44 And one of the reasons why such people cannot accept the Gospel of their time is that many of those they have seduced are already dead and are waiting for them there, at the judgment and they must go and answer for those souls before God. God cannot therefore accept that they change their ways here on earth. God would be unjust if Guillermo Maldonado, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, Paula White and Chris Oyakhilome go to Paradise while several of those who believe in them are already dead. You see? That's it! 45 And I speak as having authority because I stood in the counsel of God. Accept the reprimand! For your taste is not necessarily God’s taste. And if you are really a servant of God, your sermon will be in line with the living prophet of your time. And that is the concern of all those who really serve God with fear. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Paul had to go up to the Apostles to check what he preached according to Galatians 2:1-2. Ulrich Zwingli did it with Martin Luther and said: "I thought like Luther before I had listened to him". And in 1536, the great reformer Guillaume Farel asked John Calvin to help him restore the Church of Geneva. And you? What holy spirit do you have? Pull yourselves together! For such a way may seem right to man but the end is perdition. And he that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000