Kirby And The Forgotten Land Is The BEST Game Nintendo Has EVER Made

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The Kirby series is celebrating it's 30th anniversary this year! It has been a great time for Kirby with games such as Kirby's Dream Buffet and of course Kirby And The Forgotten Land releasing. I love the Kirby games, and I knew Forgotten Land would be great. What I never could have imagined was just how incredible it ended up. Is it better than Super Mario Odyssey or any of the 3D Mario games? Time to find out!

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@AscendedEmperor Жыл бұрын
Nintendo isn't a perfect video game company and their track record in terms of games isn't untouchable but when they get a game right my God they get it right.
@AlexSpy3DS Жыл бұрын
@leedlelel2373 Жыл бұрын
This was made by hal
@AscendedEmperor Жыл бұрын
@@leedlelel2373 😐 this is the face of a person who didn't ask
@professornova1236 Жыл бұрын
@@leedlelel2373 Nintendo is a collection of smaller companies in one conglomerate. Hal is one of those companies
@leedlelel2373 Жыл бұрын
@@professornova1236 that is wrong, according to the wiki, they are an independent company who is very closely affiliated with nintendo
@turbobist2889 Жыл бұрын
Will this be the first time we see Demeechs Maximum Delight?
@lamegamertime Жыл бұрын
The boss battles are very fun with the dodge-roll mechanic, and I particularly love how you can duplicate the true final boss with a fairly easy glitch.
@thepetiii184 Жыл бұрын
This game has so much love put into it its unbelievable. The Forgotten Land means so much to me
@a17yearoldonyoutubeluigi Жыл бұрын
Weird that the Switch has both the best and worst Nintendo games in Demeech’s eyes, if the Switch era has showed us anything, it’s that Nintendo is 2 different companies, one that is hands down the best game developer in the industry, and one that gives EA a run for their money in terms of sheer anti consumerism. For me personally, the best game Nintendo has ever made is the first Mario Galaxy. Edit: it’s so refreshing seeing you love a game like this. Also if there is one gripe I have with both Galaxy games, it’s that the multiplayer is atrocious, I’m definitely going to be getting Forgotten Land, and I’m sure it will end up being one of my favourite games ever too, just not toping Galaxy.
@ranpan6082 Жыл бұрын
Kirby and The Forgotten Land's one of my favorite Nintendo games of all time. It's in between Super Mario Odyssey and Luigi's Mansion 3 in top three best Switch games. My favorite game Nintendo's ever made though was Mario Party 3 back on the Nintendo 64. I'm a huge Mario Party Super Fan of the Nintendo 64 and GameCube entries.
@bro748 Жыл бұрын
Nah, Nintendo's still not even close to EA, considering nearly all the post launch dlc is free.
@kazoorion7993 Жыл бұрын
@@bro748 Thats not even the only reason of why they are similar to EA lmao
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
@@bro748 Nintendo is just as bad as EA but in different ways
@a17yearoldonyoutubeluigi Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech preach 👏
@yoshi18super Жыл бұрын
Forgotten land is so so good it’s made Kirby become one of my all time favourite video game series!
@Driggsdamonstah Жыл бұрын
And here we are. A review of Kirby and the Forgotten Land. A game that has quickly became one of my favorite games ever. I love the level design it’s fully realized and takes advantage of the post-apocalyptic setting, the music and visuals are beautiful as always, Elfilin has quickly become one of my favorite characters in the Kirby Cast considering past entries (Marx and Magolor) and the modes and hub are stellar as well, my favorite being the EX mode since it combines every previous EX mode (Extra Mode, Dedede Tour, Meta Knightmare Returns and Heroes in another Dimension) and makes it work beautifully. And the Evolved Abilities are a fun addition and shake things up a ton. The bosses are awesome. Barring Gorimondo since it’s only qualities come before the action, Every boss is good with my favorites being Clawroline, Sillydillo, and the final boss. As for my complaints, the Waddle Dees were a pain to find. I like the idea of revealing one objective waddle dee and nudging you towards a objective but it forces you to replay levels if you’re going for 100%. Also the Beast Pack is kinda lacking in lore compared to previous antagonists and some designs don’t do it for me. Leongar looks too basic until Fecto Forgo enters the fray, and I could talk about Clawroline’s design if YT is willing to let my comment stay. Also this is kind of a personal gripe but dodging hardly feels responsive. There are times where I move the joystick to the right or left and Kirby’s dodge doesn’t happen. Nevertheless this remains one of my Favorite 3D Platformers. I have my issues and it doesn’t top Super Star Ultra or Planet Robobot but I’d be lying if I didn’t give the this game the rank of treasure. And a rightfully deserved one too. If you made it this far, thanks for reading this.
