In-Depth Complete Guide to the Four Best E-Ink Tablet Brands

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Kit Betts-Masters

Kit Betts-Masters

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@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
If you decide any of these are right for you, check out the latest prices at my affiliate links below. Note Air 3 C: (US and HK) (EU and UK) Supernote have been kind enough to offer an affiliate link to their website A6X2 A5X (now with the Feel Write 2 screen) Kindle Scribe Device (no extra cost amazon affiliate links) Thanks so much for watching and supporting the channel.
@richardsanderson1448 Жыл бұрын
I have a Supernote but I am looking for a device with more functionality like less clunky email, typing into Google Docs etc. is a must for me. I am thinking Boox. Colour is not such a big deal, but what would you recommend? (The X is too big). Tab Ultra b/w? Note Air 3 C?
@dr3m4n 11 ай бұрын
I purchased the Note Air 3 C. I needed the device to function as a reader and a notebook, but I also needed it to access Onenote where I have my digital planner. The 3C is the only device that really met all of my use cases. I'm familiar with Android and I wasn't intimidated by the learning curve. I'm very happy with my 3C purchase. Thanks for all of the content that you've put together on these devices!
@mrmosk2011 Жыл бұрын
I have been using reMarkable 2 for 3 years and it is my main note taker. It completely replaced paper for me. But the many new devices from Boox and Supernote with new features make it very tempting for me to give them a try. However, to be honest to myself, I probably won't use any of the fancy features in the devices. I have Boox Lumi Max and only use it occasionally. Partially due to its size and also the slippery surface. The reMarkable 2's 8GB storage is very limited, but after years of use, I only still used 1.6GB. Partially because it can't do pictures, videos and voice, so no large media files to deal with. And I have large notebooks and about 100 PDFs of technical papers, specs and books. So 1.6GB is not light usage. Anyway, hope this helps some of the viewers.
@johnsaverino 11 ай бұрын
Hi Kit. I have viewed many, maybe most, of your e-ink tablet videos. Going back to review often as I was evaluating whether to buy an e-ink tablet and then which one is best suited to my need. There are many informative e-ink/e-paper tablet reviews out there but I have found your library of reviews the most comprehensive and among, if not, the best. Your guidance has helped me to choose Onyx Boox Note Air 3C recently. I am putting it to good use and enjoying it very much. Thank you for sharing your insights on your fantastic videos. When re-viewing this video, yet again, I finally took your advice and streamed it to my 55" TV. Once again your advice was correct. It looks fantastic! The time and effort you put into your videos is clear. It is inspiring me to consider making my own KZbin videos. I will have to look at your library to see if you have described your videography equipment, software and procedures. If you haven't that would make a great video as well. Thanks again. Best wishes!
@KitBetts-Masters 11 ай бұрын
Thanks much, this comment has made my day, if not my year so far! Yeah, I have made a little content about my KZbin process, it's all in this playlist: Some of it is a little old now, but the first ones are quite new as I'm planning on expanding on this area in the future! Kind regards, and let me know if you ever need any advice or just want to share what you are upto with me!
@_MSK20 10 ай бұрын
Exactly what I needed to get a pros and cons list going (on paper unfortunately)! Thank you so much for all of the information and quality you put into this and all of your content!
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Really interested to known if you guys watched this video on your 4K smart TV? What did you think? Hopefully you enjoy the crispy clear visuals and sounds. I'm planning more content like this for you to settle in and watch on your bigger screen, let me know if you have any thoughts on the type of content you would like to see in that feature length format.
@karlmunford7000 Жыл бұрын
Would a smart TV automatically play at 4K? Additionally, in the UK as yourself, I wonder if it would buffer with our poor internet infrastructure.
@nubbinthemonkey Жыл бұрын
My 65" 4k Sony is my PC monitor
@karlmunford7000 Жыл бұрын
@@nubbinthemonkey 😎 Cool.
