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Please object here if you agree with my video - planningapps.p...
The website is clunky and slow so please be patient and complete your objection comment
Thanks again
My Objection (has been submitted but awaiting approval on the website)
As a Neighbouring farmer to the proposed site i formally object to the solar farm plans at Kinnon Park Farm.
The reasons for doing so are as follows;
1. Loss of over 80Ha of prime agricultural land for up to 40 years. If only another 100 sites went ahead within a few years, almost 2% of Scotlands prime agricultural land would be lost from production. This equates to 2.6million Tons of grain lost from the Scottish economy. A value of £52,000,000 at today’s market price. This does not account for all the value adding industries that rely on grain production; maltings, whisky, animal feed, spirits, baking, biodiesel, ethanol etc.
2. Loss of employment, 67,000 workers are employed in agriculture across Scotland, this land area would equate to the loss of 2 jobs based on land area/worker ratio.
3. Loss of food security, this land at current Scottish averages will produce ~650Tons of grain annually. 26,000Tons over the 40 year time period of the panels. Grain currently produced from this farm is used for cattle feed to produce scotch beef, chicken feed producing eggs, malting barley used in the whisky/beer industry and several more uses. This area majorly impacts food security.
4. This site sets a precedent for future solar farm applications, further pressurising an already under threat agricultural community.
5. The location is unjust, there are estimated to be 11,000 hectares of vacant or derelict land in Scotland which would be significantly more viable as a solar farm site, not reducing job numbers, prime agricultural land and food security.
6. A infringement of the spectacular scottish landscape, views of methven castle and beyond.
Crawford Niven
Some objections made by others
Mr Richard Dixon (Objects)
Comment submitted date: Thu 26 Sep 2024
There are numerous reasons I object to this application but main reasons listed.
1, Loss of arable land.
2, No benefit to the local community.
3, Flooding risk due to less permeable ground.
4, Devaluation of properties in the area.
5, Visual impact on the landscape.
6, Negative impact on local heritage site.
7, Loss of wildlife habitats.
8, Sound intrusion from substation and battery storage cooling fans.
9, Impact on local roads.
10, More suitable sites, ie brownfield or industrial.
I would urge Perth & Kinross council to refuse this application.
Dr Lesley Macdonald (Objects)
I am a former resident of Perth and Kinross and return to visit this beautiful area.
I object to this use of arable farmland which is needed to provide food locally. I used to pick potatoes here as child.
I object to the loss of wildlife habitat in a beautiful peaceful area which has raptors and many wild animals. This area is used by migratory geese which will not be able to rest here as they usually do.
I see no environmental advantage to the destruction of productive Land on purely commercial grounds.
I hope the council will refuse this application and take note of the many comments.
Mr Stephen Green (Objects)
I am a frequent visitor to this area (having once lived in this lovely part of Scotland). I cannot understand why, in this age of reducing land availability for farming, a proposal like this has even reached this stage of planning.
I cannot see the benefit of this proposed blot on the landscape to a community that is, to an extent, also reliant on tourism.
Mrs Kate Falconer (Objects)
Comment submitted date: Wed 25 Sep 2024
I strongly object on the following grounds:
1. This is creeping industrialisation of a rural farming area located around 4/5 miles from Perth. These types of developments should be situated on brownfield sites or adjacent to existing industrial areas and not in the middle of the countryside.
2. Impact on local houses/residents/ Out of Character with the Area. There are several houses in this area that will be affected by noise, construction nuisance, and the visual detriment. They live in this rural area precisely because it is rural, quiet and visually stunning. To have such a development built around their houses shows a complete lack of concern for people's desire to live in area such as this, and is in my opinion, utterly disgraceful. PKC Planning has a duty to ensure that any proposed development will not render existing homes unsaleable and of little value.
3. This will result in a loss of use of prime arable land for 40 years.
4. The landowner does not live in the area and does not understand Redacted about the impact on local residents. I doubt very much he would be in support of such a development if it was in a field next to his house.

