Thanks for the advice. Appreciate the content. Looking forward to more.
@MrFantasiesIMR Жыл бұрын
I am terribly fearful of pulling for a hero and not getting the limited that drops in two weeks, so I’m doing my best to not spend wishes until they’re here. Outside of release Little Jack, even the weakest limited heroes are extremely useful in some kind of content. Esther is godlike in Wuthering Coast/Arena and basically mandatory for 16B and easily one of the best supports for her faction, same with Big Jack. Paulin is invaluable in Arena and is oftentimes, even at E0, able to save your life against comps like Naseal, Quinlan, or other cc heavy comps. The other 4 you can basically put anywhere and they’re an amazing choice for that thing you’re using them for. I’m not missing out on a chance to get one of those heroes lol
@matthewmckeehan2997 Жыл бұрын
I did not choose a hero to save my guaranteed and got march got early before pity. Still have plenty to summon new limited.
@stephenjenkins1102 Жыл бұрын
Aahhhh, I watched this to try and decide between Narch and Quinlan... now I'm even more confused 😂
@AttilaTheGreat1 Жыл бұрын
It is not even a question. My least favorite hero on this banner is Quinlann
@stephenjenkins1102 Жыл бұрын
@@AttilaTheGreat1 maybe, but there is a new question now, go for narch or wait for the Xmas banner?
@AttilaTheGreat1 Жыл бұрын
@@stephenjenkins1102 if your next miracle hero is guaranteed then you should wait, but for example in my case i am 2 away from guaranteed. I will risk it by choosing AHJ(which i dont have) and hope that i get Narch. That way the next hero will be guaranteed and i will use that for LTE hero. But there is also 20% chance to get AHJ and ruin it but i am willing to take that chance
@stephenjenkins1102 Жыл бұрын
@@AttilaTheGreat1yeah my next is guaranteed so I suppose I have to wait. My thought was if I pull now I'm guaranteed a top tier legendary, if I wait there's no guarantee it's going to be that good next banner.
@AttilaTheGreat1 Жыл бұрын
@@stephenjenkins1102 next banner is new time limited hero. They are always top tier or broken. Even if they are not when they come out, they get reworked and become like Little Jack became
@okrababu Жыл бұрын
Last year pre Christmas banner Elsa , Elbek , Nidrold , Elaina , eleena I don't think this a very good banner except for Nidrold. Also last year Christmas banner Nicholas, tifya , bari , Sigmund , asindo