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Rosalie Elliott

Rosalie Elliott

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@MtHermit Жыл бұрын
This is the best reaction to this song. I respect fact that you broke down, gathered yourself, then continued to break the lyrics down. All while continuing to try to lift everyone up and helps them understand how important their life is on this earth. I was once on the precipice of ending it all. I had the note, the plan, and the motivation. I was ready. Then one intrusive thought worked its way through all of the darkness. The idea of saying goodbye to my brother was something that i couldnt handle. So i called him and told him exactly what was happening. We cried together. That next morning the sky was bluer. The trees were greener and the world smelled fresh. I had a different outlook on how the day might play out. I still struggle. But I know I'll make it. You will too
@sandrag8656 Жыл бұрын
@LiannaBabeli Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing with us, my brother. I am also a survivor of suicide, both as a victim and as a participant. I have survived 30 years after and while I may not have those dark thoughts anymore, that confusion and hurt, I never forget the pain, the pain and darkness that led me to that choice, that seemingly impossible choice. It was compassion that saved my life and so I pay it forward by being compassionate with everyone. Much love and peace to you, brother.
@MtHermit Жыл бұрын
@@LiannaBabeli And that compassion you show to others, has been shown to many more because of you. Compassion and kindness are the greatest tools against the darkness.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
What a powerful and beautiful comment!!! Thank you for sharing this!!! Several things here that I cherished. One being your courage to speak up. The power in relationship and a caring hand. The way you described the colors being brighter. Beautifully described and so very true. And ending with an honest, realistic yet hopeful conclusion. Thank you for sharing this. I hope many read it
@MtHermit Жыл бұрын
@@rosalieelliottofficial Thank you! This song has made me contemplate that period in my life. And I appreciate Ren and yourself for making me revisit it. I talked to my brother this morning and explained the video, Ren, and the thoughts and feelings it brought up. I apologized for the pain he had to go through watching me in that moment and I thanked him for sticking with me. It's beautiful what 1 song or moment can do for someone.
@Peacetrain66 Жыл бұрын
Ren did a 2.5 hour Twitch today because he was worried about the effect this video was having on everyone and because he heard we were all worried about him. He seems very happy and doing well. What an extraordinary human being❤
@sharronferreira6420 Жыл бұрын
I’ve tried looking up Ren’s Twitch account but can’t find it - do you have the name of it for me please?
@Peacetrain66 Жыл бұрын
@@sharronferreira6420 renmakestwitch
@hansmolders1066 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the update he's to prescious to lose!
@Silkytoaster Жыл бұрын
I managed to log on to twitch - OMG - it was 2 hours but went so quickly . His two freinds who were visiting from the UK Sam and Josh who make his vids were on the stream . It started out discussing the video but eventually they had us in stitches - joking and answering the streaming questions. My stomach hurt from laughing and we really get a Sense of who Ren is especially as a friend.
@Beckaj5446 Жыл бұрын
It really was a nice mood shift compared to the new song. The fact that he was thoughtful enough to be concerned about how it might effect any of his fans was very uplifting. Their sense of humor was great, I always love that sarcastic smart-ass type of personality.
@jamesweeg6545 Жыл бұрын
I heard suicide described once as taking your pain away, but giving it to someone who loves you. This hurt.
@epicchannel4724 Жыл бұрын
That's exactly what it does. And you deal with your loss like any kind of loss but you feel anger because you can't grasp how the person didn't understand the pain they would leave behind.
@LeeannG Жыл бұрын
That’s profound and heartbreaking.
@MrLiesegang Жыл бұрын
This right, without a doubt, but this is something you can’t tell someone with depression, this sentence is such a burden and adds pressure on a person, who is already sick.
@sydneexxceasy9063 Жыл бұрын
​​@@epicchannel4724 Joyner Lucas has an amazing song from the person who deletes themselves and the close brother who finds them and struggles to deal with it. Its called im sorry
@Thystonius Жыл бұрын
Wow, that hits home, aaaahhhh
@Kipperbob Жыл бұрын
I think Keanu Reeves said it best when asked what happens when we die, he replied something like "I know that those who love us will miss us". I think that's the message of this song, that those who love us will miss us and hurt from the loss.
@MiladySK Жыл бұрын
...and some don't while you're alive, then have the audacity to be upset with the one who passed from feeling isolated or not seen.
@Tcrunk365 Жыл бұрын
I have been dealing with depression since I was a child. I’m 49 now married 5 kids. They are only thing that keeps me going some days. I don’t feel worthy of them . The world says I’m a weak man if I cry or hurt. But my God it hurts sometimes. I’m proud to be here but it’s hard. I needed to hear your words Rosa. Ty God bless.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
you're not weak for crying. you're very strong for how you keep going! don't give up. they need you and you have a purpose. keep choosing life.