Пікірлер: 163
@CrawfordsFarm1 6 сағат бұрын
One note to make, farmers/landowners who have gone down the route i don’t blame. Potentially life changing money for individuals. More the allowance from government for prime land to be used and/or the lack of viability to make money through production of food
@MayorofDipshittery-lq7if 14 сағат бұрын
There are far better places for these solar farms but prime agricultural land is not the place for it 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@chriss7930 10 сағат бұрын
Agreed !! And example is dartmoor. Miserable land that's not a lot of good for anything but if you tried to put solar panels there would be outrage from the tree huggers. Yet when it decent land that feeds us it's silent !! It's the same exact thing with houses. But I'm afraid we have some really dim people around now that are brainwashed by the stupid
@bobcrawford2105 14 сағат бұрын
Totally agree Solar Panel Farms on prime agricultural land is disgusting but the problem is farmers are not getting paid enough for crops they grow and risks they take NO FARMERS. NO FOOD NO FUTURE
@margarethutton6448 14 сағат бұрын
That is out of order. That should be used for agriculture purposes. Solar panels on roofs
@daireharlin181 14 сағат бұрын
Solar panels should be mandatory on roofs of all commercial buildings. Accelerated captital wrie offs to help fund it
@CrawfordsFarm1 14 сағат бұрын
@GARDENER42 9 сағат бұрын
The sheer insanity of using agricultural land is beyond belief. There's literally millions of square metres of supermarket, factory & office roofs where these panels could be placed.
@paulthompson8467 9 сағат бұрын
We have 78 acre's of prime agricultural land beside our wee farm covered with solar panels bloody eye sore ☹️
@CharlesYeo-qs6nb 8 сағат бұрын
They erected a solar farm near me, on the planning they said it would supply jobs for local people. The German made panels shipped to the UK by Polish drivers and erected by a Spanish team needed one local man to give directions.
@beardedcountryboy 3 сағат бұрын
"German made" I'm sure they were.. definitely not made in god forsaken conditions in China and packaged in Germany 🤣🤣 I guess it's jobs for someone, just not us
@mikerenshaw7867 12 сағат бұрын
The first clearances were for sheep.
@antmorgan5255 11 сағат бұрын
Well said they are doing this in Ireland to this is a disgrace. 👍
@JamesBarley-h5t 14 сағат бұрын
It's wrong taking that land to put solar power there, I 100% agree with you Crawford
@Otherrandomguy42 13 сағат бұрын
Solar farms should be on city building roof tops.
@mwnciboo 12 сағат бұрын
No no no - Farmers get income to survive from this - the lease gives guaranteed income... It is the difference between getting by and fighting for survival. It is a brilliant thing to give over 10 acres for guaranteed income and you can still graze sheep on it. Diversification is survival.
@driftwoodscottie6607 12 сағат бұрын
Why’d they not stick them in the ocean on some stilts, this seems like an absolute pisstake. Il be putting my name down for you, and for the future of farming in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤞👊🏼✅
@darrylf09 11 сағат бұрын
Can you be in a different country and object ???
@oliverbrookes27 9 сағат бұрын
Yes, anyone can object. In relity what happens is all the different areas of objection are dealt with as one, volume of objections isn't really a reason for refusal, it has to be based on planning policy.
@pjk1714 10 сағат бұрын
In agreement with you... If it's prone to flooding, why not brown rice crops? In Ontario 396 acres of agricultural land is sold for investment housing and development per day, yet we have little affordable housing now. Eventually we will be needing food's and feeds from other provinces and imports more than ever. Recipe for disaster.
@Patient-Unknown 13 сағат бұрын
• Brownfield Sites and Less Productive Land: Solar panel installations should prioritize the use of brownfield sites, degraded land, or land that is not suitable for agricultural use. Scotland has a wealth of land that could host solar farms without impacting prime farmland. Utilizing less fertile land for renewable energy projects would balance the need for renewable energy development with the necessity of preserving valuable agricultural land. • Dual-Use Agriculture-Solar Models: Where renewable energy projects are necessary on agricultural land, dual-use models like agrivoltaics should be considered. This allows solar panels to coexist with agricultural activities (e.g., grazing livestock beneath solar panels or growing certain crops) to ensure land productivity is maintained.