@MarcelloBranca 11 ай бұрын
Watched this on my cell phone 😂
@LibertyInChrist502 11 ай бұрын
The audio quality is excellent. You have an excellent broadcasting voice BTW.
@endurosl5663 10 ай бұрын
Returned the RM2 and bought N3C. Will wait and see if reMarkable update is a big step forward for pagination (keyboard hardware is outstanding) and writing latency, storage, OneNote etc integration. Kindle would be great too
@KitBetts-Masters 10 ай бұрын
I think that's a sensible choice. You're right, I think remarkable is sort of at a crossroads at the moment, I'm just not sure they think they are at a crossroads... If that makes sense. I think they need to focus more development in their software, but th y put their energy and money into marketing, and as sales are probably still great, they will carry on like that!
@TM-ui9gt 6 ай бұрын
Thank you. Is there a notebook page limit on the devices?
@svlagonda7417 6 ай бұрын
0:35 What device would a person use to beam KZbin on their phone or laptop to a TV?
@DarwinFlinches Жыл бұрын
Haha, I'm that person who went back to paper after getting an eink tablet (boox max lumi). My brain really benefits from the physicality of paper for a lot of applications. rn I ust my tablet for scratch notes and some reading, but not for all reading (I borrow books from the library and also buy important reference books, and print out important documents), and I also mostly use index cards for planning.
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Paper isn't completely gone yet!
@yuralala742 Жыл бұрын
I really surprised myself because I returned both Boox Air 3c and Pro C to get the Kindle Scribe! Initially, I really wanted the Boox because of the colour and the fact you can do much more. But the battery life and how much slower the Boox were bothered me so much. I think often times we really fall for the sparkly thing that can do it all when really a device that focuses on fewer things can do those "fewer things" much better. Moral of the story, dont be a magpie like me xD "sparkle sparkle" 😂 Ive now decided to read Manhwa and use PDFs on My Tab and notetake and read on the Scribe. Thankyou for this video !
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Scribe is a really nice place for reading and simple notes.
@MarcelloBranca 11 ай бұрын
Interesting 😮
@Alburak66 11 ай бұрын
I returned my Scribe to buy Note Air 3C
@thecompanioncube4211 8 ай бұрын
Amazon ecosystem lock is one sole thing because of which I'll never buy any Amazon tablets
@marthajones7430 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE my Kindle Scribe - got a good price on black Friday and reading on it is a pleasure. I am only using it for notes on books I am reading and intend to keep it as a single use device. The screen is so easy on my eyes. Holding out for the new SuperNote as I want a good organizer and the ability to use all its features for my different organizations and meetings. Can’t wait for you to get the updated one and review it. I am also considering the Boox Note Air C 3. Thanks again !!
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the comment! You're right the deals are a bit irresistible! Can't wait to try the next supernote and bring some new content around that!
@ColinDavis-f7s Жыл бұрын
I bought a reMarkable and fell in love with it straight away - for note taking at meetings and scribing perfect... Then I bought an Onyx Book Note Air 2 Plus... now that changed a lot of things, but I still thought something was missing.. So (yes, you guessed) I bought a Supernote A5X.... am I a happy man? - Most definitely. For my field work and travel its definitely the reMarkable, (and I love the share screen mode) For my professional learning and development its the Onyx Boox Note Air 2 Plus Bu for me, (and just for me...) its got to be the Supernote, a little more learning yes, but the potential is huge! So I guess i'm spoilt for choice...enjoy whichever you choose..
@MightyAimetti-1 11 ай бұрын
I have zero need for writing on one, but would like color I think and page turn buttons. Can’t find one yet
@karlmunford7000 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video Kit, very informative and you've clearly put allot of work into a publication that will no doubt help many make a purchase decision. I'm looking forward to a Supernote that looks like the Remarkable, but has access to Play Store with the horse-power of a Boox device... but I think I'd be a long time waiting. Personally, I'm _'very pleased'_ with the Supernote but every now and then, find myself looking enviously at a Boox device... yet still i'm not moved; waiting patiently for the release of the A4X in the new year.