@deanBORO Жыл бұрын
Keep strong for you’re kids they’d be lost without you!! You’re worthy…. We are all so lucky to be alive at this time, take it and embrace you’re life. Peace x
@robquince3076 Жыл бұрын
Crying is far from weak its strength take it from me living with depression for 50 years you are strong they are weak👍always talk then talk some more it saved me and my grandchildren would never have met me and they are everything 👍
@stormingjales Жыл бұрын
I've been dealing with depression too, and borderline, and I know the feeling. I'm 30 yo now, and I have no kids, so I can't feel exactly how you feel but I'd like to say something: For you to hold on, to have strength to live one day at a time, to wake up and just keep fighting, YOU ARE WORTHY! Not only for your kids, but for yourself and for everything the world presents to you. Your life is so difficult I'm sure, I feel an excruciating pain, but I'M PROUD OF YOU for hanging in there everyday, for every breath, and I'm sure you're kids are gonna grow up and see how fucking strong and brave you are. Keep living, for all the love you have in your heart.
@Tcrunk365 Жыл бұрын
@@stormingjales ty very much. They are my life. I hope things get better for you. We gotta keep our heads up. Bless you
@stuartverus980 Жыл бұрын
I was 17 and I had a work colleague, a pretty 18 year old girl, that I had developed a friendship with. One Friday she asked me if I’d would go out for a drink. I have always, even then, had a thing about dating people I worked with - I won’t do it. So I said no. Turns out she’d caught her boyfriend in bed with her mother and she wanted someone to talk to. That night she took an overdose of paracetamol. She survived the initial overdose but had destroyed her liver etc and died after two weeks having regretted doing it. It’s 40 years later and I still tormented by how easy it would have been to have just gone for a drink and maybe made a difference.
@wearenotamused6455 Жыл бұрын
I lost my best friend 20 years ago this month and this song dropping yesterday brought back all the emotions I felt. I felt guilty for not being there when he decided to get drunk 3 days before his probation ended...guilty that I wasn't there when he stole the car while drunk and picked up two idiots... guilty that I wasn't there when he told my other friend that he was scared to be outside of jail because he knew he would end up killing himself by stupidity... guilty that I took our time together for granted and didn't tell him how much I needed him... guilty that I wasn't there to drive instead, and knowing he most likely wanted to crash and die at 120 mph because he was suicidal. I miss you Frank...
@LiannaBabeli Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing with us, my brother. I understand that guilt and shame and heartache and terror. I am a survivor of suicide, both as a victim and as a participant. I have lost 7 friends, family, to this choice. I have survived 30 years after and while I may not have those dark thoughts anymore, that confusion and hurt, I never forget the pain, the pain and darkness that led me to that choice, that seemingly impossible choice. It was compassion that saved my life and so I pay it forward by being compassionate with everyone. Much love and peace to you, brother.
@darkmoondrops Жыл бұрын
Finally, I get to see your live reaction. Ren got an interview with Rolling Stone, and they posted his entire Hi Ren video. Effing brilliant! Love you Rosalie. ❤
@austinenwistle7945 Жыл бұрын
I love Ren such a great soul so truthful his art comes from a dark place but brings light to the people who need it
@MsMegF 11 ай бұрын
I find it astounding that anyone would say Ren is advocating self harm! He was so affected by Joe’s loss that he advocates against it! Suppressing people like Ren makes people in need feel alone.
@peterveste6976 Жыл бұрын
thank you for reacting to this you are strong and have a beautiful soul sending big love from the UK, Ren is starting a movement of love ❤❤❤❤❤
@ThomDirect Жыл бұрын
I wrote this as i lost a loved one to suicide 6 years different This time I've learnt just how much darkness I can dive in and survive. Slowly suffocating under sedation, "Take this one, it'll help with the thoughts" Thoughts turn more sinister as I slowly get closer to the light I flick the switch. I will not go quietly and I will not go gently when you come to take me to you. I see where I lost you. Calming water soothe the broken bits of me. I hear your laugh, See your smile, Your beauty blinded me too what was hidden within you. So darling sit with me. Let us enjoy this time we have again. I searched for ways to be whole again and learnt rhis year it will never be. So I let you rest on me again. Pour the drinks, Light the cigars. Inhale the familiar scents, Hold onto the memories. Let my self hit the rocks at full force, They say griefs a waterfall well if that's true let's feel the spray of icey water on our faces. You search for the wings from when I was your angel, All you feel is scars from where they burnt off I will heal. I must endure more. So hold my hands, Feel the fear within me.
@MrNiccholas Жыл бұрын
Powerful. I envy people who can express their emotions and thoughts with beautiful words. I've always struggled to find words to describe what I'm feeling. Recently that has been much more difficult. I was in a car accident and suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury. Sometimes I can't put a full sentence together. I get frustrated and to paraphrase, The more Ridgid I become the harder it gets. But man, sometimes I just don't know how to relax.
@ThomDirect Жыл бұрын
@MrNiccholas sometimes all we need is something to shift the focus, and hope you get all the support you need. Thank you and it took me a lot of therapy and meds to finally be able to express feelings
@JuliaWhite-hw7ow Жыл бұрын
Years before I got the pleasure of stumbling onto Ren's music, I was taught to live on purpose by my oldest son. He's got duchenne muscular dystrophy, and eventually the muscles that control his heart and/or lungs will atrophy, and his life will end. He was given 25 years when he was diagnosed at age 5, and this year he will be 29. It's our hope that we gave him more years because we didn't let him become obese. But knowing he was going to have such a short life really brought my own life into focus, and how fleeting it was going to be. His legacy is teaching me to live on purpose, not to just go through the motions, but to put life into my life, so I'm not just surviving.
