我评论两句:第一个爱情故事我看完。个人认为,上学期间的女孩大部分是需要资金和物质及浪漫来维持的,起码每一周要吃饭,放假至少要出去潇洒一下吧,多少需要钱的,如果男生家庭条件不行或者资金情况不行或者没有钱,应该要和女友坦诚沟通,千万不能撒谎,更不能借钱来毁度没好时光。I commented as following: I read the first love story . Personally, most of the girls during school hours need funds and material and romance to go on the lovely, at least every week to eat, holiday at least to go out and do it, the money is needed, if the boys' family conditions are not good or the funds are not good or not Money, you should communicate honestly with your girlfriend, don’t lie, you can’t borrow money to destroy bad times. so, let have good habit and have good life. all way all time. so, support each others.