@hecy-t1238 8 сағат бұрын
The farm I work on is turning into a solar farm (about 400 acres south east Scotland) and then another one just down the road. The farmer wanted just one or two fields that has shallow soil and have never been good that happen to be south facing to go into them. That would be ideal for land use if every farmer could do that if they wished but the infrastructure isn’t there for it hence why the whole farm has to go. The worst part is it’s all the flat ground which is being taken and all the steep rough grazing isn’t “suitable” for solar. Acknowledge it’s a waste of productive land but I can see why the farmer will take the money on these tougher few years. The plan however is to graze the sheep amongst them which theoretically might be good as panels act as shelter but will see how that pans out!
@TOMDUNCAN1710 10 сағат бұрын
Hi Crawford, completely agree however coming from a farming background but working in the renewables industry it is interesting to hear this as I get it from both sides. The issues lie with planning and policy. The derelict ground which you refer to is likely derelict for a reason and as such probably doesn’t sit as favourably in planning terms. There are numerous issues facing the agricultural sector as you will be more than aware, however for many solar is seen as a successful diversification with guaranteed income. Really interesting topic and whilst I completely agree with the points you make I also feel sorry for the landowner who is clearly looking to maximise income during difficult times yet still being faced with resistance.
@irishro1 13 сағат бұрын
👏👏 Well said Crawford. Same issue here in Ireland. I agree totally. It's happening around me too. Planning approved for a massive area of land. Incompasses many farms and small holdings. I'll be a green island amongst a solar panel sea!! Rooves and marginal derelict land is where they should be. Keep battling. But it's a hard road. Solar companies have gained alot of ears and power. Well said again Crawford. 👏
@jonstout9236 9 сағат бұрын
100% agree with you Crawford... objected on the grounds you outline - totally inappropriate use of the land.
@CrawfordsFarm1 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@juliewestlakervn3518 10 сағат бұрын
You were not kidding on the website being hardwork. If anyone else registers then gets a permission denied message go back to the link on here and go back to it and it seems to work.
@nicklewis1475 13 сағат бұрын
Completely agree with all you say!
@mjhowat 13 сағат бұрын
This unfortunately is Perthshire wide. 250 acres at Couper Angus plus another 100 acres at Campmuir at planning for solar panels. Perthshire will be covered in them
@rsh793 12 сағат бұрын
And where's the energy going????? Most of what's produced already is more than enough for Scotland several times over nearly - so it's just going to be exported - and better we export whiskey to boost up the public purse than energy to boost up energy company profits! LOL yeah - I'm all for renewables and the benefit of them includes planning where they go rather than where they are (like oil and coal - you're kind of stuck!) - so taking away one source of income to provide another that doesn't pay back to the purse - really is the most silly consideration possible! Put it on buildings - bring people out of energy poverty - and stop ruining the landscape and good land ....! Some Councils really don't have any braincells between their councillors!
@ghosteu575 12 сағат бұрын
I submitted my objection Crawford. Them solar panels do not belong on land like that. They should either find derelict sites to build on that are not prime agricultural land or stick to roofs of houses and businesses. This planning is 110% a no no from me like many others. Hope you get the result we are all hoping for.
@CrawfordsFarm1 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@Will-q5d 14 сағат бұрын
Please don't ruin all that land with solar panels
@mwnciboo 12 сағат бұрын
How are you proposing generating the electricity you are using to make this comment on your smart phone? Genuinely curious. The countryside is a working commercial place not a theme park.
@Dronesome 12 сағат бұрын
We had a substation go ahead on our old farmland in 2019. This consumed 100 acres of prime agricultural ground. The eyesore now employs 3 people!!! Also my electricity bill only increases every 6 months.!!! My objection is filed.
@ruperthopcraft4005 12 сағат бұрын
Well done for usng your great channel to try and make a difference . I have registered my objection.