@joshuawiedenbeck6944 Жыл бұрын
There are so many double meanings written into this song. "Treading down tracks in the nighttime" means walking on train tracks at night when the train can't see you. If you choose to not move out of the way, it's over. It also means listening to and writing music late at night to deal with the pain. Then the line about looking down into tranquility. It means both tranquility for his friend, knowing his struggle is over. But it also means that seeing the water and how peaceful it looked was alluring to Ren and tempted him to follow. The whole song is a masterpiece.
@mej6519 Жыл бұрын
i havent lost anyone to suicide, but i lost someone close to me to drink, she drank her self into an early grave, we put her through rehab 3 times but she treated it like a summer vacation. i came to realise that no matter that what we tried to do for her it wouldnt have helped and that it was her way out. sometimes all the help in the world isnt enough and its a very difficult pill to swallow.
@Vmcf1968 Жыл бұрын
your light is so bright. ty for being such a beautiful human being
@juliethorne8050 Жыл бұрын
Oh Rosa, bless your heart. I knew you'd do this piece justice. I honestly wasn't ready for it and I should've been knowing Ren's work as I do! But man, this one... Phew. Everything, from the lyrics to the animation to Ren's tears. It was simply sublime and hit me on an almost cellular level. And yes, we have to talk about it; death, however it comes, is part of life, and understanding how we might react to death means taking notice of what's going on around us in life. Not only us but our beloved friends and family, our neighbours... If we have a shop we put a bowl of water outside for Dogs in the summer, we ask that elderly person if they need help with their groceries - we need to remember who we are, and not shy away from the goodness that I believe is inherent in most people. Always tell those you love that you love them when you say goodbye or hang up the phone... Be nosy, ask about someone's day and listen to them tell you about it in all its glory, triumphant or troubled. It matters, it's important. You matter, you're important. Ren matters, he's important. Much love and thank you for the reaction, beautiful and erudite as always.
@tinadunbar4577 Жыл бұрын
We all cried last night. This song shows that suicide is devastating even years and years later. I'm sure Joe wishes he was still here. RIP Joe ❤ Forgive yourself Ren man, I know its hard to not blame yourself. xx RIP my brother Mike.
@davidricks7128 Жыл бұрын
First time i watched Hi Ren i had a panic attack I have PTSD and many other mental and physical health issues but thought i needed to watch it again so i watched someone reacting to it that was the best thing i could do i have watched many times since. One thing i think about the Hi Ren and SUICIDE songs is it needs to be seen by every one even in schools, because how many children kill themselves because of the negativity towards them from nasty comments and bullying to them believing what is said. I went through hell, bullied all through school to the point i attempted suicide twice, if there was something in place for children at that time and even now how many Suicides could have been prevented. Both these songs open up conversations helping others to talk about what they are feeling. As for Ads on video's these songs are perfect for Ads on mental health awareness and help lines for those who need them
@aimeekeel Жыл бұрын
I love your reactions. This one is so tough, but also so important to put out there. I love that Ren is sharing his experiences, and opening up dialogue. That is so important to so many people.
@andrewprice9820 Жыл бұрын
So there is a strong determination that I always pick out of ren's beats, it's a solid feeling of determination and intent that I get which to me is uplifting.
@Weeem Жыл бұрын
One of the most difficult things I found about losing the person closest to me was that, the only person I wanted to talk to about it and to hold, was her. People were lovely and tried to be supportive, but she was the one that my heart reached for. It's been 2 1/2yrs and I still think of her every day. Some days are worse as her illness was exceptionally cruel for such a long time. It was so unfair. I don't think that'll ever stop thinking of her until I close my eyes for the last time in this world and open them in the next. Maybe I'll see here again. I hope so
@kriscooper7687 Жыл бұрын
"never really felt like the right time" ... but then, they find the time - whoever they are. For me it was my best inpatient friend. We made a deal, a pact. She carried through one day early, called me to apologize. Too late. This really cut deep. Ren is speaking for so many of us. A light goes out on the other side - that place where you may as well be d*ad. The other side of "this".... being in that place of wanting to leave but not having the guts, not finding that time.... and then someone else "beats" you to it... drops over the edge, falling away and you wish you were with them. But you're not. And you miss them but you miss yourself and it's too late because you're... nowhere. 30 years later and I'm with you, Ren. More than you will ever know.
@jamestorrance4664 Жыл бұрын
Just love your interpretation and understanding of this hugely talented person ❤️ 👌
@KEATSO433 Жыл бұрын
I suffer from combat ptsd and this really hits home also losing buddies to there demons makes it hard day to day sometimes big thanks to ren for highlighting mental health
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your service. I’m sorry to hear you’re hurting. I agree. Highlighting these things is necessary. You are not alone.
@AndrewinAus Жыл бұрын
Rosalie, I think that all of your subscribers have been waiting for you to listen to and see Ren's latest work since it dropped. It hits hard as I saw with you as well. Once again Ren has created something masterful. So many of Ren's songs have lyrics that will stay with me for a long time. Some of them will stay forever. In the case "one movement to expose our fragility". Having been where Ren's mate Joe was at times over many years, the one thing that has influenced me significantly is the knowledge of the hole my absence would leave in the lives of those that care. Keep up the wonderful, great and genuine content my friend.
