Can't wait for 3!!!!!!!!!! Hope they expand the franchise of other alien races visiting them to unite against the Evil Race. etc...
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
I hope independence 3 does come out I want to see it I'm been waiting forever to watch it.
@kakarott524325 күн бұрын
Well, Will Smith character can be cloned like from the movie Gemini and especially after the human come to make contact with the Sphere, it might actually have the technology to do so with the possibility of retaining his previous memories as well as improving his overall physiology to the peak.
@sams1504Ай бұрын
I've never seen the sequel. The suggestion [mine at least] the aliens were purely nomadic works well in my mind. The original could very well stand on its own
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
The sequel was a pretty good movie in my opinion.
@MultiSevenofnine26 күн бұрын
Did anyone notice the Starcraft 2 Terran Battlecruiser.
@sallyannsmith9929Ай бұрын
Just finished resurgence on HBO. Really enjoyed it.
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
I watched it in 2016 at AMC movie theater I loved that movie.
@lynnevanvorce772725 күн бұрын
So did I
@leaper1412 ай бұрын
I think to bring back Will Smith character where Will Smith could reprise his role do something like time travel if they hadn't thought about it in making ID3
@ndystevens4051Ай бұрын
Will Smith, really! That guy should never work again.
@DeathBYDesign666Ай бұрын
Why because he slapped a guy in a moment of rage? He might have some self control issues but he is still a good actor. Even Chris Rock looks back and thinks it was more funny than anything.
@def-po8tuАй бұрын
@DeathBYDesign666 if it was you or I we would have been arrested and life ruined. Why is he any different?
@kennethroth675726 күн бұрын
@lynnevanvorce772725 күн бұрын
@@DeathBYDesign666 Because you’ve never made a mistake, right ?
@JayJay-mm3rm24 күн бұрын
@DeathBYDesign666 no because he's a sick man for what he did at the diddys freak off...he Will have to answer to the most high God for the bad evil things he did
@SMunro2 ай бұрын
They could do a prequel to ID2. Where Will Smith is sent to Afghanistan to investigate rumors of Al-Qaeda collecting alien tech. They have no Sattelites after Independence Day so no global surveillance. He could find Osama Bin Laden has Alien fighters and an army with laser rifles.
@tristanwhite347218 күн бұрын
I will have to watch it at the cinema let's hope it's better than the last one.
@bridges56597 күн бұрын
I don't like going to cinemas anymore because I feel it's an unhealthy and unhygienic place. Its nice to watch at home at your leisure.
@michaelpeel3888Ай бұрын
They can make Will Smith a test pilot for the new technology gathered from the alien tec from the first movie, before independence day 2. Then because of a engine malfunctions Smith breaks the time barrier that lands him into the plot of Independence Day 3. Easy peasy lemon squeezy 😁
@BaxterAndLunala14 күн бұрын
2:38: Why is there a _Behemoth_ class Battlecruiser?
@festalongreyhawkshorts4sho64526 күн бұрын
Recycle Recycle Recycle. They have zero new ideas. Zero creativity, and Zero willingness to take any risk on something new. Sadly, great movie making is almost extinct!
@RedneckSpacemanАй бұрын
So an I.D. #3 is coming??
@markbradbury331728 күн бұрын
Limp hand who will bend down to an alien 😂😂😂 thats life, 😅😅😅
@PauloBaptista-jj6ek25 күн бұрын
More than a movie would be a very good TV show.
@TheTaztankАй бұрын
W\Smith should be sweeping parking lots not making movies. If they are affiliated with the Diddy Boondoggle that is probably all they will ever do again.
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
Actually he should be doing movies he's a good actor.
@pauldavies1973Ай бұрын
How can Will Smith be able to take part in the film? How char was killed off screen if he did return it would have to be a new character
@oniarrca9431Ай бұрын
Will mean the character that was killed off between id4 1&2? This recon should be interesting.
@corneliuselbourne104427 күн бұрын
They might want to clone him in the movie lol.
@Fred-vy1hmАй бұрын
Didn't even know there was a 2 until now, musta been a big hit. 🙄
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
It was actually I enjoyed it when it came out 😊
@grindhousesports26 күн бұрын
Wil Smith doesn't need to come back they already killed him off before the second movie
@goufr354025 күн бұрын
Its best to just let this die, as it is next impossible for Hollywood to make another Independence Day as good as the first one. With the sequel just being crap and the demand for another sequel really does not even exist, they are better off putting their money and resources into something good. On top of that, the chances of any of this being true is next to none anyway.
