want a win there just we live to fight anotherday.
@invictus7736 3 ай бұрын
@DerNesor 3 ай бұрын
Alleria is gonna show up during Sylvanas maw dailies.
@WNNpod 3 ай бұрын
i miss ghosty preach just looked annoyed when the other guy started talking
@Dryzual 3 ай бұрын
Cant fool me Bliz. Thats not a half elf. Thats an Orc.
@panda93247 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, the story is so hard to care about because it takes place in these places that don't matter. Hopefully three expansions in the same zone will help to care a little bit, but I suspect it won't.
@Soress9 3 ай бұрын
Trailer was very pretty and definitely tried to grab your nostalgia berries, but I tried coming back in Dragonflight and still felt something missing. Hopefully itll be a good expansion to the ones still playing.
@MegaSlacker123 3 ай бұрын
For me no matter how good the story may (or may not ) be , if it’s all in text form it’s just going to get skipped There NEEDS to be more cutscenes imo to get the story accoss
@TheValkyron 3 ай бұрын
something tells me the only reason they didn't make the earthern guy in the cinematic a woman, is because the long beard is a signature badass dwarf look. slowly trying to change that though with the female earthern having beard options
@neptoondigital7321 3 ай бұрын
Midnight is going to be crazy
@senndarkheart6143 3 ай бұрын
i wonder if it will go somewhere towards that xal'atath tries to save azeroth the planet. i think it was said somewhere if the titan awakens that means that the its planet/egg will get destroyed.
@heragon58 3 ай бұрын
i love how everyone is bitter about Shadowlands. It burns still. Also why the hate on the pandas? Pandas are fun
@corysteiner1218 3 ай бұрын
00:18 sounds like my laptop revving up xD
@stevenstewart1033 3 ай бұрын
Xal is prob just a gul dan 2.0 and we will most likely kill her in the 2nd raid but her body was never hers to begin with so she jumps ship and takes a more.... void trained body.... alleria in midnight where sylvanis returns with vereesa to try to save her as Turalyon and the army of light think she is lost and trys to obliterate her.
@invictus7736 3 ай бұрын
Never thought I'd have to say this but can we have a male character who's remotely interesting? Garrosh got killed off, Vol'jin got killed off by a trash mob to make Sylvanas warchief, Rastakhan could've been a great one, got killed off 5 minutes in order to make Talanji queen, Saurfang got killed off to appease Sylvanas fans once more, Anduin's going through his useless depression phase for like the fourth time in the last 10 years, never actually making any character development, (I mean fuck Anduin was more badass as a kid in MOP), Thrall's a completely irrelevant NPC, Illidan's gone, all the relevant allied race leaders who show up time and again are women, all the new characters both good guys and villains are women.. is it so much to ask for to have, like, 1 badass male character in the entire story? Iridikron seems to be the only one left and we're going to 100% murder him in War Within. Give Lor'themar some more screen time or something, he's actually pretty cool.
@dibz2074 3 ай бұрын
Iridikron is defeated in TWW Xal will be the villan for the trilogy plus we've only seen iridikron in cartoon form not in these trailers
@DeeFourCee 3 ай бұрын
I think it’s Varessa who will die. Killed by a corrupted Alleria
@KiaStout 3 ай бұрын
Typically, in a three ark story, you lose in the second part not the first.
@derma_tek 3 ай бұрын
Ok guys, we need to cut costs, can you just reuse the the old cinematics?
@JLOGIAC 3 ай бұрын
Retcon Trailer 😊
@MALITH666 3 ай бұрын
I just hope they dont make her - "oh she is a female .. so by female virtue she becomes a good person in the end" around the 2nd or 3rd of the trilogy. Like I hope she goes hard as a villain, yes Iridrikon should be at a point like the main big bad, but She then comes up and fucks him up like a Goldberg squash match so hard that we are like "holy wtf????" and like Arthas ends up being loved as one of the best Villains in wow history after Arthas.