@spomenkachekerevatz4848 Жыл бұрын
I am sooo glad you are still here Rosalie, you're a bright light in the night sky 🌟
@loutsont2985 10 ай бұрын
Hi Rosalie, thank you for your heart to heart reaction. It is true that ostriching, flooding and faking do not make it go away. Only suicide, or the courage to start again with nothing but the love you dared ask for. In Afrika somewhere they have a greeting: "I see you walking".
@cathryntruebloood3913 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for reacting to this, for sharing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on such a difficult and intensely important subject.
@horizonblack Жыл бұрын
I have lived through hell. I had two choices - die, or go numb. I went numb. It is good for me to see you cry. I can't cry, but I feel a release when others do. Thanks.
@nightsky992 Жыл бұрын
I think it's really interesting that the music is so upbeat and the topic and lyrics so grave. Ren described the friend this song is about as "the funny guy" of the friendgroup. I feel that this plays into that or represents the happiness that he had portrayed while fighting these unknown battles on the inside...
@slamduncproductions3198 Жыл бұрын
Not related to the song at all, but today I learned that I’m from the same town as Ren because you put the Welsh flag in the thumbnail. Seriously just blew my mind. In a darker note I now have also just realized that I know which bridge he's talking about and I think I know who his friend is that died. That just made this song a whole lot more real.
@5siggi Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your break down of the song, your connection to people, your connection to Ren and sharing it with us with such wisdom, empathy and love! Ren wrote in one of his community posts that a family friend told him "Suicide does eliminate the possibility that things will get worse, but it also eliminates all possibility that things could ever get better." He said that has really stuck with him. I know from my experience, living in chronic pain since 2009 it's crossed my mind many times. It's not that I want to die but I don't want to live in pain. I've come to terms that my life is a gift and I'm grateful for it. I'm sorry that Ren's friend Joe didn't see his gift. RIP Joe
@Peter_Cetera Жыл бұрын
Excellent reaction - Ren is a GENIUS. At the end my heart stood still for a moment... Can´t imagine how it feels to loose a good friend or a family member by suicide.
@RiceyBhoy89 Жыл бұрын
Sick boi healing us all 💪🏻💚 Pain can become power,depression can be a blessing in disguise. Lyrics from another artist I love Fred again- “Sometimes I wanna feel the pain”. All these emotions from highest of highs to deepest of despair..they are part of life and all lessons,some we learn some we fail to learn. I hate blabbing on but yup we learn every single day and that pain can only make us stronger if we allow ourselves to grow and learn from it. Ren got big love in his art and his close Friend is poured this beautiful track through him…it comes from a place of pain but it’s beautiful all the same ❤️‍🩹 Music is about connecting on many levels and Ren just unlocking all corners. Sick boi? He’s out sick brother 💚💪🏻
@pudermcgavin4462 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe this man! He is amazing and tech and so brining it to the front!
@c.w_ Жыл бұрын
Ren’s courage to talk about the taboo gives hope for those contemplating suic*de or have lost loved ones to the pain to understand that we all lose something of ourselves when someone passes away.
@Quizzy0000 Жыл бұрын
funny to hear you say upbeat its true but im still in tears from last reaction i heard to this and yea the ending is heartbreaking. ren is a master of lyrics and emotion. he went trough so much, im happy he can teach and share the kind of pain trough music.
@stormingjales Жыл бұрын
I needed this right now. Thank you.
@VincentOReilly-ts4jl Жыл бұрын
Ren Illuminates the landscape of despair that casts permanent shadows over the victims both living and dead
@showbizz556 9 ай бұрын
I've had 2 failed suicide attemps and after years of therapy and medication I'm now at the stage of passive suicidal ideation. I no longer particularly want to die but im perfectly fine with it happening and I've accepted that this is the best im going to get and im content with it. The good thing about it is that I can be so candid about it and talk about it openly and without shame. I've had 2 friends in that position that I've been able to talk off the ledge, so to speak, and that alone makes me happy that i failed in my attempts. Everything ive been through has sucked but if i can use it to help other people then it makes it worth it for me and it makes it easier to live through.
@rosalieelliottofficial 9 ай бұрын
I think helping others in the midst of this is a great way to make use of your time and story and suffering. I’m proud of you and really glad you’re still here and honored me with a moment of your precious time to share this
@technologysheep9229 7 ай бұрын
hey i am watching from germany. im so glad i found you (and Ren)... you gave me a bit more time
@MariaSookias Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this reaction. Handled with such sensitivity, humanity, and wisdom. I hope you are taking care of yourself too. Self-love soooo important.
