ee makasih bu ee atas penjelasannya ee saya sangat terbantu ee dengan petunjuknya...😁
@biwibiwibi9 ай бұрын
Sy pilek dr thn 2018 sampe skrng ngga kelar2. Tiap pagi/mlm selalu pilek
@alimuazstmikriau55622 жыл бұрын
Mau bertanya dok, kalau terhirup asap rokok atau parfum yang tajam dada tersa sakit. Itu kenapa ya dok. Apakah alergi asap atau gimana Butuh bantuan nya 🙏
@bpkares1235 Жыл бұрын
Dok mau tanya ,obat pembekalan pernapasan apa,dan makanan yg di utamakan itu apa ya dok,terimakasih
@medhypirez39282 жыл бұрын
Terima kasih atas informasinya Dokter.🙏🙏🇹🇱🇹🇱
@mnl195Ай бұрын
Maaf bu dokter ga dapat intisari penjelasan ny kemana.. kalau soal tanda2 ispa, dan Gejala masyarakat juga banyak tau yg kami butuh ilmu ny adalah apa obat yg paling cepat mengatasi ispa tersebut
@umiatunumiatun44595 ай бұрын
Mohon ijin bertanya dok, ini badan panas dingin, selalu pusing, batuk, sesak nafas, dari hasil lab, dan ronsen, infeksi saluran pernafasan Tanya Bagaimana cara mengatasi agar tdk pusing, panas dingin tsb,trims
@mohamadbahrudin62622 жыл бұрын
Yg saya rasakan badan panas semua. Muka mata mulut seluruh badan. Kedua batuk keras
@dedigunawan5322 Жыл бұрын
Saya lagi mengalaminya dok, nafas cepat ngos2an lemes gk bisa ngapa2in hidung mmpet sebelah kanan sensasinya enak.
@Lonkkz Жыл бұрын
Gmn skrang mas,?
@putrageming8515 Жыл бұрын
Gimana sekarang bang ?
@Asepirpan-fs3lz Жыл бұрын
@@putrageming8515udh smbuh bg?
@ranggapramuditarangga65392 жыл бұрын
Dok aku mau tanya apa obat yang bagus untuk mata silau dok?tolong infonya
@gkhandayani9842 Жыл бұрын
Assalamu'alaikum dok.. mau bertanya ank sy pernh mengalami ispa... apakah memelihara burung dirmh bisa menjadi penyebab ispa ?
@mehdycineimmunity50402 жыл бұрын
Hi all, I wanted to share with you some information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the COVID-19 Omicron variant. Please read the reply to see the full comment.
@mehdycineimmunity50402 жыл бұрын
The new variant can cause the familiar symptoms of COVID-19 as well as a variety of other symptoms that are not typically seen in previous variants. The primary symptoms (both new and old) are well known but are not always present in all cases. In addition to the primary symptoms, here are some possible signs that you may have it: -Concentration problems -Increased pain sensitivity -Unexplained muscle twitching -Unexplained spots or rashes that have a quick onset -Unexplained feeling of dehydration -Abnormally dry fingertips -Unexplained diarrhoea -Unexplained anxiety and insomnia -Chest pain after prolonged exposure to the cold -Abnormal exacerbation of a pre-existing health condition (such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis) If you do happen to develop any of these symptoms (or the primary ones) then get tested as soon as you can. After you have done this then, regardless of whether the test is positive or negative, regardless of whether you have been vaccinated or unvaccinated and regardless of whether you have been previously infected or previously uninfected. You should wash your hands together in warm water. After this, you should drink around one glass of water and then lie down somewhere for at least 20 minutes (ideally a few hours) without eating anything during this time period. If you did test positive then after this you will need to self isolate for the length of time stated in the guidelines laid out by the authorities. If the symptoms persist then you may benefit from consuming turmeric tea. I hope this information was useful. Let me know if you have any questions. Stay safe and well, Mehdycine
@tinasalimtarajah8020 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing the information !
@KaliBendo-t7l Жыл бұрын
Saya batuk dahak dok sampe pendarahan apa itu terinfeksi saluran pernapasan
@FarhanHanszo-xm4kn11 ай бұрын
Itu tbc kalo batuk sampe ada darah
@KaliBendo-t7l Жыл бұрын
Saya batuk dahak dok sampe pendarahan hebat apa itu terinfeksi saluran pernapasan
@FarhanHanszo-xm4kn11 ай бұрын
Itu tbc bang
@nitasukamto912311 ай бұрын
@clarissamasayuwijaya63382 жыл бұрын
Maaf Dok ada yg dokter lupa ("Berdoa memohon perlindungan kepada TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA"). Jaga hati dan pikiran...
@HRUSDIMustopa2 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum..coba buka channel HRUSDI MUSTOPA si ahli saraf KEJEPIT dan saraf otak, PERTIGO, ASAM URAT, GERD siapa tau jd reprensi saudara kita yg sakit tak kunjung sembuh
@chanelkiki6141 Жыл бұрын
@didikbaptista96712 жыл бұрын
Apakah gejala ISPA dan Asam Lambung sama seperti Hidung Tersumbat dan Sesak Nafas???
@HRUSDIMustopa2 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum..coba buka channel HRUSDI MUSTOPA si ahli saraf KEJEPIT dan saraf otak, PERTIGO, ASAM URAT, ASAM lambung, gerd,siapa tau jd reprensi saudara kita yg sakit tak kunjung sembuh.
@suncuihutagalung58102 жыл бұрын
Ga jelas, ga dapat apa jawaban nya
@nuramalia532 жыл бұрын
@KaliBendo-t7l Жыл бұрын
Saya batuk dahak dok sampe pendarahan apa itu terinfeksi saluran pernapasan