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
I read through it! Robobot is my second favorite. I'm curious to know what makes it your favorite.
@Driggsdamonstah Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech I’d go deeper into my love of Robobot, but we’d probably be here for hours. Instead, I’d like to point to you @The RPG Monger’s video on Robobot. (Oh and while you’re at it watch his Forgotten Land video too.)
@banana_awoofy9790 Жыл бұрын
@thefollower2933 Жыл бұрын
Hal does what Nintendon't, we have complained for years about the free updates and it doesn't seem like they're going away any time soon, but when Hal made the mistake of locking practically a third of star allies behind the free updates and we called them out for it they delivered KATFL, they made only one mistake, took the criticism and delivered a game jam packed with content and things to do that doesn't require free updates to feel complete. Nintendo really should take notes from this.
@SpectralBlizzard Жыл бұрын
The music makes the game so much better. Just play something like Moonlight Canyon and it feels amazing. Same with Northeast Frost Street and the Wondaria Dream Parade
@nerd9822 Жыл бұрын
Um actually, Kirby and the Forgotten Land was developed by HAL Laboratory, so Nintendo technically didn’t make it🤓
@Armadio26 Жыл бұрын
@boreksturm5045 Жыл бұрын
True Hal is constantly making bangers.
@volvoman5262 Жыл бұрын
Whit that logic mario strikers BL is not most pathetic nintendo game becosse it was made by next level games
@darkgiro5622 4 ай бұрын
Well, yeah?
@antonretro Жыл бұрын
The environments and music are incredible! Excellent video Demeech!
@BronzeSpaceComet Жыл бұрын
My one big complaint with this game is the frontloading of copy abilities and mouthful modes. Halfway through the game you’ll have already seen practically all of them, which definitely hurts a bit. But beyond that, Forgotten Land is a fantastic game that delivers in every way.
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
Are you including the upgrades as well?
@BronzeSpaceComet Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech No, they did a good job spacing out the upgrades, I have no issue with that. I just wish they had more completely new abilities (including copy abilities but more specifically the mouthful modes) in the second half of the game
@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 Жыл бұрын
I also missed the water levels which were always a joy to go through in Kirby games thanks to the fact that you don’t need to watch your oxygen or anything.
@OrangeToadGamer Жыл бұрын
This game has honestly been one of the highlights of the year Definitely one of my favorite games of all time
@KingYote Жыл бұрын
And here we are…
@littlefox_100 9 ай бұрын
And here we are...