@ffximasterroshi Жыл бұрын
I am one of those people who have closed the door to allowing myself to be happy or loved. I recently turned 42 and couldn't even read any of the birthday wishes, because it feels like if I allow myself to feel happy or loved, then I will be punished for feeling something I don't deserve. I've survived my attempts, which all happened between '93-'94. I have been so numb, for so long, that I don't want to die or live anymore... Instead I just don't care if I live or die. I will simply live until my purpose is complete and I can be released from this prison.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
I am sorry you’re hurting :( life is not quite full in my opinion when we can’t feel. We miss so much. I hope you can heal and find peace and slow yourself to love again. It’s terrifying but you are worthy of it
@chrissymoskal6414 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for reacting to this, this topic is so important. On august 2nd, 2020. My 28th bday was little sister took her life she was 25… my dad found her in the barn at her house. She was supposed to come to my bday party but said she didn’t feel good. At 4:30 my dad called my mom and that’s when we found out what she did. That day part of me died. Me and her were best friends, we were both adopted from different families as babies so we were very close. She was struggling, her heart was broken, we tried so hard to help her. God we tried. I didn’t think she would actually do something like that though. Nothing has been the same and it never will be. This song hits me so hard.
@BlackWolf-uk2yb Жыл бұрын
Im pretty new to Ren. I read the 'a Light goes out on the other side' to be a reference to somebody losing losing Hope (represented by the Light 'side' of the pendulum he mentions in Hi Ren). Thank you for this lovely reaction. PS Aha did a similar style of Animated Video many years ago (Take on Me)
@danielleahazelton2794 Жыл бұрын
I love you what a beautiful reaction thank you from the bottom of my heart
@Para-tc5uv 8 ай бұрын
The ending of the song greatly displays the rocking back and forth the thoughts and the build up of emotions that cresendo into 3 things blankness and denial, sleeping through it, fighting. Please fight agaisnt it, or sleep through it and try fight agaisnt it the next night. It took many nights and lots of fighting for me to return to the brother, friend, son my loved ones know. I was fighting with it from the age of 13, when you find a way to manage it, it helps, dont do it alone, people do care for you and will help. It will return periodically, but youve been through it before so you can fight it again, and that time it will be shorter but not easier just shorter. Im now 17 got my 18th in a couple months and im so happy through those nights i fought it. Just as a reminder fighting can be as simple as living one more day. Everyone is a soldier against thier inner thoughts. Gaurd the good ones and battle the ones that wish you harm. The hardest part of this is disherning them. Please stay around for one more day.
@iczero1224 Жыл бұрын
Damn you set me off at the end, and I was trying so hard not to go this time, love the reaction ❤
@TinkerersMind Жыл бұрын
Love, Respect and strength through adversely......
@Sniper-steve Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said Rosalie I’ve been and still go through this as I’ve lost friends to suicide mainly ptsd from are time at war all very close to each other and still wonder what if , I had talked , got there faster , just never left them alone but the wonder will also kill you I try to just remember them as the brothers they were to me 😂
@bboollll 8 ай бұрын
ive lost loved ones over the years, and i finally made the call myself to try and find help too.
@karlborgfeldt Жыл бұрын
When I was younger I contemplated ending things. I'm glad I didn't. My cousin attempted to end things years ago. She is in a better place now and she is like a little sister to me. It would have wrecked me and many family members. I've said it many times to my friends and family that my door is always open. A coffee or beer at hand. Chat about shit or get real! I'm from New Zealand by the way. If I'm feeling overwhelmed, sad, down or depressed I go to nature and I feel recharged spending time in a forest or National Park. Love❤
@SurelyLocksHolme Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this Rosalie 🥺🥹💙. Was a beautiful journey to go down with you 🌅🏞️🌄. I was looking forward to seeing you react to this and it was definitely impactful and appreciated ☺️. Ayo❣️💟☮️
@PeteAxeShields Жыл бұрын
This song manages to encompass the whole gamut of emotions I feel about the subject matter. Ren employs his incredible talents so sensitively and in such a sincere, emotional way that every ounce of pain he is feeling is shared with me as a listener. I have been through the same torture three times. Mark Hunter ( R.I.P ), Paul " Podge " Prichard ( R.I.P ) and Paul ( Newbs ) Newbury ( R.I.P ) were all my dearest friends who decided to end their lives by their own hands. Mark was first, back in the late 1980's. He was my best friend and the loveliest, most gentle, caring soul I knew, who dedicated much of his time helping other people in need. " Rabbit " was the nickname he always called me ( it's a long story but generally it is after Peter Rabbit of Beatrix Potter fame ) In the days before mobile phones, Mark would often leave messages on my telephone answering machine. They always began with " Hey Rabbit ..... " but one Thursday, I got a message from him in which he said ; " Pete it's Mark, phone me back