@sebonesiful 3 ай бұрын
I think we lose in The War Within, beat Xal barely in Midnight (but she is not dead, just deafeated/weakened for the time being), still something was set in motion, leading to The Last Titan and Iridikron as Endboss. Xal may return in some form again anytime moving forward.
@cryam6428 3 ай бұрын
I don't want another transition character like a Garrosh or Gul'dan. So Xal and Irid need to survive TWW and to the end of Midnight. Xal being turned into a trope character big bad who has to be killed by the end would be boring, and Irid has his anti-Titan narrative so he needs to see it to completion. Now, if you tell me he survives to The Last Titan and Aman'thul pops Irid like a tick in a cinematic? I'd be cool with that. But let's get there and earn it.
@DoctorPlato 3 ай бұрын
Why do people accept the $90 dollar early access for an MMO? Its ridiculous. This practice should have never became a thing.
@tetrahedron_in_space 3 ай бұрын
Especially when you can pre-order FFXIV’s Dawntrail for only $40 to get access to the early access for it. It’s the exact same price whether you play it now or on the “official” release date
@keithb6344 3 ай бұрын
@@tetrahedron_in_space Yeah, but for $40 you are still getting FFXIV 🤣
@ShadowsOfThePast 3 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people don't accept it. I bought the most expensive edition like always and I think it sucks too because global launch is supposed to be an epic event that should connect all players. I've had great memories from playing at launch since Wotlk. Sometimes servers crash etc or it's buggy as hell but it's experienced together so it still creates long lasting memories.
@zachclifford6338 3 ай бұрын
member when Thrall was Warchief?
@kubi0461 3 ай бұрын
I'd love to see Xal roflstomp Iridikron. I've found nothing interesting about Iridikron, to be honest. I don't feel like I understand him enough to care and he seemed too disconnected from Dragonflight.. there but not there. MoP remix reminded me of better times.. and I'm worried that TWW will be too much like Dragonflight which was a glorified mobile game.. lots to do but very little of it feels engaging or meaningful. Give me back the rep quest dailies design of MoP please where it felt like there was context to what I was doing and who it is for... and unlocking more dailies for that rep. WQs can exist but they should never have replaced rep quest hubs and that style of gameplay.
@merkarion7883 3 ай бұрын
If you habe an Avemgers Endgame Final than who will be the Sacrifice so that we can win ??? Anduin....Illidan...Silvanas...Alleria ???
@lunarath1 3 ай бұрын
There's definitely a bigger bad that's not iridakron. Either it turns out xal'atath is the fifth old god and she gets her true form back at the end of TWW or we get to see soem true void shit that's much bigger than either of them. Those are the only 2 scenarios i see play out. Iridakron just being a side character in all of this.
@aman2424 3 ай бұрын
HELL YEAH! Missing the release due to vacation, not tempted to buy early access. Finally things are working out for me! xD
@Raeodor 3 ай бұрын
This whole thing seems familiar
@ralecgos3631 3 ай бұрын
I think Vareesa dies and Alleria and Sylvanas come together stronger than ever tbh
@TheLiberatingdevsss 3 ай бұрын
I could be wrong but i think Shadowlands trailer is the most disliked not MoP
@NostalgicMem0ries 3 ай бұрын
who is this woman at end? i though its personification of azeroth, but its not :o im not fully familiar with wow story, but i know core stuff, yet i dont know this woman at end
@mebrandonb 3 ай бұрын
If you mean the purple lady, that's Xal'atath. Shadow Priests first encountered her in legion as the voice coming out of their artifact weapon, and we met her "in person" in battle for Azeroth when she was released from the dagger by N'Zoth in the Crucible of Storms mini-raid.
@VulpineDemon 3 ай бұрын
WoW has to rely on nostalgia to get players to "come home". Meanwhile, the game stays the exact same every expansion and Blizzard does the same mistakes every time.
@JABO95SA 3 ай бұрын
Fuuuuuhck. Loosing in The war wothing would be fire.
