As someone who knows nothing about my boat and engine this 3 part tutorial is crucial for me and others who are confused and stuck on what to do. I learned more from this mini series than I could ever ask someone to explain. What a great tool to know whether or not you can DIY or you’re totally fucked and need to take it in.
@chunkyfather292 жыл бұрын
John, gotta say. We enjoy your videos greatly. Nobody does it like you
@tracywatts1459 Жыл бұрын
4:09 thank you for this tutorial. I look forward to more
@jamiehall97962 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. You saved me thousands of Dollars. My tilt wires were bare. So I rewrapped them. Changed the spark plugs. Checked all the fuses. Replaced the fuel pump from tank to engine. Works like a dream
@biscuitbassbroom7306 Жыл бұрын
I know nothing about boats thank you for yr videos learning slowly 👍👍
@courageous-schools4 ай бұрын
A very comprehensive explanation. I am confused about one thing. The heading says “has spark but won’t start.” If it has spark, I don’t need to check fuses or wires. So I have an outboard that has spark but won’t start.
@davidhernandez893110 күн бұрын
thank you for the great overview . could you give me an idea why the electric fuel pump has power on both terminals? it's a 1998 Nitro with a 150 HP Merc 0D935515
@michaelrensel92563 жыл бұрын
I love how you work on bikes and boats
@introvertsunited55262 жыл бұрын
Love the vids. Could we get one listing symptoms and possible causes? For example I hear a click when I turn the ignition but the starter motor doesn't do anything. New correct fully charged battery. Guage reads about 13V. All electronics to that battery work perfectly. I was told the click I hear is the solenoid so I assume the starter is bad but I only have 35 hours on the motor with regular maintenance done by a licensed tech.
@miyu61523 жыл бұрын
Hey John, I love your videos! They're always very informative!! I was wondering if you could provide me with some advice. I have just replaced the head gaskets on my 2007 F225 Yamaha. The engine is running, however only it's only running on the three cylinders on the port bank. The starboard bank does not appear to be firing. I have checked for spark and fuel, and the injectors all seem to be working ok. Compression on the port bank is 170-175 psi, on the starboard bank it is 150-155 psi. I have checked the spark plugs, and they come out black and slightly wet on the starboard side. The port side is firing ok. I'm at my wits end trying to figure out the problem. I have spoken to several Yamaha mechanics with no success. Nobody seems to be able to tell me what's wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
@jojiesioco74843 жыл бұрын
Hello sir,im from phillipines i like ur explaination...
@trevorspencer61613 ай бұрын
Awesome vidios very helpful, well presented
@grrryetchison99182 ай бұрын
My motor will sometimes fire and other times won’t. Normally will start after a couple of days. Stator test good and also the power pack. Have also replaced wiring harness. 2000 40 hp Mercury. 3cylinder. Any ideas?
@briancummins69242 жыл бұрын
awesome stuff. you should do a 9.9 lower end class.
@prashantsalian54828 күн бұрын
yamaha f 70 we changed the spark plug oil filter after that we start but low acceleration
@harryhall7801 Жыл бұрын
@MMAGUY13 Жыл бұрын
Found out my Yamaha 200 the first and second cylinder is not working. Can you tell me the list of parts that control the first and second cylinder I will change them all.
@johnnybenoit8412 жыл бұрын
I have a EFI four stroke 30 hp. Mercury. Before I launch my boat I check to make sure my outboard turns over and I'll run it for a few minutes. I have a brand new battery. After I launch my boat I turned the key to start it . But all it would do was make a clicking sound. It seemed like the sound was happening in the frontal part of the outboard. Can you please help me find and solve this problem.
@johnstrassner80613 жыл бұрын
Why would a 2013 mercury 30hp electric start tiller handle have to be cranked for 7-12 full seconds before firing. Not sure what to chase down.
@legatusaugustipropraetore34848 ай бұрын
Shouldn‘t it be that if the shut off terminal wire and ground shows low ohms when ignition switch is on the switch has gone bad? Should of terminal wire to ground should kill the ignition. Or do I have a false thinking?
