1:02:40 I think "Eyeba11" is a L337 spelling of "Eyeball"
@nikolavrbanic647Күн бұрын
And to answer the ending question, for events like this more content sooner while it is still fresh, for other content like puzzles the better graphics seem like a better choice
@craftyrafКүн бұрын
Great video! I don't have a preference about more/less graphics, but I can imagine that newer players will prefer more graphics to understand a bit better what you are talking about.
@ludmilaenglish7207Күн бұрын
Conratulations !🙂
@yzemazeКүн бұрын
32:01 … at least 2 (not 3) - if you’re blocked with a dagger or crossroad to necessitate exactly the same tile. ;-) 43:22 There are not just 4 doritos but also 2 splitters left, so it’s not that unlikely for him to draw 3 of those. But given there are only 7 possible attacking and 5 big tiles available I really like your choice here. Key takeaway: Always assess the situation and specific tile distribution before making any "auto-move". 55:42 I had started watching your game a few moves earlier (my 2nd game was quite fast) and here I almost screamed at my monitor. ;-) I think this dorito move from Helge was his downfall. At this point he was still 5 points ahead and here he all but set you up for an easy 9 point move with 2 out of 9 tiles - whereas it would just be 3 point move for him with just 1 tile (as he desperately needed the starting tile elsewhere). Even though it has other downsides I would’ve liked the dorito with city side pointed to the ruin on its right. Yep, there’d be still a chance for your crawling approach, but you’d needed to draw all 3 tiles. Additionally if you can’t connect the 2 ruins on the left side it leaves a hail-mary (flipping for the last horse to attack ruin) which may or may not be necessary given your field on the right could still expand. I deemed it more likely that red could need it …
@AlexeysCarcassonneChannelКүн бұрын
Agreed about the dorito. I was happy to see the move during the game because it locks in that 9-point field opportunity. I chose not to mention it in the video to keep the focus on my moves as opposed to my opponents'. But it's interesting how creating that invasion/crawling threat earlier yielded the additional value of inducing a mistake from Red.
@yzemazeКүн бұрын
2:08:47 I almost didn’t catch it (on 2x), but you really did meeple a 3p road instead of the 4p one. What. A. Blunder! ;-) This move alone should’ve been punished with a 2nd loss. :-P ;-)
@AlexeysCarcassonneChannelКүн бұрын
Ouch! Neither did I see it during the video recording or editing stage. Welp, we have our first blunder of the series, but not the last!
@eliasmochanКүн бұрын
34:47 how about the ukranian technique controlling 3 monasteries with one city? I know your city can't grow much, being just a cap, but if Helge doesn't want to help your city you're up 2 meeples, which maybe makes up for the big score difference of the battle against the monasteries.
@eliasmochanКүн бұрын
35:58 ... ok, you can wait for the "better tile" ¬¬
@eliasmochanКүн бұрын
although I was thinking one spot to the left, so that the spot corresponding to the three monasteries now adds to your city
@AlexeysCarcassonneChannel22 сағат бұрын
I picked the central square so that Red cannot relieve pressure from two monasteries with just one move.
@yzemazeКүн бұрын
It’s not about nice graphics - it’s about your insights. Therefore, I really don’t mind the streaming approach for (these or other) videos.
@nikolavrbanic647Күн бұрын
1:42:50 Would blocking your own farmer to make sure you get the 9 (potentialy 12 later) points while not having to contest for the farm ever be a good move?
@AlexeysCarcassonneChannelКүн бұрын
In some situations, absolutely! In that particular situation I figured a self-block would be a bit too committal. I first want to see my opponent drop a second farmer and only then attempt the self-block to save my little 9-point farmer from being eaten up. Check out this puzzle video from three years ago where this pattern works out like a charm for the little guy! kzbin.info/www/bejne/iKvcpZuDfZKMgs0&ab_channel=Alexey%27sCarcassonneChannel
@eliasmochanКүн бұрын
I still not get why meeple a small field instead of a big field in game 4. The big field is worth the same but has a lot for potential growth. You could also add points to your monastery by closing the city caps. The small field obviously creates a big field on the outside worth AT LEAST as much as the small field. In the end, the point difference is the difference in the sizes of those 2 fields.
@AlexeysCarcassonneChannel22 сағат бұрын
I don't have full confidence in any move in this position. I thought of meepling the field on the outside but didn't find a good square to do so without giving back too much to Yellow. With the move in the game, if my opponent occupies the main field, I can still fight for it with another meeple, whereas the inside field can become an imboxed field of 18 points for the price of one meeple with just one more splitter tile. In the end, I did lose by those three points but not without Yellow investing a second meeple to support his main guy. With me taking the outer field, surely Yellow manages to equalize the twelve-pointer or even eat up my meeple entirely with 2:1. But then of course the entire game would have been different.
@aaronirniger8751Күн бұрын
43:05 3 out of 4 dorito = 50% chance of them getting it? This is not correct. check your math😬 it is 31.25% (not including the turn order) (Maybe with the splitters you forgot to calculate it corrects your mistake😅) to get at least 3 out of 6 tiles is about 65% But maybe your move was still superior. There are a lot of city caps left.
@AlexeysCarcassonneChannelКүн бұрын
Thanks for the correction, I mixed up 3/4 with 2/3. Indeed, even if splitters are included, there are many more cap+cap combos than dorito+dorito combos.