@Frankthetank302 3 ай бұрын
@lost1head 3 ай бұрын
I'm honestly not sure if WoW should even try to tackle complex subjects such as PTSD, not even because of the age rating but because it's a game too focused on having fun and those subjects aren't fun and shouldn't be portrayed as such. Having Anduin struggle with PTSD and trying to overcome his traumas next to blasting hordes of mobs and collecting loot can feel jarring. Reminds me the issue Last of Us 2 had where the story is all about how violence is bad and then the gameplay is the player blowing up enemies in lots of fun different ways and supposedly enjoying it. And then there are games like Pathologic that purposefully make their combat not fun to make it feel more like real life violence. Basically to tackle serious themes and heavy subjects you kinda have to make the game *not fun* and I don't think that would work with wow.
@jaymeeduhh 3 ай бұрын
Alexstraza prisoner stuff was before wow though. Warcraft was darker at it roots of 1and 2 even 3.
@invictus7736 3 ай бұрын
Meanwhile the literal death camp in Hillsbrad: ah yes this is what having fun looks like
@Msdimwitted 3 ай бұрын
I disagree. MoP has done this sort of heavy subject matter before, quite elegantly I might add. The Sha aren't just 'spooky old god emotion creatures', they are used in the plotline of Pandaria, they are a walking metaphor for the scars of war and its far reaching consequences. The fighting brought to Pandaria's shores scar the land, make monsters out of people, the distant fear of war having far reaching consequences on the various people of the land. That is one hell of a subject matter to tackle in a game who's marketing up to that point is all about Faction conflict and faction pride. To have the chops to go 'yeah, your faction pissing contest brought to this land has done nothing but actively harm everyone here, there is no faction pride to be had here. Resource problem or no, stopping the Horde for the greater good or no, war is actively hurting everyone here' is a pretty radical take. And you know what? MoP questing was fun. Unfortunately, people just saw silly pandas and turned their nose up at it, so Blizzard has learned the wrong lessons (as seen with BFA). I think it's perfectly possible to tackle serious themes, but it seems even the actual writers don't seem that keen to explore them. With Anduin, the narrative so far from the short story doesn't actually seem interested in exploring the ins and outs as to why Anduin feels the way he does. Nope, it just wants to give him another nice mentor figure who dies. It's a short story that takes his trauma 100% seriously...and yet it feels masturbatory and juvenile in how it wants him to wallow.
@timokampwerth1996 3 ай бұрын
I'm kind of annoyed at myself about how little i care. I like the idea, I like the theme and that they have an actual Storywriter again and not someone who writes the story (Yes, there's a difference.) But when I think about a grand Story presented to me in the WoW way, vomiting questtexts at me and being "The Champion" while being surrounded by 50 other people who also carry the same title ot "The One Champion", i just don't care. I just feel no connection to Azeroth. At this point in the Story, we shouldn't be lonerrs. The world reacts to us as Champions and Heroes but name 3 people ingame that would consider us a Friend. An actual friend and not an "Ah, my friend, there you are. I have these 12 tasks for you" friend. We are everyone's problemsolver but who do we turn to in times of trouble? The closest thing we've ever gotten to that is Chromie. As annoying as her voice might be, she's the one character who I would consider to be akin to a friend. We're close to others, but I don't see Khadgar rocking up with a beer after a long day, unloading about the crappy day he's had. Hell, after defeating Fyrakk, we were his waitor. We brought food and drinks to all of our "friends". We are their servants, and nothing more. It's never been more clear than having to wait on them after we defeated the big bad yet again.
@YourTechGerman 3 ай бұрын
I was planning with a release November/December.... Now it's all fucked up and I can't play until October, god damn it
@normannseils3936 3 ай бұрын
The release was obviously latest September. Don’t know where your dates come from.
@stuartfury3390 3 ай бұрын
Why were you planning on something you have no say in? It's a video game anyway dude, maybe you should prioritise other things in your life.
@YourTechGerman 3 ай бұрын
@@stuartfury3390 Re-read your question again and then ask yourself to what other things in life this applies to.... Then rethink what you said
@stuartfury3390 3 ай бұрын
@@YourTechGerman Sorry I should have read your name. I didn't realise English was a second language. Take some lessons and then come back, hopefully it will make sense to you.