@CrawfordsFarm1 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@johnwaddell7239 2 сағат бұрын
There is more than plenty south facing poor hill land only grazing a few hill sheep which is where solar farms should be ,and they can still graze amount the panels after construction ,if that's the route government wants us to go ,not prime land ,we already lose many tens of thousands of acres of good arable land every year to housing in the uk ,infrastructure and industrial parks apart from solar multiply this by 20 to 50 years and we will be rapidly running out of food
@LynetteWainwright 13 сағат бұрын
Object Crawford. I don't think governments realise what they are doing these days nor the impact on food producers.
@head-Keeper 11 сағат бұрын
I requested under an FOI to the Scottish administration for the total farming/greenbelt acreage lost to housing developments. They don’t hold that information.
@brianforrester7707 10 сағат бұрын
A couple of things… You’ll have some contacts with BBC’s Countryfile - I think an item on broadcast telly highlighting the problem would reach a wider audience Do you have any idea who owns the land and why they’re doing this? Has the land been taken-over by some corporate entity that isn’t interested in farming or a farmer retiring and looking to boost his pension as the Solar Power company will pay more for the land than someone looking to get into the farming game? Very likely there’s a deeper, possibly disturbing, story behind this proposed development that I’d be very interested in hearing about
@nance1111 13 сағат бұрын
Cammy Wilson just interviewed Jim Fairlie MSP on his Fed by Farmers podcast. Don't be shy about networking with Cammy and getting contact information for Jim. The solar "farm" is a terrible idea for prime agricultural land! I do not have a connection with farming besides knowing in my heart that the world needs to get back to supporting their local farmers, by purchasing the food they eat as locally as possible. Eating locally and seasonally isn't promoted in our world today. Maybe we wouldn't need solar farms if we weren't shipping tropical fruit thousands of miles because we've been conditioned to think we must have oranges or grapes or avocados during the winter. Only places that can't grow/produce their own food should be importing food. I will try to register a protest, even though I live in the US.
@colmcoakley3916 9 сағат бұрын
Hi Crawford. Who owns the land? A private individual or some sort of company?
@jsvecten 13 сағат бұрын
Done and completely agree but may I say that if farmers were paid a descent price for their crop, maybe we wouldn’t think about skims like this. Also every new build développement, speculative warehousing build should have solar panels has a prerequisite to their approval!
@lindaarmstrongjackman9788 7 сағат бұрын
I agree with you. Every roof could have solar panels and eliminate the need for a “solar farm”! The solar companies should contract to use people’s roofs and maintain the panels. That way individuals do not have to worry about installation, maintenance and repairs. They Solar companies just have to do the work snd stop taking the easy route of destroying farm land.
@rayireland232 11 сағат бұрын
fully agree with you Crawford you should look at what's planed for the land round here 3250 acres from Eaglesfield to Gretna called the wyseby hill soler farm . and its all good ground . its just seem criminal😞😞
@roberthiggins6401 10 сағат бұрын
Tell the council you'll hold them personally responsible. That far north with limited sunlight is ridiculous and winter time is when most energy is needed and you have less sunlight makes it nonsense. Here in Kent our council have just approved and paid for a solar farm in Somerset! How the hell? I only fiume out this morning.
@brianknowles5519 12 сағат бұрын
Here in NZ similar happening with solar farms but we also have good farming land going in to pine trees for carbon credits, problem is now an abbattoir/ freezing works is having to close through lack of livestock which effects jobs. Also schools and shops are having to close in villages where there is not enough families around because farms being bought for the trees. Whole communities changing very sad to see.
@bumpkinrocks 12 сағат бұрын
Alot easier for the landowner and they will know doubt make alot more money from it. The government say farming is to polluting. So we can easily import everything and have no pollution it's a no brainer! 😂
@ewansimpson9662 9 сағат бұрын
Totally agree Crawford, far too much good agricultural land being put into trees or in this case solar panels! As you say plenty other places for them
@BrendanWhite-e3y 10 сағат бұрын
Totally agree with totally soler should not be put on good land and should be put on buildings and factory's . Keep up the good work 👏
@meathfarmer6234 14 сағат бұрын
Its our livelihoods and and lot of other peoples. We don't need imports. Happening around us. With you on this.
@casperghst42 13 сағат бұрын
Sadly it is the same all over Europe, in my local area here in Denmark they are doing the same. We had a meeting where a farmer like you asked the same questions - he was ignored, as the politicians had made up their mind.