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Yeah, supernote is fab! If it's all you need then look no further!
@jeffprentiss5064 Жыл бұрын
I’m torn between the Remarkable2 and Scribe. The Remarkable2 is better now, but with a few more updates would the Scribe be on par?
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Yeah, possibly, but there's no trekking if/ when/ what those updates will be.
@lallant6289 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, wich one can do a kind of splitscreen for reading et taking notes at the same time ? Thanks a lot and happy new year
@isabelwinstanley5445 11 ай бұрын
Was there a reason you did not include the Kobo Eclipse? Did Kindle bring out its Scribe to compete with the Kobo Eclipse?
@drew2c659 9 ай бұрын
Played with remarkable 2 and kindle scribe but hoping super note is going to be the device for me
@user-py4jm9cy5i 11 ай бұрын
I have a BOOX Max 13" older generation without a pen. It's been hard to find the pen on Amazon or eBay to buy it separately. Is there any stylus that can work on it?
@KnightlyHouse 11 ай бұрын
Another amazing review, you really are the king of e-ink. Living in South Korea 12 years ago, I had an iriver story that worked well as a basic epub reader but was a nightmare with different formats and conversions and was a bit clunky to use. As a reader of photo magazines and books, which if any, would you recommend for viewing photographs (B&W or colour)? I'm looking at the Note Air and the Note Air C. Cheers.
@HansJoachimMaier Жыл бұрын
I bought A Boox Note Air 3c Because of the color option. I often work with color PDFs, so it was the only option.
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think honestly that's the most suitable device for most people at the moment!
@HansJoachimMaier Жыл бұрын
@@KitBetts-Masters But the software can drive someone nuts :) For example: Try to move the position of a link attached to a word. The link appears always below what you have marked. There is no way to move that link to a better suitable position.
@jannouta4801 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for this review Kit, it is very helpfull. Currently I am getting experience with the Kobo Elipa for making notes when working in the lab and during meetings. What I miss is that when I export the notes to PDF (which frequenly fails!) that it does not export the lines. This makes reading the notes from the PDF file on a computer screen hard. I see you writing in your reviews on an empty paper. I wonder: can you give the paper lines like you have on a papernote book. And when exporting those "lined" notes do the exported files (PDF hopefully) have those lines also?
@TheDemonCowboy Жыл бұрын
I can’t decide between the air 3 c and remarkable for notes
@L.A-h5s 11 ай бұрын
Remarkable should rethink what they want from there notebook to do. Boox has the edge from the atart with the fact the use well known and relativly solid Android system. It is a huge plus.
@carnellac7439 11 ай бұрын
Based in Germany, the Supernote a5x is nowhere to be had. Secondhand sellers are calling up crazy prices. 🤨 Any idea where to get one?
@deeanahwinders1938 Жыл бұрын
Can you explain how to access the free classics?
@sbarronmd Жыл бұрын
one way, google name of book with epub or pdf suffix.
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Hiya, yeah, you can find them on sites like Project Gutenberg. There is also an app on Boox devices called the "store" which has lots of free classics in it as well.
@rosemaryhernandez460 Жыл бұрын
Hi. Chiming in - what about free classics, etc. for the remarkable 2. My kindle library can't be read on it. Bummer!
@deeanahwinders1938 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant thanks. I found it but had to change my server as I’m in NZ so it had me on a Vietnamese one. When I changed to US it changed it to English. This is weird and I’d prefer UK English if I could choose but apparently it’s not wise to change my server outside of my region…
@crystalkincaid3274 Жыл бұрын
"I used to have stacks of paper" Now you have stacks of eink tablets instead.😅 Loved the video though. I'm an obsessive researcher( which is why I want one of these devices to begin with.) and this is the most in-depth video for these devices that I've found so far.