@lluis640 Жыл бұрын
One thing I LOVE about forgotten land is that the game feels organic. The levels instead of being floating platforms in the abyss look like actual places, and that makes the levels SUPER enjoyable. But what I like the most was waddle Dee town. It's just super satisfying seeing how the town grows as you progress and get waddle dees, but my favourite thing about it was the presentation of minigames, boss rushes and cinema, I loved how you had to choose a film and then sit in the cinema to see a prior cutscene, or having to join a tournament to participate in the boss rush, it felt so good. it was also fun having shops to buy and upgrade things
@super_dude00 Жыл бұрын
Man this game is so good…. Easily one of my favorite games of all time and the best platformer I’ve ever played
@LS-td4yf Жыл бұрын
just wait until you play celeste
@super_dude00 Жыл бұрын
@@LS-td4yf already have, honestly doesn’t compare, I prefer Kirby so much
@Bruh08 Жыл бұрын
@@LS-td4yf mid
@LS-td4yf Жыл бұрын
@@Bruh08 nah you're high
@thepenguinboi8679 Жыл бұрын
@@Bruh08 I like Kirby a bit more too but Celeste is a masterpiece you can’t deny that
@itsdidone Жыл бұрын
Yes, this is the game that got me into the Kirby series and made me wish I didn't just play team kirby clash deluxe
@TLG_Luke Жыл бұрын
Kirby and the Forgotten Land really feels like a direct response to Star Allies. Star Allies' game design just... Was not well recieved. Star Allies was overall just designed to be easy. Dumbed down levels, bosses that go down in seconds due to a lack of scaling health to player count (which Return to Dream Land actually had on the Wii by the way!), a lack of a lot of collectables, and short. To add onto that, it was short. Really short. 4 Worlds, paling in comparison to Return to Dream Land's 7 and the 3DS Games' 6. The series was even experiencing the NSMB problem. But it seems the devs took the criticism to heart, restored the collectables through Waddle Dees, made more worlds again, created amazing and inspired level designs, bosses were difficult again because you didn't have four people whaling on them. Best of all? It's an evolution of the formula instead of stagnation like Star Allies was. They already made three games with that version of the Kirby formula, it was time to evolve again. And now they have. And it created a game that can compete with Super Star Ultra and Planet Robobot as another contender for the best game in the series. Edit: I will just say that I've never felt that Star Allies was an unfinished game. Everything that was added onto it does legitimately feel like an addon, since for everything else, it was what was in the 3DS games, just lesser. The updates were legitimate new content. I actually really liked what Wave 3 brought because Heroes in Another Dimension is actually much more enjoyable than the main game. Still can't save the main game from being designed to be way too easy. Forgotten Land is still better.
@troykv96 Жыл бұрын
Star Allies at base was constructed in a curious way, the second half of the game (specially the last zone) were bigger than the first half of the game, so the game wasn't THAT short, but it definitely in the shorter end of the recent Kirby Games. While the game had several mindsteps, feeling incomplete definitely wasn't one of them it was short, but you feel like you got what the game promised with some details here and there. I wonder how much it directly affected Forgotten Land's development, but is definitely a game they had in mind when trying to know which aspects to fix about future Kirby games.
@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say it is the best game of all time (In fact, I am still questioning if it is my favorite Kirby game.) but it is an absolute masterpiece that surprised me on many aspects while playing. However, it is has not dethroned the Galaxy games as my favorites.
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
This is all subjective. But your username alone shows how based you are
@jupitervideos7702 Жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you said. I do love forgotten land though.
@kidplaysgame3590 Жыл бұрын
It has dethroned galaxy by a landslide
@SpectralBlizzard Жыл бұрын
Kirby Tilt N Roll alone has more content than Mario Strikers Battle League
@Awanderingdrifter Жыл бұрын
HAL and Nintendo absolutely nailed it with KatFL. For Kirby’s first (true) full 3D outing, they really translated the classic 2D platforming pink puffball into a proper expirence
@fierymaximan865 Жыл бұрын
Best Kirby game ever! HAL has reached for the stars, can't wait for another Kirby game again after Dream Buffet
@sagefichera3747 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, Kirby and the forgotten land isn't even the best Kirby game let alone the best game Nintendo has ever made. Games like Mario 64, Odyssey, Galaxy, DK: Tropical freeze, Super Metroid, Breath of the Wild, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask are contenders for the title of "Best Nintendo Game". However, I do agree with your opinion on its design. It's one of the tightest designed games I have ever played. Saying that it's the best Nintendo game, I feel, is kinda over exaggerating as there are plenty of Nintendo games (pre switch era, please don't hurt me) that are better than it. But, it's better than a lot of what Nintendo's made recently I'll give you that.
@segaspice4062 Жыл бұрын
I thunk Return to Dreamland was better then Forgotten land.