@tommitchell1826 7 сағат бұрын
Im afraid crawford same ting happening here in Ireland between windturbines and solar panels
@taylorsfarm4299 7 сағат бұрын
Just done mine its not that hard so everyone need to try as this is not acceptable..... all the best 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
@robertdavies922 11 сағат бұрын
I support this. Don’t object for anything other than genuine planning reasons.
@cammyrubin2512 6 сағат бұрын
We broke the website, not loading so it is busy! Keep trying later, everyone!
@joannedavies7183 14 сағат бұрын
First let all get together
@OxxFreddyGlasgow. 6 сағат бұрын
Agree with you 100%. Just done that for you.
@emmashadwell2532 13 сағат бұрын
Done. Fingers crossed enough people object and stop this happening.
@naturalsoundscapesnaturals4792 12 сағат бұрын
Done, cover car parks and warehouses. Not fields
@pcplayerclarkey3026 13 сағат бұрын
Alot of the same thing is happening in spots here in Canada where the land is prime farmland
@casparAG 13 сағат бұрын
oh this is getting ridiculous now. we cant eat solar pannels ffs
@Themodellads 14 сағат бұрын
Can u put link in comments then I will do it thanks
@CrawfordsFarm1 14 сағат бұрын
Yes will do
@judewilkinson5486 12 сағат бұрын
I really can't do much from Australia but I'll but as much scotch whisky as I can if that helps???!! Good luck guys. It's discussing listing prime land for this. Infrastructure already about can do the job or shit ground as you say.
@rsh793 12 сағат бұрын
You can email the planning office and remind them that tourists like the landscape ;)
@AlliP-i4j 10 сағат бұрын
I have never responded to anything on KZbin but I have put an objection in on the planning app to try and stop this blot on the beautiful landscape. As you say so passionately is build solar on existing buildings or brown field land.
@CrawfordsFarm1 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you 👍🏼
@robsuekin15 9 сағат бұрын
My objection has been summited sadly this madness is country wide and new U.K. government is going to make it worse.
@CrawfordsFarm1 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@matthewhodder3029 14 сағат бұрын
Will get on this later today
@CrawfordsFarm1 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@deniscousley6905 7 сағат бұрын
Another method of food control!
@EarlePriest 13 сағат бұрын
Will check it out. I agree with what you’re saying there is loads of waste land that is not farm land they should use that.
@CrawfordsFarm1 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@davidjackson6510 6 сағат бұрын
objection submitted,
@gailcollins5866 7 сағат бұрын
Objection submitted
@jgmanderson2543 7 сағат бұрын
objection submitted
@rsh793 12 сағат бұрын
It's ridiculous - I'm a fierce proponent of renewable energy - but look at how it's being done more effectively in other countries. There is NO need to take any agricultural land out of production - there's plenty enough roofs around the country and, just imagine if each house and office building in a city had panels on them, they would be generating their own electricity and actively helping with people's energy bills, keeping them out of energy poverty. Writing this whilst the ruddy site is loading - it's mighty slow!!!!
@CrawfordsFarm1 12 сағат бұрын
Its an awful website… purposely slow
@rsh793 12 сағат бұрын
@@CrawfordsFarm1 lol I admit it - I emailed the planning department with the email there and pointed out that their website wouldn't load so they were going to be taking the objection this way instead 😆
@PK_Blinder 13 сағат бұрын
Done.... Now surely Gate Lady needs to be on camera.. 🤔🙂
@CrawfordsFarm1 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@pitbladdodavid 13 сағат бұрын
Shared for us all.
@alastairkippax 13 сағат бұрын
I'll lodge an objection later today Crawford.
@CrawfordsFarm1 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you Alastair
@_Archie98 12 сағат бұрын
I will do it for you
@CyrilMorrin-h5f 10 сағат бұрын
Very well said
@martinoneill1644 Сағат бұрын
What’s it to you? I wouldn’t mind hearing the land owner who’s applying for the solar farm his/her opinion. Would you like someone telling you what to do with your farm. No more tillage for beer, just all animals in future. How about forestry? That’s an eye sore as well.