@richardbugg62066 күн бұрын
Not at all interested in seeing will-i-am smith in any shows or movies, but , yes ! Give it to Disney they have a excellent record of making flops of previous movies/shows !
@CrashCraftLabsАй бұрын
with will smith is a hard pass for me
@jhc3825 күн бұрын
nah. i would rather see moonfall 2
@ThomasBeasley-s9yАй бұрын
Is this really happening
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
Yes it is it's either going to come out in late 2025 or late 2026.
@trevordonohoe371225 күн бұрын
i would love i.d.3
@ColinKennedy-q1y28 күн бұрын
Will Smith's character in the movie is dead. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel bringing the character back would ruin the movie.
@alice_agogo19 күн бұрын
Will Smith will simply slap the aliens 👽
@laurabedford509517 күн бұрын
Disney, pkease dont ruin it , like they have with other films and series.
@sodor_dan-da-man27 күн бұрын
Would love a independence day 3 but if it was to bring back will smiths character they would probably explain that he was deep deep undercover and death was the excuse to clean his history and been working on deeper secrets deeper than area 51 since that was exposed in film 1. It would also probably be Jeff goldblums character knew all along as they knew worse would come and film 3 would then let them have the larger destructive ships and weapons and take the fight to the aliens home world/galaxy. Would basically be a star trek movie
@carlosvaldes67702 ай бұрын
Has anyone heard anything about MIB movies
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
I only know there is supposed to be a fourth one coming out soon.
@Epic30329 күн бұрын
I believe its gonna be like the fast and furious'll be out of order...they beter not politicise the film
@dirk90314 күн бұрын
I see this title and thing "oh no"
@behindbarsmototouring89819 күн бұрын
Smith's character is dead in the 2nd movie. So how??
@darkmatter115214 күн бұрын
Time travel, cloned, that alien sphere.
@terryfallert1371Ай бұрын
If will Smith is in it I will not watch it.
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
I'll watch it regardless
@rswptАй бұрын
me neither
@WarDaddy6623 күн бұрын
Welcome to erff
@RobertFlayhart15 күн бұрын
He died in 2rd one😮
@TheJimballard26 күн бұрын
If Will Smith is in it. I won't be watching.😮
@jamespruiett75468 күн бұрын
How is he going to be in three, when he was dead in two.
@TonyN737Ай бұрын
Part 2 was dreadful, please don’t ruin this franchise even more.
@citizenVaderАй бұрын
I'm afraid that it's how they earn money now. Easy cash and low performance.
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
I loved the second movie I never liked the first one.
@adrianolehmanlmtАй бұрын
Will Smith is not the reason to watch
@williammckinley1035Ай бұрын
Brent Spiner's character was killed off in part one. Yet he somehow made a miraculous recovery in part 2. Will Smith can suffer that same fate. LoL Will Smith can come back and do Zsa Zsa Gabor/Chris Rock on those aliens. LoL
@samcostanza29 күн бұрын
Don't do it. Disney screws up everything they touch!
@KevinQuinn-f6m21 күн бұрын
God please no
@lonnybush561221 күн бұрын
Are there any landmarks left to destroy?😂
@javieraleman815028 күн бұрын
Will Smith is desperate! I won't watch it!
@davidcollins2993Ай бұрын
If it is Disney it will be woke.
@Andrew-d9x10 күн бұрын
Will Smith this Will Smith that, "F" him Jeff Goldbloom character was the savior for humanity and his dad, he better be in ID3...
@smiles.592722 күн бұрын
They know the fallen ones and friends will make themselves known to all soon so they are prepping us with these movies. Dark days are upon us already. Will Smith is the least of man's problem at this point
@ThomasRandall-hb7ko12 күн бұрын
Will Smith should not even think about doing any more movie's unless he is going to act for diddy
@CharlesELydia28 күн бұрын
You can bring will smith back as a cloned agent of the harvesters that your way
@hungerleinАй бұрын
ich habe neide teile gesehen und beide filme haben mir gefallen,zu wil smith,seine figur ist tot,wenn er zurück kommen sollte ,wäre es besser mit einer neuen figur weil es sonst unglaubwürdig wird,ansonsten habe ich kein problem mit will smith und wegen der ohrfeige (ist schon jahre her)es gibt schlimmeres
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
If he were to come back as the same character he probably was missing in action he would probably be kidnapped by the aliens or something like that.