@kingdom702 Жыл бұрын
@@segaspice4062 Agreed
@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 Жыл бұрын
@@segaspice4062 There are definitively things Return to Dreamland does better than Forgotten Land
@superdajoka Жыл бұрын
One statement you mentioned in this video that caught my attention was when you said how the house of horrors made you think of arcades and Rollerblade arenas you went to as a kid. For me personally, Alivel mall brings me back when to when I was a kid, and our family would go to the mall. I remember I went to one of those malls a couple months ago, and I was humming myself the Alivel mall theme. Speaking of all of this, there's an outdoor mall in my area, so it's not like Alivel mall, but in fact, it's structured VERY SIMILARLY to new donk city from super mario odyssey. It even opened the same year that game came out! What a coincidence!
@witchchloe Жыл бұрын
I honestly stopped playing after a few levels, but you inspired me to start playing again !!! thank you, great video !
@nickk3077 Жыл бұрын
I really like this game, but I might prefer Planet Robobot even more! That game is truly something special!
@me_when8845 16 күн бұрын
This game has so much love and passion into it. The developers who put the effort to make it deserve all the praise in the world. Somehow it encapsulated every feeling I wanted in a game. It tapped into nostalgia, amazement, awe, etc. Even 2 years later since it came out I can’t forget about it. If anything this game is even more underrated than it was when it released. Even better than people give it credit for. Like when people say “this is a great start for Kirby in 3D”… IT IS. But it can carry its own. Its not just a great start, or a great end. Its just an amazing game in general that shouldn’t be understated. I don’t think another 3D kirby game will touch me the same way this game did. Doesn’t mean it won’t be amazing, just not the same.
@Harrymation-productions Жыл бұрын
This game is incredible, when I heard the roar of dedede; I was legitimately surprised and amazed, and the levels always had me intrigued in what happened to the forgotten land
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
That was one of the boss songs j referenced! Incredible!
@Harrymation-productions Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech thanks for replying, wondaria actually reminds a lot about Michigan adventures now that I think about it
@superdajoka Жыл бұрын
This is honestly one of the best games I have ever played. Ever since Hal laboratory stated that they were working on a new kirby game that would "exceed previous games", I was expecting it to be just kirby in a 3d space and thats all. The September 2021 direct came along, and while I thought they were announcing a new donkey kong game, I was excited to see kirby, but what blew me away is that it was his FIRST 3D game, and it was called "Kirby and the forgotten land". That title excited me because it ment we were gonna explore completely new places. I was very excited for the game, having little to no doubts. The January trailer got me even more excited for the game with all the other interesting locations. All I had to do then, was wait for March 25th. It has finally arrived. (And here we are!) Kirby and the forgotten land was finally in my hands. I played the game for a good chunk of my day. The game had such good combat, the music was excellent, the game was a whole lot of fun. the next day came around. I decided to finish the game that day. The final boss was one of the best bosses I've ever fought. I WAS LOSING MY MIND WHEN I HAD TO MASH THE B BUTTON AT THE END. IT WAS THE MOST AWESOME ENDING TO A VIDEO GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED. Kirby and the forgotten is amazing. It's completely on my list of my favorite games of all time. From me anticipating what's in store for kirby, to the release of this fantastic game, This will always be one of the best games Nintendo has EVER made. A lot of people (especially twitter) give you flack for being too "negative", but in reality, you're just critical. You truly care about a product, and want to see it improve. Kirby and the forgotten land is a game that proves that criticism is so important.
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
Twitter has gone on record to state they don't even watch my videos. Hence why I don't give in unless I can make a joke about something like the HAL thing
@ranpan6082 Жыл бұрын
And here we are. I'll see all of you in therapy. Not only is Kirby and The Forgotten Land paws down my favorite Kirby game as well as one of my favorite games of all time. It's more than just a game, it's an experience. Rarely does a game bring out such a level of joy that it'll leave me speechless. The game represents pure fun in it's most purest form. It's head to toe a perfect game in my eyes. Kirby after swallowing a car and bopping to the music is just too cute, to him and what happens during the final boss, if games are rated from 0-10 by reviewers, Forgotten Land mouthfuls past that and is a 100 through and through.I was constantly captivated throughout the entire game, the presentation, gameplay, content, and replay value are all solid. You did a phenomenal job covering the game, and I enjoyed listening to your thoughts. It was more than worth the wait unlike waiting for a free update to make a leg-strap accessory usable in a shovelware Wii Sports dumpster fire. Kirby and The Forgotten Land goes beyond being a treasure, it's a masterpiece. It doesn't dethrone Super Mario Odyssey for me, but it stacks up to being my second favorite Switch game and one of the best games I've ever played. And like this game, this video was truly a delight. Thanks for bringing me along for the ride!