when you can brother. I need to talk " I am a self employed Portrait Artist / Caricaturist / Cartoonist and I was having a busy period of commissions so I didn't get straight back to him. It was only two days later that I realised the magnitude of the situation. I called at my parents house on the Saturday and I was chatting with my Dad in his garden when a friend of ours said " So sorry to hear the awful news about Mark Hunter Pete " I asked what he meant, what had happened ? and he said " Oh dear, I thought you must know, Mark took his own life yesterday " - If someone had smashed me over the head with a 14lb hammer, it couldn't have felt any more painful. My mind went straight back to the answer machine and the oddity of Mark's serious tone. The guilt I felt at not immediately phoning Mark back haunted me for a very long time. The many years ( and lots of psychological help from wonderful, professional people ) eventually assisted the healing process but I still miss Mark as much as ever. I keep his photo in a frame and talk to him most days, hoping he can hear me. His death somehow left me kind of numb and more able to cope with the two following suicide experiences of Podge and Newbs, although I miss them both terribly too. I cherish their memories and feel blessed to have had them all in my life ( Podge was the sound engineer for one of our band's and Newbs was our drummer for more than 20 years ). Thank you Rosalie for your tenderness in addressing this subject matter and for your reaction to Ren's amazing song. You are another natural healer. Humanity, care and compassion shines from you . God Bless 🙏 x
@reallifetells4654 Жыл бұрын
Uk and I love this song so much
@whoswasp Жыл бұрын
You were talking about the importance of talking about death, and it reminded me of my dad and a conversation we had a while back. My dad is a geriatrician doctor he told me about the importance of talking about death because it will come, and when it does, we gotta be prepared for it, and those around us should know what we want so they can respect us and our wishes. He talks about death very commonly and openly, since being a geriatrician puts him in various situations when he has to talk to the family of his patients about it. He told me that we need to talk about death because those close to us have to know how we feel about things. Do i wanna be buried? do I wanna donate my organs? Do i want to live in a vegetative state? Would i agree to multiple procedures to keep me alive even if that meant breathing with the help of machines, not being able to walk, talk, eat? He said something that hit very hard for me that was "there's an extent of what you can do to prolong life, and when you go beyond that, you're not prolonging life anymore, you're prolonging death". He meant that sometimes we, as humans, tend to do anything to keep someone alive, but would that person like to be living like that? And we'll only learn about that when we talk to those around us. How would you like to go? What would you wish for you if you were in that situation? These things have to be talked about during life when you have a clear mind, an hability to process your feeling and your boundaries and make your own decisions, and then you'll be respected at your moment to go. So yeah, we need to get rid of that stigma that we don't talk about death. We need to prepare ourselves for when those we love go, and also for when our time comes. Dying is the most natural thing about living, and we need to face it as such. I loved your reaction! Thank you for this video!
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
well said and fantastic questions to ask. Thank you for sharing this :)
@whoswasp Жыл бұрын
@@rosalieelliottofficial If you'd like to read a bit more on that, i recommend a GREAT book called "death is a day worth living". Real deep and important!
Rens song always for me tells a story.. but he's realness you feal this .. for me Hi Ren was my first experience and resonated straight away.. I've been on this journey since and I'm more n more Impressed with every song/ story well late to this talent n only a month in 💜💜💜🔥🔥🔥🤮🎶✌️👊😘
@woodywoodman2319 Жыл бұрын
Love it... at 8:03 you Smile like a proud Sister!!!
@tracyannpardue1530 11 ай бұрын
8 months ago our nephew was murdered at a fair in Arcadia FL. Yesterday we found out his Father committed suicide. Found Alone by a Railroad track. We all tried to help in every way we could. I think he just couldn't take the murder of his son. If you think you may need help get help. Have mercy on yourself and the ppl who love you.
@gvirk Жыл бұрын
The AI generated video seems to be a subtle reference to Linkin Park’s recent videos (especially “Lost” and “Fighting Myself”), who’s lead singer Chester Bennington also passed away by suicide back in 2017. Not sure if it was done on purpose, but interesting nonetheless.
@bartonbagnes4605 Жыл бұрын
A powerful and important message. Sad when people die young.
@biggiescoops046 Жыл бұрын
Never felt this emotion listening to a song since "how could you leave us"
@puppenbuhnebauchkribbeln1183 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction - thank you 🙏🏼 Totaly agree your thought about death - it's part of our life, exactly as birth...and the gift of life - there is one what makes it so precious... We all have only one life - that's why it's worth the same for every living thing, no matter how big or small. It's hard - but I try to make peace with death and also life, after the wonder of my birth 🥹
@gregoryjasongranado5248 Жыл бұрын
Watching from Washington State but I'm born n raised New Mexican!!!