@Siccardroneservices 3 сағат бұрын
Submitted objection Crawford. Thanks for highlighting this issue
@lescampbell6745 14 сағат бұрын
@CrawfordsFarm1 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you very much
@StuartSutherland-1 14 сағат бұрын
@dallaspointon6212 Сағат бұрын
I hope you get your signatures! Go well from Australia (I’d buy the farm if it was affordable, just to stop them putting a solar farm in)
@DRW58 Сағат бұрын
Hi Crawford, Objection submitted, on the basis of loss of prime farm land impact on wildlife, loss of employment with no apparent alternative and the impact on the natural beauty of the area. I drive past on a regular basis, and the last thing I want to see are rows upon rows of solar panels scarring the landscape. Don,t let the Bandits get away with it, register sign in and raise an objection, I did and it was easy.🙂 Keep solar panels on roofs, Keep Perthshire Beautiful.
@alanposkitt9399 Сағат бұрын
Another excellent video Crawford, glad to help please keep fighting to protect all agricultural land it is vital we support our farmers today & in the future 👍👍
@robertbaker472 4 сағат бұрын
I agree with everything you say Crawford it shouldn't be allowed taking good add record for land out of production. Nobody's looking to the Future when will all be starving.
@ianhaggart1438 13 сағат бұрын
Snap... 😔😒
@wulliewhyte544 4 сағат бұрын
The government is the problem they think Scotland is just rough hills they don't realise it's some of the best land in the country.
@sandrahyam8288 2 сағат бұрын
We live in Canada 🇨🇦. Is there some way we can help? We have a small farm in BC Canada. We feel that to do this to prime farmland is a travesty.
@scottmeredith2660 6 сағат бұрын
As a fellow Scottish farmer I think we should be able to use our land for whatever land use we see fit. I guess Crawford doesn’t have a nice south facing hill because nobody in right frame of mind would turn down that kind of money.
@CrawfordsFarm1 6 сағат бұрын
I basically agree, just don’t think that should have been made a viable option for prime land to end up as. Either it needs to be more lucrative to run as a food producing farm or solar on prime land should be stopped by government. If the owner wants to go down the route thats completely fair.
@geoffreyburton8961 3 сағат бұрын
It's so wrong I hope you do well in forcing this situation forward
@timothywhittaker1190 13 сағат бұрын
Objection raised 👍🏻
@CrawfordsFarm1 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@stevejones9625 4 сағат бұрын
We have enough factory roofs and brown sites for solar Leave good land for real farming
@maggiesmith7917 8 сағат бұрын
Solar panels in Starmers Mansion grounds. Also provide rooms I his mansion for migrants
@graemepaterson1983 4 сағат бұрын
My mum and dad live next to the farm shop, everyone in the area is gutted.
@katesterling8915 12 сағат бұрын
Just registered, approved via registered email. I then get Access denied!! 😡I will keep trying 🙂
@CrawfordsFarm1 12 сағат бұрын
Reload the access denied site, it did the same for me
@katesterling8915 11 сағат бұрын
Took aleast 5 times but managed to get a comment & opposed the proposed planning. 🤞🏼 They will think again & use the vast amount of derelict land. We can only hope 😳
@roberthiggins6401 10 сағат бұрын
Hey in touch with Paul Burgess Crawford. He may be able to help as he has imo data that may well show that this solar farm will not produce the amount of electric that this proposal says it will. Worth a try and he's got a channel.
@katesterling8915 9 сағат бұрын
​@@roberthiggins6401 I managed to get connected & also shared the channel vlog on Facebook, the more people know how mad this all is the better. 🤞🏼
@Ped_mcg87 14 сағат бұрын
@GICK117 2 сағат бұрын
God needs to give this world an enema NOW!