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
The intro with the car was a sure sign that the game would be incredible.
@ranpan6082 Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech And the beginning to a great and pretty terrifying game towards the end. What do you think of the final boss? I wanna say I love the final boss here. Fecto Elfilis is beyond the most vile of Kirby's rouges, they go beyond being an eldritch horror in their callous disregard for life. Being that Elfilin is the good within them, they have the capacity to care, but choose to ignore it. Their actions are beyond heinous in assimilating Leongar and the Beast Pack to attempting to crash Planet PopStar into the Forgotten Land all just to kill Kirby out of spite. That doesn't go over how cruel they are when taking over Leongar's mind and possessing him. You can see he's in extreme pain and when firing that energy beam from his mouth.
@fuschia-draws Ай бұрын
i could be going crazy but i swear forgotten land runs at like, 40 fps. it feels smoother than breath of the wild.
@KLGB76 Жыл бұрын
I've been waiting way too long for this!
@666blaziken Жыл бұрын
I think my two favorite parts about the game was the way they handled the final boss and a storytelling, and the way they handled the true arena final boss. I love how the music just remixes itself once you get to the true form
@pokewalkerpete5204 Жыл бұрын
The best Muppet Jim Henson ever made by far was Link Hogthrob (of Pigs in Space fame). It's no coincidence he and Kirby are both pink!
@InfiniteBits Жыл бұрын
What is that music you used when petey first comes on and starts talking at 13:34? It sounds so familiar.
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
Wise Owl- Link's Awakening
@GherkinGarboi Жыл бұрын
Kirby by far has had the best anniversary out of all of Nintendo's franchises as of late.
@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 Жыл бұрын
Plus, it got Kirby’s Dream Collection for his 20th anniversary so Kirby gets the best anniversaries.
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
This is the first series that has a birthday themed mode to celebrate an anniversary
@GherkinGarboi Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech Dream Buffet is a first in the series where you play on the birthday cake.
@GherkinGarboi Жыл бұрын
@@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 you deserved more than just Rainbow Curse.
@lpcrossover5424 Жыл бұрын
I had a friend saying that Super Mario Odyssey felt fresh and satisfying every time he plays it. He says Kirby Forgotten Land is really good, but it doesn’t reach to that level and doesn’t know why. My theory is because Forgotten Land still sticks to the mainstream Kirby formula where its all about getting to the end of the level, beat boss, and side games. And the only difference is a revolutionary 3D structure.
@colinjoesseppi Жыл бұрын
Has anyone noticed that in the corner, it says: Treasure Trove. Not only did this video make Demeech's Maximum Delight, but a new series!
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
Bingo! Trash Or Treasure is designed to cover obscure, divisive, or bad games. Hence why I determine if they're trash or treasure. But Kirby & The Forgotten Land has been universally praised.
@soproprioio622 Жыл бұрын
Kirby and the forgotten land wasn't just a good game, it was an experience. It gave me new sensations, it has a distict feel that makes it so different from every other game that I can't even describe. The presentation is stellar, with the artstyle and the outstanding soundtrack. Easily one of the best games of all time, games like these are what I want to remember about the switch in the future
@cardboardking577 Жыл бұрын
Amazing pfp
@soproprioio622 Жыл бұрын
@@cardboardking577 thanks pal
@stanzacosmi Жыл бұрын
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a game where I LEGITIMATELY remember every single level at least a tiny bit due to how creative it is.