@djgriffin66 Жыл бұрын
I hope Ren see's your reaction
@kerimccabe2931 Жыл бұрын
I think he always enjoys Rosalie’s reaction ❤
@michaelroberts3898 Жыл бұрын
There’s so much here. I just want to say that I have been low enough to give up. My wife and children were my way back up. The generational pain of suicide is a real thing. Children who lost a parent this way are more likely to do it or attempt it. I couldn’t imagine the pain I would give them. So I asked for help. The help I received and the support of my wife and just giving love to my little children saved me. I had been so focused on feeling the pain of my mother’s death when I was 19. It was very sudden. I had been overwhelmed by that and I needed to focus on the feelings of being loved by my wife and children and giving love to them. The joy of that love pulled me back into this world instead of feeling like it was time to let go. I hope that whoever reads this has someone or even just some thing or idea that keeps them hooked in and grounded to this world. Don’t ever let go. Hold on to your life with everything you have. You are needed here. You are one of one. We lose something unique if we lose you. Keep yourself alive. We need you
@user-jn3rn6rv2j Жыл бұрын
40 year old ..I am ready!!! I don't feel like I belong here. JUST KNOW SOME PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE. Thank you Ren and Rosalie but some people just want out,
@johnkuwik2477 Жыл бұрын
Hardest part about it is nobody else experiences or feels what you do. Nobody see the world as each individual does. Nobody hears that voice in our heads except us.... I used to think that if anyone knew how badly im suffering, theyd understand this is the only answer and wouldnt be sad im gone.... I still dont see a point to life anymore but I'm also 30+ years of just intense lonliness and betrayal by everyone ive ever cared about... Not just a single moment thats too hard to deal with... And i know not many, if anyone will miss me. I know that those in which I do know, will use it only to their advantage. They dont care. They'll use my loss for their own egotistical sympathy..... Truth is, I dont have to guts to do it. Id rather go hiking and sit on top of a mountain away from all humanity and just enjoy nature in peace. At least in those moments, life is transparent, its real, its true. Out there nothing cares about you. You know this, its obvious. Youre not lied to by fake smiles and hugs. No bullshit on why they forgot your bday or blew you off on something so important to you... Thats the beauty of it. Just raw truth of what life is and not the facade people are. Humans can be so loving and caring but truth is, no matter how badly somone wants to help, if youre at that point, I can tell you, nothing can help. Just nothing.... But that's me
@briansgamesandanime Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honest reaction to Ren. I've had thoughts of ending my life but the thought of burdening my friends and family is just too much. I already feel like an obligation to them now.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
Glad you’re here. I believe you are NOT a burden. Remember your worth
@DisturbedInOhio Жыл бұрын
Your opening dialog made me want to see your reaction to King Iso ~ Edicius . Suicide spelled backward. It's definitely worth a listen
@nate2838 Жыл бұрын
Something that you might do, could be a reaction revisited video where you expand and elaborate on the reaction video as things hit you later. Whatever format makes sense to you. I could even be you watching your reaction video and elaborating with with came to you later. Thank you so much for doing this reaction.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
that's a neat idea!! thank you :)
@nate2838 Жыл бұрын
@@rosalieelliottofficial As you mentioned, there are SO many elements going on simultaneously in some videos, that you can't give appropriate attention to everything, and some video's will have an element that you want to be able to focus on and react to.. This format seems like it would help with those situations.
@tiggerlicious Жыл бұрын
Maybe we wouldnt all be so scared if we could talk about it more! I lost my brother seven years ago. God took him home 😭
@jimmyhughes5392 Жыл бұрын
the victims of suicide are the ones left behind, it's what kept me going and Ren has helped affirm it.
@darknessB4dawn Жыл бұрын
Personal Opinion: Part of the reason this hook needed to be so 'catchy' was so that it would catch. So that people would get use to the word, allowing it to be something that is more easily talked about. This art work brings up a subject in a way that allows people to feel while also being able to openly talk about it. It is very Beautifully Brilliant
@dhaddine5472 Жыл бұрын
Repeating it over and over to eliminate the stigma. Burying it doesn’t help anyone.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
Well said. Very good point!!
@AprilJMoon Жыл бұрын
I got past the hurdles of "Su!clde", but my 'get up and go has got up and gone'. I am societally dead. I only leave my home to get food once a week. The British mental health care is almost non-existent, and the bit they have is pathetic. Multiple times I managed to get past the pill pusher and see a 'mental health nurse'. 6 months for the appointment and then they just dance around asking if you are su!cldal. If I hadn't removed myself from society I would have been feeding worms for months before the appointments. We NEED Ren
@kelvinbryan9582 Жыл бұрын
I am alone because of my alcohol addiction and rens hi ren song help me and I do think about suicide a lot. U and ren are brilliant I lost my mates through suicide and want to join them
@Tessimistic420 Жыл бұрын
14:00 flooding of emotion starts here
@teslacoil3286 Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait 🙏
@leslieloveless Жыл бұрын
When you go to back up that part and you realize it's the most replayed part of the video 😢
@mistyrave7821 10 ай бұрын
Idk how to explain all the emotional distress that I can relate to. I also know that I am 1 in a BILLION lives that matter so chances are that I won't even be noticed and even if I am, I am not sure how to react to any response. I truly feel happiness in others who get through this, but as someone suffering from OCD PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder, hmm... and so much more I just do not know where to start. I do not have a desire to be PHENOMENAL, neither do I think I could leave any good memories, BUT! .. I do want to see others achieve what I cannot. My actual name means HOPE and that is a tough Title to live by on a daily basis knowing now what I never knew before, regarding all my "mental illnesses" The more I know the more it seems to grow. Get out and make friends they say, but having Social Anxiety Disorder scares me more and the more I try my hardest there IS NO ESCAPE. I was born above average IQ so this message is not about me. It is about Trinity, Hope, Love and every feeling we as people share. I am SO proud to see more and more love showing... As well as support a keyboard and a click could give to others (even though I hate technology) I feel all things are meant to be for a reason, so I support the new way of life (I guess). For that I am proud. I am not suicidal (not anymore, for years now) I just want to thank communities like these who support, feel and see others. It surely is emotional, but in a good way sometimes. Thank you for sharing in depth emotions and also realizing the importance.
@RefnRes Жыл бұрын
On him saying about seeing the world in Fibonacci sequences and double dutch. I'm from the UK where Double Dutch is usually more used to say something is nonsense or confusing. So my interpretation is that he could look back and see how all the signs add up but even when you know the order it is hard to make sense of things that have happened.