@rogersingley3878 Жыл бұрын
Great info ! Thanks
@calitosanto43435 ай бұрын
Awesome video 👏
@mauriziobezzina33789 ай бұрын
how can i check please the diode cable going to the solenoid and ground , my 60 merc is not cranking ,starter works motor starts only on pull cord , but when turning key nothing happens ,
@stevedarnell3951 Жыл бұрын
John I Have a problem, my Mercury nitro series x R 6 1 50. Will not start tries to turn over, but will not. And has a good battery not clicking? But actually trying to start but wont turn over.
@rudyjohnson61802 жыл бұрын
Hey John, My 2017 Yamaha 70 4 stroke will only run at 4000 max. It also runs rough at less than 1000. When I tried to pull one spark plug wire at a time, the engine dies with any wire off. What could cause this. I’ve changed the fuel, filters and injectors. Thank you in advance
@johnstrassner80613 жыл бұрын
Electric start having to be held down 7-12 seconds before it fires 🔥. Any ideas??? 2013 mercury EFI 30hp 4 stroke tiller handle.
@glenburr21172 жыл бұрын
Motor runs as long as you hold ignition switch closed. Starter disconnects after motor starts and runs and throttles up but turns off immediately after I release the switch. Will run as long as I hold the switch closed. Ignition switch???
@chrisdrentlaw8037 Жыл бұрын
I have a Johnson 85 horse 1977 outboard engine. It's whistling in the Ignition and on the motor I won't turn over. Please help.
@jhongbares51178 ай бұрын
hello sir can i ask question sir regarding ofthe engine problem..yamha 300hp ..the has 3 engine but the center one is not desame rpm port and starboard is 5000 rpm but center is 4700 when it goes to 4700 rpm suddenly is goes down in 2200 rpm and the is jerking..i replace the fuel pressure regulator.spark plug and filter in relief valve
@victorhowell32416 ай бұрын
I have a 50 mek 4 stroke the choke not ingage and no fire have changed egnishon and kill switch on throtel still nothing
@billythompson84432 жыл бұрын
What would make my starter run all the time Not get stuck up. Run all the time I had to disconnect the battery
@ElbioRigo6 ай бұрын
Hola buenas tardes aquí desde argentina. Pregunta un motor Evinrude etec 115 año 2008 no me carga la bateria. Es rectificador el mecánico me dice que tengo cambiar emm retificador está ahí adentro desde ya muchas gracias si me puede orientar un abrazo
@jimmybarnett5013 Жыл бұрын
I got a 50hp outboard and it's not getting fire to the plugs
@suhardi8037 Жыл бұрын
Hay saya punya mesin evindrud..... Data Sensor pada mesin saya tidak keluar pada layar monitor , apa yg perlu di lakukan
@paulgordon91583 жыл бұрын
what is the problem when the motor turn over but backfire causing it not to start
@renesanchez7813 Жыл бұрын
We’re you able to figure out the problem, because I’m having the same problem with my out bored motor.
@johnnylawrence Жыл бұрын
Got a 1992 9.9 evinrude and i triple checked/rebuilt the carb, replaced the power pack, charge coil, ignition coils, spark plugs, primer bulb, fuel pump, water pump, new fresh gas and STILL wont turn over. I have plenty spark from both plugs. And checked the killswitch and that works fine (obviously since i have spark). And whats weird is even when spraying ether in the carb, or spraying inside the spark plug holes, even putting a little gas in there, it STILL wont fire. Sometimes it sounds like it wants to for a second but then dies. Im at a loss here. Anyone who has any ideas much appreciated.
@vitaly199 ай бұрын
Did you figure out what’s wrong with your boat engine. I’m having a similar problem. I have spark but it won’t do anything even if I spray gas by bypassing the carburetor
@johnnylawrence9 ай бұрын
@@vitaly19 i havent yet. I put it away for the winter and in the next few months im gonna go back to it. I bought a gasket kit and after i remove the block im gonna replace all the gaskets. I have a feeling when i remove some of the side plates to replace the gaskets im gonna find some badly clogged cavities.
@brandon617186 ай бұрын
Any updates? I’m having this exact issue with mine and can’t find anything online.