@beardedcountryboy 3 сағат бұрын
Hey buddy, remember me? There's due to be 3,000 acres of solar being built near me. It's so near me it starts on the opposite side of the road. It's a nightmare, completely echo what you said. We weren't really able to give objections to ours because it was busy through under some "national importance" infrastructure type thing. The village didn't even really know about it until they started archeological digs... Fun times. Hope you're well pal
@CrawfordsFarm1 3 сағат бұрын
Picture gives it away! Its just going to be a tragic mess in 20 years… no one looks forward much do they Im well hope you are too 🫡
@ShazG69 4 сағат бұрын
I have done as you requested and objected on behalf of myself and hubby who farms near the Wash in Lincolnshire England. Also shared video on my FB & X
@CrawfordsFarm1 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@davidrobinson735 4 сағат бұрын
Feel your pain. We're 3:00 going to be having 75m tall pylons going through our area carrying so-called green energy. Not so green when you see the trees, ancient woodland, prime farmland, and wildlife habitat to be destroyed. And they don't even need planning permission. Politicians eh?
@philipranyard2931 Сағат бұрын
Where abouts are you? We're faced with 50m pylons but 75m doesn't bare thinking about.
@brendankavanagh6717 8 сағат бұрын
The man that owns the land should be entitled to do what he wants to do with it if he can make more money that way so be it food production as we all know is a very low margin business and high risk
@ericwatt1447 2 сағат бұрын
@scotty4579 3 сағат бұрын
done it as a perthshire resident former farm worker
@CrawfordsFarm1 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@Mike-wj3zz 3 сағат бұрын
Whoever owns the land should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own land in my opinion. There could be financial or other reasons why that particular family might go down that route and at the end of the day it’s their business what they do with their own land. Solar farms aren’t that invasive a good hedge around the boundary will hide it.
@CrawfordsFarm1 3 сағат бұрын
I basically agree, just don’t think that should have been made a viable option for prime land to end up as. Either it needs to be more lucrative to run as a food producing farm or solar on prime land should be stopped by government. If the owner wants to go down the route thats completely fair.
@CrawfordsFarm1 3 сағат бұрын
Also its on a sloped farm not flat
@Mike-wj3zz 2 сағат бұрын
Yes I see where you’re coming from Crawford but the problem is that family farms are being forced into these situations to make a decent wage for their families. Farmers are not paid enough for their produce and governments will only realise this when there’s no food on the shelves unfortunately
@WillHughes-gz2zl 14 сағат бұрын
In Wales you can get planing on grad 3 and above land for solar. Have you had a word with the owner to see if they are willing to rent the ground or do a farm shear . Problem is solar pays better than farming you can still graze sheep on the land😅
@CrawfordsFarm1 13 сағат бұрын
Currently let out for arable, the Solar opportunity completely blows any arable/livestock operation out the market. Impossible
@spencersanderson1894 13 сағат бұрын
@@CrawfordsFarm1 Why does it make it impossible to have livestock on that land? In Somerset every solar panel farm has sheep that still graze the land. Cows might be a bit more tricky but I do see livestock grazing these areas.
@CrawfordsFarm1 12 сағат бұрын
Sorry, yes it can be used to graze sheep, will just be a small number as the grass wont grow very much in a shadow 👍🏼
@spencersanderson1894 12 сағат бұрын
@@CrawfordsFarm1 Fair enough, good luck with your campaign, probably not the best place for a solar farm.
@oldmanonamission8055 12 сағат бұрын
The government wants farming to stop in the UK, why I don't know. Labour will kill the farming game.
@Ralph94967 12 сағат бұрын
Gov push for zero farming in the Uk. All these panels will do is cause food famine within the Uk. As one of your comments stated. It’s a clearance of the Scottish farming industry
@johnmchardy4502 11 сағат бұрын
Well as Jeremy clarkson pointed out it costs him 17 pence for a imported sausage to sell in his pub and it costs him 80 pence for a British sausage so do you really think that British farmers are competitive with the European farmers so British farming is just never going to be viable and the public are beginning to realise they are being scammed by the expensive food in the uk then remember for every pound the shopper spends the government pays the farmer 1pounds in some kinda aid or subsidy so the 17 pence sausage is costing the public 1,17 pound and the British sausage is costing the public 1.80 do you think that is sustainable and i think green e ergy is another great scam but the farmer will still get paid for the use of his land
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