@lofton921 Жыл бұрын
Yea this one is a gut punch. Lost a high school friend last month from suicide.😢
@Mrmuppet32 Жыл бұрын
Poking, picking, cutting… thoughts like fibonacci & double dutch. Reminds me of the tendency to overthink when I spiral. I also find it hard to speak with people about various issues as I find people are bored by my existential thoughts which are a combination of creativity and trauma, it creates an odd sense of superiority which is a relationship killer. And allows for a self fulfilling prophecy which reinforces the spiral.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
Very interesting comment. Have you heard of the enneagram & ever taken the test? May find some helpful tools to understand yourself and others and to find growth :)
@Mrmuppet32 Жыл бұрын
@@rosalieelliottofficialI’ll check it out thx!
@kjcile8334 Жыл бұрын
I lost my son to suicide. One thing I can say is that I'm so happy I wasn't the one who found him. I don't think I could come back from that. I think of parents who has found their child in the most horrible ways. I cry for them I cry for me. I cry sometimes just because you never lose that feeling of WHY? What could I do. He was changing his life. He had just come back from Idaho to get away from things then a stupid neighbor at my apartments who thought he was some kind of apt. cop. He called the police on Nate when he was coming into my apartment. He had a warrant that was 61/2 yrs old. Off paper at 7. Within 6 1/2 hrs. He was able to do it in jail. My daughter overdosed. I've lost a family member in June starting in 2014. Including 2 pets.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
I am so very sorry for your loss :(
@hansmolders1066 Жыл бұрын
And of course the algorithm will take his video down! So, we have to spread this as fast as possible.
@DavidLindes Жыл бұрын
16:44 - Caitlin Doughty (of the "Ask A Mortician" KZbin channel) would approve of this message. :)
@Nimmermore 5 ай бұрын
Ich bin diesen Weg gegangen und wurde gerettet. Im Nachhinhein wurde mir klar, was ich denen die zurüchbleiben antue. Und ich hätte meine wunderbare Frau nicht kennengelernt. Dennoch, ist es immer eine Tür die einen Spalt offen steht. Und daran muss man, muss ich denken. Und aufpassen. Auch bei anderen. Ich schätze deine Einschätzungen sehr, wenn ich bis dato erst zwei gesehen habe, beide über Ren, der ein poetisches Genie ist. Ich danke dir für deine Videos. Du bist nahbar und da.
@rosalieelliottofficial 5 ай бұрын
Bin sehr froh, dass du da bist. Keep choosing life. Die Welt braucht jemand wie dich. Und danke dir für dein liebes Kommentar!! Tut echt gut zu hören. Bzw lesen in diesem Fall :)
@Nimmermore 5 ай бұрын
@@rosalieelliottofficial ❤
@Sparks127 Жыл бұрын
Saw it within an hour of release last night. Had to step away from reactions or hearing this again. Waited for yours having lost people to suicide and natural death. Still processing, but the feeling here is "survivor guilt"
@DennyViereck-b2i 7 ай бұрын
It is not a.i. 6549 years ago. I called her i.a. my intelligent assistant. You'll remember everything eventually. No worries
@AdvancedArtistTraining Жыл бұрын
Rosalie, I've got a draft of a book that touches on so much of what you and Ren spoke about in your interview. Would be honored if you gave it a read to get your take on it. Hopefully being published in about a month. Working title: "True Love and Art". If you like Robert Henri's The Art Spirit, then it's coming from that same place.
@rosalieelliottofficial Жыл бұрын
Would love to read it. Let me know when it’s available and where I can find it. If I don’t see your comment, feel free to email the info :)
@AdvancedArtistTraining Жыл бұрын
@@rosalieelliottofficial Amazing, thank you - I'll be in touch :)
@stranger2Utube Жыл бұрын
Oh Rosalie 🫂❤
@roningaming9756 8 ай бұрын
I don't want to go to deep into it but I'm a late teen now and have tried to kill myself with actual attempts 5 times and thought about ending thing countless more. I repressed my issues for years and then over the last year have had several mental breakdowns that have put me on the road to recovery.
@rosalieelliottofficial 8 ай бұрын
I am very glad you are on the road to recovery. Keep breaking the habit. Keep choosing life!! You are so loved and needed and the space you fill is beyond precious. Thank you for sharing your time and story with us.
@lilyhempt1144 Жыл бұрын
@cree878 Жыл бұрын
Take it a day at a time folks n reach out to someone for help 😢 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@zfgdun Жыл бұрын
Tell me more about Death anxiety
@ETrevizu Жыл бұрын
Hi Rosalie. I see your psychology symbol on the wall, I see “therapist”, in the line on your page, u talked about Yalom who is a psychiatrist, classic group therapy author who is an existentialist and I want to know if u are a psychologist like me or a therapist like an MFT, or other mental health clinician?
@sabrinaevans8746 Жыл бұрын
Both my sons committed suicide. I think this songs is a take on how I felt when they left me
@pirada74 Жыл бұрын
@johnarndt1501 Жыл бұрын
If you get time react to 'for joe' similar song but ohhhh so different and beautiful
REN Su!cIde Reaction - WOW!
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