IIT Bhilai is embarking on an exciting endeavor to establish a Fintech hub in Chhattisgarh, recognizing the tremendous potential of the state's burgeoning startup ecosystem. The media in Chhattisgarh has been instrumental in covering this exciting development, providing valuable insight and exposure to this initiative. In addition to daily coverage, the media has even featured video interviews with prominent figures such as IPS Sir, underscoring the importance of this initiative to the state's economic growth. We are confident that with the support of the media and other key stakeholders, the Fintech hub in Chhattisgarh will continue to thrive and drive innovation in the region.
@MathuraBodele Жыл бұрын
Correct bro
@rajeshdewangan7557 Жыл бұрын
He is a nice person.
@sanjubaba3803 Жыл бұрын
लोकल लोगो को काम देकर घुस लेने बोले हैं क्या मोदी जी जो इस कॉलेज मे हो रहा है वर्कर लोगो से 😢😢😢