Title: Keep looking at good looking men/women makes our brains change in a way Simple Summary: Some people say that we get used to people's attractiveness in time, and it gets harder for us to get excited with their good-looking-ness eventually. For us humans, our inside is more important than the outside... since we start looking at what's inside after a while(after about 3 months). As some of us might know already, mere-exposure effects take place when we keep encountering the same person, and this applies to those attractive people as well, and in this case, looking at those attractive people's faces... the attractiveness people felt from them got greater as they saw more of the same attractive face. And it didn't happen when looking at people's faces which were... blow average. -cough cough- So mere-exposure effect with faces, it happens when only encountering faces that are above average, for a little sad news. ^^;