@patrickeriksoncharette912518 күн бұрын
I didnt like the video especially taking a Starcraft Battlecruiser shooting the statue of liberty, which not only makes no senses at all, but clearly there's plenty of video cuts from both movies available. The summary of the 2 movies is good, but take off the starcraft images out of here
@quinngros565124 күн бұрын
Yes.... zero creativity in the current generation of writers and directors. But, making an expanded Universe series could work. Like, STARGATE, did. To tell you the truth, I saw the sequel as just a jumping off point. A how they got to an expanded Universe.
@paulantony459827 күн бұрын
The problem with this franchise is that they have these powerful, hi-tech space faring aliens with planet & city sized ships who get easily destroyed in a corny way by humans..
@c.brooks6827 күн бұрын
Will can be brought back to life by our alien allies!!!! there solved.
@gerhardsteenkamp87598 күн бұрын
Will Smith no Plase noooooo!!!
@thomasshaw6114 күн бұрын
@Emorylee1273Ай бұрын
Disney would destroy the franchise. Put in Will Smith would just finish it off as a flop. There's too many younger actors that do a great job.
@CalmClipperButterfly-pr7ny20 күн бұрын
Ignore this BS just click bite hypocrites no rumours of as yet just someone using a way to get KZbin money.
@CharlesELydia28 күн бұрын
People talking about if will smith is in it they want watch it WHO CARES IF YOU DO OR DONT GEESH
@bdg7722 күн бұрын
Will Smith is an embarrassment to men everywhere. I won't be seeing this movie.
@TOGO454529 күн бұрын
The second Independence movie😮 any ship that size crash into Earth that's it game over man?😢 tectonic plate shifting😢 weather storm tornado out of this world😢 the ocean covering half the land again😢 the oxygen level escaping in space😢 raising high temperature towards the planet😢 shaking the core itself😢 that's a pretty big ship😢 changing the South and North Pole off course😢 and everybody will be pooping their pants😊 you want to fix it😅 let's go to another planet😮 and started the right way😅 do not repeat history do not go backwards😮 move forward😮 all the new aliens in the Galaxy and we still want to go backwards😂😂😂😂😂😂 not I said the dog😂 not I said the cat😂
@superweaseljr5396Ай бұрын
Independence day was well made, but really stupid, with a Long list of things that just made no sense, starting with Never Ever using Any Ground based weaponry. (They Knew where the fighter launch bay was but for some strategic reason they did Not target it with the first tests shot and successive salvo of missiles when the shield went down. Must have really wanted to lose a bunch more fighters I guess) Then, Independence Day sequel Proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that it should not have been made. A ship half the size of the PLANET ... Landed on the planet ... and did not shift the orbit OF the planet. And that's just to Start with. Why does anyone think this Third movie is a good idea? Does Hollywood really want to lose more money?
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
Because it's entertaining so they'll be fine
@LarryWright-sh4oy23 күн бұрын
Michael b Jordan
@gerardlang969022 күн бұрын
Ugh!!! Another one?
@deanboucher206719 күн бұрын
Wont watch anything with Will Smith in again
@franganmacloud8046Ай бұрын
it's was cancelled no?
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
No it wasn't they're working on the third movie
@franganmacloud8046Ай бұрын
@@SovereignTheGodOfEvil tnx mate
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
@@franganmacloud8046 your welcome
@zeromusphoenix79821 күн бұрын
Disney would make the aliens lame and gay and put a female
@louismat31923 күн бұрын
Independence day 2 was horrible
@LouisWhite-b6l24 күн бұрын
I'm no longer a fan of will smith movies. Pass, count me out!
@rswptАй бұрын
i hope there is Not another independence day film
@proplayer34129 күн бұрын
Will smith died in part 2!!!
@VinnieCruz-jt7zm27 күн бұрын
There's an old saying certain movie should not be remade urinate crap last time give out s*** this time
@TerryCheever15 күн бұрын
Hollyweird has no original thought coming out for decades and sequels are shit too, enough of this lame 'franchise' BS, do something new and original or just fade away.
@shaunbarker71712 ай бұрын
Thats bullshit because will Smith died so stop talking shit
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
Actually this is true they are planning on making the movie and will Smith is still alive.
@edollaz2424 күн бұрын
Both were horrible
@dianeberruti61312 ай бұрын
No he didn't
@choctaw2sticks193Ай бұрын
what BS . . .
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
Actually this is not BS this is happening it's probably going to come out late 2025 or late 2026.
@choctaw2sticks193Ай бұрын
@@SovereignTheGodOfEvil we`ll see . . .?
@SovereignTheGodOfEvilАй бұрын
@@choctaw2sticks193 yeah we shall
@59snittАй бұрын
What did you think would happen using Liam Hemsworth😂😂😂 One of the worst actors on the 🌏