I'll Be Honest: Self-Pity Party? God Doesn’t Care For You?

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I'll Be Honest

I'll Be Honest

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Пікірлер: 56
@illbehonest 11 ай бұрын
0:00 - When was the last time you hosted a pity party? 0:26 - Luke Chapter 10 and Martha's pity party. 1:27 - What is self-pity? 2:40 - What leads to and causes self-pity? 4:15 - Example of Barbara not rotting her life away in self-pity. 5:21 - Why did she not wallow in self-pity? 7:02 - How can identify self-pity in our own life? 7:11 - 1 - Complain and seek attention. 8:07 - 2 - How do you respond when you are not treated as you think you deserve? 8:56 - 3 - Are you a demanding person? 9:45 - 4 - Do you have false humility? 10:18 - 5 - Is it difficult for you to accept criticism? 11:43 - 6 - How do you respond when you have unmet expectations? 12:46 - How do you prevent a pity party from happening? 13:43 - What are your priorities? Are you putting yourself in a vulnerable spot for a pity party? 15:04 - Want to avoid self-pity? Think about Christ! 16:08 - Time in self-pity is wasted time. 16:40 - Don't know Christ? He in pity will forgive you.
@HusGoose 11 ай бұрын
I shouted "my word" out loud when Barbara's quote was recounted. So convicting and encouraging. May God continue to multiply their efforts and glory in the sacrifice.
@travismerrill1781 11 ай бұрын
I am guilty of every point mentioned in this video. I repent of my unbelief LORD of Heaven.
@LuisPalaciosLR 11 ай бұрын
Oh man I beg you to add Spanish subs, this is so needed in latin America, we are living in 24/7 self-pity party due to economic and political issues everyone complains daily about how hard life is
@ondreatorrence4322 10 ай бұрын
This is a good teaching. Wow its so easy to fall into this .
@chueyv9080 11 ай бұрын
Keep being honest! The world needs it
@jay1871 11 ай бұрын
Awesome. I think it’s cool to see this too because it kind of proves that humans in some sense crave justice and that but have replaced it with a cheap substitute - justice for self, not justice for God.
@greeksalad4783 11 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if I completely understand what you're saying?
@faithijn8338 11 ай бұрын
To me it proves as humans we think ourselves the center of the world & that we deserve more. Totally discounting GOD is not only enough but if we got what we deserve it would be GOD’s Wrath. But BY GRACE WE RECEIVE HIS MERCY INSTEAD!
@jay1871 11 ай бұрын
@@faithijn8338 yeah I was driving when I said it. I think a pity party proves we crave justice and that, in our selfish sinfulness, we think we define justice. Thankfully we get mercy grace and peace instead! Have a great weekend, friend.
@jasonscroger5065 11 ай бұрын
I used to love self-depreciation to get a response, self -pity terrible sin, what was I thinking!
@thankfulTyrone 11 ай бұрын
Well said and well needed, thank you and God bless you. 🙏
@esselle6235 11 ай бұрын
thank you. a timely word.
@ampdrum1 11 ай бұрын
Glad to see this type of teaching. Keep it up!
@beckyjewel6525 11 ай бұрын
Outstanding message!
@thelstan8562 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant video!
@Isaiah53_4_5 11 ай бұрын
had an argument with my mother not too long ago this is very timely
@bruin4Christ 11 ай бұрын
How do you express your pain without sinning? What if you know your suffering is due to your own folly (thus not Gods will)
@amandat4716 11 ай бұрын
Here I Am ......
@pianomanhere 8 ай бұрын
Reductionistic, demeaning, phrases such as "pity party" are an immediate indicator that the person thinks that all such situations are the same. God has a great deal to answer for in allowing and heaping suffering upon people and remaining silent sometimes forever, without resolution, in the lives of believers. If anybody thinks the book of Job is a demonstration of God's greatness, consider how much destruction he wreaked upon an innocent man, and the deaths of so many people and animals. Why? So he could show Job allegedly more blessings later? Consider it a mere "wash." It wasn't God's provision of blessings. It was mere restitution for a cruel game he played with Job.
@markcamacho3152 4 ай бұрын
My pity parties make Ibiza look like a JW birthday.