@stanzacosmi Жыл бұрын
also one thing you forgot about the figures is that they legitimately made them look like realistic figurines. Anything that floats has a see through rod under it, and things like flames are flat color as well rather than just being the flame effect.
@jameshpotato2675 Жыл бұрын
For every kirby and the forgotten land there is a switch sports, a mario strikers battle league and mariokart 8 dlc
@meat8768 Жыл бұрын
Honestly AGREE! I got the game as a birthday gift in may and played the hell out of it, 100% and loving every moment
@cosmicgem7775 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree! I was super excited for Kirby and the forgotten land but once I beat the game I wanted to play every other game in the series. So I went out of my way to buy every switch, and pretty much every 3DS and DS Kirby game I could get ahold of. Amazing video, amazing montage at the end, and amazing points given!
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Some of the games have gotten pricey. Have you modded your 3DS?
@cosmicgem7775 Жыл бұрын
@@Demeech No I have not modded it. I was lucky enough to to find all the mainline 3DS and DS Kirby games with theirs cases! I just don’t have Canvas cure or Extra Epic Yarn. I will probably buy it digitally and I don’t really wanna play canvas curse anyway lol. Forgotten Land is definitely my favorite out of all the games but I still love the 2D ones a lot
@hajilee4539 Жыл бұрын
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is extremely good. But best game Nintendo has ever made? Yeah I'm going to have to disagree on that one.
@sarasaland4709 Жыл бұрын
There is one annoyance I have with it. I really don't like how you have to beat stages again if you missed something. Can't I just find it and then leave?
@melvint-p9500 Жыл бұрын
Nintendo finally gave up the baby games and made something for true men.
@SoshiTheYoshi Жыл бұрын
@THECyberStriker Жыл бұрын
@Demeech Жыл бұрын
And here we are
@EBTheOriginalMaster Жыл бұрын
The review is finally here! See you this Sunday!
@mach95a113 Жыл бұрын
I can't help but notice that even when you mentioned it, you didn't show any Triple Deluxe gameplay during the video.
@MadMax-ii8gq Жыл бұрын
It truly is amazing. I’m still doing new stuff in Kirby and the Forgotten Land in my KZbin series, it just has so much content.
@susiehaltmann3342 Жыл бұрын
Ngl this is my favorite game of all time now like I can go on for hours and everytime I think about this game I cry tears of joy cause OMG THIS GAME IS NEARLY PERFECT
@incandescence5547 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I didn't even know that Forgotten Land was 30fps, and I played it all the way through. I figured that it probably was, but only because of how gorgeous the game looked. Framerate really isn't something that I notice, so it's always weird to me when people point it out.
@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 Жыл бұрын
I am unable to differentiate a 30fps game from a 60fps one.
@chimueladro7135 Жыл бұрын
I personally prefer the 2d kirby games because of how many different things you can do with copy abilities and not having only 2-3 attacks but other than that this game is fantastic
@theenderkirby939 Жыл бұрын
Well demeech do you have specific roller rink to recommend to people I like to know ^^
@alfonsogamer0075 Жыл бұрын
@Ivylover5880 Жыл бұрын
This was my first Kirby game that I played through. And I was easily delighted with this game. If you’re debating on this game, please get it, it’s fantastic. Best to go in blind, it really is a game that you need to see to believe
@meta13gaming Жыл бұрын
haven't even watched it yet and I am sure this will come out great!, don't know if you played robobot yet...
@jakethedog2.0 Жыл бұрын
Demeech i missed your Kirby videos
@Retro_Fear Жыл бұрын
I’ll say it, it’s the best 3D platformer of all time
@kingdom702 Жыл бұрын
Kirby & Forgotten Lands a straight fire 8/10, not GOTY worthy but fun ig. Definitely felt a bit basic for a 3D platformer especially in 2022, hoping Pac-Man World and Sonic Frontiers fill the void.
