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@joesphford7618Күн бұрын
No Messi the goat
@Cityfc12Күн бұрын
Ronaldo better
@SarahGreenfield-nl5ly11 сағат бұрын
goodwin are you still doing a aston villa caerr
@imlitemsuwalling6286Күн бұрын
Play Neymar(LW), Ronaldo (ST), Messi (RW) for 10 seasons with PSG and see how many champions league they bring for PSG. @Goodwin
@The_kingfrogКүн бұрын
This was a banger, except the clubs he went to
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
Hahaha whoops
@Meso-w6gКүн бұрын
0:50 He already is
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
@moisesrodriguez368522 сағат бұрын
No lmao
@itachiplays7623 сағат бұрын
Loved it I think you should try these more often
@gabrielaria267312 сағат бұрын
0:42 did you forget about man u rnaldo?
@Kylian_Mbumhole3 сағат бұрын
Yes, he won in 2008
@TheTonyhayesКүн бұрын
How do you change a players age on FC25?
@LorenzoStatham21 сағат бұрын
You need mods
@joesphford761811 сағат бұрын
@@TheTonyhayes yeah it only for pc players sadly
@Scooby_TV123 сағат бұрын
Is there will be the second part? I am waiting for it
@BobbybearhugggggggКүн бұрын
Hey man you know in these playing the carear of players how do you quickly bece the mamager of these clubs i want to know
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
Need the Live Editor to do it on PC
@MunchildAbagaКүн бұрын
Do Rashford next 🙏🏽🔥
@josephward2587Күн бұрын
This was great goodwin please do more 🙏
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
We’ll see dude!
@RyanTheUnitedFanКүн бұрын
@lesleygombani890323 сағат бұрын
Surely im not the only one who got the "corrupt files" skit ....class act Goodwin ❤
@GoodwinHD23 сағат бұрын
Hahaha unfortunately it wasn’t a skit that legit happened😂🤦, I just tried to turn it into something that was just bizarre and fun haha
@alifnajmi1997Күн бұрын
I hope that Adam gonna make a series where he retires the aging players and played them as a manager since I rarely saw someone do it
@TheArchienatorКүн бұрын
Is it just me who noticed Ipswich in the champions league
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
Tbf even I didn’t lmao
@LucasLKind23 сағат бұрын
Can u do a Portsmouth rebuild. We are struggling in the championship and we need a great manger to help
@GoodwinHD23 сағат бұрын
@FM_CLASSICКүн бұрын
@Wilmacocfit23Күн бұрын
You just liked the top comment suiiiiiiiii
@Butchzillaa15 сағат бұрын
You gotta let your obsession for Ronaldo go, bro. 😂
@GoodwinHD5 сағат бұрын
Hahha no obsession dude, I think Messi’s better🤷♂️😂
@ultragaming140621 сағат бұрын
4:32 the sky blue what 😮😅 (Btw ik it’s his accent it’s js funny)
@seriousgolfer5665321 сағат бұрын
@GoodwinHD21 сағат бұрын
@seriousgolfer5665321 сағат бұрын
Why did you
@GoodwinHD21 сағат бұрын
@seriousgolfer56653 watch the video.. I mean I legit explain in the first 60 seconds hahaha
@seriousgolfer5665321 сағат бұрын
@seriousgolfer5665321 сағат бұрын
Bro deleted my comment
@CheslynEvo5Күн бұрын
My first Fifa game I played was Fifa 09 I miss those days. ❤
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
Yeah pure nostalgia
@FootballlovexxКүн бұрын
Reading glasses on top 🔝
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
@alifnajmi1997Күн бұрын
Next video's suggestions: *"I replayed the career of Adam Goodwin"*
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
Hahaha at 100k I’ll do this
@leonvandermerwe114921 сағат бұрын
When you do something like this again remove the stay or transfer when it lands on it, my suggestion
@GoodwinHD21 сағат бұрын
I thought about this but what if I have to move 3 times in a row then stay at a rotting club for 5 haha, I think leaving them all on the wheel gives the video the best chance to be more interesting
@mohamedraedabuzeed944013 сағат бұрын
@SombrerosFCКүн бұрын
@darrenduffy603619 сағат бұрын
Another cracking video Just wondering how dortmund could sell Ronaldo when he was only on loan and you say theirs no way Ronaldo is going to Newcastle but you didn’t even see there side plus there one of the richest clubs in the world
@GoodwinHD17 сағат бұрын
Because I manually transferred him to Dortmund, & BELIEVE ME Newcastle being minted doesn’t mean anything in FC25😂
@darrenduffy603616 сағат бұрын
@ or right a thought he was only on a 2 year loan and yeah a wasnt just talking about Newcastle been minted theirs loads of saves I have watched of other streamers including yours where Newcastle have a decent side am not complaining it was still a good video mate
@StellaDike-hc1dzКүн бұрын
@fadinaji1932Күн бұрын
16 views 2minutes pro fall of
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
@seriousgolfer5665321 сағат бұрын
16:23 there is something wrong w your video
@jirihruby5147Күн бұрын
Day 1 of asking for atalanta video
@rosietothemax5373Күн бұрын
@iulsthegoatКүн бұрын
Man united 2008
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
@KentKid25Күн бұрын
Goodwin, would you consider CR7 the king of football?
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
Me personally no, I think nobodies better than the absolute GOAT Antony
@KentKid252 сағат бұрын
@StellaDike-hc1dzКүн бұрын
@Wilmacocfit23Күн бұрын
Messi better Suiiiiiiii 😅
@sullex2.087Күн бұрын
10 views in 20 secs??👀 Bro fell off
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
@TheTonyhayesКүн бұрын
How do you change a players age on FC25?
@GoodwinHDКүн бұрын
On console you can do it in the settings when you edit players