@AndrewAinsworth 10 ай бұрын
Christ did not have a pity party because he is the son of God. God created mankind. He knew precisely how everything was going to turn out. God knew from the beginning that He would sacrifice His Son. He knew also who would end up in hell. He knew the majority would. But rejoice! Rejoice in all situations! - (I want to make it clear that my intention is not that of justifying the sins of man. Instead, I am saying that all those who will spend their lives in the fire, (as the Bible declares they will) have been created by God as nothing but pawns for His plan, and that this is not reasonable.
@faithijn8338 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely pure gold! I existed in self pity for years & it was indeed unbelief in GOD’s ability to use my circumstances to make me stronger. I can now rejoice in adversity because GOD is with me in them! His Will & ways & timing are perfect. Praise GOD for I’ll Be Honest Brethren it’s such a blessing. 🙏🏼🕊🙌🏼🔥
@MsMaxx88 11 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you got out of that. Gives me hope. Because i've been in self-pity for more than a year..
@emily814 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this teaching. this is truly my biggest struggle in this season of life. I see myself bitter and angry on a daily basis. This is very helpful! Lord Jesus I want to be free from this to be glad in You and Your perfect will.
@MrLeer294 11 ай бұрын
Wow I saw this a day ago on my feed, and forgot to watch it, then today I got into the biggest pity party that I can remember. And in top of that the gospel presentation I believe is for me too. I don't think I have placed my trust totally on Christ yet. I needed this today badly!!! Thank you so much. God bless.
@muyejia4707 11 ай бұрын
Hi brother James, I’ve been troubled because I think most of the suffering I undergoes comes from my OWN sinfulness, not the wrong of others or from the providence of God; because the difficulties I’m in, feel like can always be traced back to my own sin now or in the past, what consolation can I get when this is the case? The one example I can think of is King David being chased by his own son after committing adultery, what do you think?
@muyejia4707 11 ай бұрын
Please allow me to give some more details-by sinfulness I meant there are temptations from without, and remaining corruption within that always seem to besiege me, and while I can enjoy glorious victory there have also been defeats, and the defeats always seem to steal away the presence of God from me, and without the presence of God, I feel like the difficulties of life and the duties of Christian life can become burdensome, and trials become overwhelming when they are otherwise can be even joyful when I can easily take refuge in the peace of God.
@racewayman1 11 ай бұрын
Great video
@How.To.Get.Saved. 11 ай бұрын
Amen, amen, amen! This is a great and solid teaching that we all need. I try to remember what I really deserve, which is eternal punishment. As he said in the video, Jesus never felt sorry for Himself, even though he suffered far beyond human comprehension; He never complained or fell into bitterness or self-pity in all he suffered. He's our great example.
@slick_Ric 11 ай бұрын
you uploaded this just a few hours before i was about to unknowingly need it, God bless you. great message, thoughts I'd had in the past but you put them together so effectively. thank you very much
@Bibletalk-Ministries 11 ай бұрын
Wow. Soo good
@AndrewAinsworth 10 ай бұрын
I will tell you why she did not consider wallowing in self-pity, Mr. Jennings. Because she knew that her husband was saved. (His homegoing) When a person knows a loved one has died while in sin, that peace is more likely to be missing. ... Yet we are called to accept all that happens, ALL OF IT, because it is God's perfect plan. But that will not do.
@Kekeke230kekeke 11 ай бұрын
Perhaps because i struggle with this issue myself, but saying that self pity - which brings complaining and wanting to be relieved is a sin, sounds kind of wrong. Don’t people suffer? How is feeling sad about your lot a sin? I don’t know, i feel like some people are less fortunate than others 🤷‍♀️
@rebeccamclaren97 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for setting out the truth so comprehensively; your encouraging words are constructive and make way for healing- just what I need after wallowing in self-pity for many weeks. It truly is a weapon of the enemy to rot away life. This message reminded me that even though my circumstances are far from ideal in my eyes, this IS the perfect will of God for my life. And we have a beautiful example in Jesus Christ to follow, and just bringing to mind the immense suffering He went through (without throwing a pity party, and whilst still caring for others and putting them first,) and knowing that He did all things without complaining, gives me firm ground to stand on. We are in the last days. Let's not waste these precious times being weighed down and consumed with the burden of selfishness and woe- Let's rejoice in the Lord always, praying unceasingly and keeping Christ in view, so that He might be glorified no matter what sorrows I may face. Keep pressing on ❤
@ktz-fk9qj 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this message! I needed to hear this! God Bless!