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Lols I know. I'm really not getting the benefits that I describe because I'm constantly switching platform! 🙂. Glad to bring you all the comparisons though!
@nezemljan Жыл бұрын
Hey. What are your thoughts on frontlight pinholes? According to some eink fan forums, it's supposed to be a quite common issue. I watched a lot of your videos before I decided to get NA3C, but I don't think I've ever heared you talk about it. First of all, I absolutely love the device, it's a mayor improvement from my 2018 Kindle paperwhite. However, I found four tiny bright spots on the screen when the frontlight is on. Luckily, only one is visible righr away, and even this one is close to the top of the screen, and I don't really notce it during reading ote taking - just when I remember that it's there. According to Boox, this is not a reason to return the device, but I still have the option to rerurn it within 14day window. Right now I am worried that if I return it and order a new one, I will get one wiht pinholes in more noticeable places, like the middle of the screen. You have a lot of eink devices. How common is this issue? Would you personally be returning the device, or should I just learn to live with it? Maybe this could be a topic for your next eink roundtable 😉
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Yeah, interesting discussion. I have one on my NA3C apparently, but I didn't even notice it until someone pointed it out on one of my videos. I haven't noticed it since. E-ink screens are never pixel perfect by their very nature, but if it's bugging you, I'd get it swapped, as other ones are unlikely to have the same issue.
@carlosromanmunoz1762 Жыл бұрын
yave you made a revieew of the mobiscribe color wave?
@carlosromanmunoz1762 Жыл бұрын
have you made a review of the mobiscribe color wave?
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
No, sorry!
@niksasrsen Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this and many other videos! 👍 I would love to buy one of those but my big concern is, because I live in Croatia, the shipping price, repair service (if something happens to the device), buying new tips, or anything to do if something goes wrong). Even Amazon does not ship here much of things and those that are shipped the price is too high (the shipping cost, eg. I could buy something for 5 EUR but the shipping is 15 EUR or more). On the other hand, if I get iPad (which I do not need), there is a very good customer service right here in country where I live (I can call them and talk to them). However, I prefer an e-ink device because of migraine and eye strain. So, if possible, I would love to see the comparison of customer services for counties like Croatia or similar between brands (Remarkable, Boox, Supernote, Kindle). Thanks again!
@KMCA779 Жыл бұрын
the only thing I didn't catch was battery life, which honestly is a major reason for me to look at e-ink to begin with I'd be coming from a kobo e-reader but as my memory starts being less reliable than it once was I was thinking about a more versatile device.
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Yeah, you're right, to be fair, all of these are good, except the latest Boox with the BSR tech, somewhere in the 2 week mark.
@nathanaelcard Жыл бұрын
I noticed "drawing" was not a part of your listed use cases, which is too bad, imo You ever think of doing a deep dive focused on Kaleido 3?
@KitBetts-Masters Жыл бұрын
Yeah, when I planned this video I was intending in making a 5th part which hmwas drawing, however in the end I decided to keep this one to things which were more to do with work / learning. Then I am planning a separate in depth drawing video for the new year. 🙂
@niksasrsen Жыл бұрын
Is it true that BOOX Pen Plus nibs wear out fast?
@SONASADV 10 ай бұрын
Yes! At least in my case… but it’s easy to get replacements :)
@raV2087 Жыл бұрын
As you can see, it's paradox which one should I choose to take the notes during this video to decide which one to buy. 😂
@Bruceneuman 11 ай бұрын
I suppose you are simply sold on the idea of using E-ink for virtually all of you computer work. The Boox devices obviously do more than the other three. However, why not simply start with an iPad and buy a separate device for taking handwritten notes. In fact, Apple Notes, Notability and similar apps do a great job for note taking. The iPads are worlds ahead of the Boox devices, wouldn’t you agree?
@shinobusuicide 11 ай бұрын
Eye strain
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