@ahmedmedhatit 3 ай бұрын
honestly, it's hard to even think that these people know how to tell a story, the past 4 expansions made it impossible to trust them.
@maxw565 3 ай бұрын
Idk i liked legion for it's story
@Eralun 3 ай бұрын
@@maxw565 I think it's fair to say it all started falling to shit after Legion, at least lore wise
@viktorlindqvist5308 3 ай бұрын
@@EralunMostly fair, parts of the expansions have been good, and then they’ve shat the bed, so I think we can say the last 3 yeah
@ahmedmedhatit 3 ай бұрын
I guess i meant 3, i said 4 without really thinking, just as an exaggeration.
@smallpandochka 3 ай бұрын
Legion story was Metzen's, the rest wasn't his. He came back for this Worldsoul saga and I have a glimpse of hope now
@MrMoreDOTS 3 ай бұрын
Somehow trying to use the "member berries" strategy in their new expansion trailer kind of makes me uneasy about the expansion. As if they don't trust in their own new content. Then again that may be the left over foul taste in my mouth that Shadowlands gave me which makes me cautious for every new expansion. Even with Dragonflight I waited until there was a 50% discount before I tried it out.
@FreudianSlip247 3 ай бұрын
What sword?!
@johnsellers5169 3 ай бұрын
Last titan hopefully will be sargeras vs zal because remember sarg is the only titan that is still alive
@Vindicator1998 3 ай бұрын
Xal’atath will win war within and be the final boss of midnight Iridikron won’t appear again until the last Titan If they really had balls they’d make xal’atath the last boss of war within and actually beat us
@rkramer5629 3 ай бұрын
I hope; We lose War Within Defeat but not kill Xal in midnight And then get bitch slapped by the Titans in the finale Multiple fantastic scenarios but we have got to lose at some point, and lose hard…
@Yamael 3 ай бұрын
WoW and GW2 get expansions 2 days apart 😢
@dancingdroid 3 ай бұрын
If Sylvanas comes back without Arthas I'm burning their office down.
@InekoBK 3 ай бұрын
5:51 Not true. The gameplay was good but I still don't like the theme of MoP
@Nick-mu4dy 3 ай бұрын
Could someone help me understand Preach's relationship with World of Warcraft / Blizzard? Because when I compare his content to other games, he's obviously always trying to say something negative about World of Warcraft. Without wanting to be offensive, he seems like a very, very bitter ex-boyfriend who can't let go after the break-up... ^^ While he's practically always extremely critical of World of Warcraft, he treats other games with kid gloves. It really doesn't feel honest, in my opinion.
@tetrahedron_in_space 3 ай бұрын
It’s not that he’s always trying to say something negative about WoW, in fact he’s been very positive about Dragonflight and the alpha for TWW so far. WoW was the game that allowed him to make a career out of streaming & making video guide content, and he was one of Blizzard’s biggest fans but also has ALWAYS been critical of when Blizzard makes missteps with WoW - I’ve been watching him for over a decade and he’s always been vocal about what the player base doesn’t like about WoW at any given time. In fact, if you go back to his video on the main channel when he said they were going to stop covering Shadowlands content in WoW, he literally says that he was tired of making content about Shadowlands because it was all negative, but that wasn’t a Preach-only thing - EVERYONE was upset with the state of Shadowlands, and the fact it’s looked down upon even worse than WoD or BFA by the player base is evidence of that. Since then, Preach, like many players who were burned in BFA / Shadowlands, has been optimistic but skeptical about the direction of WoW’s future. It comes from a place of love, because again, he loves this game, but that doesn’t mean he should just be a “yes man” and not speak up when Blizzard does things with the game that the players do not believe are in the game’s best interest. He is absolutely not alone in his skepticism of the future of WoW, but he’s also not making doom-and-gloom content about what he’s gotten to play of TWW thus far.
@Elbereth_TV 3 ай бұрын
are you finishing your hair transplant soon Mike?
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