@jopa7696 Жыл бұрын
Considering this is Kirby’s and most importantly Hal’s first mainline 3D game, I think they did an excellent job. If they continue to make more 3D games then I’m sure they can improve
@oo0Spyder0oo Жыл бұрын
Just finished it and I really hope they make a sequel, it was awesome. Loved the music too.
@susiehaltmann3342 Жыл бұрын
@realamericannegro977 7 ай бұрын
I like how the graphics arent shiny
@remusserediuc9896 Жыл бұрын
We've been waiting for this retrospective for sooo long, and it definitely didn't disappoint. I agree with everything you said about the game. The one downside is the enemies and objects look like they're from the DS and move at 5 frames per second when they are far away, but it's just poorly optimized. It's the hardware's fault.
@Sailorbunny18 Жыл бұрын
Kirby and the forgotten land was amazing it was incredible man when I seen king Dedede running around like a boar at the end of the game I was the edge of my seat I'm like oh my goodness this dude truly lost his mind this, the music was like I don't know how many times they can keep making Kirby music even better, my favorite track in the game is entered The fiery forbinland, the evolved copy abilities were also a ton of fun I really love the Meta Knight sword was my favorite one, the cutscenes look like it would be in a Kirby movie, but anyway this game is incredibly good I hope we get more projects like these in the future.
@Inactivechannel-r6 Жыл бұрын
Really rare Nintendo Switch W
@pedroedmond4343 Жыл бұрын
Wondaria Remains is such a disappointing world ngl, they really saturated what could've been such a creative area with a bunch of random platforms, big mechanical toys everywhere, and random mud. No shooting ranges, no ferris wheel, love tunnel, carnival games, an underwhelming "water park," etc... Could've been so much more diverse...
@Someguywithglasses Жыл бұрын
Time to wait for a 3d Yoshi game
@king-of-a-thing 4 ай бұрын
Minor correction: HAL Labaratory.
@GiancarloThomazSenoni Жыл бұрын
1:47 Kirby and the Forgotten Land has managed to surpass my favorite Kirby game Kirby Planet Robotbot) Hal Laboratory did a outstanding work on tranlating the Kirby formula to 3D.
@susiehaltmann3342 Жыл бұрын
The end game got me
@marxfan2008 Жыл бұрын
Kirby And The Forgotten Land Is One Of My Favorite Kirby Games Of All Time. It Has Great Music, Great Boss Fights, Great Characters, And Just Great Everything. My Only Problem Is That It Needs More Playable Characters Like Meta Knight And King Dedede For Example. Overall Its A Amazing Kirby Game!
@susiehaltmann3342 Жыл бұрын
Invasion of House of Horrors got me jammin my heart out
@papaG6423 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been wanting a 3D Kirby for as long as I can remember. Forgotten Land was by far my most anticipated game of the year, even beating XC3 for me despite my love for the series. And yet… I haven’t even played it yet. Idk, I guess college is keeping me from gaming as much as I used to. Hopefully, things slow down for me so I can finally sink my teeth into this excellent experience.
@kevmk8997 Жыл бұрын
Oof I'm late to this but yeah I agree Demeech! This is easily the best game to have released in 2022! This is my favorite game of 2022. I have nothing bad to say about it either. My experience has been consistently great. It also came out in March and it was one of the last good months for me this year. I remember taking this game with me to Indiana earlier this year in the beginning of April and it was one of the best experiences ever playing with my cousin!
@Moonwalker86 Жыл бұрын
Are you going to talk about DRM coming to Nintendo Switch?
@thefollower2933 Жыл бұрын
This game has literally my favourite final boss in all of gaming, that should tell you enough about this game's incredible boss fights lol, they're so much fun, and so are the levels, copy abilities, this game is fantastic.
@GiancarloThomazSenoni Жыл бұрын
7:07 the mall level is one of my favorite levels of the game.
@GiancarloThomazSenoni Жыл бұрын
0:50 Kirby Planet Robotbot is a masterpiece
@ThatGuyLegend Жыл бұрын
That's a pretty bold take
@MysticNinTorres Жыл бұрын
I agree with you, Forgotten Land meets most expectations & requirements to be a creative yet amazing video game, even on Nintendo Switch hardware.
