Paying taxes on money you make. Taxes on money you spend. And Taxes on things you own, that you already paid taxes on with already taxed money. Here a tax...there a tax...everywhere a on tax. Central govt and state govts are richer....... Spending mostly on wasteful social projects.
@anshusingh136410 күн бұрын
To watch out for- used 68 times😅😅
@Prz2510 күн бұрын
Abolish personal income tax totally. 0% Income tax. 🎉
@Solomon-h9e10 күн бұрын
I am working in poetry farm more of depend on traditional due to shortage of modern instruments purchesing power. I would atach suporting documents next time.
@chandu892710 күн бұрын
Sleeping Partner. Just with in 10 years india debt increased to 165 lakh crores from 65 lakh crores. 😢😢😢😢😢