Thanks for your attempt at explaining the reason for the water pooling in the town cars and you are correct about drainage but the seals you are referring to are just that...door seals. They help keep the car as quiet as they are and yes do drain water off. The real problem is primarily from the air Inlet gasket on front passenger side which can be resealed after removing windshield wiper cover, cleaning old brittle gasket and replace with a silicone gasket maker. You also need to unclog the drain passages of debris, (front driver and passenger sides)leaves, bugs whatever but that's where your leaks are initiating...and yes your windshield needs replacing due to that large hole on bottom passenger side. Yes the water travels from the front and pool in the rear. There are numerous videos on YT explaining this problem. I being from the "old school" figured this out myself but for you youngins...thank God for YT...and please return your auntie's tent.