@realamericannegro977 7 ай бұрын
1:27 Kirby games look like Smash Bros
@GiancarloThomazSenoni Жыл бұрын
5:05 the Mouthful Mode remind me of the Robobot armor of Kirby and the Forgotten Land
@vanillamilkbread Жыл бұрын
HAL laboratory when people think nintendo makes the kirby games: 👁👄👁
@user-bb2op9he1x Жыл бұрын
ngl I kinda miss the old pause screen, this new one is fine its passable but its a giant downgrade from what we had ever since superstar, I really miss going to the pause menu to learn all kinds of different combos that i could perform with any ability or learn the hidden lore of the game, I have never realized how much I liked that pause menu system until it was gone
@peregrinehawk8363 Жыл бұрын
What would happen if they made a free update for forgotten land with dream buffet trophy things and maybe a few levels?
@PeteytheParrot880 Жыл бұрын
This game was just amazing, it has got to be my favorite Kirby game and one of my favorite Nintendo games alongside Super Mario Maker 2 and Paper Mario The Origami King
@galvsparks6295 Жыл бұрын
Based the origami king enjoyer
@kazoorion7993 Жыл бұрын
I havent played this game yet. Maybe I will someday...
@RRM693 Жыл бұрын
Demeech's delight!!!!
@LucasDanielCab5 Жыл бұрын
It genuinely has like no flaws tbh
@franck4727 Жыл бұрын
I haven't finished this game but so far I'm having a ton of fun. It's my first time playing a kirby game, it has a lot of charms and personality
@paperbros2508 Жыл бұрын
R.I.P mainline Kirby on GameCube and Wii U
@nintendoboy3605 Жыл бұрын
If anyone says Demeech is never positive show them this video
It's time for the Anti-Switch Sports! Spam Poyo in the chat people!
@hernandezaaron2386 Жыл бұрын
@Radiant_Emerald Жыл бұрын
I 100% this game in 25 hours. It was certainly worth the 60 dollars.
@baalfgames5318 Жыл бұрын
As I've said, the first half of the game is painful storywise, and it's something that I would love to die off in media.
@Sly88Frye Жыл бұрын
I bought Kirby and the forgotten land day one when it came out months ago. I made the fatal mistake of trying to live stream the game because at the same time a much bigger Channel than me and in fact bigger than yours as well was live streaming it on day one as well and just as I feared nobody watched me stream the game however a couple friends of mine did but yeah ultimately it was just too people. Anyways the reason I'm bringing this up is because I haven't played Kirby in the forgotten land since then because I was thinking of streaming one more time just to finish the grass world at the beginning and then ultimately not stream it again and just take the console with me portably when I feel like playing it. Realizing that I haven't been able to set the time aside to live streaming again maybe I should just play the game in Portable mode anyways I'm not even bother live streaming again though, but I guess stupidly enough I seem to think it feels incomplete that I didn't at least finish streaming the first world of the game.
@wantedbird55srandomchannel28 Жыл бұрын
Haven't watched yet, but it's a 3D Kirby game that finally gave us a gun and spoilers, has us hit something with a *truck.*
@7milesdavis Жыл бұрын
I recently gave modern Kirby a try (played all the gb and gba titles years ago.) I started with return to dreamland deluxe and I had so much fun I decided to give forgotten land a try. I was blown away by how good the game looks, runs really well and the level design was top notch for sure. I’ve heard people say it’s a bit short and maybe that’s true but not to it’s detriment I don’t think. They managed to pack so many awesome concepts and ideas into the game. I couldn’t put it down and I definitely can see it holding up on multiple play throughs. It reminds me of super Mario 3d world in a way, just done better.
@desh206 Жыл бұрын
This is the best kirby game since planet robobot and it also fells like a great way to celebrate kirby's 30 anniversary
@Shirley4Vaga Жыл бұрын
I have to disagree with one thing when it comes to copy abilities. actually the copy abilities have a more limited moveset pool than in previous games. sword kirby for example had spin attack since several games already
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