@MonsieurNarlan 10 ай бұрын
Ewww! Pity?! gross! 😶
@syrwatdkhar6494 10 ай бұрын
@donald9469 11 ай бұрын
Thank you God for your truth
@phoenixia4089 11 ай бұрын
James Jennings thanks for helping me with the unpardonable sin a few days ago on here, i just one thing now. When I commented in the past you said my arrogant vows could be forgiven and i know it's true and other godly people within this ministry and elswhere told me the same but I don't know what to do with these verses. I think of Matthew 23:16‭-‬22 plus OT verses like Psalm 15:4, and Ecclesiastes 5:1‭-‬7, and Proverbs 20:25. I know we are under the New Covenant but these seem like general statements and not laws or maybe univerals or moral laws? James 4:13-17 was a comfort as well as James 5:12 and but the sermon on the Mount doesn't forbid promises like I hoped due to Paul's promises and Jesus speaking under oath so I'm not sure if I can ask for forgiveness if it was never a sin to make one in the first place. I made hundreds of unwise vows and to me any vow I regret was unwise even if some people might say they are good. How do i use Scripture to know they are annulled and that i didn't willfully sin by asking to be released and forgiven without trying to fulfill any? People say you use God's name in vain due to Matthew 23:16-22, some promises also popped into my mind during prayer which would be in Gods name too. if its true i still feel like i misused His name since i used it in an unwise way. if my promises are regretful I think how in an unequally yoked marriage how you are required to stay even though it was a sin to begin with. These Vows are mostly intrusive thoughts but i think i said some outloud and purposely. I know Proverbs 6 and Numbers 30 talk about being released but i dont really fit. I understand swearing in court, signing legal documents, marriage, etc. I'm not sure if these promises could count as lying or maybe hurting God's witness in the sight of unbelievers either. I also looked at the westminster confession but what they said on promises doesnt seem the best for me. What should I do?
@AbhisekC 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, pastor.
@craig3540 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this!
@robubabu520 11 ай бұрын
How to make God care for my salvation? If any of you have any idea or secret, please let me know 🙏🏻
@illbehonest 11 ай бұрын
I am not entirely understanding the question... the issue isn't God's failure to care for the believer or the believer needing to do something to get God to care for them...rather we are responsible to "take heed" to "take care" as we walk by faith. This makes me think of 1 Timothy 4:16 Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. -- We have a responsibility to trust God's care for us and to walk onward by faith in Christ.
@AHealthySnack 11 ай бұрын
Did you watch the video?
@robubabu520 11 ай бұрын
@@illbehonest I really don't understand your language. Why not speak simple English? ---- John 17:12 - “While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.”
@SF-ed3qs 10 ай бұрын
@@illbehonest Can I believe that Jesus died for me if I’m not saved? I don’t understand any other way the gospel would be good news? If you say “He died for the elect, so come to Jesus to know he died for you”, then I have to come to Jesus before I know he died for me. Surely coming to Christ is trusting that he died for me? I don’t see any other way that it would be good news?
@BarryGayle-c5q 11 ай бұрын
I want that grace.
@AlexandraSitio 11 ай бұрын
Está en español ?
@Jay-nq9us 10 ай бұрын
Sir may I know your good name?
@clayton4917 10 ай бұрын
Will anybody pity me because I’ve had so many pity parties.
@illbehonest 9 ай бұрын
Yes... Matthew 20:34 - And Jesus in pity touched their eyes, and immediately they recovered their sight and followed him.
@steelframer 11 ай бұрын
I love this guy his sermons r never boring
@ninety-nine9 10 ай бұрын
What's his name? please l want to hear and know more
@steelframer 10 ай бұрын
@@ninety-nine9 his name is James Jennings
@ChristDiedForYou_liveforhim 11 ай бұрын
I have greatly enjoyed and learned from these videos you have been doing brother. Could you please do a video like this one and the last one regarding doubt?
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