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Zero conditional
Qachonki birinchi holat yuz bersa, ikkinchi holat geografik, ilmu-fan, lingvistik, fizik, tibbiyot va boshqalar jihatidan yuz berishi aniq fakt bo’lsa, ushbu gap zero conditional yordamida tuziladi. Bir so’z bilan aytganda, mutloq faktlar va haqiqatlarni birini ikkinchisiga bog’lab ifodalasak, zero conditional ishlatiladi.
If + present simple, present simple
If + subject + verb(s/es), subject + verb(s/es)
Subject + verb(s/es) if + subject + verb(s/es)
Agar suv 100 gradusda qizdirilsa, u qaynaydi.
If water is heated at 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
Ushbu gap fakt va ilmiy haqiqatga ega va shuning uchun bu ma’nodagi gaplar zero conditionalda tuziladi.
Zero conditional uchun ko’proq misollar:
If one drinks too much alcohol, s/he loses control.
If the temperature is zero, water freezes.
If you add 2 to 2, you get 4. right?
If you speak English, you have a chance to get a well-paid job.
Everyone gets tired if they work too much.
If you throw wood into water, it doesn’t sink.
First conditional
qachonki faktlar emas balki o’zimizning oddiy hayotimizdan kelib chiqqan holda agar ma’lum bir ish-harakat hozirda sodir bo’lsa, kelajakda boshqa bir ish-harakatning sodir bo’lishiga sababchi bo’lishi yoki ta’sir qilishi ifodalansa first conditional ishlatiladi.
Masalan, agar qattiq tayyorlansang, imtihondan o’tasan yoki agar ishni o’z vaqtida tugatsang, senga ikki baravar to’layman kabi holatlar ya’ni bugungi ish ertaga nima vaziyatga olib kelashini ifodalamoqchi bo’lsak, bizga first conditional kerak bo’ladi.
If + present simple, future simple ya’ni:
If + subject + verb (s/es), subject + will/shall(/can/may) + verb1
Subject + will/shall(/can/may) + verb1 + if + subject + verb (s/es)
agar qattiq tayyorlansang, imtihondan o’tasan/o’taolasan
if you prepare hard enough, you will/can pass the examination.
agar ertaga yomg’ir yog’masa, football o’ynaymiz/o’ynashimiz mumkin.
if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will/may play football.
if qatnashgan qismda ‘will’ modal fe’li ishlatilmaydi.
First conditional uchun ko’proq misollar:
If we are late for the lesson, the teacher won’t let us come in.
If you don’t go there tomorrow, I won’t go either.
We’ll have the party in the garden if the weather is good.
If you follow my instructions, soon you will start writing a good essay.
What will you do if you don’t get a job?
If you enter university, I will gift you an expensive car.
If you finish your homework by 4 pm, I’ll you to the zoo.
Will you continue to teach if the quarantine does not end soon?
We’ll call you if you leave your full name and phone number.
Second conditional
Second conditional first conditional ga o’xshash bo’ladi ya’ni ikkalasi ham hozirgi zamondagi holat kelajakka qanday ta’sir qilishini ko’rsatadi.
Unda farq qanday?
Farq shundaki, first conditional haqiqiy (real) holatlarni ifodalashda ishlatilsa, second conditional nohaqiqiy (unreal) gaplarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi.
First conditional - agar qattiq dars qilsang, o’qishga kirasan - real holat
Second conditional - agar menda bir million dollar bo’lganida, bu binoni sotib olardim - unreal holat
Second conditional - hozirgi nohaqiqiy holatlarni tasvirlovchi Grammatik strukturaning formulasi quyidagicha:
If + Subject + verb2/-ed, Subject + would (could/might) + verb1
Agar menda bir million dollar bo’lganida, bu binoni sotib olardim
If I had one million dollars, I would buy this building.
Agar menda bir million dollar bo’lganida, bu binoni sotibolaolgan bo’lardim
If I had one million dollars, I could buy this building.
Agar menda bir million dollar bo’lganida, bu binoni sotibolishim mumkin edi.
If I had one million dollars, I might buy this building.
Demak, nohaqiqiy holatni ifodalash uchun hozirgi zamonda o’tgan zamon fe’lidan foydalanamiz.
Second conditional uchun ko’proq misollar:
If I knew his phone number, I would give it to you.
If she liked going to the cinema, she might come with us.
If you were me, what would/could/might you do?
Alisher could do something if he were/was here now.
What would you do if you had only one chance to change one thing in this world?
If you were not a big mouth, people would/might share their secrets with you.
If you were studying now, I would not tell you to go to the shop.
O’zingiz tuzib ko’ring:
Agar menga yordam bersangiz hozir, men ertaga sizga yordam beraman.
Agar 100 ming dollar pul bo’lsa, nima qilgan bo’larding?
Agar meni 100 ming dollar pulim bo’lsa, men uni yaxshi business ideasiga invest qilgan bo’lardim.
Agar sizni o’rningizda bo’lsam, karaktin vaqtida (during the quarantine) Ingliz tilini yaxshiroq o’rganishni boshlagan bo’lardim.
Agar siz unga yordam bermasangiz, u sizning sirlaringizni ularga aytishi mumkin.
Agar biz birga ishlasak, bu muammoni hal etishimiz mumkin.
Agar u bu yerda bo’lganida, uning o’zi hamma narsani tushuntirib beraolgan bo’lardi.
Kim sizga yordam beradi agar men ketsam (go away)?